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Kstato of Ijydiu Cliurcli. oTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtcnaw, O At a scssion of the Probate Court fot the Couiity of -Washtünaw, holden at Probate ofllce in the city af Ann Arbor, on WedllOSdaj, the twentv-first duy of Jooe, in tïieyenr on thóusund eight hundfrd and ?cvpnty-one. Present, Ilirnm J. Beakef,.T"d;;e of Probate. Tn tht: matter of the cstale of Lydïa Churrh, dt;cea-ed. TheodOTfl V, McDonald, Admínixtrníor of Piild es tatí', comee fnto Court nd reprst-nt ttiat hi: is ïmw prepjircd t rendcr hls fliial account as sücli Affmin istrator. Th'rrcnpnnlt ïfl Orderrd, that Monflay, the ev enteenth day of Joly next, at ten oVlock ín fhe forenoon, bcassltfned for examfnfng and aüowlng neb ftccoiïov. and that the hclrsat law of said deeeaaed,and a(l other porsoii8tnterf.ed in said estáte, arerequired to appeer at a eïon of s&ld Conrtjthen to bc holden at the I'robntf Office, in the Cïty af Ann Arbor lnnitVlCminty.anl ihowcaoeelfaDTtbere be, why the said account shouldnotbe all w:d: Ansí i i is further ordered, that said Adminiatratorffive notice to persons tnterested In sald ctHto, of the pendency of afd account, and the hearing inrreof, hy canninfí a copy of this order tobe pflbffofaedln the MUhigan A nji.-.i newspapt-r priní.od JUKi'-irculailng iniaidCounty, three successive weéka previons to sairiday of hearing. fAtrnecopy.) II1KAM J. BEAKKS, MiTta Jndsc of Probate. Estato of Koswcll Curtís. QTATFOPMICniGAN,Coaníy ofWanhtenfltP,eP. C3 At a fenaion of the Probate Conrt for theConnty of Washtenaw, holden ai the Probate Oflice ín the City of Ana Arbof, on Thursday, the twenty econd dïy of Jnne. in the year une thousand cight hundred and sevontj'-one. Present Uiram J. ïteaKcs.Indge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of íluswell Cnrtréf deceaed Leuter Cnrtls. Exemt'T of the last will and testament of ftaid dt'ceaeed, comef inio Oonrt nnd rep resents that he I now ])repared to rende r hís final account as iTich Kxeaitor. Tiicrcupnn it ís Orde red, ttiat Motidny, the h venteenth day of Jnly next at ten ofclek iti the fofcnoon, be aHSigned for ezamlnlog aud allowïn siich account, and that the leñatees de visee and heirs at law of said Aecenned, and all other perfona Interested ín aaíd óptate, are requtred to appcar ata Betsion of .snfd Cnnrt, thento be holden at the Probate Ofiïce, in the City of Ann Arbor, in sutdConnty. and show cniiAe1 ifany ther bcwhy the safd account hould not bc nllowcd And it f s fnrther ordered that said Kxecutor pive noticeto the persons i]it-rcstnd in aid estáte, of the penden cv of said account, and the hearing thercof. bycauMng-acopy of t.his order to be pub lishedUithe Michigav Ara-u x% a newspaper prfoted and dreo lating in said Connty, three successive weeks previons to Baiddav of hearing. (a truecopy.) HlfiAHJ. lï?:AKES, 13-T Jurlse of Probate. Estáte of Jacob Maehrle. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County orwaphtcnaw. 88 O At a sesion of the Prolate Court for the Conntj of Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Mouday, the Dineteenth dnv of June, iu the year one thousand eight hundred and sovfiity-one. Present, Iliram J. Beakcs. Jndgc of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Jacob Maehrle, deceásed. Catharine ïlarbara Baner. formcrly Catharine Barbara Macbrle. Executrix of the laat wil] and testament of said dceaied, comes iüto Court and "represenis that h'is now prepared to render her final account as uch Executrix. Thercnpon itisordcred, thatMonday, the seventcenth day of Jnly next, at ten ucluck iu the forenoon, be aesigned for examiningandallowiiiErsuch account, and thal the leñatees, devieces and heirs at law of eaid dfceaed.and all other persons ínter Mted ni sald estáte are required to appcar at a scssioD of said Court theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City ol Ann Arbor, in said coanty, and show cause, if any therebe, why the saidacconntshould notheallowed : And it