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jtyecixl puto consumptïoh. lts Cure and lts Preveiiiive. BY J. H. SCHENCK, LD. Man y hmnan belnr has pwMrf (iway for whoae deiith there was no othpr rtMinfn than the negictof known and lndlsputably proven BWril of cure. "' e nwir an.l deur lofumtly and frlends ure sleep' f iy U.c drtumlesstluinberiuto v inch, bud tbey uwïy adtf ' .0 DR. JOSEPH H, SCKENCR'S &l3tVtZ TREATMENT, and availpd themseive of hU wnnderfullf f-flicuchns mcrttolnes, thcv wuuld not h:ivc f .'dien. 0r. Schenck has in hla n"vn c:isi provo! thnt wlnferer sufllclent vl'altty rematn i, Yitaltty, by Lis medicines und bis directtona fur tUeir julckcned Into bealthful vlftor. ia thls ftfitciiwiit thcre li nothlnff qresumptHOiis. To rheffclthof tho tnvrlid In nmdMi rfcirp?ont;itiim ttaat ts not ft thousand ttuie Mitntnntttod by ltvtnx and visible wurlts. Tho thcory of Ihn cure by Dr. Schenck's tuodiclnes Ik as simplo fis it Is unfuilitiR. Itn phtlosophy requlrea nu argument. It Is elf-usurlon, nelf-convlnclng. Tbc Sea-weed Tonloftnd Mandmko Plïlfl are th1 firt two weapona wlth which the citadel of the maiady Is assallod. Two thlrds of the casos cf coneumptlm orinir;Hte in dytiprpsla and a ftincclonally dlnordered liTer. Wlth Uil the hr-mctUal tubea " ayraputlitte'' with tho stonmeh. They rtr.und to the tuorbiflc act Ion of the ltver. llore then comed tl;e c&IminiitiiiK result, and tbe ftctttntf In, wilb uu lts dlstreulDg iyuiptoois, of fÜXWl'MPTIOX. The Mnndroke Pilis are rompoed of nneof Natnrs noblost glfls- the PodophIIlum PcUatura. Thoy poases itll the bloo1-síarchiní. alterativo proporties ui calomel, Uut, unliko c.ii-imul, they "LEAVE WO ST1NG BEHISD." Tho work of cure la now bojrlnnlnff. The ritiatei' and mucous deposita in the lxwelsani in thentln.entiiry canal nre t1ected. The llrer, Itke a ctock, ts wound up. H arntiAes from its torpidity. The otomach actH responnlvely, and the patieut bcglua lu fee that bc iBgutting, at lasi, A Hl Pl'LY OF GOOD DLOOP. T!ie 8a-weed Tonlc. in cnnjunrtlon with thfl Pllid ponncrttps and asimilatos wlth the food. Chyliflnation Is now prouressintf without It prpvioun torturen Dlcehtiun becomes palnlCB, anl the cure M seen to he at hand. Thore is no mre flatulrnce, noexacerbatioa of the stnmach. An appetitc ots in. Now comes the realist BJcod Ptirifler orer vet (ftven by an ftiduigent futher to mifferlnK man. Hcnpnck': Pulmonlc Syrup como In tO iwrform lts funrtlonn anc to basten and complete the cure. It enter at once upon its work. cun not bv clipatofl. It collects and ripens the Impaired and iliwnwii portions of the lungs. In tho form of ífatherlng, it prepares thom ff-r expectoration, arui lol In a very shnrt tliau mulacly Is vanuutshed, the rotten throne that it ooenptod E renovaled and made new, mul the pntient, in a tl tho dignity uf regulned vi(for, tep fuitU to eujuy tho lUiiuhumi or woaiuuhood thnt was GIVEN UP AS LO9T. The second thintr ia, tho patients miht. 5tav In n warm room until they p"et well ; it is almost tniposslblo to prevent tukin : cold whon tho Iumks nre dlsenscd, but ft must bo preventPd or a cure enn not be cn"ctefl Fresh atr and ridint? ont, rspccially in thls cctton i the country, in the fait and winter svason. are ui wrong. Physicians irho recomtnend tbatcourse los their patients. if thefr nre badly dtfeaed mu jet, because ttiey are in tho house they must not slt down quid; they munt wulk abut tbc room ss much and as fust ;is the strenatli will bcar, to et up u yoo( circulation of btood. Tno puttcnts must keep In imk spirits - be dotormtnorl t ?et wHt. Th in hus u croa deal to do with the appetitc, and is the greut point to gafn. Todespairof cure aftor such ovidpneoof !t possl bllity in the worst case, nnd moral ojrtulnty in al others. Is sinful. Dr. Sfhenck's pi rMinal stntomen to the Kuculty of bis owu cure wus in thenc motiva words : " Many years aKO I was In the Inst Ptapfa of con sumption; conflned to tny bed, n.