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A Few Seasonable Words

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Deditaled lo hit Honor the Mayor and ihe Honorabi, lia Common Council : - Aun Arbor 18 a very pretty place ! We who live here say so, nnd strangers say so, and we sliouid all be otTended dld they not say so. And Aun ArboV is a very Wellknown place, lts name lg oftener itt tlie New Yovk and other city papers than any town oïits slze In the West. And SO we rest on our laurcls. In few places Ís so Ilttíc done for lmprovcment, asidí íiom citizcis'dwellliíGfs. Inside fences,all Ib very well. We challenge any place tó show neater houses tind beteer kopt grounds. But our Btreets ! Dlgnified with gïeat iiames, tliey are little better than country roads. Look at the luxnriant growth of Weeds that have brtddeiï and blossomed, and soon wlll be seedlug. Detroit strêet- tiie straügers' wftv - especially exhibltB all the varlotiep, from the inflicted thlstle opwards aml downwards. ïhen look at the tree and easy groirth of gvass and weeds iu tho carrkge way. Start frolii Main stïeet aud walk up Huron- oue of our best streets - to lts terminus. You ne3d uot notice partlcularly Uve ciii'oïiic mud jrtiddles near tire vrossin'g of itaiii, nor the barn-yard oii the fomh slde of the square, but just lst your eye take the line of the gVass ou both slde3 of the street, as hete il reacties out ome t wel Va or more fcet, and then with no particular symmetry of line or course retires up to or nïar the sldewalk. Now turn, and as you walk back, just Imagine a 1 i iré of grasa, say foúr or slx feet out from the planks, a level well-seeded iii.l kept plot, and neither grase nor weed allowed beyond this line, but the road way graveled the several rocls to which it is eutitied. Ilow much neater oursteeeta would look under stích reg ulatlon, and yet the cost to catín cítiíeu wottld be scarcely that of a day's labor. Then our trees necd trimming up. They ure giviug 'he sidewalks a dreary look eBpecially at night, and one's patience Is surely trled carrylng an umbrella on a ralny day. Last winter ttieir drooping branches falrly drove us off the sldewulks for days. Onr llttlc city Is worthy such attentlons. This must bc, to a great exteut, a city of reskleuce rather thtin business. We have now an unusual number of pr.-ons who have come here to live, and the number Í8 anuually increasing. Henee our interest to look to appearances - to keep a fuir face on our Ann. In a business point of view, a prominent corner occupled as a woodyard, a kltcheu garden near by, a little beyond a fine site for a dvvelliag awaitiug an ercctlon, are not very happy slgnx ; but wben tlit matter is rather a pleasaut home, tlie features we have referred to inake their Imprewtott. O. The railfoad meeting held on Frlrlav afternoon last was uot very largely attended, and especially uoticeablc was the ab sence of our business men and capitalista. Judge Lawkenck, from the committce ap pointed at a previous meeting, reported the result of several conferences with the Directors. The report was substantially the correspondence published iu the Akoüs of last week. Iu submitting the report he spoke souiewhat at length, urging its approval by the meeting, and expressing greit confldence that such approval would lead to the early construction of the road. Without further discusslon the report was ucccpled umi approved, with a single dis senting Vote, and the committee conlinued, to carry out the propositions Ij coujiinctiun with the Directors. - There is an old injunction whlch says : " strike vvhile the iron is hot," and another aaout uot tetting " the grass grow u uder one's fect," which we commeud to the Di rectors, only addlng This is the roud we long have ïought. Pkbd Hutzel, living in Pittsfle!d,about thrce miles froni this city, hatl a vtry fiue span of sorrel horscs stolen fi-om liis bani on Frklay night last, together witli a set of iloub'e harness. Xot bfing able to get the carriage ol Mr. IIutZeI. without endangoring thelr enterprUe, the tliicves hitched on to the doublé buxgy of Mr. Ei.liot, living near, ctrawing the same by haud through an oat fleld to the roail. Also being Incllned to Kcd thelr newly acqulred team well, scveral bushels of oits wei'e takin from the bara of Mr. IIutzel, Other grain being emptied from the bairs and the bags fllled with oats. Thn team was a val uable one, belüg worth $500, and beotdes the loss subjeets Mr. H. to great inconvenaiice lu a very busy season ol the ycar. In the Supreme Court, at Lanslng, on the 12th, two decisions wore announced in casc carriud up. froin this county: Iliram Arnotd c. Nelsou B. Nye el al. Judgment below rtverscd and nevv trial ordered. It Is uow about ÏO vears slnce the jnrlgment bclow was rendcred. Joshua G. Lcland, adininiatrator of the estáte of Amanda Whitaker, deceased, vs. Isaac M. Whitaker and Edward L. Boyden. Dccree below, iu favor of Leiand, afflrmed. On thee llth a further return was ordered lu the certiorari case ofCornelius Craw ford ca the Township Boards of Webster and belo, which carriea it over to next term. Commissioner Pleasanton has decided tliat tho salary of the President of the Lunatic Asylum at Williamsburg, Va., is not exompt from an income tax, becuusc the office cannot bo said to bo liecossary for tho lcgitimatc purpose of a State governinent.


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