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Rail Road Meeting

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A cominittcc of thy stockholdors banng met tho Directora o f tlm T. A. A. & S . 14. K. Co., and nimio i oMoful oíamination of tbo affiiirs of tho oompany, the following uorrospondonoe was liad timt. ilf : ' Tin-; T. A. A. & N. li. K. Julyyd.í.i. } ILiiX. ]■".. I . 1 ; ; i'i'n. .;' Stocklíolden ('■., i: ■ :-; - xiie Board (rf Directo of the Toledo, Ana Axboi ;nil tTorthcrn 11. i;. Co.i boing cnrnirtly desirous ot' tlio rciiy complction oí tho road to Aun Arlioi', as g tbat ílií' acoeptanos of the Eollowing projjoaition wili socure ti i ilcsired end, do hereby aubmit t ï t ■ ■ same. The present Bubsoriptiona snd pledgoa to take Btooh are underatood to be in oxcis oí' two hundred thouianá dolíais. Tho Board will u&ite with ten responsible citizuns to be obtaiaed i'.y the uommittee, in guaranteeing it ut two hundred thousand dollars responaible subscriptions and pledges - t h; one hundred and thirtylivi! tliousauil iiiiiuiuiilly liold ly the Direotors and rilit of way not includod. They will then join with tha committei iu t.ho necesMry stciw to saoure thousand additional Bubecriptione 01 donations, of which thoy themselves, will iukf ton thousand, and so soon aa the as&ete amount u fcwo bundred and fit'ty bhousand, in these wayB made roasonably secure, they will enter apon the oonstruction of tho work. And they are willing uu! i! isirousof having the benefit Di' the advioe and assistanoe of tho cojumittc.! as to tho proper steps to be taken ie ] Toper persons lo bc omployod to secure suooese. lf this proposition is aooepted, tho Board will umlertake to complete tho road to Aun Arbor and run it, and to that end will take isutnediate steps to put tlio road nader contract. An early and wrjfcten reply isdosirod. Vci.y respeotfully, Your ob't. scv't., SILAS II. DOUGLASS, 1'l'uS. ifco. As A.BBOB, July 3d, 1871. Hón. II. D Pratt. of tb T. .1. .!. & X. .'. ,'. Co., IkttrSr: - The Conimitteo appoini - by tho recent meeting of si(;klioldors o t!ie Toledo, A. A. & X K. lí. Oo,, to oon fér with tbc Board of Directora, have re euivcd and had ander consideration tb pi'opositions submitted by -you to tliem and in reply to them the oommitte WOtlld s:iv, ■'.■■i' - TUat they will recommend to the meeting of stockholdors that may b called by you, tho procuroment "i' tei responsible oitizens, wno, with the Boan of Directors of said company, will guaT antee that the present Bubscriptiona ■.:, plodgea tur the building of said road, onc BUOh Othora :is may be obtainud, if". sary, shall be good and responsible sub scriptinns, pledges and donationa to tli iiniuunt of two hundxed thousand diiiiT exclusive of the one hundrod and ihirly five thooaand dolíase of stock held by th Directors, and of tho subscriptions mie pledges i'or the right i' w&j. Second - The committec will also ree ommend that a snbsoription ordonatioi of iit'ty thousand dollars, the Director taking ten thousand of the saino, bc add ed to the amoimt already raised, and tha they will, if tiio proposition bo adopted by said meeting, join wjth the Directors, if desircd, in the necessary steps to secure satd amount. And the oommittee further pledge U said Board, that they will chce!' said Board in any and all ways, dosirablc, to accomplisii the great object, the oompletion of tho contemplated road. And perinit us to congratalato the Board oí Directora on the present pros])ects of success, teelinir eonfldenl that tüe inoííting of stockholderg will sanctlon the neii'ui ui' comniitteo, and that the building of this road wül be tho surc precursor of other important imp ineiits, A'i'iy rcspectfully, Your obediont servanta, E. LAW BENCE, Ch'n. C. MACK, JOHN X. GOTT, J. D. UALDWiX. Tn conformity with the above requost a meeting of tho stockholdors and all othors interestcd in this highly important enterprisc, is aalled ut tho Court House, on Priday, July 7, at 'J o'clock P. lf. A general attendance is reqiicstcd.


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