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Sfftml jtoitei cönsümptïön; lts Care and lts Preventivo. BY J. H. SCHEHOK, M.D. Many fi lmmnn bttlng bus pnjiflM Mrny for irhosn death thoro was no otlior rensmi thiin tfie nejtlert of known and indisputnbly pfTfn monris of cur-. TtiPN upar and deur to fainlly nnd friendo nro lcepnff th ütvurnlcsaflluiiibcrintu wlilch, luid they caluily adopteil DR. JOSEPII II. BCHKNCK'S SIMPLE TKEATMEXT, nnd avallcd themsolves of hls wonderfully cfflrnclnus medicines, ther wonid nt liare fallen. Dr. Bcbenok Irns in hl on caso pro vod thnt wnorover safflOtent vltaltty rernalns, that tHjiMIt, by hls medidnos nnd hl dtrectlon for Uiolr use, Is qulekened into hcalthfnl vlffnr. In thls statement tbrrn Is notïilnff prrsnmptnnTi. To the faith of tho Inralld Is made n representaron thut Is not a thousanrt Unie suhstanthtted by Imntt and risible work. Tho thcory of the enre by Ir. Schendt' medicinen Is ar rtrnpta as It In nnfailing. lts phtlosophy requirOB nu argument. It li vli-urInK. srlf-ronTlncln. The 9ea-wcod Tmiic and MnndrakeTtlls are the flrst two weapona wlth whtch the citadel of ttie iuiidr it assailed. Two thlrds of the ""■■ of cnntamptlon orlKlnate In dyspepsta and a fnncttormlly dlnordored llrer. W)th thls cmidiMon thn brmiebl! luïws " y mpathlze" wlth the etomach. Thy renixnd W the morbiOcactlonof lh Hrer. Han thrn rim the cnliiiitiHtin resuit, nmi the eottlntf In, with uil iu UtS" Uesslug lymi'f un.-, of i-g COXSÜMPTIOIf. Tbc Nfnndrako Pill iiro o.omposod nf nnoof Natnrp's nobleat Kift.- thn Pdoph1Mnni IVILittira. They posness uil tho Moi1-p;irchlriK, alterativo proiKTtic of culomc), luit, unlikc caluuiul, tlicy "IEATE 5O HTINO BBtlIND." Thft work of o.urn Is nw Tioiifnnlnfr. TIh rltirttod and miicous dcpiwlt in tlio hu wol.1 and in tho ulimentiiry Otñal uro ftjeotéd. TUe llrcr, llke tl ClOOk, ■ wound ui. It aroiisfM from 1t toruidttr. The Btonfc ach act reaponélvolf, nud tlio patfeut bcglus to icel thul hu ia guttlng, at lust, A 8I7PPLY OF OOOD BLOOD. The Swuwoert Ton Ie. In oonj.tncïlon wlili tho Tills, pennofltfff and nsslintlatcs wlth tho food. ('hylitlcatlon ( now iirnirrt'SHÏnjr wltliout ith provUms torturo. Dlgwtlon bóooinai pMinlen.and thn ciirc is seen t" bfl at nand. Thre Is no m-ro fint ti lonco, iiucxacerbuticn of the stnmnch. An Hppotlto nots In. Nnw cnmo tho KPcati'rtt TJUird IMirifter rver rvt fflvpn by nn in (inleent fat hor t pnffcrlnu man. Pcnonck's Putmonlo Syrup oomaa In t pprfnrm lts fnnrtlonnand to hHstrii Üid Onnplétfl tho eure. It enters at once apon lts work. Notare eaa nt bi chented. H coiiectd and ripens thp lti;i'rel and dtsonsed portions of tho Iuns. In the f orín i cnüierlngs, It prepares thom for expectoratlon, nnd I! In a Tcry shnii time the ma lady Is Tanguinhed, thn rotten ihr-'fio It ocmpifMl la renovutod nl niaHf n-w, and the prtllont, in II tho (iitfniiy of resHloed Titffir. pifps fortb to enjoy tUo uiauhuOil or nouimitio-xl th:it was ÜIVEN VP AH LO.ST. Thespcnni thlngis, tiif patlonts miitstny tn n warm room until they K"t nr[ ; )t tn altnimt liupOMlbtfl i'i prevent takln .