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The "s. W. M. F. I. C."

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Mr. Argüs : Sm : - In your issue of the 23d uit., I notice an article, OTor the signature of Secretary Hamilton, on fire insurance. Not that I " rise to explain " (a8 it explains itself), but " which I wish to remarle " in a few brief comments thereon. He says : " We aro frcqueutly interrogated conoerning the formation of a company in the townships of Freedom, Bridgewater, Manchester and Sharon. We aro conscious that such a company has been organized. That the Washtcnaw Mutual Fire Insurance Coinpany will suffer serious loss in capital stock wo do not believe. Although the coinpany has been in existence nearly three months &c." Now if the Hon. Secretary is, as he says, conscioug of the formation of such a company he should in all cases in answer to those interrogatories state the facts as they exist. We state, for the information of all concerned, that the new organization does not, or ever did contémplate taking from the old company OTie dollar of " capital stock " that was not ready, voluntarily and without solicitation, to insure in the new company, which was originally designed to cover only one township mstead of four; and somo of the members think there aro already enough iu the company. Wo now havo as members those that withdrew long ago froni tho old company, some that wei'e nevcr insurod in a mutual before, as well as those who have recently withdrawn ; and " althougli th company has been in existence nearly t.hrce months," and had made no serious inroads upon the capital stock of the old company, it had in fact been doing business in tho issuing of policies, but a trino over threo weeks. Again : " That this new company is destined to succeed is established beyond a doubt by a single section in its charter, which provides that no Secretary for its company shall reside within village or city limita, thus precluding the possihilibility of corruption creeping into tho management of its business." Now, I opine that any individual, aside from the author of the quotation just given, would make a fruitless search for said " single section " in its charter. And his closing paragrapn : " For oxplanation we add that ono of our township committeo holds the responsible position of director in this company, although ho refusos to insure in it." Now, for explanation, we add : We doem this last a fitting corollary to the whole rigmarole, for wo can assure hira that our board of directora is full, and that all are insured in the Southern Washtenaw Mutual Firo Insurance Company, which, by the way, is no inisnomer, as it is a mutual as woll as a strictly firc inturance company.


Old News
Michigan Argus