is further ordered, that aid Executrix Rive notice to the persons interested in eaid estáte, of the pendencyofsald aerount, and theheariDgthereoitbj canslnga copy of thit" order tobe published in the Michigan Argus, a nowspaper printcd and circa lating in said County, three successivc weeks previous to said day of hearing. fA truecopy.) HIKAM 3 BEAKES, 1327td Jndce ol Probate. Chanccry ICotice. PURSTJANT to and by virtueof a decrce of the Circuit Conrt for the Connty of AYnshtcnaw, in cbancery, made on ihe 23d fiy of September, 1870, in a canse therein pending wherein Charles Hrooks aafrnardTan of Mae Bell Dearborn, an infant, is complainant . amt Isaiah M Harwood is defendarit ; Noticeis hcreby given, that I shali ell at public virndue, to tbc hiixhest bidder, at onc o'clock in the afternoun, on the 27th day of May, 1871, at the front orsonth door of the Court Honse, in the city of Ann rbor, all that certain tract or parcel of land and nremiaes known and dcscrlbed as follows : Hcïinnir.gnt the soathwest corner of section twen t_v-ycvrn, fromthence running eaet one-half of a mile, thence north forty rods. from thencc west to the conterof the public highway BÜKftto near the west line of section twen'y-seveu, tbence sonth along the center of aaid highwav to the place of bezinning containini; forty acres more or lesa, and neme apart of section twenty-ftven in the townsbipof Pittfleld. in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan. Datcd, April 13th,lS71. H. BKAHAN, A Circnit Court Commissiouer for Wajhtenaw Connty, Mich, E. B. Woon. Complainant's Solicitor. 1317 The nbovt sale is postponed nntil Satnrday. the seventeenth day of Juac, at the same time of dny and place. Dated, May 27th, 1871. R. Ï3EAHAN, A Circuit Conrt Conimissiouir for Wa8hteLaw Cownty, Mich. The abovesalc is further potponerl until Saturdny. the 24th day of June, at the same time of day and place. Dated, June lTth, 181. R. BEAriAJi, One of the Circnit Conrt Commlseioners for Waslueuaw Coniity, Mich. Ecal Estáte for Sale. QTATK OF BtlCB CQAN, County of 'tt'asMenaw ss. O In the matter of the estáte of Anthony Ely, deccaaed. Notice is hcreby given, that in pursuancc of an order jcranted to the underijnefl, administrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Jvdge f Probate tor the Couiity of Woshtcnuw, on the tiïtconth day of May, A. I). 1871, there will be sold at pnblic vcihIup, to the highest bidder, at the sou th door of the ( 'urn t House, in the City of Ann Arbor in the eounty of Wiuhtvnaw in said State, on Wednesday the ninth day of Auffust, A. Ü. 1871, at one o'clork in the afternoon of thut day (subject to all encuuibrances by mortgnge or otberwise existin? t the time of the death of said deceased, and also subjtct to the rif;ht of dower of his widow thei-ein), the tbllowing defMribed real estáte, to-wit : The nndivndel half of a parcel of land bounded as folïow: BejïinninK at northrast, corner of Cross and Kuron streets in the city of Ypsilanti, eounty and State aforesnid, and running thence north nloiijí Hurón street nine rods, thence east ulong G. Sanders' land to the river, thence down the rivcr to Croe street, thence west to the place of bezinning, (exoptin and NMivliig the pairéis of land owned. by GuariM McCormick and the City of Ypsilanti. Dated, May 3Oth, A. D. 1871.' 1327 HIRAM DAY, Administrator. Mortgage Salo. DBFA17LT being made in the condition of a mortgage, exeontou W (Jeorgc KauiFman and Adam Bosbadüi U Jaxoai BioMahon. dated Ajiril 2ííthf A. 1). 