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consumptioñ; lts Cure and lts Prcvontive. BY J. H. SCHENCK, M.D. Many ft human bolns liíis pnssod uwny ir wlio?o di'utfi Uwnwu no otker roason tfaan Lhe negleot of known and tndlsputably proven nMMUM f cure. ThOftG neur and dear tofunilly and fricncls uro BÏeoping thö Urctuutt-si slum bcr tulo whlch, luultuey calwlyadopted IR. JOSEPU H. BCHKNGK'S UUPLX TREAT.tlEXT, nnd nvnlied thumselve of hls wimlirfutty ofncaclous medicino-. Out would not hare fallón. Dr. Schonck has In hts own cast' prorod thnt whrrevcr sufTicient vltitfity rcmains, that vitüllty. hy hts medldnefl and his direetimisfur tïielr use, isqulckcncd lafeO heallhful vigor. In thts statement thpff In nntiitna pre-sumptnoiu. To the faith f tlie Invmlld Ia mudo represan tallón tliiit Is not ;v thoutaml vu batan ttutèd by living And risible works. Tho tlieory of tiio otire by Dr. 'Schonck'B medicino is as viiip ;h it is nnfailing. 1 1" phtlOSOphy rejuires no argument, lt is Mjlf-assurinar, self-convincfng. The weed Ton te and ftfandraka Pi tl :trp the fl rut two w,-;i.-Mis with whicli the citadel of the i..;i i.iy is assailed. 'l'wo thiMs of tin cit-tcs of conatiniptton 'oritfinute In dysppsfa ani functUututly dlsorderod li vir. With iliis comlillon thu brouhlul tntCA " synipiithize" with the stomuch. They rcspinU to tho niorbilicactionof tho llrer. Hete then cnnes th culliiiriiintiir rt'sult, :uil the SCtttll lil, Wltll Uil ttL Uiatresalntf symptuni, of CONSUMPTION. The Nfnndrnkí Ptltaara rriniV)cil of onoof N;itnrps n-iiiii'?t tri f ts- tho PodopliilUuii IVlt-ittum. Thoy psnh all tin h! '■.i-fM':utriuiiii, 4iItonitlT propertlcsoí cal j:h''], but, unlikc euluiucl, Lhoy 44 LEA VE NO STIXG BEIIIND." Tlm Trork of onro i.i tiott "hosrinntnff. The Itloied nnd mucous deiMits in thc boweluftnn !n thettlimtintary canal aro ofoctod. The iiwr, like u cltck, 1 wounLup. It aroiisfi.i froni it tnrmdttr. The stomucti aák reansivtíly, muí Uiopnuent beina to feel tlia-t be i i gt-tting, ut laít, A SrPPI.Y OF GOOD DI. 001). The Sott-weod Tonic, In ímiiJ inctlon with the Plllü, MVeitM and uttniíatiui wttl tho ftuKl. ("hylification ís nuff prOftreïufDB vrltnOHt Hp prt'rtni5 tori urefl Dijiestiin hicoTífü pslñloss. and tlu cura Ís sfeii to be at hand. Thore ís no rtitife flitnRnce, uo exucürbntiun of the stoniach. An appellt" lw Ih. Nnw comea t;ii grpatot I3lw 1 luriftr ever vet piven by an lnrtiilfcfntf)Uh."T li MifTprlntínian. BobeDOk! PiiImontO Syrup eumofl i-i lo pertotm it fnnrttoiiüand t" buten and Onniploia UiQ cure. It ontern iit once opon Itswortc natura cao nt bi1 cheutvd. it eollecta anrt ripiMis tho lmpuired and dlacawd portions oí Cha iu.:-'. ln tlio furui of KHthftrlngH, it preparas them for ZpeotOAnon, umi lo! in n vtiy Snnrl time the mittady is vanquishod, tho rotto turone ibut it oceupied Ín ronoTued und mude aew, uul tuo p.ttiont, in til tho dlfcnity "f vetrakncd vl'"1'; ttteps íoitli lo ajuy the nuuhood ur iromaoliooa tuHtWM tilVEN ÜP AS LOST. Th ep'níl thïiiR Is, thrt p:itients mut Rtny In ftwarra POOK mi til thoy boC woll ; It la nliiioítt Impossible to ire7fnt takin i cold when the lungi nr? di.enspd, but It mnxt be preven tod or a cure can it befltoctod. Krcsh air and rdiTif? nuf, epeciüUy in thts ection of the cnuntry, in tho f:ill und winter