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Estutc of Chrietopht iiange OTATK (K Mir.iiKiAN, Ceén'ty of W_teO At a . of the Probate Ceut fcfe 1 , ""■ tW,wl,t,,,aw bolden at the Probatl oL, "J"1'ïty of Aan Art,r, on Monrtay, the HfthT' . " thl! .LL&__" r&Ü th--OcigU, hna' Present Hiram .T. teakes, .T,„iL... of Prol.nt.. Onreafflhgtó fllinijthc petition, dulv Tcrifl.j lary 1,h ,v, prurtog UuU fnsderick Kam, _,„?' W AaSMMltíW of tlic estáte írf Jf TMrrMWa it i ordered, That Monduv ) y ot .July next, ut ten o'clock m th,V ,„ tblrii "K! tho berinK of said tí "■ hut the heiwat luw of wid deceaae.1, .m'l , ,' ÍJ"1 persons utcicated in Ml nteL are n„ 'i ' ""■'' t a hw of íid (,'öurt then tó S , n w"' Probate Office, ta the gX "f AnnArW'ni" nuse if my there be, _, [to ■raerrfS'SftS2 houl.l not be armled : Aml !,. fc fïirthér ortirÜ 'XI ■aid j.-tmoiwr Kive tö th5 persons h,ten J. i"' aU .-state, of the of ,aid ptit ön Jd ' hearing t „n,;t. t,y oanefag „ copy df this ord 'b pubhslud xi ■)„■ .1, „,,„„ Arp,, a _ewnmw ,, ando4reul.iti,,Kinsaidmnly, thré íffiSwSSí previous to said day of hi-urins; "' "WW lAtruecopy.) ' HfitAM J. rüHKKS '3-5 JudK: UI' f'r'llM Estato of Patriek Hob-in OTATE [; MICHIGAN, County of WaJrtcB. , 3 At a session of Uw Probate Co-rt frrr u„. &' W.tmaw, holden _t the Probate i , tS'0' of Ann Arbor, „„ w.,i,„.„'.hv, the th!M-_h„ ?_ Mw.ia the yfeir (toe _S__UJ_ e__S_3'S scventy-ono. ""uurai ua I'rvsent lJiram J. lieak, Jude of Probate d,iaJSc mattcr oi thc ratotJ üf Pltw , Onmdi-g and fllin tb petition, dmv vcritid hilen Uobnii. nraymg _( -);, ,„,,.- M. apwSSttí in.nistr.itnx with the wül annexed if aaid d. j and Patrick Wall, Exafate of thc b-t will S. ment of said feeeaaed, romw into Court and I rL_" sonta he is now prepared to reml.T hi H__Tf_" count. at tuoh Exemtor, and asks that he m. ïï ruittwl to rasign tbaf trust. " w paThereopon Itisordared, that Monday. the twy rilth Oajr ..r .runo next, at ten oclock in tho „_2" be uximed for thcha.nngof unid petition k_{_ count and Uw l ga_ _l dcv,v, - „,„1 Wikwlf of uid deoeawa, and all othcr person i_tèr__a i! sa;d estáte, are required to nppear at ;, Mld l Coort, then to he holden atthe ProbaSol? ta thi Clt, ofAnn Art„,r. ud tbow ffi be, wl.y the prayerof Uu peütionei .;,„■„.' granted, and v.hy Baid acconnl nhouia nllowcd : And it i-. further ordent, that raid neffliï eranj hxwutorgive notioe t the per.ions intetïïS m nid Htate, of the pendoncy of s„i-l p-titio?ÏÏj the hcann thennf, and the hmring of snid Mmunf i.y .w.i(t a eopy of thi. order to beimb__aÏÏft UicMam Argus, a newspapcr, printwl and cirulaï! in iid emmty, tlnee suceussive weeks preriSj idil-iy„t ba-ring. i"-noKto A tí?4_COIy0 niRAMJ. BEAKKS . 1;-4 Judge of Piubott. Estáte of Chauncey S. Goodrich h QTATIOP JHCHIUAN, County ot Wmhteniw '. 0 At a esion of the Probate Court for thc Cm_, 01 Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlr „T City of Ann Arbor. on Satnrday. the twentv nmi dny of Ma,. In the year one thuuoaud eihl h!