1868, and reoorded sanie day in the Eegfatev'a office of Washtenaw l'onnty, in book 37 of mortgagea, page 118, by whieh the iower of sale therein contained becamo operativo ; whieh mortprage was on the twentieth day of Beptember, 1869, oaugned to Luoy W. S. Morgan, and tlio aaajfrnment reooxdsd June 2Iet, 1871, acroaa the record of said mortagti, and the ram of scventy-livtj dolían bein? DOW claiuicd as duo tïiereon, and no auit or proceedmg haviii'_: been instituted to recover the samo, Or uny part tlit-reof Notke is thurcforc herety piveu, tliat iiil laorlyage wUI lc forecloscd by the sale of the mortgaged prenpr U60 tt-wit : " Txt mmiber thirti-n, in llock nuniber foursouth, range amnbor twu west, in the Wty of Ann Arbor and State oí Miehiiían," or some part thereof, at public vendue, at the Conrt House, in siiid city, on tweiity-third day oí September next, at uoon. Dated, June 22d, IS71LÜCT W. S. MORGAX, Mortgaffcc. E. W. MoitGAN, Att'y. O". F. SCHAEBEKLE, Teacher jf .Mnsic. Gives instruction on the PIANO, VSOLIN AND GUITAR, at his oflïce, No. 57 South Main street, (Moore'a building;, or at the rceidencc of the pupil. PIANO TUNIJSiG, made a specialíty and gatisfactiOD guarantecd: uatji POR SALE. A ONE HOME TOP BUGGY Nearly new. Inquire at the oillce of N. W. CHEFVER. Ann Arbor, May SOth, 1ST1. 1324-tl Ï7ÜTTER VVAJSTED. I am agnïn preparcd to take all CHOICE BÜTTER Made in the 'onnty, for CASH or poods l3-"Mf J, H. MaYNARD TOli SAIiK. The ondsnlgned offern ibr salo lier realdence In the villaje of Saline i two Inrge lotí, rtcsirably lo i-HUd. wllb a goud honee, barn, water, fruit, &i'. Tui nis made en)1. Mrs. CORINTHA GRF.KN. Saline, June 14th, 1871. 132im2 ]V OTICE. I horcwilh forbid ary ne t hmbor or tritst any of my three d:in?htcrx. Knthrine, Aiinn and Bib bi th, on my ncconnt. as I wlll not I roKponsible tor the paVment of auy dobts contractcd in my name aftcr thls date. Ann Arbor, June 15th,lS71. l8Mw" HENRY NEKB. jQQ BUSHELS OP CHOICK GRAY BUCKWHEAT, F0R823D, for sule at the AgricuHiiral Ware. huusc of MOSES RO(iKIÏS. Anu Arbor, June Ist, 1871. 134v4 Go toR.W.ELLIS & C0's for choice Wines and Liquorf i for Medical Purposes . FAKMERS ! I riVsirc now to rctnrnmy hearty thanï for the li'ii-riil patronaf of the Farmer of Waehtcnaw nnd mij 1 1 1 ï ; tr (militie, who have tor bo maiiy yeare in the p:ist extended to me their tradc, and Í hope and trust üiitisractory :mt) prolit.iMc to both partieB. I bopfl to rcccivc h fiíir hnre of their putr-nage in the fnture My efforts will bc honesty direeted towards the Intercsts of my Cnstomers, aswcli amyoirn. And agaln my sim will be, not to keep a chcap ijiïortfi as possible, hut as g"od as can be fnnnd. and a! a Low Kates nu the qnalitj of my troodn enn he affordcd. I will not nnrirrtake to compete in prke with inferior gooda. I il) not impair thcqnality of my impl-mentk f order to re (iucc tho pric. The pilrcliaaeofcbeap good of any kind provee an nnprofttable inresEmeAt, as many haYcfonnd to their cost. Inhnllktep a FILL STOCK OF FAIIIM TOOLS on Ie (reoeralij fonnrl in mnrkct 1 kb (he amhorized agent for thefollowing THRESHÍNG MACHINES Cennine Buffalo PUI, BnlTalo, N. Y. 'li.liinn SwcepatakcH, Ilattle Creek. Niclisln A Shcptaerd'N Vibrator, B. Creek. Tbc ;eier .laihim-, KaciDC, Ma, AL9O Tiie Champion Reaper & floirer, SelfRahc. The Kirby Self-Rafcing Keaprr, Comblncd. The hirlv Two-Whreled Jlowcr. Uoods ]};ichine, Comblned with SelMtakr. JACKSON WAGOJT8, Buckeye and Shortsville Grain DrillFairbank's Scales, all sizes. THE OEWtlSE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, Mnnnfactared at Ealamazuo. I have located myself at the old and well-known Apple I'acking Honse of D Henntng. od Detroit Street, opposite Bocboz' Ulock , wherc I ehall be happy ti. meet as many oí my old cnptomen, nd u many new ones a may p!caee to con. I have eeciired the permanent serrire of Samuel Mct'liiren, on of my old shop hands, who perietlly uuder.stands REPAIRING All kinds of Agricnltnral fools, and will b oa hand early in the mornlnj; and late at oight, wben iieccseary to accommodate . M. ROCERS. AnnArbor Aprillst.l8Tt. lïTimS _JEAR YE! The "Bar" not being a Monkey ISNT ONK OP DARWIN'S PROGENITOKS ! BUT WHAT OF THAT AS LONG AS E. J. JOHNSON ! HAS A PULL STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! POR SPRING AND SÜMMER ! ! 111 STYLES -A.H.E THE X..A.TEST. H1S GOODS THE BEST! AND HM PRTCES THK Also n fnll liuc ot Oenls' Fnrnishing Oooris Cali and examine his CHIPS, PALMS, STRAW8, l'ANAMAS, net LBGHORNS, belore pnrehseing. 