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pfw Jdwrtíscmettts. Y) ÍVIDEND NOTIOK. The Directora of the Plrirt National Dunk of Ann Arhor, lüivc thia il.iy declarad s-mi annnal dividend of Uva per cent. ..freo of ü. 8 Tax. payabíe on and o ler Jaly l!t ni'xt. Tr.iii-fii Baoke will ri-inniit c)oer1 nntil lint dar I W. K.V1OUT, CaiUtor, Acn Arbor, June '.'(. 171 . U2g ILNÖINE ANP Jí 01 LEK FOR SALETht! sulwrlbr oflVrs for sale chei p a Portable Ti h . L Macljine Knglne and Boller. Can boaeen at üep-t iti ihis City.. Aun Arbor, lu:ie :-7 1STI. I8S3M PKIEK SHULTERS. GfiíCULTURAL MEETING. A m-i tiuir o f" il'.c B nrd of Munag rs of tho VPaatl teuHW Ciiunty Aü iculturil and UorlicuUura eiy vrtíl be bold it tho oart Uonse, i:i Aun Arbor, 'ni Wadnasday, JuIrUh, l"n,at 11 o'clock A. M. A fuil ftti-.'ii. 1.1(1 ele di Aun Ari)ir, Juuc 26tb, 1-T1 1 -Swi í DAVIS, Cor. S-c. LOU SALE ÜU Tü RENT. A G'ntocl Rcti-íence 1 '4 miles from lh Court ñotiMs fiu:ire in Aun Artmr, toj{4lher wtth B crofl (;f orchitrd bclu.cbolce fVuit. 5 eres paitQM, wIl w-ítrf'M. o ■ erj aD "t flret qu.'ility. Sfraation, bealthy andbeautfttol To p-irtiea wi íilug thu i nuilts of o-ir F. luoitional laHÍtDttons, ;: ïb property I8 vory dctirable Prk'í monerate nd iommoilitlnrí Eaqiiireof Üiivt.' JOHN N. GOTT, Ann Arbor. y II. DAVKNPORT & CU., BANKERS, SALINE - - - MICHIGAN131Y AND SELL Government Securities, Gold Coin, Drafts on Detroit, (few Vnrk, Mesmin, nnd othor Cltlea Ais.) rrci-:T money "ti Depoftlt. make uim! atteDd inuniptly 10 ail business porlaii] Bdmlclng Modhj l'ianed on .ipprovcd Secnntla. n28iul Sheiiffs Sale. Sr I.TEOF MICHIOAX, Connty f 'Wiwlitennw, re. Hy virtm." of iiwii; a lamed out ol and ander the acal of ti.i ircuit Court, tor toe oounty ol Mi. liifean, dn ■ ■! the .'■; ! day of June, ctwl and delive dí and ehattl, landa and tenewonta ol - . defcndant 1 i 1 ■ - 1 . i:i Damod, 1 did, on ;Nt:i duyof .!in... a. l. 1871, forthe w;mt of gíboda and cbattte. levj apon all the interest (at OwenCtonutn hoa i n the foUowing I .. to-wit: all tlit piei i lying aud beiag in üu town of Niirtlih.-jl. tMimíy of washtenaw and ct SXiehigan, deeñioed asfollowa, to-wit: Uh north wt-st rji: ■, ;,hIl iumber Jifteon in townabip immbt'r ono sn-.ith, and ían-e number siv eatfl , .u r 1iiiK to the original survey, containing forty aerea of land, which premisos I shaU ezpoM for - tle ;i? public Hncfaon, (q tho iudu-st bidder, it the suuth door üDurtHouafe, in tfae eituf Ann Arbor, on the lfíth day of August, A. 1). 1871, m 1P o'olock a. h. of said day. Diited, Juno líth, 1871. MTRON WEBB, felieriff. 1333 ByJoBTis Fouds, Undej Bbs :''. Druin CommissioTier's Xotice. IVrOTICESl herfeby gtven tliat the Dr:iin Com. i" iniwionur of Wasntenair Cotmty wlll bent the nontie of Patrlck Welch in tlie townahlp of NorthSeld, Ín aid.conuty on the (19) nim Uinth aay of July, isr. . .11 -' o'cwck p. ., t meet pnrtios to cuntunt lor the 1 .i:i'.i''ii :tip(l consiructi'.-n of alriin to be fcnown ií Ludwlck l)r:iin. commenclng 10 chatns and flC üiks Boutl n( the qnaitc-r 8'ake ol t'hc north eide of section C tj thirty, town 1 o cu6t, and runUijg thence easiciiy and northerly lo 1 lie Cou i! ty l'rain. on land o Dea by A[ij: I nrlüatao b!tihe hoaae of Patrlck Wolch. on ilu' (ís) i ;.'