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Chief Justice Chase On The "new Departure."

Chief Justice Chase On The "new Departure." image
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A i. potter of the N. Y. Herald has b ■■ a nterviewing Chief Justioo Chase on the ■iiiw iTcpartuTc " tBoreiaent. The fol.owing is an extract from the published repori of the interview! "Doyou thiiik Vallaadigbam'8 death will have anyaerioua effect upon the " new leparture" movement, of which he vas the author?" " No sir, I do not. Thnt is gure to go dn uutil it oovera the wholo country. 1 don't i-i -ii ■ 1 Ui r :m y politica) movexneni tha( has made iodeep animpression upon parties and apon the country as thu one which may be said to have been inaugurated by Mr. Vallandigham. Had be livcd it treuld naturalfy have given him greal fluenoe not only with the Democraoy, but with the honest, thinking men of ii 11 parties; fr this moveiuent, I think, oomraéndsitself to the best inen in the Ropublioan party aswell a the Democratie." "I have heardsomo men. Mr. Chief Justice, say tlmt had VaUandigham lived ho would probably have oome over to the Hepublioíin organization. What do you think of it ? " " Oh ! no ; th:vt's ft great mistftke. All the Eepublioanfl he wantod wouW havo oome over to him. Thert would havo been no oooasion for him goi'ig to them. jMi VaUandigham fortunately disoovere whn many Bepnblioans had been Looking fo - a platform upon which the honost, pat riotic men of both parties oould ooine to gother." After a brief pause the Chie Justice added thoughtfully : " It is only qncstion of time." " Ihen you think some of the Kèpubli oana wül jointhe"new departure" move ment ï " " Weil, yes ; I think thoy will. It look to me likc the nucleua of u new partj Thcro aro a great many people wnoare diasatified with both parties. Thi anxious for a different order of things The war is over and the pi peaoe. The Republicau party, I leaa . leaders, roem beni upon pei petuating the n r an tluis keeping alive the foeling of hatret and sectionaUsm which egonderod ii. Thi is destructive of the b ;' ''' Beotions. Bomo'of the Domoorats, on tb otherhand, pt the results o the war, but 1 don't believe theirnu aro formidable al all." ■ il seoma thai Jeff. Etavis, füock St ph cns, I -I a few ui ii of tl.. i class in. Uu; South are onwilling to accep ituation." Atflrsttho Chief Justice made no ro i thia statement, but after a while h said : "Davishaa been octing very foolishl; of late in eó eeohes. I nvthcr thin 1 j ■ ■ has been misrepresented to sonio ex tent by the reporters, but ho would b,a dono better to bave pursued fchocoursé b did atfirat, and have rcfused to mak bes. Davis, Btephona and T represent bu) a small olassofthe peo pie al ''" South. í bolierve tha ges of thqm accept the resulta of tiie wa ingoodfaith. Yousee some ofthemo innuential of the Southern newspapei repudíate the utteranoes of kheso toen." "What effect will the " new departuro movement havo iipun tho eleetion of Pres ideni in 1872?" " 1 ehould think it would havo n ; influenco upon that eloction. A deal, of course, deponds a dates and the platforms. If the Dem crats nomínate a good man, who will oom mand the popular confidonce and plac him upon the " new doparture " pial Eoru he will, I think, stand a ffood chance i being electod. There is a greaj deal i faction with tho Republican party Many people who aro nnxious for ■ e btal tire can aoi have peaco between the Nortb and South while the Republioan party n mainsin power. Bcforo the harmony is restored there must proclaim ■!. Now, wliilo tbere urea nuinber of prominent men in tho Republican party - men liko Greeleyand Butler wbo favor goneTal amnesty, the masa of the leaders of the party are against it. Yon remember last winter how Congross refused to pass an amnesty bill ? " "The Eepublicans seemtobe ooncen■ rant as their oandidate. What will he Demócrata 1 '■ " " I don't know. There aro n numbor of good men wliose names havo boen nientioned, and ouc of whom would make :i good President. I suppose tho Elepubli cans will re-nominate Grant ; they loti't sirin to havo any great number of availuble candidatos." " They think Grant is tlioir istrongest man ': " "Well, so he is, T Buppose;and yot I anderstand there i ■ adorable opposition among Bomeofthe Eepublicana to his renomination." "Tho Republicana lay a great deal of stress upon the í:i;t that he luis colleoted tin; revenue, paid o)t'tli(! debt, and settlod the Alabama question ': " "Tho Seoretory of tho Tréasury, I think, deserves quite as much credit ir oollooting the revenue and payingoffthe debt as tho President. Governor Boutwell bas boonvery fortúnate in lus management of the Trcasury ; but after all it is tho people who pay oif Öie debt. They would do it aa readily with any other man in the White House s Grant. To be sure, his friends give him the credit of it, but the people deservo tho praise." , 1 ■ i fc Ui


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