■ ooid whon tho lunir nro dtoeascd, luit il must be prorentf-l or fnre ctn not bfl offiTtPd. Kresh ir and ritlliii out, tspcelally Iti thln sr-ctlon of the country, in tlio fall and winter (lonnon. nro nfl wrong. Phyuiolana wh rrcommnd fhnf cnrso lono half iknti't]"ts. if tlirir ltinirs nre budly d1.oaïed and yi't. beoaose tti#y aro in ho bnuse they tuurt n"t ]t duwn qnli't ; they munt wulk. ttlx'UL lhí voum as nmcli and M f:ist ts thrt tr'tit;th wil] bcar, l" pöt up ;i go d clroulatloD of blood. Tlio patiënt tiiunt ki-i-p in p spirits- bt; detennined to Rc-twHl. Tlita Una n preut deál to do with the appetite, ftuü is the reut pointto njp To desialr of cure after such cvldonoe nf lts popRÍbllity In tho worst cases, nnd mom) certiiimy In n 11 uthers, is nlnfal. lr. Bchcnek's personal statement tothn Kiiculty of bla oivn cure was In theeo tnodest words : ' Many yoiirs niro I was ín the 1:ist tajzos of oonstimption; oonflned to my bod, mul nt one time mr nhysiciitns thonght thut I coxiïd not Hvo u werk ; thrn, like a drowntng man catchfntf Rt ítrnwi", I heard of nnd obtaincd the prepnnitions whlcb I now offer to the public, and thoy DBftde n perfect rurp vt me. It seemed U me that X could fotfl thrm penétrate my whole Kyatem They bood. ripened the matter in my lunjcs, and 1 wouM spit up nmrc tlian a pint of offen-iv,- yt-llow matter cvery niornlnfl: fur n lonji timp. Aa Boon as that bcgan to Bobsldo, my cooirh, f''vor, palns. nnd niii'it weats i:ll bCffïtn t' leave nip, and my iippetiti becama so great thnl Ittrnswltli dlfficultythát I coulii keep from ctttlng too Inuch. I booh KaiDiy strengtli, aiul have proun Iti flesh cVer stnCc. "1 wan weljihcd ahortiy nfi-r my reeovory. ♦ added the lfctctnr, "fien linkinff lito a mero Bkeleton my weijrht was only nlnety-POTeO pounds; my present wolpfht is two hundred nnd twoniy-flvo CCpoundft, and forrean] have onjoyod nnintemfpted health." Dr. Scntmck luis dlseontinued bis proieaetonal vlsttfl to New-York nnd Boston, lte or bis wjn. Dr. J. ÏT. Schend;, Jr., stilt ciitlmio to rcp patients nt their ftffioe. No. 15 North Blzth Stroot, rhihulelphia.evcry Sütnrday from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. TIiofo wh xvteh a thoninti oiamination with the ïlcsplrometer Wili be Chanrod 5. The Respironn:trr declares the oxact conditton of tho luns, mul patients eau rcuiliJy learn whctluT they are curable or not. The dlrectfons for fcikinjr the mcdioinos nre adnptod to the tntplll(?enre even of si child. Kollow these dirertions, and kind Nature wfll do the rest, excepttng tlmt In ïome cases the Mundrako l'iiis ;ir; to be taken in inerensed doses; the ihreo medicines i:ecd no otlior accompaniments than tho ampie Instruotiuns thataccompnny them : First creato nppotfto. Of rcturning health, hunger is tho most welCOlBe symptom. When ii oomec, s it will come, let the despatrtng ut once be of Kood cheer. Good blood ot once followa, thecmigh luiisfns, the nltrht swoat is abated. Iu a (hort tluao both of these morbid symptoms ure pone fOrover. Dr. Schenck's modiclnee are ooostantly kept in tona of thnuiind of families. Asa. Inxntivo or purgativo., the Mandrako Pilis are a standard preparatfon ; while the Pulnionio Syrup, as n cure of conplis and colda, ■aiay be regardedas a propbylactcric ngaiustcunsumption in anj of lts forma. 