.'i:ili day 'f Jnly afoVmid, at wbtch time .nal place, I wTll exhlbtt mrips of the aoove pt iposed drain, and descrlpttuoa of the tareral jiai"' als of land deomod ''-v nl(' l" be benefited there by, and the-am nw aod delcriptinn bj dlvlaioaand Bobdivhil n of the above proponed drajn by ni apportlooed to 1 lie ownera of each dcscription of land to conatrnct, aud the townshlp f Northncld te conBtmct on acconntof iucl drain beueáUns hitrhw.iy and hear roasons, lf any are offereu, wby snch npportiuumt'iit ahoald bo revised or corrected. Aun Arbur,Junu ■lili, ISTIDAVCO M. flXLTlV. MS3 Couuty Drahi Commissioncr. Chíinoery Notico. ÏUR8ÜANT tóaníby vlrtaeof a doeree of the Circuit Oonrl ítr tin C-ounty of Vtjlitciiaw, in chaiicoy, mauV on lio '?.á cuy of SeptrinliT, IS?, in a cause thereln pending wherejn C bar) es ïïrook As cuardiiin of Kae-RoM Dearborn, nn In fan t, is cwnpiainant. and tsalafa M Harwood is drfi-ndant ; Notloe is herhy given. tbat I hall keil ut public V'initi-, ti tlif highest hldder, at onc o'clock iu the at'ti'rnoon , on ttija _th luy of Muy. 187I, tt the front orsoothdoor of toe Court House, in the city of Ann irbor, &U thm oer tato tract or pair.! m land juhI premisee known and desctibed as follpwa : itivjiimir.L,' t the loathwesl corno1! oí tectfOn twen n, from thence ronning MUt onc-hair of á miie, thence north forty rods, from thence wed to tho center of ibapuU le hlghway sitúate noar the Uie of Becüon twenfy-eveni thonce lonth Along th( center of said highway to the place f beeinnln contftlning forty acres more or leu, uncí being a pari ofaeotion twenty-eeen in the towohlpof PittPÜeld, iu LheCopnty of Waahtonaw, and State r Michigan. Datad. Ainil 18 th, 1871. R. T1EAKAN, A Circnit Court Coinmiiïiimcr for Wrtihtenaw Couutv, Mich. E. R. Woob, Complainnnt'8 Solicitor. 131T Ths abovc aale la poatpoaed nntil Satorday. the ifvcnusenth day of. luwe, at the same time of üay and place. DtUed, May -7th,IsTl. R. BBAHAKi A Circuit Court Commies om r for Vasht".fuv Connty, Mirh. The above sale is furthcr postponed until S.iturrlay. the -'Itli day of Juuc, at Iba name time of day and place Dated, JunelTth, 1S7I. R. BKAIIAN'. Uue of the Circuit Court i ommlssionen for Washtenaw (ounty, Mich. Thft nbove sale Ie fnrther poctponed uotU Saturd.-iy, July ljt, 1ST1, tt the same time of day and place Dated. Jnne ï-lth. 1871. R. BKAIIAN, A. Circuit Oourt Commlslo3ier for Wahleoaw Coonty, Mich. OÜTTER WAJNTED. 1 am Bgaln preparad to t:ike all CÍIOICE BUTTER M:uli' in thn "ountyt for CASH or croo. Is is-'2 tf j, ii. 51AVX .u:n JOirSALËT A0NE1I0KSE TOPBUGGY Xcarly npw. Inquiro at the office of N. V. CllKl'VKR. Ann Arhor, M IJ oOlh, 18T1. 1321-tl. [TVËGËESE FEATHtíRS PIBSTQUALITY, ont'itljoi haud nudfoisak ■ liy BA.CH Sr ABEL, Estato of John Diohl. CTATEOF MIcmaAX, County of WashtiJ 0 At ft ,„ ot tl "".... Of HiUn,,., h„: !■,.,;,., , .! ' OSm, City of Ann A,Wn, of. rriday. the ,J" ;'n'fc. liy nt Juno, in fhe year one Uunraand , TI ili'fl and i'Vrnty-.