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The MfWM Clark's 63d School Examinfttion. Wednesduy, June 21t, School Association, 4 o'nlocï P. M. tO 5. Thursday 22d, and Friday the 23d, morninjr- recitations. Thursday nfternoon at 2 o'clock, recitations. Friday aftunioon, 4 o'elock to 3, mimi)!, vocal and Instrumental, reading the eompomtions: A thread of (iold, i 'ount the Cost, A Visir! Synipatljy, A Sketch. Ka, 20 of vol. 32d of tho Wild Flowcr, n sumi-iuonthly periodicul of the schoot, tho Vuledintor)', nnd givin dipluiuit to the gruduates, tho Missra Jolly and Adn Sutherlund. 3IAHT H. CLARK, Principal. Ann Albor, June, 1871. ftor tíie nummer vucution, nchool rcoix-ns Monduy, Scptfmber 4th, 1871. The iumual meeting of tlio Scliool Associntion of " The Hli - I Uurk's School," occurs Wednesday aftcinoon, ut 4 o'clock treeixely. June 21. An addretm, ü8 usunl. The ladies of Ann Arbor ore invitfd to uitend. Mrs. M. BUCKI.AXD, Secretar}-&TT Address R. V. Pirtre, M. !,, Mí Séneca otrect, ltutfalo, X. Y ., ud (et n pamphlet on Crttarrh free, or send fixty ?ntr oud ffet Dr. Wngtj's Catarrh Hemedy. $500 reward in off'-'red ty the pl'oprietOT for u case of Catarrh which he cannot cure. Sold ly drnggists. Out thisout, os you may nffvpr see it agnin. Ion can bny I'uiiit Shawl f rom Aurliou, for Sll). worlh doublé the moncy, at tho !Vei 'Iillnu rj store, 17 Kunt ii Ittnin Street. The New KllltnerF Sorc 4t South 'Hiiiii Streel ín Iieadquurlers for Parasol anti Vans. PointLnce Shawl at $7.50 f rom Aucllon. cltcup at lö.OO, 111 the NEW'jit s rom:. Bounty r Soldiere. Thosewhoeulistedin 1861 outhe first cali ofPreeili:ii[ I.iiii-nlii, :uiil who were liondnbly discharged beforethe expiration of tho term of thi'lf unlintment, are cntitled to $100 each, as bonnty. Andsoldiersculisting undcr act of Ju] y tth, 18W areto be allowed the uupuid instnlmenta ufbonnty Ifthey were dlscharged by expiration of service Thenbove clasaesshould makc applicatlon to the nndcrelunpd. Marcb24th,1870, 126Wf JOHN N. GOTT, Bounty and Claim Agent. Yon rumio! ttlakc a m-iit lm eslmolll warth Sö.öü llmn to ■■ a l'oiiii I..m i Khawl for it at the u W 1 1 mr j Store. To Sebraska, California) Kansas and the B. & .71. R. K. Lánds. ThestartlnR polntsof thls Route are at Chicago aii'l Peoria. The central point is BITRL1NOTON, on the Mlnlnlppi. Ittravorae Illinois nnd the whole breadth of Sonthin Iowa. Neur the Missouri lis tronk forks into three branches, for It has tbrce weKtern termini. lts northem tcrmiuBs is Council Hluff, where, crowlog to Omaha, It connects whh the Union PacHit tor II uiaces on tbc iatra-continental and Paeifle niopf. ()■ it kijil travel and trafile choose this rfliable route more flHl more. lts next terminus Is Uiicoin, i!. Capiial of Ncbras ka. flfty (lve miles west of the M4moK t Platts. moutb. This n the only direct avmuc to Uwj South Platte country, whcre the salen of ratlra4 1-uid Lï.-t eason, rose to half a milllon. Ita th,ird terwinus is at Hamburg, and Nebfaska City. Al Hambur};, H raakt dose couaaejUons, twieeaisy, foa4 st. ioseph, Iyca-cnworth, Kuusiis City, .-iiiiUh! whoje ?OBll'cM.. In journeying thcr. rom the Rast to Kansas, vla Bnrlingtin, yo eojoy aWanta$;ii yo en ttenre uu no other line. You hoth pass over a road sec ond tono other in speed , safel y, or any Pullman lux ury of modern travel : and while on your way, sur vcy the gardeo of (llinois and Mi sourl, m wcHas 40", 000 acres of prairie in iMJtbwestern Iowa, bow u U 1' nfice ar.d tojg credit. Ke(í ittliíD Ueftretieoptewestward bound, "to takiï the Bungton Rottte." 