ï dred and scventy-om-, 6 'D" Present Iliram J lleaken.ludi-e of Pr,bte In the matter of the estáte of t lmDnr.-v s a rich, Jr., decca-ed "' JoehnaO.Lealand, Adroinistrator wiih the ifll .innexi'c! of said deceascl, come into Court n represeut that he íh now prfpre(lto,rí anal acconnt a stioh AiTminUtmtor. TherenponitlaOrdcred, thnt .Mondny. thetwemt sixth day of June next at teu o'c.ek iu the fort noon, be assigued fur examiniut; aud allmti 8nch acconnt, and that the leñatee-, dnián and heirs at law of aaid deceased, and _ other persons intcrested in said ette are re. quired to appear ata ession of said oort eDt be holden at the Probate Office, in the CltjolT. Arbor, in naid Coanty. and how anua, ir ant itipt, be.why thc said account tdiuuld nol beaii'„ And It la lurther ordêred snid AdmrnlMnioi glve notict! to the pcruon Interested in Mld of thc pendency of said acconnt. and ttr. thereof. bycansiug acopy of this order to lishedinthe HickQav ArpuM, a newopaper nriSu and clrcnlating in said Ciranty. tl.rue aii.'o.;,. weeks previous to said day of (H'arinp (A truecopy.) H1BAM J. RAKKS 1324 'n-E-ofProbiie. Estáte of Horacc WelcL CTATE OK MICHIOAX. Connty of Walton Cj Atasessionof tho l'rokite Court tor thi cimi of Waahtenaw, holden ut thc 1 robnto ütticf, m ir, City of Ann Ar1)or, on Wednesday, thethiHT-Êü,; d.iy of May, in the yeur onu t-Duáúnd tigii;' )ü dréd and m-m-hív-oiic. ut, Hir.-un J. lteakea, Judije uf Prulnlc. In tl.e matter of the of Iloraw Wekb, flWBMfltf. ün leiid ing o_4 fiting ÜM Vfü titi on, (iül verificd,( Na _cy "Welch, pr:iyi.i(i tl:nt l'rincf Hennett. or sc_e other i-uitiilile person m.iy lic apiointcd AdminntnUr of the estáte oí said dceeuscal. TliLlviipnn it i onlfu-tl, tht Monday, tlie twentysixth tl.iy of Jimio next, at ten o'clock in the fortïHxjn, be a_rig_ed t'or th.r beaacing of uid petitke, and that the heirs at law of said deceaHil, wil. all rtt er persons inteictted in siiid etate, are renuued (o t. pcar at a session of said Court, then the I'lobate üüiee, iu the (.'ity of Ann Arlor, and show cttuao. it ;my there Iv, why Uwpnnrofftï IK'titionor anouM not ! (nantcii: Aad it'is fuittn ordered, that saicl ptititioner giTo notioe to the perou lnterested in suid estáte, of the pendency of siiw piti. tion, and the heariiur thereof, y cuu_. u tofj rf this onler to be p-bli ihed in the Stidugan Aryv, newiqmper printM and circulatin? in s'aid I three __x-ive wieks previoiu to - ni-ï ilai ol lieariu. (A tme copy.) iilUAM .T. 1IKAKKS, 1321 Tnfliii of ProWf. Estáte ot' Jacob M achrlc. STATI-'. 01 MICitKiAX, Connty of Walitaw.s. At i stfisioii of the l'robate Court fort_tw_tr of "Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftr,_tfw City of Ann Arbor, on Sarui - ,, mi„ „y ot Muy, in the yeur one tlionsiiutl eiht hu and and l %t iity-onc. ymmit, ilir;tni J. Beuk es, Judge of Pxofaato. In thc matter of the estáte" or Jaixib M_Mt deeeasi il. On ruading and _ In ig the petition. duly Jacub ll;iuci', adnimiHtiator dt búnü vnn ïvitli (ÏpuQ aiiii.xcd, prayinj; that lie may be lieensed tostlJftjtaiu estáte whereoi s.iid deccased died seiztti. Tbweupan it is ordered, that Moncliiy, the nüetmith day of June next, at ten o'eloek in the forenum, be 0- 3&_ ed tot the héaiing of sid pet itimi, bbA i leñatees, devisees and hein at law of naïd QMHMdi üd all other persons intereeted in saíd entate, in nriutnij ti) .