1 Hrtcü or the Pulmonfc Pvnip and Pea-ween Tonlc, $10 a bottle, or ."fT.W) a halí dozen. Mand rak e ril Is, 2b ecut a a box. Kur salo by all drugeists aud dealers. HURLBÜT & EDSALIi, 32 Lake Street, Chícalo, III., AVlioleeale -A-Kntfi. CAM. B. RËVÜJVAÜGH KEEPS ON nAND Á. LAEGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLA.CK WALNUT AND GJLÏ FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. TEW GOODS REOEITED. fihleyTLewb i CALL THK ATTKNTION OF TUK PE )PI.E OF THE CITY AND COUNTRY TO rHEIKHXTKNSIVE AND WK IX A8SOSTKD STOUK OF SBA8ONABLB GOOUS IN THBLINE 0Í BOOTS -A.3STID SHOES, Whlcta thiy now h In itnro,and to wtalch cont Btant luktiiiuiis will bo made Itarongboatthc tewoai Tho voodfl whtcli we offer uro oew and frecb frol the F rctoiy, and iu all cuses will be fouud as ropreaented, EVERY VEStWIPTlON OF LICJ11T AND HEAVY W011K, FOU MI, WO31E ANnCIIItDKIi.-V. We have the EXCLUSIVE SALE OF TUK CELEBRATED ril.r BOOTS AMI SUOES, JMmlti ty JA.MES Mi. BURT, OF H. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTH IN STOCK AND WOKK. Aleo tho F.XCI.rXIVE SALE oí KEYNOLD'S BKO'S. LADIES FINE SIÏOES OF EVKRY STYLE Thc above work is fnr superior to any heratofore EYK1C offerediu lilis l'iiy, anti wc g'.iRrantce it ín ery purticHlur. and solí It at TKN r'KIl CA'.Yï. below Detroit I'rlous , on thc same coods. JAM, B. REVENAU3H, PHÖTOGRAPHER 1 RETOUCHES AIJL HIS NEGATITES BEFORE PR1ISTING, SO T1IAT FRECKLLS,MOÏHSANDTAN Do not show in any of Lis l'ictures. No Extra Charges. T IVE GEESE FEATIIiíRS Coustautlyon hand and for salt Uy BACHfr ABEL, Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Vf lUIHCAlf HACHINEBimiPOT. Q. 3. WOHMER & 8OÏT, Dt'Alrra In all kind of Woort t Iron Working Maohlnery. (19, 101 ml IC8 Jeffmen Are., Detroit, Mich. I11IK1.STA & TI EHMÜfi. J WKVTKKN 8TBAM IM-A-ílIBIliE "WORKS. Manufacturen f Marble and Marblclted Man'lca, Cubinct and rlumbers' Stock. HOnitfflantal and Ceraetry Work of every description on hand. Also delers in Grates Oor. Monroe AYo. and Farmer ft . Detroit. Mich. I'. C'IIIUHA. OW. F. MkIII.IM!. TAiTIKS "VAI.I, JR, de CO., , I Dealers in CARPETS AND DRY GOOI) ! 87 Woodward Ave, cor. Lamed St. N. B. We have an Immens stock and wïll nell oods l"w unongh to m.-tkc it an object for tbüie lu tho interior to bny ofns. CARPETS, wc make a spccialty. GEO. S. FROST & CO. Chas. Noble. Oco, S. Fnt. C: W. Noble. I'INK AND FOB SALR In CTery pnrt of this State and the Uultcd States DETROIT. i K, Swalesfc Co., INDU3TRIAL AGENCY ! For Btippljlns eVBTj dcicriptlon of ludnstry -WITU LABOR Office wlth OKO1ÍGE S. FKOST & CO., Detroit, - - - - Michigan. TAIRES JKIVKS, f Eotablishcd 1854 ) J Di-.