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"fair Ann Arbor."

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Ine special correspondent of the Kalama100 Teltgraph, writingup " Commencement Week " pars the followiug tribute to our beautiful city u " Fair Ann Arbor, rich in utory ! " Thm slngg a line of a song vrell known tothe Unlversity students- a soug written by a wU-reniembered college poet wlio ftourlshed gome half dozeu yearg ago. "Fair Ann Arbor." Oue needs not be a student to appreciate tlie meaniug of the flrst part of the descriptioii, for the little city speaks for itself. lts broad, trcc-llued streets, its bamlsomc resldences, lis college campus of (orty acres ent up and and ar ranged with long shaded walks and ornameuted with shrubbery and trees of yarious species, and surrouuded by doublé avenues forming the most pleasant ani attraetive drivts, - these are not all the beautiful íeatu res of the place. A tramp over the hills whlch stand conspicuously on all aidesof the town, revenís soine of the tliicst view to be foiuid prrhaps in Michigan. Take It all ia all, Kal'amazoo may be a more handsome place than Ani) .Vrbor, bat man has made lt inore so, not nature, for the formercan boast of no such impressive and attractive scenery as is presentad to the eye frora the enclrcling hills of the latter. The through passender on the Michigan Central may be sceptical as to the truth of this itateroent, seeing, as he does, bilt little except the sbabbiest por tlon of Anu Arbor, wlilch lies nearest the depot ; but a few hours' rainble with some strolllng addicted student, would open to his adinlring gaze uususpected prospect and scène? of beauty. Come and seo " Kien til story " No one but a Univers'ty student can know the full mcanlng oi those worJs. ïhey brlog bei'ore liis miud - they revive in his niemory, college trnril. tions which wlth tlielr cnclless varlety make up thesplclest spice of college life in years long gone by- some, rotmnt'o and smaekiug of the ages ; some, tellln; of ,'hair brcadth escape and dansers by flood and field"- "daysofdanKer, nights of wakiug"; some recouut::g tríala and tribuiations coming from a faculty's 'reifjn of law" - condllioiiN, suspensions, lecturIngB, reports, and whnt not of the "onple.isantuesses" a student' "flesh is heir to." They recalólo his mind triumplis and successes, defeuts md filures. Tet, a few months away froin col lege, and the average collegian forgets the petty miseries of collece life and keeps fresh and vivid lts pleasmes and lts "jolllty aud íun" ; so that wlieu he slugs of " Fair Ann Arbor, rich in story," the alumuus brings back the yenrs spent there and oncx inore- to use the words of an old college on?- "tastes the buokum joys1' of Alma Mater.


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Michigan Argus