-l at ODfl time my pliyslciiins tlmufïht that I conld not liro a week ; tlien like a drowninji tn:m entfhin? ut Ftraws, I heurd o and obtiiinod the preparntlons t!iich I nor offer t' the public, and they in:il u perfect cnre f me. I aeemed to mo that I ounld trv tlicm penttrato my wholo 8ystm. They (toon rlpcned tho matter In m; lunfEü, i tul 1 woul'A pplt op more than a pint of oiTeu áive yellow muiter orery morntna for a lonj: timo. " As soon as that boflU to ■Ubslde. my OOOffh, fcvor patns, und nlgfat PwèatB uil begttn to lenre me, nnd my apietite becumo po rriit that it iras with dlffU-ultr tha I coutcl kecpfrum oittiag to much. I soongaiiv'm strentith, httI huvo prown In tlcsh ovrr ilnco I wan welglicl ehortly Bftër my rfcovery,- dd ed the Doctor, thon looklns Hke a moro keUtm my wftiftht was only nÍnotyMTen pounds; my pres entwelphttstwohnriflri'-i md iw nty-tlvt(225)nftnd and for vettrs I have enjovi-d unfntommtod health." Dr. Schunck has tiivenntimioM bis nrofossional Tisit tn Vork nnd Boston. IJe or hls un. Dr. J. h Sohenck, Jr., still c,ntinue to pee patients at tlu:i OfllOtt. No. 15 North StxtU Stront, Philadelphia, ever Saturilay from U A.M. to 3 P.M. Those who rh thoruugn ( xamination wlth the Respin 'metor will b cbarsrwï $5. Tho Ucspt remeter declaren tho exac condition of tho lnnrs, nnd patients can rcuüily lear whothcr thov uro cumhlo or not. The (lirc'Ctions for fciking tl:o medicines are adnpte to thy intelligonce oven of t, chlld. Kollow thopo tlircc tions. and kind Nature wlll (1j tl;e rest, exceptins tm! in i'iiüi; cases tue Mandrako 11113 aro to bc tnken i increased dosoi ; the tlirec motllcines roed no othe nccoinpanlments thnn the nmplo instructtons that no compny thora : First croate appetite. Of returnin healtb, hunscr is the most welcome symptom. Wher it comes, ns it wlll como, let tho despnírinít at once b of srood cheer. GochI blood nt once lollows, the cour loom? ns. the nicht sweat la abated. In a short tim bth of these morbid ymptoms are pone forerer. Dr. Schennk's medicines nre constantly kept in ten of thousiindH of families. As a laxativo or purgativo the Mandrako Pilis im; a etnndani preporatlon ; whil tlie Pulmonlc Syrup, as a curo of conphs and cokia, may be retfardfíd ns n prophylactoric ayaiust coubumitiou In any of its forma. Prlue of the Pulmonio Pvrup and, Se:i-weea Tonlo 91.50 a bottlt). or &7.S0 a hall dozen. Mandrake 1111 V cvat a box. For salo by all üruarUtü uud dealers. H JRLBUT 8e. EDSALL, 32 JLake streef, Chicago, 111., OAM. B. REVEN AUGH KEEPS ON HAND Ji. LARGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAF. No.30 HURÓN ST. VTEW GOODS KECEIVED. fipiTlewis i CALL THE ATTENTION OP THE PEOPLE OF TUE CITY AND COUNTRY TO riIEIH EXTENSIVE AND WEI.L ASüOItTED ÖÏOUK OF SKASONABLE QOOÜS IN THE LINE OF BOOTS -A-ISTD SHOES, Which they now have io stnre . aod to which con Htunt additione will bo uiade Ihrunghuut the gcaaon The goods which we ofl'er are nv.vt and freah from the ítctoiy, and lu all caica will be fouud as ropresented. EYERY DEStlRIPTION OF LIGHT AND HEAYY WORK, FOR MEN, WOMEN AND llll.DKl . We have tbe EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE CELEBRATED CALF BOOTS AI SHOES, Madebr JAMES M. BUET, OF N. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTH IN STOCK AND WORK. Also the EXCLUSIVE SALE of KEYNOL1V8 BRO'S. LADIES FIE SHOES OF EVERY STÏLE The above work is fur snpcrlor to any herotofore KV KR offered iu tlile ily, aud we guarantee it in every particular, and sell it al JKIÏ l'Kll CA'.Yï. below Detroit Priccs, uu the öaoic oods. JAM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPHSR I EET0UEHES ALL HIS NEGATIVES BEFORE PRINTING, S0 THAT F8ECKLES,M0THS AND TAN Do not show in any of his Pictures. No Extra Charges. f IVE ÖEESE FEATHiáUS Constantljon hand and for ealeby RACHfrABEL Oo toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for ohoico Win os and Liqunr f for Medical Purposee . -aricuicix ■uMxxcnm 'muerta. G. 8. WOPMEE ft SON, brtilci'j in all klivdj oí Wood e Iron. "Woj-liincs. Mohinory. M, 101 and 1P3 Jaflérsoa A (Oh Pitrrtt, 5ícb. " - I3TÜ.C: :i.."HB, n..-3aTE'::iSx.:AM Mantl.' of MiileaadfarbIlMd Mantles. Cabinet and Pl' -ibers1 Stock. Monumental and Ccmetry Work of c: ery descrlptiou on hand. Alo deilers mi Grates Cor. Mouroe A ,e. and Fr.ruer st . Detroit, Mich. P.Cheiha. Go. P. Mkhlimu. A II, J Tí . & ., Dealers In CARPETS AND DRY GOOD ! 8T Wood?ard Ave, cor. Lamed St. N. B. We have an immense stock and will sell goods l'w cnough to mato it au object for thoso Ín the interior to buy of us. C ARPÉIS, ic uake a spocialtjr. r eo. s. hiost co. VX Chas. Noblo. Geo, 8. Frost. C: W. Noble. PINK -AJSTD FARMIiíG X, -A. IsT ü S FOB SALK In erery part of this State and the United States DETROIT. i B!. SwaleeJc Co., INDUSTRIAL AOENC Y ! For enpplying every dcscrlpllon of induetry "STirriBC LABOR Office with GEOIiOK 8. FKOSÏ &, CO., Detroit, Michigan. JA..IKS JESKS, f Establiahed 1854.) l)f;ilcr in uil kinds of MCHINERY ! AND SUPPLIES, Aleo Affcnt for Ilall's l'atunl SIiinKI Mucbine. 29 Atvratcr street Eaut, betwcen Bates and Rae dolph atreets, Detroit, Mich. (T DVTWHATIF ÜTSHOITIiFfAÍXT'' JJ In the bri'ht Lexicon ol youth, which fatp reserves for liis young mnnhuud, there is no suc! word as fnil. Randall's Circassian Cream Wash Was never known to fail to Freckles, I'lm plaa, Mnth Puches, Tuu, &c. , lf used as per direc tions, nd pereevered in. It yotir drugist h&s mt coi it, teil íiim to send for i!. J. J. RAND ALL, Proprletor, Flsher Block. Detroit, Pim: ad faipíim; i,mm. w offer for sale 25.0DO acres of Valuable Pine an Farming Lmids on Time, at Prices ranglng frons afa to $IO Per Aore 6,363 acres of thei piíw Land are located on the Wlscooein Rlvcr 9,320 acies on Waters leadlug to Chehoygan o Duncan Micli. 64 fteroa on the Augres River íí,uo acres on Thunder Bay water?, leading to A] pena. 85 acre? on the Tittbawavse River. 2.200 acred in Gliulwin ('o. , Mich.. fr Farms and Timber 1 272 acres cholee Mineral and Hard Timber Land near Outonagon. ï,(M) acres Pruirieland in Nebraí ka, near the Union Pacific Rullroad. 900 aerea goo ñirmlng Ijand iu Gratiot couníy. Í3 to $.rt per acre HT Many of thee Lands are wort h the pilce w ask for lhem fol Fanning purpoBcs after tile Tini herís cut. For fui! dcscriptiou, pricc and terms scud (br Circular. D. PRESTOS & CO., Kankrrs. Detroit, Mich. A R.& W. F. LINN, Manufacturero of Ground Coffcc8, Spires, Mustard, etc , etc And Wholesale Dealers in TEAS AND GR0CERS1 SUNDRIES ! 