-iI.t Ia all kinds of MACHINERY ! AND SUPPLIKS, Viso Agent for II.-ill's I'utcnt Sliinlc Mm li Itr, 50 Atwatcr strect Enst, betwech Untes and Randolpn structs, Detroit, Mtch. l( DUTWHATll' ITMIOIILD FAII,1!" D In the brlght Lexicon of yonth, wbich fate reserve for hi jroaBg manhood, there is nu Buch word as f;iil. Randall's Circassian Cream Wash Was neTpr kn-wn tf fnil ti rami.w. FraekleSi I'lmples, Mnib PatchedTan, 4c, If nsed as por dlree Ü 'im. niid perBeTeród in. Tl yonr druyjist has nt ;ot it, teil hira to ?ond for it. J. J. RANDATJ,. Prnprietor, Flahcrlllock, Uotroit, PIM, AND FAUKIIIVG LANDS.- We oller for sale 26.0"O acres of ValuaDIe i'me and Kiirrnine T.iindf on Time, at Priccs ranginjï fronv !?U tv #1O PflrAore 6 3S:i aeren of these pine Landa re loca'ed on the Wlsconsin Kivcr. !.ft'2O acres on Waters leadlng to Cheboygan or Duncan IMIch Mo serfs on the Angrcs lüvir. S.'OOacreson Thuntler Hay watern, leadiní to Al. pena, aso acre? on the Titibawnsse River. 2.200 BcrM In Sladwln f'o. , Mich.. f-r Karms and Tlmber. 1 'Tl nrrv Choice Minrrnl and flard Tim'ner r.:tnd3 near Outona.iíon. 2.IHH) ucret Prairie land in Nebrajk.i. nmrtheUnton PacfOc Rnilroad. o acres good Kiinni n Land in (ïratlot coMiity. f3 to $S pr acre. : .:" Muuy of thOM6 Iinds are worth the pilce Vft Hfk for llu'm ïi Kannin pnrpoaes after tlie Tinl berin ent. For fnll dcycriptiou, pnce and termp, suud for Circular. D. PRESTO & CO., Bankers, Detroit, Mich. R. & W. P. LINN, Manufactnrer of Crouud Co0cc8, Spices, lüiistard, elf , etc. And Wholesale Dealers in TEAS AND GR0CERS' SUIïDRIES ! ! 120 Jeffcrson Avenue, Detroit. JOHN COPLAND, Manufacturer lid Wholesale dealer in a laro variety of Crackers, Snaps And Biscuits. Orders aolicited and fllled at lowest market prlce Seud lor Price List Koel Oven Bteam Bakiry, corner Raudolph and Woodbrlde streetü, Detruii. ILBEItT . PIKHCE ie CO., ü. wnoI.ESALB 35 Woodward Avenue, DKTBOIX. - - - IMICI-IIGAT. HUGH JOHNSON, Manufacturer of and dealer in CARRIAOES, BUGGIKS AND SLEIG11S ! A ílne issortment of the latest sfyles of home-made and Ëastcrn CarriacB, Inclndtng Lahdaub, d.AitRNOl and Family CüBKUOra f rom the celebrated factory of J. Mott c Co., Bridjeport, Conn., constantly on hand Mud furnished to order. Nos. 90 to 1(M LarnedSt. weet, cor. Cas St. Detroit C arriase Manufacturera. JOHN PATTON &SON, Are ofleriug t ie largest and best aaaortment ,f CARBIAGES & BUGGIES IN THE WEST, At Cnntly Redn ('(1 Prices. All work made under onrovviï buiiervi-iuii, and Ftmi.v Marbatki. Factory and Wirerms corner Woodbridte and Rrush Strects.Dttrolt. ■v MrN jlfr I A. F"or Tl II -II II Hl SiawinK Wood Maltin;; Cider, Öteaixiina l'oocl ibr Cuttlo, ■Sco. U. E. iLl B, Hanorncturer. 