-nic. ll"'Uun. I BttJ. Hcakt-s, .Tiidpo rf Probate ailnjh, inatrtfof the .„ „f ,„■ Cinxeudftigandttingtlie pettUon, ,!ulr verin , - praying thSt l3Su?ÍÍSí du ba appointed Adntnistrator of the -,,' i -i.-.!, tL,( Monday, thètwli fourth day of Jiiy „,-,-t. t tartSïïSf to tlit hearing of said „.í"' - n raid estáte, ue hbJjÏ then larVhSLv ■'■' Probatfl Office, in n„. City of Ar.n ArW '"' show canee, il any be, why the ,.ravi 'r;f"';i ould nat grantad: And u C, l i., it lid potítionergive notie to the ,"" ' .i m Duid estáte, "f the iwudenry uf .,.17' Bm, and tbc hearing thereaf, by oaaai. .j this orde ! be puUished in the i,Bl1 ;-v printcd md drcaketing in s'üi,! (■"' ancouüive weeks previom to suid dny of IiwIj1 (A ti,,,, copy.) m :. m j. }..: urgg Ecstato of John Mason, mi, -iiinav. r-,,,,,,t nfWeAtau. 7 At mmíou i.f ]„. hrobute Cour lur i..'"01 Waehtcnaw, bolden ut the Piobete (ilticc i f1 '■' 1 " Ann Ail or, on Taainj, the nvtiiiy-H:viki June, iiitln-yciii-onetliuu.HiiiHl eiKhthiiniinj rrosent, liimni J. Beakos, Jndm nf r,„i ,,,,. In the Batter of the catntü f John Miun 3 Somne] SlawOi BdministntOT of said wtatc toto Cönrt imd represente thal hc Dow pmiS?"1 ronder hú Una] Hccount ai uñeta AilininiMi-itoí u 'l'li.-i. ui. n ü iaordered, that MonOn thetM fourth dy of July nesrt, at ten o'cloci in the flm.„ r" ned lor . MiininiiiK ""'' nHowing ncli mm' ■■ bein .it ! ol ntd den-awd S il "' ' i ■ . rtnto,are rcólSaian appeiu at a Beaúon ot nidCourt, then to Ii-Imi„ u the ProWteOfflce, in the dtj oï Am. Arl.or h '?] ' i.mily. mul show CSOie, if i.ny theie lx-, w,v th.fS ' dwuld not be allowed: And ii í fllHT d, that said Adminútnrtor give t„ ÏF nitcrcHted in lid (.-stutc, ot tlio i.i„i,.r„t suul ocopHnt, and the theivof, l.v ,. ■,. ■■ ■!'.■ oi Uñ OTda to be publishcd in tl, ii' Jrgus, :, newspopor printed and (árcnlatíng ■„"J jpnnty, three uoceMiTi -Het-k previuuí tosaio fSj (Atrnecopy.) , BXRAM J. BEAEQ 13B JuJ at l'robat. Estáte of Hugh Vaughn. STATE OF MICHIOAJÍ, Connty nf Wiul.ten, Ata msionoftlie Probate foiirt for thecWiÜ htenaw, holden al the Probate Offiee ?„?? atyof Ann .day, the twealySttto ot June, in the yenrone thounand ciglit huniM nnd ee-enty-one. ""mm i'v ut. Hirara J. Benkes, Jndgeof PMhatt 1 .'".''T ""lttl'r of tht! l-'st:'tc of Hogh v'sugiu, Margarpt Ysibn. A'linitiir,trix aml Micii Walah, adminkttutoi iwiiinon ofaaid eetotemS. in Cpwrl and re team that they re ow prcwredS I heir tin.,1 account aa such AdminiMruriViS Adminiatntor. ' ThewapoB it is orderod, tliat Mondav, the twmi, fourth dny ol Jnly mx!, ut ten o'doik in the tai" 11 ■ "; assigiwl tor oxaminiog nnd illuwin „,,.i account, .nul thnt the heir nt tawofsoid ileceaS-Tj all otter persons intensted in uid estáte nwT qnired to :ip]H;,r at a sewon of uid i 'om t t.n t0 " nolden at the Probate ottioi.-, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Connty, and ahow eaine, ir anTttw hu, why the i:iiil account ahould uot iw aUovedi AnJ il :- furtbex ordered thal asid Adminiatratrix d Admii lotice to the persona in(erit,lin ■ the i-Midencyof said account, nnd t! '"■■""f th '■ '■:■ ■ -.v-.f thb order tela publi-lnil ui the Michlgm Argut a nempaper printrf and erroolaring in said (oimty, three BUcccmrrewtiS prerions t-. uid afhaaiuwr. [A trno CTijjy.j TB1B.A M .T. BE A K ES, iJi'-li Judireof l'ioba'te. Estato of WUlimn H.CoL STATEOF Mil HKÍAX. Countyof Wnhtcw „ At aseacionoi th, Probate (tourt lor o.n'ntr of as!ii...iaw, holden at the Probate Office inu City of Ann Arbor, onTbundsy. the t-.v.-mj-'-troS day of Jnne, in the v;ir thouaand eLl dred and Bcventy-one, '. . Hhidn J. Beakea, .Tuil-c of Prohnte In tb,, matter of the Estáte of Wilham a Cook. - ';. Ailminiütratrjx of xiiil estáte man menta that sl.c is now ncwmi Ier her flnal account as uch Admüústríirii supon It ordered, that Monday, the tweorrJnly next, at ten o'olpck In the Corawá igned ior exnminmg anrt allowine sufh i ivmnt, and that th,; ln-irs at law of suid deceatal an.l all ot!i-r persons intensted in kiM eatf arsrequlred toappearat a semten of aaid Conrt tbai to be holden at the Probate Office, in the I Ann Arbor, in saU Kmnty, and show cnuse if mr ''■'■'■ '" . why the ai,l acmunt touW Lot bê allowed : And it is tartaar ordered, that said Admin. . give notie to the persons ïnlereited ia y ol " Miiil aciowiit.andthe hearing thereof, hy nuaiag a capy of this order te bc pnblishedinl H ■ Iryu, a nevspapar,prÍBta1 and uiruulating in said eounty, tbrea suasi9 . I day ..f hearing. (A tru.. copy.) HiüAjr .1. HKAKES, Judgo of Probate. Estut of Geo. Gotts, Sen. STATE Off MICHIG AJÍ , Cotthty of Wasfatensv.fJL At n session of the Probate ('ourtfortheConntTuf Washrenaw, holden at the Probate Office, iatbi of A-m Arl.Di-. mi Wedneeaay, the twenty-Antdajtff Juno in the ya)r ono thousand eight limuhed uui serení -one. t, Iüt;im J. Beakes, Jodge of Probate. In tlio matter of the estáte of Georgc üutt, wnior, doceased. On nadtng nnd film? the jx'tififin, dnly vcrifliti, of M;iry Gotrs, prayfng thst Edwin Jaelroon, oramw other enitable peñón, nooy be ippointed adniia&n. box f t he estáte of smí1 otea - huí MonJay, the íwenftmtth -!.iy of .Tuly nwet, at ten cfclock in tht D,beamfgiied for thehearfngaf saidpetítía, and thai , lawof saidfieoeínd, and Hlloth6i' pi roone Lnt lOdted io Baid estáte, are required to appt-iirMt h -. ssfon of said Coort, then to be holden, ut t!ie Probate Office, in tlie City of Ann Arbor, and ■howoatiae.ii any tbere be, irhy the prnyer of the petition p be gimntcd: And it 'is further thai Bftid petitioneT eive notice to thepenonii ■ li'.ul the pendency of nid petition, and the h uring thereof, by causing n copy uf thu a in Michigan Arynt, newsprinted and circulating in wücl i:ountj-, three raoo - ive w tks previous to and dey of hcarine. (Atmecopy.) HIBAMJ. iíi:aki:s, 133B Jadgoof Trobate. Estáte of Obed A. Alvord. STAÏKOFMTCITHfAN, Cotmty of WaihWaw, At n eanop of the Probate Court for Uw Govnfcv of i the Pronite Ottiee, in the City of Arm Albor, on Tnosday, tibe twenty-seventhdayof Juno, in the yuar one tliuusund cight hundied and sfvent y-oiic. Present BUftón .T. Bcakoi, .Tudpreof Probate. i:i the matto of the estáte of übed A. Alvord, deeeaaed. On reading and filinfi the pttition, duly verified, of Bnsebia -M. Alvordj praying that a wriain instniment