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The French Elections

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l'Aiíis, July '-, midnight, via Londox, Jnly 3, 2:80 a. m. - Tho elections uil' without dÍ8turbance, and littlé i ment was apparont thronghout the day. The city is perfectly caira to-night. N' idea of' the resuli :;m be formed no til nomine. Thore ia no doubt of thi tion ut' IJambotta in tho Dopnrtment of the Lower Beine. No definite roturna have been receivod from the other departments. Pabis, July 3. The returns indícate the election of fifteen moderate republicana. Gambetta is retumed. Siech states that tho anny did not vote. The election oí' Gambetta, Wallowski, IJouvot, PuiiKilet, Pressiuse, Cissoy and Andró :irc certain. The returns are still meagre, but it is probable that the Parisiiin proas unión hassucoeeded in elooting fiftoon of Lta candidates. Oí tho radica) list ( ;unbí't1:i ulonc WBS SUCOesSful. Til many distriets only a two-thirda vote wras polled. The workmen all votod for Oambetta and Hugo, wrho are the candidatos (í'eetod for the firsi section it' the geventh arron dissement of Varis. The returns from Sceaux are favorable to the govenunent oundidato. París, July 8. A dispatch from Bordeaux announoes that four republioana have been óhosen from the Department of Girondo to the AsscMibly. 'fhe republioana cast 66,000 votes, t.'iu imperialiats 18,000 and tho royalistfl 10,000. General Faidhcrbe and M. Tcstciiin, republicans, have been eleoted frora tlio Department of the Nord by n two-thirda vote. The Departmente of I' :is de Calais and Somme have also ohoses Gen. Paidherbo. The Department of Aisne elesta Bevel, republiean, and the Department of the Seine [nfereure c moderate republicans. Only two monarchista are choBon from Paris. Au approximate to the insult of the eleotion in thirty-iour departments, exolueivo of thai of Besiono, is M republicans and V2 consorvatives. Vi:i:sa!i,i,!-s, July 3. It is n ow considerad certain that eighty orninetyof Ehe one hundred andfourteon deputies ohosen yeaterday to the As■ are moderato republicans and will support the administraties of Thiers. Gambetta hu-: boen returned to the Assembly from the Dopartmenta of tho Beine and Oi ■. .MM. Duvergiei and M are among the suoeessful candidatos. M, Bouher i i I ifeated in the Department of Chatente [nforeure.


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