13J0tf All _persons who huve 2i4nst tlu ecUtrof the Inte Minerva E. Miiydy, yül proant them ti,r idjoatmrnt 1 tho ottjw Í lf. 0. Bennett, T'nivenit) ((Uilding, on tho llfth dny of HcptcmUir JH71 IJatud, Att Arlor, Junfi 8th, 181, H, I). liK.VXETT, mVÜWlüK UKAN, Trustee. LEMiriJt, JÜOSTBS, ) A ONE HORSE TOP BUGGY Nearly new. Inqaire at the office of &■ gOMETHlNtí GOOD AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street. The undersigned, having locatcd at this 'placa, has jast opened as FINE and SELECT an assortment of CLOTBS, CASSIMERES & FANCY VESTI1S, Ai can b found west of New York City, which he is prepared to make up into the most STYLISH GARMENTS, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE, AND LOWËST POSSIBLE PRICE. ALSO A LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHINO GOODS. Cali on JAS. BOYD and ho vrïll GIVE YOU FITS. JAMES BOYD, ISIStf 21 inain Street. SEGOHSriD .AJEHtl-V-A-I, -OFNEW SUMMER DRY GOODS - AT- 2& .A. "Y UT .A. :R !DS Wc have Just recclved ! NEW DRLSS GOODS ! IN BLACK, COLORED AND JAPANESE SILKS, Frenen Oreandics aud Lawn, white and culored, PiqmtF, Tcrcalcs and Linen . P.'lrsjols, Ribbuun and Lacer, Hoop Sklrts and Corsets, GlOTes and Hoaiery, Lincn Dttmaak and Towelp, AD A FTJLL LlXÉ Oí1 DOMESTÏC GOODS! These goods hare all been bought by Mr. J. v. Mnynard, rOH CASH 1 And they wil] be sold nt a sraall advance froiii Cosst. J. íí. MAYNARD. '■ A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. ittll.l.IONS llfinr Tf nlllhony tO thf Wondorful Curnttvc Efiects of DR. WALKEK'S (A!.IK()HTi J. WA1.KIR Proprlplor. R 1!. McDONilJD 4 Co. Dnigflil n4 Gfu. Ag'ti.Sai. FtailMaèiT, Gal d1 32 and 34 Comoiorcc i St.N.y. Viueïitr Üittcrg are not avile: Faney Drlnk. iladc of Poor ltnnt, Wlilsk.y, Proof Spirits and Itefune Liaiiom doctored, apícea and swcctenedto pienso tho tasto, callcd "Tonica,1 "Appetizers," "Rcstorcr," &c, thnt lcad tho tlpplcr on to runkennefs and ruin, bnt nrc a truc Medicino, mafla from the Nativo Roots and Herhs of California, frite from all Alcoholic Srlmnlnnt. They are the GREAT BL.OOD Pl'RIFlER and A LIFE GIVING PB.INCIPLE, a perfect Hcnovntor and Inrlgorator of tlic System, carrjing ofT al 1 poisonont natter and restoring the biood to a iicalthy condition. So person can take thoBo Bittere accordlng to dlréc' tions and rcmaln long uiiwcll, provldcd their bone are not destroycd by mineral polaon or other mean, anrt tbo vital organ asted beyond tho point of repair. Thcy arco Gentío Purgativo n wcll usa Tonic, posscsslng also, tho peculiar nicrlt of actlrtg as a powcrful agent ül rellcving Congestión or Inflammatlon of the Llvcr, and nll the Vltcera! Organs, FOR FEIHAMÍ COMPLAINTÍ, whctlicr in young or oíd, mnrrled or tingle, at the dan of wo' rhanhood or at tlic turn of llfc, these Tonle Bitters havH no eqiml. For Inflammutory and Chronic liliriiimllisirt and tiout, byopppsia or InditrcRtion, Hi I mu -, Reiniíient and Intcrmittcui FoVcfli DiscnHcn of Ihc Itloodt Litpr, Kidñcys, anií Bladder, these Bitters hava been most succcssrul. Sucü Diaeases are consed by Vltiated liloo.l, which is gcncrally produced by (lcl-anjfehlcnt of the Digcstivc Oririiiis. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Iiend. achc, Poin in tlic Shouldcrs, Congh, Tightncis of thti Cliest, DIzzIneKs, Bonr Krnctations of tlic Stomitch, Dad taetc In tlie Mouth, Ililiona Attnck, ralpitatlon ofthelleart, InHammatioa of tho Luns, Pain n the regions of the Kldncys, nnd a hundred otlier painful ymptoma, aro thc olTspiings of Dyapeptla. yftejr Juvlgornto tho Stomach and ítlmnlato the torjiíd I1er nd bowcls, nhlch render thcm of nnc(natied ftcaey in rtcniing tho blood of all lmpnritles, and lmpartimrnrw 1lfe ond vigor to tlic whole systcm FOK. SKIN í ISKASKW, Eruptions, Tcttcr, Salt fthenm, B)otdiesi, Pimples, Pnstulcs, Boíl, Carcundes, Blng-Worms, SaaM-Heod, forc Eyc, Erisipela, Itcli, 8curf6, DUcolorations ot the Skin, Humor and Dlieasc of theSkiu, oííeTí nw o nature, are lltcrally dug upand c urrlcá aai ot' Out gyntcm in a fhort time by thc luso of theeo Biltf, One bsttl la mch cases wlll convlneeflic aostíncrcdulous of thelr Cleanso the Vltiatcd Blood ■liínevír you flnd lti Impuritie buratinKKirotk lle sklu Ín Plímles Kíoí tions or Sorra, c caneen when you flnd It ol.rtruetcd and aluiqrlh Ín tlic 'ln8: rlcantuit when itiafoni nnï your ■ feelingi. wlll tell you beo. Kwp tho "wd pú and the health of thc Bystcm 111 follow. PIN, TAPE, íinrtothrr IVOItlHS, lnrklncln Ow systcni of so nmny thouínndi. are tUeotlinlly utrov. edand removed. For ftill rilrectlona, reaif rarefiilly the clrcnlararonnd cnch U;tUc prlnted Ín four lngnagca-Engllíh, Cernían, freiiííi and Bpanifi. J. -WAI.KKP., Proprletor. 15. H. ilcDONAI.D & CO., DrurglBt nd Gen. Ascnts, gan Frnnclaco, Cal., and 32 ard 34 Commcrcc Street, New Tork. Tïf-SOLD BY AH, DBÜGGI8TS AND DEALER! JEOPLES DRUG 6TOiji R. W. ELLIS & CO, AUN A.Ü=OH BOOTS AÑDSHOES! CHEAP POR CASH! JU9T IlECEIVED AT B. F. Rice's SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE HANGSTERFER'S HALL ! A ncW Stock of Seasonable Boots and Shoes ainong whicli is a One assortiiicnt of tlic latcst Stylesof Ladies' ilisses' and Childiens' Pinc Shoes in Öerge, Ooat anU Kid A Great Variety of Mens' Boys' and Youtns' FINE GOODS IN PBUNELLA French Calf. and also an entircly new Stock of Büppers, Gored Busklli.s, and Shoes of Fancy Colors of New Btyles. We aira to keep the best and most serviceublc work, AT REASONABLE PM CE. Particular attention givcn to the manufncture ot SEWED & PEGGED CALF B O OTS 1 Which are guaranteed to glve catire satlafactlon aa to FIT AND DURABILITY. IEPAIIING DOSE P80MPTLY ! ! CALL AND SEK OUR aihKs' polisë ïviiiii. ritouF old BICRLE SERE SHOE, Oi.Y $S.OO. hii:s poLisn proof silveii BICKLE SKH'Ji: gHI)E, $3.00. Serge Caltcrs, $1.00. Ixlli ■, .50. N. B. All Prime Öoods. No Shodtiy. 1324-2m. SAAI. H. KteVENAlüH Coplea Oíd 4MBROTYPES & DAOUERREOTYPES FIKST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DB5IRBD SIZB. rK IT KNOWN TH AT HENDERSON & WEST, Do arce to funi.jsli mul hoe new al] around, )N E, SPAN OF HOK.SES FOK $3 onc to order ; toe ftnd set o!d shopp for 20cePta sob; Mt wngonuidbanrTtlre, sa cents n pitn 'orklne the heat miteiul. and diilh; nll kin[l of li wnrk and Dw work tthc lowatpoi(tble l(ïre 'tmrtt pftinp tHken to piense COBtODiMV. Pieaw vc us a rail and sec. Sttop altSMod mi Ponrth ri-t't. dlrrrtiy north of Agricultura] Hnll. Dou'l 01 C'-t the uluce. t. iir.xnKRsoK & co. We hüvo uvi';hii)e for ujieeltiug? tire without uttiP(t. 182EW2 , m


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Michigan Argus