-ipiwiiv :rt :i H_- DO "t aii! Co; ït, tlien tobcholdtn, ut the l'robate Oihee, in the (y of Ann Arkr,_d .!:.m r..u-. . it any tl:--ie be, why ll.e iirpy-r oí tlw aiiould not be (nantetl : Aud it U furtirt onlered, that :iil peti - omrifive notiue lo the ihtsm iliterrsted in sid estatf, of the peudeney of snid Mi tiou, and the Iieiiriiifi th neof, bf eausingitcopjofttii order to lx )i.hli&hel ia thi' Mirhiyau .irgtit, i at!I:i]Hr printed and eireulatin in swid V'ounly, Ica uccc__Te wtt'ks previous to saiil l;iy of bctliliffi ;A trne copy.) UIÜAM J. BKAKFS. 1322 Judjje of 1'rviUlt. Estáte of Hilan Glovcr. STATEOK MICHKiAN Connt) At a ession of the Pr bate Uonrtfur the Coptj of Washteuaw. holden at the Probate ofilce. Iu ilif City of Ann Arbor, on Saturd-y, the tweiilirth tl of May, iu the ycar one th .usuiid etjhl btudred and scveuty-one. Present, Híram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. Ii. the matler of the _statcof Xiiau Ulover, decoased. Ou readingand fllinthe petition, dub' ver:5ri.n CeHnda fünver, pr.iyiiii.' that shn. or iome Mkl .■-uitufole perdón, may be appoinled Adulinietraltf of thc etato of )(! cleceaeed. Tliervupon it is ordered, that Mordy, the nm teenlh day ofjnne next. at ten o'clock in ikefnenoou, be asaljined for the hearing of snid pfts tii'ii, aud thai the heirs at l:.w of sid ceased, and all other persons iiitereí-U-d iusaiílMU1 are required to sppear at a peësloi) ofMliCitttA then to be holdeu al tho Probate Otlice. in tM City ol Anu Arbor, and show cause if nny tberetK, why thc pniyer of the jietitioner sho'jld tl ► erautodi AudUlsfurlher ordered. that uüp Uonerctve notlce to the persons interfstcd i w estatt.of the pendmry of said petitiun ml l helt rlne thtrei-f, dj canilng 1 copv of tlii order :o bepnbliohcd In the MUUgau Arij"'. newipipi priuted aud circiilatiuj; in aid Oouuiy, ihriufr cessive weeks previous to saidda) o? hearing. CAtrnecopy.J Hl KAM J. BEAKK. 1S11 Judnc ofPrutitftEstáte of Thomas Kane. OTATE OF MICHIGAN .Connty of Waïhten kJ Atascssion of the Probate Court forlheCo1! of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Oflfce.nj1 City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the flitccult T of May, in the year one thousand eigM w' dred nnd seventy-one. Present, Iliram J.Beakcs.Jiidgrof Proliitt. In the matter of the Estáte of Thomas "' decensed. . On rcadingand filing the petition, dnly ven6 " Peter Tnite Administrad r. ot lumit rm, prajW that he miiy be 1 censid t" sell certaiB real ' whoreof saUÏ deceased died leeized. Thereupon it isOrdered, that Mooda; . the