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi. DIRËCTÖITX -OF- A N IS" ARBO It, FOR 1871, With a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &c. c. THK UNDERSIGNED.haTÏrrerhad an exteosire PZpwlOBCe in tbc compOution itud publication of City and Coiiuty Directorio in thisaidoiher Stfttes, a ml hftvlOff been sollclted by a numher of the prominent cittteus tu bni a worfc ot thte kind, tecls safe in proioiehig cúmplete sntisfnetion. The workwtll eonUun a cmplete portrait of the city. setting íWth tu advantHpt's as a commercial and in:i!ni!';ïi:tnriuii Lown ; also statmtical tablea show ing the nnmberof ilrms eDgajred in every dcpnrtment of maDQ&Cta1 nd trde ; the aggregale anii ti n 1 nút ( tho same ; the number of dwiling aiiii bminon houses in the city, and in fart every kiud orchnract.r uf infurm&tion thecitizen or str:ini:er mitv desirt ; skt-tche of the schools. churehes, benevolent Tbe city posseist many advantages which, ir they were enerally knowii, wonhï uttract settiers from nïl parts of the country. It i? onr design to pnbtinh a work fur irencrnl ilistrilmt i'ii thronghont the Uitrd States. It wonld be superfluoue to here urge the nece-itj of adverrising a city.or to meiiti"n tbe óanlagca thflt rrul estáte Mwners and bnsine-s men derivo from thi method of advertiping & city. The work will bc delivert'd to ?nbscriberp in the month of.Inly It is to be hopcd thatbasine men wtll duly cousider and appreeïate the advantages ofadrerllaing their business in thipbok. It will be fonnd in stores, oífíccs. hotels and all public ptoeea where the carde must ineet the eye of scores ol purchasers every day, Terms of Advertising. One Page $25 00 Half B 15 00 lourth ' 8 00 Capital Names 50 Price of books to aubacribers, $"ï 00 to non-sub Bcribers, $:i 50. ]322tf JAMES M. THOMAS. fANTED. A good honse and lot containing all the necessary convenieaces of a good home, fn Ann Arhor, Mich., for whkh I will exchange one of like deserfption, on vcry liberal torms, in the city of Freeport. III Mr house and lot are nicciy sitnaled, are worth $4,'1 0. I algo have twelve acres of nice farming or garclenniIand jiMüini: rity Hmits worlh S06 per acre, all of which 1 wtui to exchange for property in Ann Arbnr or il farm in Washtpnnw Am preparadlo pay or takft the diflerence in ca?h. A great bargaiu w 11 be givcn. Addri'ps and learn parliculart, LEWIS COLBY, 132nm3# Freeport, 111. Oy r yN Subscrlbers to Petera 1 1 ) 1 I T Musical MoDthlv Are getSJL4 A ti-ig their Mnsic forlees , rhan two cents a pioce. % I [ Those who have not ffcen if I shonld end 30 cenls lul a F1 I I snmplecopy. The niiisic it Tl ri 1 I rJ if :iys . Thoma, Km. F f I I kt]' P"1. aQ(' ther Xiw V popular writora. Two back mimbcrs lor A New School Book,by 4'ccnt8. Kour back mimn. . PERK,ss., Soy cent,. Sub$7.50 per doren. Contains _„ ■ ■ ir'T ■; ovir two lmnclrcd ncw and T I Ij' I V heaiitifal soiifrs, duety, etc.i I j H' l by Will S. Hnys. H ster, Thomas, etc. Even I " ft 'lililí U new, fre.h, and X J V sparkllng. Contente and -.j , , fi specimen pagce scDt Tree. 11 II I I I 1 sample copies mailcd frII .1 ] 11 ofpMtagtta teachersfor MjJlJiiilM,%KJ '■5 cents. Liberal terma foriutruduetion. Worth ofMasicfor %3. Addreny, J. L. PETEES, ",)) nrondway, V. Y. Tiucherssoniliiis n their orrlnrB for $10 worth of muoie, can claim a years snbgcription to Peters' Musical Monthly. 1Í2MI "PIIISICIAM' PBESCRIPTIOM ACCURATKLY AND CAREFULLY PREPAFED BY 1 R. W. KLL18 & C0.,DRUGQI818. JOB PRINTING. ATTHE ARGUS JOB OFFICE IS THE PLACE TOOST YOÜB POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, SMALL BlIiS, YOTJB LAW BRIEF, RECORDS, AND BLANKS, YOtJB BILL-HEADS, LETTER -HEAD8, STATEMENTS, YOUB CiRCüLARS, BüSiMESS CARDS WEDD1MÖ CARDS, -srorrK QUIDEIRS, REOEIPTS PLAIH AKD IN C0L0B& WITH NEW PRESSES NEW TYPE AND GOOD WORK MEN, SATISFACTM IS fiCAMSTHIl Córner Main and Hurón Ct. ANN AKBOR, MICH. lyiIEN YOÜ WANT FINE PHOTOGKAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGHSo. 30 Halón 9W


Old News
Michigan Argus