191 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT. GIOi;i. -I". & BBOTBEB, Inporten nnd Deslttn in FANOY GOODS ! los. Vaukcc Volions. Hoslcrj', Laces and Trimmings, AND kfANtTPACTURBRS OP CIHLÜIIEN-S CAItlilAGES, BASKETS AND SKá.he, No SO aad 82 Woodward avo . Uotrc)it. Transplant TTov. - Pruit and Onuunculul Treao, Slnnl).. RoÑS (intpe Vines, and II Llie-mull fruiU Green ttouso niut Beding Pluiit)-, Daltas. (ibulioiin, 'i abe Roses. Made rit Vues, &c, shoold hú plantêdafter tli mtddle of May. 8sbm of tiio best vnrieties - Plsld Tegetablfl aiul Flowcr, uil new. As tbis i-1 tin; tirst ytinr of our etcel trade, vu have no old schU on hnuii A very larc stock of the modörRte ratvp, AddrC&S, AVM. ADATK. I)-troit. TOUX W. AilPHLËTTJ" O v, [KI.K8.ll.Ii DF.ALRR IN ROCKINGHAM & Ohio STONE VARE GLASS AND STON.Í FRUIT JAHS. 8end for Pricc List. 64 êe 68 Wooclbridiie Stroot West, DETROIT MICH. Csrm I.KKllt;it, Billiard Table Manu fiKturcr, wiüi DSLABni Patent Steel Win C'isbions,9S, 100 uil ma Uandolph Street, Detroit, Miel). Branch: St. Joseph, Mo. I also mnufacturo Pigáonhole, Jenny Lind and IiHK'iti-11 Tables and do all kiml of altarincand re palrinK. Kaap lwaji on hand Saoond haud Tables and all ffoods appcrtaiimi ta Itüliards. Bowling I'ius and Balie for salu. Also all kiods of triraming done. SAM. B. BEVENAÜGH, PHOTOGRAPHER, MAKES ALL . KiM)S OF PICTURES FKOM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TIIE LIFE S IZE, ANDPIN1SHESTUE1UN INDIA INK! oil, on WATER COLORs ! IN' A SUPPERIOR HANNKH. 1310-ly. No. 3O (II ICO SïllEIiT. Go toR.W.ELLIS & C0'e for choice Wines and Liqnort ! for Medical Purposes . I lENRY T. HELMUOLDS CÜMPOONO FLUID EXTRACT CATAWSA GRAPE PILLS. Component Tart - Fluid Extract Rtuburb ana Fluid .Extract Catauba Grape Juic. FORI.IVKRf OMPLAINfS JAÜIfDICE INMOUS AKFK' ■'J'IDNH.HU KOU NKlVOUSiIi:.l)At:HE COSTIVKNK8S. Bic. PURELY VBUETABLBÍ UONTAIN1M! N() MERCUKY.MIXEKALS OU DKLETERIOUS DRUGS. H These Pilis iretbft mostdellhtrnll.vplcasíintpurfatlve, snpcrsetllug custur uil, salts, mugncsi-i, t te. 'ben i Dothtng mora toceutable lo the etomach. They nivc tone, and cause neither nansea nor ynpIngpafne. Thcy are coniposèd of the fiaeat ingre dient . After h t'cw dny'a ;ise of them, (ucli un inTtgoratlon f tlleetillresystom takea placo ad to appear miraculous to the weak and euervuted, whethcr ariin; f rom imprudenco or rliseHse. H. T. Hi-lrabold1 CompMuud Plaid Bxiract OatAwba Grape i'iiN are not susar-contrd (rom the fnct iliat angar coated Pilis do not diMolve. bnt pas throngh t.lic stomach without dlasolvlDff.coDtcaïiently do n-t produce tlu dceired effect THE CATAWBA GHAHK PIIX8, being pleasnnt in t)ite and odor, do necessltate their heins sugar-coated. PIUCK FIFTV CENTS PER BOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IIK1III.Y CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SAR8APiiEiLLA Wlll r:idically extcrmlniitefroni thecystem Seronda Sjphllle, tViTr snrpf, ulcn.8ore Ey, Boro Ubi, 8or Hontb.Sore Hc.nd, Bronchitlt, Skin Dlseaoes. Klirum, Cünkcrs, Uiinninïs fn-m the Uur, Wlulr Swrilins;", Tumors. L'ïncefoni Affoctione, N'ii!i-!. RlckcttS, Ol:in(liilHrSw(!llu;s, NU'ht Bwi ui-. Rush, Tetter, Humor of all Kimis, i'hfonlc Rlicumatlfin, Dyipepelt, and all disenvra that IiaVi; been ciïUibüt huti 11 tiic tíyatuin íor yearu. L BKING PREPARKD EXPRESSLY FOU THE AÜOVB COMPLAINTS. 