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TIioro Parker Sugar Cured Ilan at Slawson & Pon'a are choico euting this hot weather, when the odor of the best kept and cleanliest butcher'B stall is not very tempting. Arreat that terrible Catarrh, and thue avoid a coneumptive's gravo by uaing Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kcmody. It's not warrantcd lo euro Consumption wfefln the lungd nre lialf oonsumed, nor to makc men live ibrever, nor to make this earth a büssful PamdlM, to which lleuven ehull be but a sidc-Hhow, but the proprietor will pay $500 reward for a caso of Catarrh which he cannot cure. Sold by druggists, or seiid sixty cents to Dr. R. V. Pieroo, IS8 Séneca atreet, Butfalo, N. Y., and receive it by mail. Voii can fiiiil tho la rtri'si assortment of Iloop SkirtH and coneU at tbc lowct prii .s. at the New MUllnery Store 47 Nonti, .iiniu Street. Iloiinly to Soldlers. Thoeeivhocullstedin 1851 outhe flrstcall ofPreslent Liucohi, ami who wore hoaorably dischared beforcthe expiration of ihe term of thclr onliatment. are cutitled to $100 each. ae bounty. Aiidsoldierseulisting ander act of .Inly 4th, 18fi4 aretobeallowedthe uupnid iustalments of bounty fthey were dlacharged by expiration ofservlce Theabove clasaeBshould make application to the andereiifned. Maren 24tb,18T0, UWMl JOHN N. GOTT, Boutity an.l Claim Atfeut. -. i mm - --wi Only a few inore of tnooc Point Lace Shawls left, at 10,47.50, 5.AO, at tbc tlillinery Store Serond Hand and St-w Organs AndMelodeoneforsaloverycheap at Trof. Mille' mu6lcroom,No.43Ma!u Street. (Over HnlliKob Dson's.) I276tf ALVIN WILSEY. We have, in order to close out onr reimlniiiK stock of Parasols, redui ril hem to coat. New iflillinery Store, 47 S. Kluin St. Soldiere of 1812, who Berved elxty days, are enItlod ti Pension, and should apply Immedlately to John N. Gott, Boanty and Peutlon Agcot, ann Arbor, Mlch. OMETlllKU ÜOÜD AT LAST! 24 Main Street. The underslgncd, having located at this "place, has just openedaa FINE and SELECT an assortment of CLOTHS, CAS11RES & PMCÏ VBSTINGS, As can be found west of New York City.fwtnch ho is prepare to make up into the most STVLISH GARMENTS, KT THK SHORTEST N0T1CE, AND LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. ALSO A LINK Oï CENTS' FURXISHING GOODS. Cali on JAS. BOYD and he -will GIVE YOXT FITS. JAMES BOYD, lSlStf 24 ytaln Street. - OF- NEW SUMMER DRY GOODS - AT- zul a. -y ir a. :r ess We have jast roceiyed NEW DRfcSS GOODS ! IN BLACK, COLOREO AND JAPANESE SILKS, Frcnch Orsandies nad Lawne, white and colored, Piqnas, Percales and Llnens, Parasols, Ribbons and Laces, Hoop Sklrts and i.'orsetr, Qloves and üoslery, Lhicn Dnmask and TowelB, AND A FÜLL LtNF. OF DOMESTIC GOODS! f hese goods have all buen bonht by Mr. J. w.Mnj-nard, IFQZR, CASH 1 And they Httl be sold nt ismil! advance froih Cost. J. H. MAYNARD. 1324m2 l "dïeectory -OP- A 2S" W A I 13 O Ifc, FOR 1871, With a Complete Portrait ot tlie City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &.c. &.c. TUK UNDERSIGNED havlns had au extensivo experience in the compilation aud p'iblication of City and County Directorios Ín thisandothcr State, nnd having bcen sollcltod by n number ol the prominent citizens to issue a work of this kind, tecla safe Ín proinMng complete wuisfaction Tile Work wíll contnin a complete portrait of the city, aettiug frth iis advantagea ae a commercial and mnnumctunng