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Local And Other Brevities

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-C. B. IIuicuiNs, of Uiis city, has obUined a patent for the " Manufacturo of PjIkIo Staren." - The Manchester Enterprite proposes tbe organization of an Agricultural Societj in th&t part of the countj'. - The Aiujus makes a speclalty of Letter nJ Note Hcaás, Bill Heads, Statenionts, Cards, etc. Send in your orders. - íkwb I.acbksoaïkr haa purchased tesaloon of H. Hinder, on South Main Si-reet, and is to couvert the same into a meit mirket. - Read the address dedlcated to the Mayor and Comtnon Council, and theu cut Ikgrass and weeds growing a the street In front of your residence. - Corapared vlth A.nn Arbor, Kaiainaroo must be a litigions town, for fiitceu hivyers advertise in the Telegrapk, and not asiugte one in the Ahocs. - The Postofficc department has quit printing business cards on envelopes. The Ahgus olfice s yet doing a little iu that line. Send In vour orders. -W. H. Davkntort & Co., of Saline, tetttttebllshed a bankingoftlcs, and mean business. Evictence thulr civrd in the A.Ravs; tlitsole bankers'card In our columns. -Lawyrs are invited to cali and examine the Records and Briefs prlntcd at the AltGCs oflice. Our oflice has been fitted up vith special refcrence to that class o: work. - The Ypsllanti Sentinel ssys that a korse bclonging to SamueIi Casev " not hoidof a mixture of Paris Green intended lor bugs and pssed in his checks." lic ale it, we suppo e - WooDHiJFF has disco vereel !x houses foinj up In Ypsilantl, " witli preiaoullory tniploms of the seventh," and adds : " We siill break the news gently if we see far Her cause for alarm." -The framedwellingof H. Biítdeu, cortcrof Lil)erty and Main Stixtts, has been purchased by TT. D. Smith, nnd is bclng removed to State Street, ou the south lot of He Enlght property, flrst block south of theM.E. Church. - That colored debate at Geneva, N. Y-recordcd in anothcr co'umn - reminds us of the quostion discussed by a colored detting school in tuis city some inontlis ago. Itiras: " Which am the most distractie totbeeyeof man, womsnor raonoy ?" The ticussion was prolonsed until 2 a. m., and tli questlon not then declded. -The Marshall Slalesman, which has Htterly condemned lts cotemporaries for Welving presenta, has at last succumbed o a vender of roasted peanuts, and with it e titortal inouth full of 'ot uns, calis the Wout" heaven'8 own gift to a famlshius or!d." Another proof of the adage, "trery man has his price." - The (Jkronid is reported very compli ■Wtiry to the Arous in the closln? num ttrofita volume; but as no number was at us, we presume that tho editorial corpse - JSnglish for defunct corpt- didn't ih to lacérate our " pheelinx." ThoughtW. The aine Chronicle also gave a part's? kick - some " anamules " kick natu "Hy- at the steward, suudry professors, ■ It was a safe time to do such noble hi circumstances calliii; the valiant WtlC! and lampooners avay from tin: eof thelr chivalry, to return no more, Wips, forever. And If ever, perhaps, too, iser and more modest. - "-- fc. - II Atasessiou of the Board of Regenta 'lon Tuesday evening, Theodohk A. Graw, M. D., of Detroit, a gradúate of k' Litmry Departmeut, class of 1859, was 'Jpolnted Lccturer ou Surgery, tice Prof. -08by, resigued. Consldered a good aptmeut. T"c salaries of the following Professors öxed at f2,500, from and after the wlayof October ncxt: Profs. Wood, "tbell. Watson, Olney, Adams, ïyler, .Prescott.D'Ooge.and Morris. That HProf. J0.VE8 was put at $2,000. sist,""6 thC veuerable Dr Wii.uans, aspr "Prof. Meukimax was made adjunct sor of Physics at a salary of f12,000. H'arlcs ought to command and keep orv mCn' ani' '" 0UI" Ket mre 'outofsomeprofessorships tiian has ""the rule. A'ht hundred dollars wcre allowed id d MïR L 6mith' of Detroit, for plans JPurchase ofthe Baldwin Llbrary im m rUcred' for want of rea(y me8 ; %f "je proposiuo,, coiniug from Detroit 80rn es'abli8hment in that city of a PathicScUooLwasnotaccepted ÏÏg Pre8ldent Fkieze reparwd n th sionofwomen, and pronounced the ,jr"iient satlsfactory. cr business of the session con makiDS the usua] approprlatioue.


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