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Nkw York, June 19. GoM continue very stroug, but it Is quite probable tlmt the buil dique has gpent their strcngth so that fnrther advau ees are uulikely to oceur. Moreover most classes of imported goods are less tlrin than a vvcek ago, and a rebound in the valué of the precious metal would not surprise. Gold closed quiet but flrm to day at 112 Ï12}.. A further advance of %c in cotton darías the past week in Liverpool has created increased firmness iu the staplc and nearly every description of lts manufactured product here. Brown sheetings are j @lc higher, and in somc favorito brands of Kiaplc prints and shirtings an advance qual to 2c from the lowestpoint has takm place. Woolen goods, In sympathy wtth the raw material, only walt the arrival of the time when the demand lor thcut will warrant Important advances. Flour has had a uownward tendeney all the week Wheat is drooping, notwithstanding the large ihlpmenta anti ome unfavorabie report from Europe. The stock in store exceeds over onc quarter of a million bushels. Other gralns are quiet but steady. Malt is advancing. Western hops have advanced to 7@9c. Provisions dull. Cattle plenty and only cholee realizinj full prlces. Detuoit, Juue 21. Business In nearly every department contluues very active for the season. Uroceries are perhaps more quiet than other staples, yet the volume is greater tlnn was expected, lininediately prect'ding the lst of .luly. Sugars have decllned slightly during the last few days, but since the stock In the country is small and] prices are already low and the fruit season will be in in full torce very soou the market has a stroug undercurrent notwithstanding oc caslonal fluctuations. The dry goods trade is very active, the late adv anee In raw cotton having caused an appreciation in nearly all staple fabrics which has caused merc'iants from the interior to seek their full purchases at an uuusuully carly sea son. Indeed niucli of the (Iemand is for summer goods lo.keepjup assortmeuts, the stocks hitherto held having been almost uuiversaily light. But the central figure in trade at present is wool The receipts by rail loot up nearly 100,000 pouuds daily and the prospect is that the clip will all be marketed in 2 weeks. The growers h ive been agreeably surpriiicd at the prices wliich have been obtained aod have sensblv sold at what would appear lo be par valut:. The top prices have evideutly been reached, though, considerlng the simiil taneous gcarclty and advance both in Europe and America, predictions are not in order. The produce markets continue to possess the least posible animation. Flour Is plenty aud offiring at prices below the cost of production. As good brands as are in the nmrket are to be purchased at $C.75@ 7.00. Wholesale. Wheat has fallen oft'4@5c d uring the week, as the followiug coni]iurative prices .vill show : Extra, No. 1 Amber Kecuwall, White, lar. June 15, tl.Wy, 11.45 $1.42 $1.45 1-37 June 21, 1.42 1.41 1.38 1.41 y, 1.31 Slightly discouraging news from Europe is the only thing that keeps wheat np to where it is. The condition of the growlng erop is regenteó everywbera as favorable and an tbandant yleld and luw prices another year are looked for. Corn is in light demand and steady at 59@00. Oats me quiet but flrm at 50@57 for State. Barley dull at $1 60 & rye at 90(895. Good botter -minus rock salt and batter milk is wanted for city retailers and shippers. Ninetenths of the receipts are objeetionable from the causes named and becomlng a dru". On the street 15@10 is paid. Eggs dull at 13(14. Potitoes in strong shippinj; de mand $1.15@1.2O for pcachblows, and 7ö@ 5 for mixed. Tnllow dull at 7fffi7j. Hidet very weak. Wool 53(57 lor fleecc, aud 60 @65 lor combed. AS! AllltOlt PRODICE niRKETS. Anona Office, June 8, 1.871. We quote thla irtornoon ae followe : VIIBT-Whlte, 130isUc : Red, 1155,120c. V,. OvT8-43S4oc. BKAN8-1.M. BUTTER-I5C. EOOS-12C. LARD-ISc. AP'LKS-lióc. POTA-roES-Uc. CH1CKEN8- 13c. TURKEVS-Hc.


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