now on file in thisooört, pui-iwrtiog tu be the !ast ttont of said deceaaed, may be admitted to pnjbiíí'-. and that she, David S. Alvord and Pure lvoil may he appointed Ksocutors then ;. mponit is oxdexed, that Mouday, the twentyfourth iliiy of Jitly next, at ten o'clock in the foienüon, tic aaslgned tor hearing of said petitiou, andliiatthe i hrirs at l:tw of said deceascd. uid all otbor persons interested in said estato, are required to nppeax ai a ■'lli of siiid Court, then to be holden, at the Probate Office, in th City of Anu Arbor, and Bhow oause, if any there be, why the prayei of theytitioner ahould not be gxóntea: And it is further ordi"ed. that síiid petitiomr ttive notice to the iitrscns i!-, ot ue Modeney of aud ptfr t ion, tiiil the hearing thereof , t' eausiuira copy of this order to be pubUahed. in tibe Mit&igan Afpt nevt papf-r printed and oirOTÜating in said ('ounty, thre6 wriks prcvïoua lo oaid day ot' hearinfr. .KFS, 1M Judjieof l'robate. Chancery Notioe. OTATK OF MICHIGAN.- Thé Circuit Court fot the County ol Waahieuaw : lu Chuncery. 3ULAKY M. SA.VAGB, Ctimphiinnnt augustus ík savage, Dffthtlnnt, It antisfao'orily appéaring to this f 'oiirt by affidavit that the iletv-vtilant. Augustus Savags, is uot ■ ut' thifl State, bul resides in the state oL Illinois; on motten of Feloh fc (runt. soHefton for bomplainaut, it. 's ocdeied tlmt the defendant csuw hifl appearanée to enteied withm tliroomoiiílisiiom the date of thii order : ftad ttaat m eaae f hta ;ipywftrItiy. ha cause li answer to the oomplaipant'B t'ill to be dled, aiiï copy theroof tp ba seneil on tlie oomphin olieitors within twentydaB aftcr srrviccof ft copy ofsaid ; ili of complaint, andnotioeof this order, .mil' In defauli thereof, fh;tt thn said bilí be taken na ■ ■I by the aaid dofendant. And it is furlltcr .. that within twentï daya the siiid complain;ii:i c :i cöpy ot' tliis order to be publwht'd in the Michigan Argiu, i oewKpapw printad in snicl ouunty of V:is)iteuaw, and that tiie ]siiblicAtion -enntinue at least once n weck i'r six veékl ts iniuiuiJllii. w ili;it sheonose a copyoftirii order to be powonato Berrwl on Ui1' s&id defendant aoocsding to the rules ai1 praoti ■-■ of thia ( ïovrU DateU, Juue27th, 1871. FELCK&OUAXT, 1328 qmnlHmast8 Soheitore. t7ídglüves7 I have 20 dozen of" the CKLSBRATBD EHPEBS8 KID GLOVESM' In tho most exqulsite shades, for one dollnr Ptt'r' i:;j-.-!f .1. H. MAYNABD. ÜÖFSALE. ftu nnderalitned offi-rs for sale her residence I tbe vlllage of Hullue : lwolarge Iota, dcsirably cdicd, wlih .-i good house, dstb, wati-r, fruit. ï- COBIOTITAdtant S:iliae, Juno 14lh, 1811. IMMM VÜTICE. I hercwith fortiul nvy ouo tn hnrluir or trnítsuy of my threé danghten. Katbrine, Auna nml Eli_ beth, on my acoount. u 1 will not he responsiw lor the payment ofstty iebtl coutraclcd i T aamo flfter thifi d&te. íq BUS II ELS OF CHOICK GRAY BUCKWHEATr FOKSr.IJD, for sIo a% ic Acricnllnral WarcAnu Arbor, June Ut, IST1. i;:jiwi Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for clioice Wines and Liquorf , for Medical Purposes . - . ■■■■■! I ■ ■ ■ - -


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