BCiion. are 11 wronjj. Physicians who rocomniend that. cutirse loso ttaelr patteinS. If tliOir Iihiks ur badly dlsensed and yet, hecauso they are ín th-r hooaa tliey nn;st nct slt down qn u-t ; they nnint iralk nbout tho room as much atid MfMstas tho strenmh wtll bear, to Kvt np :i '■i circulation of blood. Tho )atients mnst kerp in ftood spirits- be dotormlned to pttwoll. This ha a :rnt denl to dü wiih tlio nppetite, and ís the greut point to gani. To dospnlr of cure nfter snch orhïenre of f tu po?slblltty in the worst gum. und moral cei-tuinty in II others. is sinful. I)r. Schencks pcronn1 statement to the Faculty of his own cure was ia ti. esc xuode! words: " Many ynrs asro T wnsln the Int jtapfs of eonBwnptloni contlncd to my bod, und r.t one tl-iiiA mr phyfücians thouxht tl.ut I eoQld not live a work ; then', like a drowniíiK man cutchinpr ot Mruns, I hcard oí and obtained the preparutíons hl.h I now offer to the public, and they iuaUo a perfect cure ol me. It seemod to me that I couUl feel thera ponetrnte my whole system. They poott rlpened the matter in my lungs, and 1 would ppit u;# more than a pint of ■ íTVutivi' roHow matter every mornlnfr for a long time. As soon as that beftan to Bubude. niycongh, feyer, paiiiH. and niííht sweiii ni! bucaa to lcavo me, nnd ray uppi'fite bccjime so tíreat that it ws witïi diffictilty thnt ] could keep trom eatlng loo niucti. I Boongaindujy strenffth, ind have jrrown Ín fltsh eremlnce. "1 was weiched ulmrtiy fter my recoTcry, " added t+ie Doctor, "then lonking like n roere keleton; my weipht was nttly nïnety-seven pounds; uy present welRhtts two hundrod and twonty-flTe(225)pounds, and f or years I have enjoyed unlntcmijited heulth." J)r. Schenck has llscontinod his profesa Ion al visits to New-Vork and Boston. lio or hls non, lr. j. H. Sohenclc, Jr., sttll continue to nee patients ut their dfflco. No. 15 North Sixth Street, rhiladelphia, every Batardu fr-irn 9 A.M. to 3 im. Those vlm wlsh a thoroiiph oxamínation with the Bos pi rometer will be charped $5. The Rt'Sphonietrr declnre the exact coiuiition of the lunK. and patients cun readily loaru whethf r ther are curable or not. Tho direct lons for taking the medicines are adíipted to.theintelllgence even of a child. Kollow these di rection, and kind Nature wiM do tho rest, excoptintf tnflt in sorae casos the Mandrnke 1'iHs re to be taken in inerenaed doses; the throo medlcinos need no other accompttnJments than thc nmple Instructlons thataccompany them: Flrt creóte nppetlte. Of rcturning hcalth, Ijuiil'it Is the must welcomo nymptom. When it comes, as it will come, lot the despair ing at once be of good cheer. Good blood at once folluws, the cuuwh looscns, the niulit, swe:it is abated. In a short time bothof these morbid syinpimus ure gone f oro ver. . Dr. Schenck's medicines are constantly kept in ten of thousands of families. As a laxativo or purgativo trio .Mandrake PíUh are a standard prepararon ; u hikj the Pulmonta Syrnp, ns n cure of couIih und colds, may be remtrded osa propbyluctcric agutDtcunuaip tion in any of its forms. Prtce of ttie Pulmonic Syrup nnd fiea-weea Tonlo, tl.