220 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. TOHN COPLAND, Manufacturer and 0 Wholesale dealer in a íarge variety of Crackers, 8naps And Biscuits. Orders solielted and ülled at lowest market price Send lor Price List Keel Oven Steam Bakery, corner Randolph an Woodbrldge streets, Detroit. 1 I. lüHT 1. HEKCL A. CO., A. WHOLESALE 35 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. ... MICHIGAN HUGH JOHNSON, Maoufacturer of and dealer In CARRIAUËS, BUGGIES AND SLKIGHS ! A fiue assortment of the lutcst RtyleB of home-made and Katïtern Carrïa?es, Iiic-hulin Lavpaot, i'uiirnce and Family Cabkiaüi: from tlu: clebrated factory of J. Mott & Co., Bridgeport, Conn., contaiitty on hand and furnished to order Noa. 6 to lüt LaruedSt. weat.cor. Casa St. Detroit Carriage IVlaniifaeturer. JOHN PATTON &SOX, Are offerin the largct and best uaortment of CARRIAGES & BUGGiES INTHK WEST, At Oroatly Reduccd Prices. All work made under onrown upervii?lon,and Fuii.y Wabbatku. Factory and Warer oms comer Woodbridge and BrUüh Sil eeth, Detroit. For TriresViuig. Sawing Wood. Malciriji Oidor, síteamiiis JTocxi for Cattl, feo. D. E. RICE, Mauufacturer. 191 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT. Gixi;j.ay. x anota i. u, Importers aml Iwalera in FANCY GOOD8 ! Toys, Yankee Votions. Hocitrj , Laces and Trlmmings, AND MANUFACTUKERS OF CIIILDREN'S CAttitlACKS, BASKETS AND Sleighe, No 80 and S2 Woudward Ave . Detroit. Transplant Novv. - Fruit aud Oruairníiiiiu Trees, Shruha. Roses, Grape Vinea, and all lie miiil fruitrt Oreen House and Bedding Planta, ahlias, tíladlolu, 'lube Roses, Madcria Viues, &c. sbould be planted after the mlddle of May. Seeds of he best varíeties - Field Vegetable and Flower, all iew. A ■ this Is the lirsi year of our beed trade, we mve no oíd soeds ou báno A very large stock of the moderate ratos. Address, WM . ADAIR. Detroit. TOHH v. . nii'ui.i: 1 1 . i W1IOLKSÁ1.K DCAI.EK IN ROCKINQHAM & Ohio ST0NE WARE GLASS AND STONí FRUIT JARS. Send for Price LUt. O4& 66 "Woodbridge Stroet Wet, DETROIT MICH. "1 -niH,KBl lililí, BHIiard Table itlanuJ% l'iit-tii rttr, wíth Dki.ahei's Patent Steel Wlre Ciehions, 98, 100 nnd 10'2 Randolph Street, Detroit, Mich. Branch: 8t..Toseph, Mo. 1 also mnufacture i'igeonhole, .Jenny Lind and Bagatell Tableé and do all kinds of altering and reairíns. Keep always on hand Second huud Tables nd all goods appertaiuiug to Hilliards. HowliDg 'íim and lialls for sala. Also ,M kiiuU of triminiug One. SAM. B. KEVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPHSa MAKËS ALL K1IVDS OF PIOTURES FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO THE LIFE SIZE, ANDFINISUESTHEMIN INDIA I NK I OILi, OH VTATEB CGLOBs ! IN A SUPPERIOR MANNER. w:-ly. No. 30 HVReI SIBEET. Finest Assortment of Toilet i .Goods in the City,by rïENKY T. IIELUIÍOLD'S C9UND RM EXTRACT CATA W BA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts - Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Huid Extract Cata w ba Grape Juice. FOR LI VER 'OMPLAIN T8 JAUNDIOE, BIUOUS A FF TIONS. SK'K OR NEKVOUS H KADACII K, COSTIVBNESS, Etc. PTJRELT VKliKTABI.E, OONTAINING NO MEKCUKY. MIKERALS OK DELKTK1UOUS DRUGS. H These Pllls nrethP most dellRhtfnlIy pleneant pnr(jative, supcwdlnf,' castor oil, salí, magnesia, etc. There 1 uuthing more acccptablu t the Htomach. l'hcy t'ive tone, and cause iieither nausea nor griping paiiiH. The are coraposed of the finest iugredient. Afler a fewday' asc of them. such au lnvjgoration of the rntirt eystem taken dmv ad to npIeur iniraculou to the weak aud