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surance these, amongst a host of othcr questions, oocur : - "Age of father, if living 't" "Age of niother, if living 't" A man in the country who iilled up an apIlication icude his father's age, "If living," one hundred ajad twelve years, and his mcther's onc hundred and two. The agent was amazed at this showing, and fancied that he had got an excellent subject, but feeling somowhat dubious, remarked that the man came of a very long-lived family. "Oh, you soe sir," replied the applioant, "niy parents died many years ago but, "if living, would be as aged as there put down." "Oh, I see !" said the agent. Andrew Jackson Donaldson died suddenly at Memphis, Tenn., on Monday laet, of cholera morbus, at the Peabody Hotel, in the seventy-second year of his age. He grnduated second in the class cf 1822 at West Point ; was private secretary to President Jacksou during both terms of his ulministration ; afterivards served as Minister the ReBjublic of TexaB aud the Gorman Confederation. On his retuia home he succeeded'fFrank Blair, . stoiior, as editor of the Wasbingtou Ü74oji,jai& then ran for VicePresidoat on the ïillmore ticket. For the past ten years he has lived gcnerally on a planta tioa ven Australia, Misaiañppi. Gen. Sliorman mentions in converísation that everywborc he went on his recent tour öf ilisfieetion he met with warm receptions í'rom tbe peoplo, esteciully in Louisiana and Texus. The Governors oí' those Staten mforraed him that the pcace and. order theroin would favorably contrast with any period previotts to the late war. He ítmnd the army in good condition. Chancellor oí Tfov.' Jersey, on Satürd'ay pranted a frihpol-ary ihjunction on whioh he will hear an argument July 2óth, to show cause why it should not be made perpetual, restrain'- ÍHg (lie proposed lease ano! transfer of the property and franchises of the united railroad companies of New Jersey to the Pennsylvania Eailroad Company. It chanced, one gloomy dar in the month of Doceruber, that a arood-natuivd Irisiiman applied to a merchant to discount abill of exchange forhim at arather long though not unusual rato ; and the merchant havinp; casually femarlied thut the b!ll liad a gTeat many days to run, " Tliat's true," replied tho Irislunan, " but consider how short the days are at this time of tBo yoar. " In answor to a correspondent who asiis what is the best grain to fatten pigs, the Hu ml New Yorker saya: "Tho best food - quality of pork and rapidity of fatteniág considered - we ever cave pigs was boiled pons and potatoes. "Without looking up analyses to prove or disprove the relativo fatteriing properties of the oompound wlth other foed we spoak of practical and profitable results." Tho Horticulturi&t recommends Lonning's white strawberry as the best strawberry, not for market, but for homo u'se - comparinir it to the Seckel among poars and the Delaware among grapes. But One opinión is expressed of its quality, namely, "this for exquisito fJavor ís unsui-passed." To Preyext MOTTLD. - Itis a remarkable fact, not as genorally known as it should bc, that mouldincss is effcctually prevented by ony kind .f perfume. Paste strongly impnnatod with any of the essential oils will not become sour or mouldy. Boolrs will not bocomc mouldy in the presence of Russian leather. To Make Stale Bread Fjiesii. - Put the loaf into a clean tin, and cover olosely to exclud'e all water, and act into a kottle ofboiling water, for half an hour : thon remove from the tin, and it will looi: liko frcsh bread, and be really almost equal The eommissioners of tlio ncw Capítol at Albany, N"ew York, have refused the demand of the stono eutters cmployod on the edifico for the same wages, f 1 50 per day, for eight honrs aa they are now roceiving for ten hours. ïhos. A.Scott, of the Pennsylvania Cenral Kailroad, was in Loavcnworth, Saturlay. His visit is understood to bo to trengthen the pröjected narro w gauge oad from that city to Denver.


Old News
Michigan Argus