&Oa bottle, or VtJBA a half doitíin. Mandrake Pili, 36 ccots a box. For sale by all drugists and Ueulers. HÜRIiBUT & ED3ALL, 32 LakK Street, Chicago, 111., "Wholesale Agenta. EW GOODS BEOEIVET. fimTLewis i CALL THE ATTKNTION OF THE PEOPLE OF XHE CITY AND COUNTRY TO THEIREXTENSIVE AND WEIJL ASSORTED STOCK OF SKASOKABLE GOODS IN TUK LINE OF BOOTS -A-ISTID SHOES, Which they now have In tTO. and to which constant iiilihiinns will bc made throughont the eoaeon' The goods which we oflfcr are new and fresh from the b' :i'tuiy, aml iu uil cudcb will be fuuud as rep. resented. EVERT DES'UUPTIOif OF LIGHT AND HEAVY WORK, FOR MKS, HO'Ili-V A.D 11 1 1 lIt i; . We have the EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE ('KLEBRATED C1I.I' BOOTS A.M) SUOES, IVImle by JAMES M. BURT, OF N. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTH IN STOCK AND WOIJK, AIbo the EXCLUSIVE SALE oí RBYNOLD'S BRO'S. I. A UI IS FIXESHOES OF EVERY STYLE The above work is far supc-rior to any herotofore KFJEfi uffered in thie t-iLy and we guarantee it iu evcry partienlar. aiidsrll it al TE.X PER UE.V1. below Detroit Pricos, ou the sume gooda. AM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTÖGRAPHER 1 RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATIYES BEFORE PRINTING, SO THAT FBECKLLS,MÜTI1SANÜTAN Do not sliow in any of bis Pictures. No Extra Charges. úcú MvuUmwmtï TUTlCllMiAtt WACHINEBV DEPOT. M G. S. WORMER & SON, Dealers in :i!l kinds of Woexï .& Ii-ori "Worlring Maohinery. 95, int nnd 103 Jfflernon Ave, Detr'l, Mich. --ijiitisTA ni:ui.n, j WESTERN 8TKAM 1VCA.R,'33XJE "W O 3R, KS . Manaa!tareri of Ifaroleand Hadriefoed Mnn'es C .ïnnet. iitid lMumbers Stook, Monumental nnd t'emctry Work of every descrlption on hand. Aleo dealers in Gratos r r. M"nroo Ave. and Farmer st . Detroit Mlrh r. Ciikipta. Oro. P. MriiMNö. TAMIOS NAIX JR.& CÍO., ,J Di-nlersin CAilPETS AND DRY 0001) ! S7 Wooihv.ird Avo., cor. Larned St. N. H. We have an immense todc and will scll go ds I-w onough to make it au ul'ject for those in th ! ni.Tiur to bayofns. CAKPKIB, wo uuke a gpcclalty. c -.o. s. fiiost o. VT CKiis. Nuble. (Jeo, S. Front. C. W. Noble. ïta; and FABMIxra LANDS pon sat.k In evcry put of this Stnte and the United Statee DETROIT. " K. SwlsSc Co., INDU3ÍRIAL AOBNCY ! For wpplylDg every doscrintlon of Iniliislry 7riTT3C XjABOH. Oftlcewilh OHOKGK S. FROST CO., Detroit, - - - - Michigan. JAOTUS JEHK8, rBstAbllabcd 18M.) Daler in all kinds of AND SUI'PLIES, Also Aircnl lor UulPs l'ulcnt Shinglc iflacliiuo. 20 Atwater street Kast, 1 etween Bates and Randulph atreata, Detroit, Mich, 6 dut wat 1 1; ftünöiiT.nië i r, r U In the bright Lexicon o( youth, which fate roflcrve f' r his young manfatiud, there is 110 such word as fail. Randaü's Circasian Cream Wash WflB novcr kn-wn tn f.iil t" Freckle, Pimples, Mot-h P tchw. Tan, &c. . If used a per line ti 'il.-, mul pt-rievered In. II yonr druint hae nul i?ot it, teil hiin to eend for it. J. J. RiNDAT.I.. Pmprietnr. FishcrBlock, Detroit, I)INK AN FAItmiA IANS.-We Í od'er for sale 25.0'H) cree of Valuable l'lne and Farmiii" Landa on Time, at Trices ranjrlng from #C to #1O 3Pr.ore 6.88:t acrc of these ï i in? Lanila are located on the Wiaconain River. 9,620 acri:f on Waters leadlng to Cheboygan or I);ih':hi Mich. 640 ere' on the Andrés River. S,l00 aeren on Thunder lifiy waters, leading to Alpev. 85ft acrep on the Tltlbawsgie Klver. 2.200 acre in Gladwin Co., Mfeh.. fof Farms and Timber. 