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Local And Other Brevities

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- Yestei'ilay - ohowery. - This uiicrnoon - a rallroad meetin.:. -Work on Cook'a Hotel is in progresa. - WakTED - O reen backs ou advertising, jobwork and Akgijs account. -Tltt Ho.rd of Regenta are to meet on Taesrliiy evcnlng ncxt, the ilth. - Tlie cnntractors are crowdlng woik oathe Unlvcrsity Hall foundation - The Chinese pagoda, alias liose tower, ius boen ocnamcnted by ;i lightnlng rod. -Dr. Cocsjut responded to a toast !■ tbeLiiiversity at the banquet in Detroit on the 4tii. - I'rogressing - the block nortli of the Conrt House - wltli a peaky hitch or two bctirceii uwners. - Emmi'.tt X. 1'ai.mkii lias been appiontri local surgeon of tlie Htcbigao Southern üailroad, at Manchester. - Two men, a bear and a flddle !i:ï tem eotertainlng street corner aodlences fora day or two i our city - In tht marktt - new potatoes. Also ntpbei'ries, wborüebetrlefi, currants, 1114Dotepeaciie8, and ripo .-i pies- so called. -IUHDor-PH Róokrb Is reportcd7i route fotuto Uitlve huid. We shall probably see hhninourcity soon aftcr hts "sliip cornos Ju." - .Y. W, CHKEVBR, Ksq., of thla city, dc'ircreJ au oration bclorc tlie Alumni of T0flWeh High School, Tiiui-sdav of last. mefc. -The wcatlicr on the 4th was dHiglit folforcelehrations, iarge or stnall, picnics, ficiirsions, etc. Couldu't have been bettmd. -The mineral sprlogs in nnd abovit this cilr bid fair toinake it a grnftt reaort for hcalth nekerg. - U. W. Er.i.13 has purchased a fine lot oM.vo. N. Gott, on División street, south f Liberty, and lias already broken ground 'ir a rcsidence. -The bell in the toucr of the nw City Bill, èt Detroit, weighs 7,600 lbs., almosl heavy as the out recently Invested in by or"clty father." --Commenccment at Vennont Univeriitvis set down for Thursday, Auir. 3l, lilerwlilch President Angelí, will socn remove his fainily to onr city. - The Porter Zouaves atteaded the celetation at Howell the 4th, report a big 'line, and iinanimously vote the citizens ol tliat placo liberal entertainers. -The upper joists ot the high school bailding additlon are on, and the walls will t up in a few rtays. The boilers are also Wng set and the team pipes put in. - Mis. Dr. Stone and son ol Kalama mo, with their party oryoung ladieü, sai led Irora New York on Saturday last, on the einwhlp Atlantic, lor an extended Europeau tour. - The wheat harvest has lairly comiwced, and withiu the coming week the op ifill öe almost cntirely secured A 'ge erop and of the flrst quality Is DOW Proniised. - No regular celebration was held here 0" the 4lli. The üeimans had a picnic at felief Park with the usual exercisej and iHual good time, otherwise the city was cecdingly quiet. -Adog with se.ven legs, eight feet, two tsl, and with but one body and head wa "uiting the curioslty of passers-by at the WttXBBBros. hotel, Thuisday mornlag. l' clead wheu found. - Thatsecond erop of potato bugs is on '!ic rampagc, and the old fears of ct;"!i (lire are agaln rife. Eland (plcklng, :tti Paris green, carbolate of liinc, and all if'rts of " pisen " are once more in order. -At thefrecent anniversary meeting of t!le Alumni Asociation of Harvard GolleSe, Jude Cooi.F.Y was elected an honor"ïmember : an honor worthily bestoucd, 'ni the more to be appreciated for its rarity. Hon. A. C. Iïai-dwin, of Pontiac, has ofcred his very valaable law Iil)rury, 1,750 'tonus, to the Unlversitv for $1(1.000. WMng $2,000 of the amount Mmself. lc parchase wlll probably be ordered at "e coming session of the Kegeots. - That was a glorióos rain on Monday "'S'it last. A heap of good was clone to spring crops aml garden sauce, with no ■njury tograss or vvheat, and besides the rwtsof villageand city, hlghwaju and ■yways were put in good condición for "i of Juiy proc ssions and excursions. - Ex-llayor Hakuiman has relamed ffom & month's ïlsit lo C.iliíornia. Owlng 0 cartlKiuskcg, successive seasons of lwath,and the Paclflo Rullroad, Califor ïiahas retrograded - to bta notion - since I'1 rcsiilence there waa termlnated. Wc Suessthathis loiiginKS to return and take uPliisaljocle there are among the thlngs 'hat wcre. - Jurtgc Kin-gsi,f.y is home trom a proOBged visit to his sons In Kansas. The Huistora report we Bacreedeci 1ö gettlDS at our " lutervlew" was Chat the coiU ;] ncurly as Uil as the treaa in the Couri House square - tliougli lic lU1n't say wnieh Irees. But thcn lie s;;i'l the yleld per acre - except in fodder, lf such slalka would malte fxlder - will not equal that In Utchigán


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