1TH BLOoM-ITRIKYING PROPERTIE8 ARB GRBATER HIAN AHY OTHSK PHKPAKATH)XP HAKH.U' .AR1I.1.A . IT GIVB8 THKCOMPLKXION A CI.KAK AND BBALTHT COI.olt AND RB3TORBS THB I'AflKNT TO A S ATB OFHR 1LT1I AND PURI1T. 1'ORPriiTPXTNO THB BLOOD, RBÏIOV1NQ AU. CH RON IC OONSTITUflONAL DISEASES AKI-INQ KROM an i.Mi ■na: state op th k hlood, anotiie ONLY KKIIABLE ANO EFPB'"rUAL KNOWM REM BOY KIK THE CURE OF PAINS AND 8WKLLINU OF THE BONES. OLCERATION? OK"IHKTHROAT AND I.KU-'. BLOTCHE8, PI.Ml'I.KSON TUK PACB, ERYSIPELA1, AND AI. L SCAt.Y KUI PTIONSOF THK SKIN. AND HFAFTIFYINO THE COMPLEXIÓN. PKICE.Í1.50 PER BOTTLE. M II UMI V T. IIEI.MIMILD'S FLUID EXTKACT BUGHU THE GKEAT I'IURETIC, has cured everj case of DIABETES in whlch it has beeu ííivcn. irrtcation of Cbo Qcch oi the Bladder nud iiiiiitiuniiitifiii df the Kidm-js asd Bladder, licu-ntion of (Jrini1, Di.-t'iisi's of the l'rostratc iíI.-hm!, ■"■tone la Uu Itladiler, Calculas, (iiavel, Hrick Dtist DepOfrit, and Mncooós or BCIlkj Dlscharges. and for Bcfeobled and Dolicaie OoDetuitlona ot both Sexea, attcndedwlth tlie follówlnjz symptome : Loss of Memory, Dililculty of Ureathin. IadJUpOSttioD to PxertloD) i,"s of Power, wcftfe nervesi Jrcniblinir, Horror of Diñase, Wjikufiilnuss, Dlmneeeol Viuiou, l'ain in the Back. Hot ilandH KlaahfDg oftbe Bodv, Dryaew f iheSkïn Bruptluc f the Paca, Pallíd Connlenauce, Universal Lassitude of the Musculnr System, Etc. UöCd by persons f rom the ajjes of eljjhtcen to twenty-five, iind from thirty flve to Öfty.flve orin fhe decline or chango of life; alter coniLnemont or labor palus; bed-wctting inchildreu. IIELMBOLÜ'S EXTKACT BUCHU Is Dinreticnnd Blool-Puriryinii, and cures all EHëeasei arlslng from HahitHof ])islpatiuu, and Excc8es imd Imprudencus in Life, Impurltlet oftbe BI oud, Etc. Hapernedtsff Copabla in ffectious for whkh it is nsed, and Syphiiitic Aflectiuiifl - in these discases ust-d in con nection with Hclmbold's Rose wnsh. LA DIES. In man y Affect ion p peculiar to Ladtcs, the Extract lïiiclm is unequaled by tfny othci Remedj - bain i-hlorocisor Keretiti-m, Irrctrnluriiy, PalnfuïneSfl or Snppreeelpp oí Cn tomary Evacúa tlon 8 l ' ir ; chirrus state of the Ütcms, Luncorrboen or White, stfriliiy, and foi all Covplainfsincidcnt to the habils of Dingipation. Il li pre&ci Ibcd i-xti-nsively by the ttioai eminent PbybldanB nudMttlwivcs for enfeebled and delicate CoiiKtltUtlons, Ol both Sexos and aJf Ajyos Cattended ttith a'ny of the abovfl dlsoaaofl or yniu'.onig.jj O II. T. ETÏLMBÜLD'S KXTIïACT m'CTUT CURES DIBASQi ARlsiN'. FItOM IMl'KüDENCES, HABITáOK DIÍSIPATION, ETC., in all their itAgcs, nt llttle expenge, Httle or 110 ctuingc in dict, in iiHMHiv(i.ivncc. aod no éxpoenre. [t raiisi-s a fraqueot devfro ;hk1 gtvee Btreitjfth to tTrlDSte, thereby removlog Obbtractloov, PrcventiDg Strictü resol iü-. Criha, a11:íhl' Pa+a mid Iuflanxmat ion. se rrcáeut in thwclaw of mscaece, aud xpelllng all Putonou nattsr. Thoasands wbo have been tbo vïciims ofineomf petent