euervatcd. whethcr aritiiog from impnulence or diseftse. H. T Helmbold's Cnmp niul Fluid Extract Catawba Orape l'ill are not suRar-coated, trom the fiict that unr coated PUU do oot dlsüolve. bnt paeH tlirouph the stomach without ll8olvinL',ciiiisequentlv do not produce the deslred effect THE CaTaWHA GRAPE PILLS, helng plensaiit in taste and odor, do neeeMltate their belng UKar-Cüutcd. PK1CE FIFTÏ CENTS PER I3OX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIOHI.Y CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTKACT SARSA PAR1LLA Wlll radlcaïly extermínate from theeystem Scroful Syphills, Fevcr Sores, Ulcera. Sore Eyc, Sore Leps Sore Month, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Insease Salt Khcum, Can kers, Runuin;rí from the Ea White SwcHiiit;, Tumor v ("ancerons Affccton Nodes. RlckctU. OI&ndularSwclInfrH, Nicht Sweal Uash, Tetter, lïumors of all Kinds, i'hronic Rheu mminm, lh-f-pcpsiii, aml nll fl)M-;tst'H that have bee estableced in the eyatcm for years. L BEINO PKEPARKD EXPRKS8LY FOR Til ABOVE COMPLAINTS. 1TS BLOOH-I'UKIFYIX PROI'ERTIKS AKE GKEATER TH AN ANY OTHE PUEPAKATIOX (iF HAKSAP -.RILLA. IT (1IVK THB COMPLEXIÓN A CI.EAIÍ AND HEALTH COLOR AND RESTORES THE PATIËNT TO S'ATE OF HEALTH AND PÜIÏITY. KOR PI'R FYINO TUK BLOOli. RKMOVINO AI.L ' IlIiONI CONSTITt'IIONAL DISEASES ARI-ING FRO AN IMI'URK STATE OFTIIF. BLOOD. ANDTII ONLY HEI IABLE AND KFFK'"1'UAL KNOW RKMEOY FOR THE CTJRE OF PAINS AN SWELLINU OF VUE BONES, ULCEILATION OFïHRTHKOATAND LEO. BLOTCHK8 PIM PLESON Ï1IB FACE, KKVSIPKLAS, AND AL SCALY KKI PTIONSOI'THESKIN, AND BFAI TIFYINU 1UK COS1PLKX10N. PKICE. !f:.5tl Plü BOTILK. M ilK.VHï' T. HBI.MBOLD'S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU TUK GEff AT DICHBTIO, has en rad cvery case of DIARE7ES in which it ha buen glven. ïrrlwtion ofthe neck ot the Bladde and iuAammation of the Kidne and bladder. Re tention uf LTrine. DtaetfM of the Proetrate Glaud toue in th Bladder, Calcnlan, G'avel, lirick Du? Depot it. and Mucnoue or Milky UiícharceH. ai d fu Ssifevbled ind Jclic;ite Coiidtic.ttiunB of both Sexea. mi ti-mied wiih the foUowlng gymptnms : !..-- of Memory, Difflculty of BrcnOiing, Indisposltton to Pxertio., Loss of Power, wcakNerres, iremblfng, Horror of Dieaee, Wakefulneg, Dimnts oi Vision, l'.-iin Ín the Hack. Hot llandn. KUihin ofthe Body, DryneM of th 8k1n Bruptlon of the Face, Paiiíd Countenance, Uuivertal Lasuitude of the Muscular Syeteni, Etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twentv-flve, and from Ihirty flve to fifty-five orin fhftdeclineorchauge of Ufe; afnr coullueineut or labor paius; bcd-wcttin incbUdrcn. B HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RlTOÏir Is Plurcticand Blood-Purlfyiog, and curef all uceasen uri-inj; from flabit of Di8wlpatin. and BxcCWW and Imprudeucea in Life, Impurilies ofthe Hlood, Etc . Wupercdiiiíí Copabia in tiffectlous for which it is usfd. and Syphilitic Affectlone - in theje dirieaseb uetd in con nuctiou wilh UelmboldS Kun: 'iVagli. LAD1ES. la many Affections peciiíior to LhcuV, the Kxtract f)uchu in unequaled by auy otbei Remedy- a lu Chloroeis or Heteittion, JrrvüiilurUy . PaiiifuliieRK or Suppref8Ïou o! Cn tomary EvacnutfoDa l lecrated or Schirrua ntate ofthe Uterun. Lencorrhica or Ahiten, Sterility, and fu uil ComplanitB incitleut to he iiftltits of Difieipalion. It i prescribcd extn"iv.