t'W eixth day of Jnne next, at ten o'clock io '"l orenoon, be aesir,ned for the hearing of siiiiltK"1'1- - ui that. the heirs ;it law of 8:iitl deceased. t'"'.',. other persons lntcrcstod In said estáte, re rej" oapiear at a session of said Court, then IJ" holdeu at the Probate Office, iu the City ofAnuinJ udahow caneo, ifany there l, why Hu petitionersho-ldaotheïrauied: Aod ithfnrtn"; ■nleil, that said petitioner _ive notice to the perj"1ntorestedin said estáte, of the pendency oimwIT i ion. and the hearing thereof, by caiitin(troWl' his Order to be published in the Jic&kc ■'"' newepapcr printed and clrcnlatint: in saidti .. oursucceBsive weeka previous lo eaidday w fil "fAiniccopj.j HIKAM J.BEAKEf;. i:;iOld JoilfeofProW' Eetil Estáte for Bale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Ö In thc matter of the estáte oí Frank Vi'. liooill ninor: Notice i.s hereb) tfiven. that in P11?! in order graiited to the undersijnietl, (iuardisnOT st.ite of said minor, by the Hou. Judüe of ?"' " 6r the county oí Wnshtenaw, on thc twenttsixt' of April. a. i). 1871, there will be old t pnWio to thi hiphest bidder, at thc ofliec of Ooodale _ " in thc vÜloge of Delhi, in thc county of Wnshif"'' ti i.rstate, on Raturday, tho seventeenth day of .'■ k. u. 1M7I. at Uu o'eloek in thu forenoon of tbit o subject to all encumbranees by mortfiiipe or wrL isti.i' at the time of salo," and also SBPJefl Vj ight of do'.ver of the widow of Norman C y0 ceeased. therein). the followinK described n- o-wit: Tl.e undivided half of lots ninc andt blixk nine, in the villaeo of Delhi, in tnicl' cordinp to the reeorded plat of suid village. Uated, April aith, a. p. isa. EHW.UID L. BOT 1320 Gum Roi4 Estáte for Salo.. OTATK OF MICHl-AJbf, Cqmti # W1"1?'. Ö 1?! tUe matter of the estáte bf Anthony UK 7 ee;uxl. Xotii is hereby 1,'iven, that in P"ru"ÍL1j n order granted to the umlersi.irned, ltlmiul:i"rí f tho estáte of said doccused, by the Hon. '"''"(■ 'róbate lor the County ot W ishtenaw. 011 the """"c:. ay of Muy, A. D. 1S71. there will bc soW at P y endue. ' 'the highest bidder, ut the sou tb 'rf 'uovt House, in the Uity oí Ann Albor iu tlw " ' f Waslitiuaw in aid Htate, nu wè-n-iw .IS eenth day of July, A, D tlirl. at oneo'cloei 1 ""w ternoon of that day iMtbjeqt to all nicuiubr- JJ ruortiratre or otherwiw! existing ut the "'""míiI .lath of snid deeeased, and also subject to the 1ower of hl Widow therein), Üie löllowinK "ÍIhí _] . :,ite. t.i-w.t. 'U„-.adiridcd halfut "ïfijt in.l bouuiliiü aa follow: Uotriuiiuii; at ""J1!- mtiói Cross mul Buron slnels _ theflly1" , inti, count and St ity, ftf iresiiid, iijkI runiuii orth Blong Buron street nine wis, (henee c.M ' .' land to tho rivtr, tlu:lUW 'lt" ""■'." ■ Cnw stTOBt, thence we.,t ..1 the ..Í bcfpnn. ■■ ,j t-eiitinit afa drtejrvinR fhe panel of lana eu Charles Me( ■..rliïrV.U ;,nd the ( :ity ui ïpM-BÖDato-, Mht Wtfii Ll. Wíl. , . . „..V. ('3.'l Uil; AM l'A.V, AdmiüKl'"


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