persona, aod w ho have pald heavy fecs to bc curod in a Bhori timu. have found tU'iy havo béeñ dcrcivcd and that the "Poison11 has, by ih "jiuwcrful atringeiUs,"be(;ii ttrii-d up ïn the vstein to break out i" a more ajtgravAtcd form, and por hapi aftdf Mai tJie Hclmboida Bxtract Bnchn ror til Affaettoni aiul Uiseaseií oí i Urluary )r_'ans. wiulur exÍ8t hieln Mfticor Pemalo, fronj wUátevor cansa a atiujr, and no matter of ho w lom; standing, Prtce One Dollar and PiftyOcqte per Bo tile. L HENU'S T. JELMHOLD'S LMI']{()VED KO8E WASII oa&not bc surpasKed ns n Paco Waph.and il] w tonñd the oniy spectflc remedy In evpry fpocies of Culaneoufl Affect ion It speedtly eradtcatB Pimples, Spots, BcorbOtlG Pryncss Indam Hons of the Cutaneoai Membrane, etc., dfpeifl Rednesa nnd Inoipleat Inilammntum, Hl vea, Raah, Motb Patehe. Dryoesi of Scalp or skin, Prosl i' es, ;im! all purposoe for vhi:li Salmea m ointnunts are naed; restores to the?kiu awtate of Purity uidSortiis.", and insures continned healthy actlyn t tlic üs-ikm fits veasels. on which depend tlio nirreciibln clearness and vivacity f complexión 10 mucli Koulitand admired. Hm however valnablca remedy for exletint d feetsof the Skin. H. T. Helmbold'B Rose Wah han lonjí KUütainüd lts principie claim to onbonnded patr- . 1 1 1 ■'. . by posMsslne onalltlea whjjsh rvodor it. -i TO1LBI'APPKM)A(K or the most Soperíative and Oonjrenlal Oharacter, eomblning in an elegant formnla tnose prominent reojeitea 8AFBTY and KFFICACY- the Invariable accompanlments of its nsc- as a Prwarvatlve and Ri fresher of the Complexión. Itirtíin excellent Lotion for disenses of a Byphllltic Nature, and as an Intactlon foi diseaaea of the Uriuary Organ. arisInL' frm habita of dlaslpa'inn naed inconnection wlíh lïïfJIT'. BARSAPARILLA, and CATA W BA GKAI'K PÍElS, in ■och dlaeasea aj reoommended, cannot bu surpaased. PriceT Ono Dollar l'er Bottle; D Pull and ezpllcit dlrcctlonn ccompany the medlcini's. Evidiince of the most rppponsihlp :in(lrcl!:thlc charnclrr rnrninhod on ippllcalloi tli bandrpdsof IIihushikIs ol' livint' -iliii- i .. . .-uk! iipwiiril ol .10,00(1 ' anaollcltod cettfflcAtee and reeommi;ndatory lfitpi1 m:my o( whlch are Irom the hishpt sourers IncltidIng eminent Pb yslclaoe Clrgymi'n Statesmen, -tc. Th proprictor faas netMr retortcd to thelr pnMfcatlon u [■.-iisprb he Ouea ooi ilotliis Irom ilio ' fáct that hls árdeles rmk ai BlAndatd 1'n-jííirntionB, and do nol neud to Be proppêd ] Ly certlöcate. HenryT. Heímbold's (;enuine PreidirsHions, DeHvnptïilto imy juliïrcRM. 80Oire(yoBI obaervntlon BSTABLIíHBD HPWAK1) OF TWENTY VK iHs." sohl hy Drngvlsts BVerywhere. Addrera letters for Information, ln conflrii'ñrc to I1KMKY T. IIKLMIiOI.1), Drngelsi mul Cheml! , Only Depots: II T. II.Imbold'H Drne and Ch-mcu! Wíiirhí'iis', No -'.)4 lti-ttih -ii v. NVu Vork or lo'Hf.T. BeHnboió Medical Depot, 10 South Tenth Btrmt, PhlladolphU, Pa. BKWARE OP (TOINTKKFEITS. Asl( for Ilenry 'P, llelmboldM Tnkcnoothcr. 13Io A


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