-ly by the moet ominent PhysirlaiiK aml Midwiven fr enfecbled and delicate CoiiMtituiiuMs. of )otb SrxoH and all Ages futtcuded with auy of the above dieeases or Bymptoni8.j O H. T. HELMBOLD'S KXTKACT BUOIIU CURES ÜIEASKS ABI9IMÜ FUOM IMPUÜDENCES, IIABITS OF DIstlPATION, ETC. . n all their ItageB, at little xpense, littlo or no change in (liet, no inconvtnience. and no exponnrc. t causes a fruqni-nt deflire, Aud kjvcb strength to Urinatu, thereby BenaorinpÜbtrpctAoaB, Preven tlng Stricturcs of the üretha, AnayiDfE Pain and Intlnmmation. m frequent Lu thU chi of diseuBee, and extelling all PoioDOUi' mutter. Tuoueaud who hiive bteu the victima ufinroinpetent pernoue, aud wh have paid heavy fees to bo :ured Ín a hort time, have found they have been deceived- aud that the "Poísom1 has, by the use or powerful atrinííent8,"bendrie(l upln theivstem o break uut Ln a more agrava tud form, and perl$pê after Marrtag. Use HflmbolaV Extniet Buchu for all An'eclions and Dlseutea ofthe Uiiiiary Orane. whetlur existn? in Maie or Female, from whntever cautie orilutinj.'. and no matter of ho w looa tandiug. Price, Oue Dollar and Fifty CeutsPtr Bottle. L HENRY T. HELMfíOLD'S IM PRO VED ROSE VVAöII annot he snrpaescd as a Fwe Waeh.nnd wfllbe ouud the only spwific rcint-ciy in ftvery species of -utancoue It peerif)y erftdientca Pimple, Spol, corbutic DryneKB. Indiirtitions ofthe CuanootiH Mcmbrane, etc, dlfpels Hím1i'hk and Incipcnt InUummntion, Hlvi't. FUh, Moth Pntches Dryness of Scalp or Sktn, !■' i ■ - i Bttes, anl aJ) purpoBeH 'or which Salves or OinïmentK are uned i restore: co he skin u state of Ptirity and Softn-aa, and insures ontinucd healthy action to the Iíb-ups ofit veaels. on which depend the airreeable QleaineH and vivacity of oomplexion so muco BODghtjuu) admirad. ïut however valnabloa" a remedy for exiptfnt; deectMof theSkln.H. T. Helmboid'eKoiie Wanh has ong BUiítalned lts principie clahn to unbotincied patona tre, by pOHMuslnt; qualities whlcti ronder Ha X)ILB1' APPENDAGE of the most S.iperlativeand CVi),"-iiialCharacter,comhiiiiiig innn elegant formula thoae prominent requinten SAFKTY and EFFT3ACY - theiuvariable :iccomp:inlmenrp of lts use 8 a Preservativo and IU nresher of the Complexión. t is an excellent Lotion for diseasca of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an Injection for dinonses of the TTrinry Orgaos, arisinir from hahfu of disHfpa'ion. usni doonneotlon wiih tho KXTRACTS BUciITr, .ARAPARILLA, and CATAWfiA ORAPE PILL8, ]tt irhdisfiwi'sasrfi'.oinmi-niled.caiinot bü uurpaMetl. Prlce, Oue Dollar Per Bottlo; D Ftill and expllclt dlroctlona accompnny the medl!nee. Evidence of themot reKponHÍh!e andrellaMe chareter ftirnished on applfcaüo with hondidtpf louianda of living witneaKS and upward uf 3o,OC0 neoücited crti(ioiticB and recommcudatory letters many of which are irom the hichest sooreea. fnciudïir eminent Physician Clerfymcn.Statesmrn. (te. 'he proprietor Iiuh uever recortad lo h1r publit aon in the newRpapcrrt ; he docR not du t Lis trom the act that hls arricies rank íi Standard l'reparntlong, nd do uot need to 00 propvol up by certiticateit. lenryT. Helnibold's Gemí ine I5ipar;iiM)!is, DcMvpredto any addreso. Secure from otwervation. BSTABUBKD UPWARD OF TWENTY YKaR?. old by Druggists everywhere. Addresh lettt-rs for iformation. lnconOdeñce to IIEMRY T. MKÍ.MOLD, DrumriHtandChemist. Only Depots : II T. Helmbold's Drrnr and Ohimcal Warehouse, No í!)4 Broadway, NewYqrk.or ilï. '('. Hílmbolti'f? Medical Depot, 104 .Sonth ïentu treet. Phibulelphm, Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTKKFBITS. AW fpr Henry Hcünbold'?! TaHc no ottter. 131o


Old News
Michigan Argus