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New Yohk, Jiiuc 13. The money markeL is very easy and loans are maiie at lcss ihuu one per cent. lu fact there s a great abundance of thecirculatlng merllum at the seaboiirtl vhic'i augurs well for the probable prices farmers aud wool growers raay txpect to receive for their stocks. Gold ytsti'.rclay was Btrong. aud closed at an advaucu of ,'-4, to-day it has fallen off a little from the point theu reached. The most important matters to note are the wool and dry goorls tracle. The stocks of wool ui-u nearly all exhausted in every raarket, and manufacturera have very little on hand. Prices reported from Ohio show already quite an advauce over Ia3t yar's, as high asö5@57 havinu been paid lor very fino faney clips. This advance is as rapld as it is significant. VV ooien fabricn art firmer in view of the above coudltion of affaire aud syinpathize stiougly wlth tlie going up of the raw material. Flour arul wheat are unchanged in any esseutlal degree. Tne cattle market, contrary to all nppearanceí, has ndvanced dnrlOg the week 75c to 1. Hut this overleap will pi-ob bly be hut temporary. Cot ton is active, collie and sag&r quicl. AdVÍ2C8 from Earope are at preseut not fa vorable to the rupiit takin; of the ueJV U S. loan. Governineiit stcurities here ure strong, bnt with little business doing. Stock market strong aud aciive on a few lines ofroad. Detroit, June 14. Little nctivlty umrks the business of tl week except ia the Irult line. Mlohiuja stravrberries nre abundant at f 3@3.25, ani dealers are forward In clcariug ofl'the stocks. Flour aiiri graiu are steady and In quie with a recovery lo note on wlieat, of the @2c decline noted last week". Trcadwell and No. 1 white gold ut $1.47, Extra at #1.48. Cor and oats have ad vaneed l@2c with lifiht receipts and prices strong. There are no new features inany branch of trnde, except consideratie anxiety with respect to the wool trade. Ad vlees from the interior tovvns and most prominent wool centers show a. lively activity, and sharp biddins is marie for the clip. Tlie local buyers have thus f:ir luid it pretty iniicli their owu way, as eastern dta'ers and agenta are not yet largely represeuted. A A large proportiou of the clip in sonie towns has already been contracted for at 50 cents which is the ruling average, here as wcll. Very cholee lots were held at .r)2c and In one or tw instances reported from Albion, Calhonn County, even 54c was palri. At that point there is quite an excitement. Much of the clip has been contmeted, and those who have not gold are now incllned to wait and will not contract at present ngures. No quotable ciMUtge in potatots ; some lots in cars have been sold for )f2.90@;J.OO per bbl., 90@!)3c has been paid for cars in bulk. G reun pens aru held at 1.12@1.25. Em unchanged at 14c. Bntter nominnl at 16@17, cholee is flnn at the latter flijiire, and vcry nice ROinmands 18 at prlvjile hands Iieans in lijilit demand, at prices unchaued. Cattle market very quiet, sheep sold readiiy at $:3@4. Weath er cold. m AKBOS PRODK'E fflRKKTS. Auo'is Okkice, Junk B, 1871. Weqnote thieiftrnooi asfollow : WHK VT- White, ïanaunc : Rea, llMMSno. CORH- i.S-r00c. OVTS-43Í4.ÍC. BKÁNS- 1.50 HAY- ÍStl-2. m;TTE't- 15c. EOOS- '2(1 LARD- 12c Al' ''. IÍS -ISSe. roTATOES- T5C 1,'HK KK.NS- 13c. TURKKYS- 14c.


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