1 873 acrert Choice Mineral and Hrtrri Timiier Lauda near Ontonajron, '2,000 aertrs Prairie land in Nebraska. neartheUnion Pacillc Railroad. 000 acres good IfarralDg Land in Gratiot connty, $8 to $5 per acre. Tff Many of thee Landfl arewortli tlie pilce we ask for them foi Farminj pnrposcs aftr the Tlm ben c:it. For full deecription, hm aud term, Bcud for Ulrculur. I). PUESTO & CO., Banken, Detroit, Mich. A R. & W. F. LINN, Maniifactarern of Ground foflees, Spices, itlnstard, etc , clr. And Wholesale Dealers In TEAS AND QE0CERS' SUNDRIES ! ! 220 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. TOIIX C0P1.AXD, Manufacturer and 'J Wbolcsale dealer in a large raricty of Crackers, 'Snaps And Bisen il s. Order? Holicited aud Ulied at market price. Send lor Prlce List Heel Oven Sn-am Bakery, corner Randolph and Woodbridgc streets, Detroit. LOERT . FIEKCE & CO., XX WHOLESALE JtVS-"Vr C3rjBCSJaSBS9 35 Woodward Avenue, DKTKOIT, - - - MICHIGAN. HUGH JOHN3OW, Manufactnrer of and dealer n CARRIAUES, BÜGGIES AND SLEIGIIS ! A Une aKsortment of the latest Rtylcs of homc-raade aud BaMtern Carriaes, iDcluding Laxdaoi, Claafnoe and Family Carhi-ku from the eelebrated factory of J. Mott & Co., Iïridgeport, Conn., cönstantly ou hand and furnlshed to order. Nos. 90 lo 108 Lamed St. west, cor. Oass St. Detroit Carnaje Maniifacturers. JOHN PATTON &SON'. Are oiTt-rinu' the largest and best aesorlment of CARRIAGES & BUGG1ES IN TnE WEST, At Oreatly Redn-fd Price. All work made nnder otir own BaperrUloB, and Fii.i.y Wabbantki. Factory and Warc-ronms corner Woodbridge and Brash Streete Detroit. For Threshing. eawins Wond, MlakiriB Cider, Steairiintr rFood for Cattle, tec D. E. R10K, Mauufacturer. 191 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT. GDOELTZ & BROTHEB, Importer and bealera in FA.KTCY GOO3DS ! Toys, Yankee Notions, Hosier}', Laces and Trimmings, AND MANUFACTURERS OF CIIILDREN'S CAIlltlAGBS, BASKETS AND Sleighs, Ño 80 aud 82 Woodward Avo . Detroit. Transplant Now.- Fruit nnd Ornamental Trees, Skrubs. Rosus, Grape Vines, and all the -mail fruits Grt-eu House aud Heddiut; Plante, Duhlias, Gladiolt, 'lube Bones, Maderia Viues, &c, should be planted after the middlc of May. Seïbs of tho best varieties - Field Vegetable and Flower, all new. Astblsi the llrst yoarof oureeed trade, we have no oldaeudstn hand A very large stock of the moderate rates. Addresa, WM. ADAIR, Detroit. TÖHJllr7 ABPHLETT, tl WUOLBBA.LF. DRALKR IN E0CKINQHAM & Ohio ST0NE WAEE GLASS AND STONS FRUIT JAR3. Send for Price Liat. 6-4 fc 6O "Woodbridge Stroet "West, DETROIT MICH. CM Hl I. i:lil Iti.ll, Billlard Table .Ilanu facturer, with Dki.akei's Patent Steel Wire C'isbions, 9, 100 and HV2 Randolpb Street, Detroit, Mich. Branch: St.Joseph, Mo. I also mnufacture Pioonhole, .Irnny Lind and BasatellTablesand do all kinds or alterinc and ropairlntr. Keep always on hand Seeoud haad Tables and all avmá appertaiuini; to Büliards. HowliiiK I'ius and BSnis for salo. Abo all kinds of iriiuiuiug done. SAM. B. KEVEN AUGH PHOTÖGRAPHSa MAKES ALL K1JNDS OF P1CTURES from 'nu SMALLEST LOCKET TO (THE LIFE SIZE, AND FINISHESTIIEM IN INDIA INK1 OIL, OR WATER COLORs ! IN A SÜPPERIOR MANNER. 13:J-!y. No, 30HUROSTUEE X. Go toR.W.ELLIB & CO's i for choice Wines and Liqunn for Medical Purposes .


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