town ; also statistical tablet show ing the number of firme engnued in every department of manufacture and trafle ; the Rgrceate annual rñWa ol the satne ; ihe number of dw lllnw and business houses in the city, aud íd fat eveïy kiud or charactdr of informaliun that the cltiRen or atraner mav deairt ; sketchef of the schoolg, cliurclies, beoeruleiit societies The city noasessus nmny advactages which, il' they were Knerallv known, would attract pettlers from all parts of thé country. It ií otir design to pubüuli a work for ceueríu (listribution throníhout the Vnited States. It would be supcrftuons to here nrgethe nece-ily of advertisiug a city, or to menti"n the ndvanlapea that real eetate ownefs and busine-s men derive from thie rcethod of advertising a city. The work will be ílelivered to fubscrihers in the month of July It is to be hoped that business men will duly considor and appreciate the advantaes of advertlsing their business in thisbo'k. It wlll be found in stores, offices, hotels and al) public place where the eards must meet the eyc of scores ol purchasers cvery day, Terms of Advertising. One Tagc $2S 00 Huif " 16 00 Fourth " 8 0' Capital Name 50 Prlce of books to subscribers , $i 00 ; to non-subscrlbers, $3 50. 138M . JAMES M. THOMAS. WANTED. A nood honseandlotcontalniiig all the necesarj convi'niences of a pood home, lu inn Arbor, Mich., for whicb I will cxchanjïe one of likt; derijttlon, on verv liberal terms. in the city of Freeport. III My house and lot ar niceiy slumled, are worth t4,(;i'O. I alo havo twelve acres of nlce farming or gardemngland jolnlnc city limits Worlh :00 per acre. all of whicn I wlsn to oXchange for property In Anu Arbor ora farm In Wnshteunw County. Am prepared to pay or taVn the difïiireuce iü cash. A greut bargain w 111 be iivcn. Addrcss and lem partitulare, LEWIS COLBY, 1820m3 Freeport, 111. SfT Subscrlbcrs to Peters I I i'-i I T Musical Monthly are getv V tiug thelr Music forless ,_ __ than two cents a piece. II Those who have not seen I this Musical Mngaz:ne I should srnd 30 cent in a I samplecopy. The mnsic i ""1 n 1 I ''-v Jluys. Thomas, KlnPi I i I I kcl' êrsley. ana other Mïd w V io ular writers. Two back uumberi ior A New School Book,b) V'centn. Four back nUmH. S. P..K..S. Price, L&L,L Sub" ÍT.60 per dfien. Containp . -rriv over two hundred new and T I I, I l' beautlful songs, dneta, etc. li 11' i I by VVIll S. Hays, Wéb H ster, Thomas, etc. Every I T fH hing is new, freeh, and X J sparkling. Content and _... _ . fi tpedmen pagM pent free II II I I I -amplecopies mm led free il I ÍS all ofpostageto teacherefor JJUlJlJll SL %J ' -i cent4. Liberal terms foriutrodnetlon. Worth of Masic for 83. Address, J. L. PETEH8, 599 Broadway, ?i. ï. Teacher sendingn thelr ordrs for $10 worth of rausic cun claim a ycars snbscrlption to Peterfi' Mnsloal Monthly. 1326tf TLID GLOVES. I have 20 dozen erf the CELEBRATBD EMPBESS KID GLOVES ! I In tbc most ezquieite Ehades, for one dollar a 1322-tf J. H. MAYNARD. BOOTS ANDSHOES! CHEAP FOR CASH! JUST RËCEIVJED AT B. F. Rice's SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE UAXGSTERFER'S HALL ! A new Stock of Seasonafoie Boots and Shocs among which is a flne assortraent of the latest Stylcs of Ladles' Misses' and Uhildrens' Fine Shoes iti Berge, Goat and Kld ; A Gfeat Varietf of Mens' Boys' aüd Youths' FINE GOODS IN PRUNELLA French Calf, aüd also an eutlrely uew Stock of Slippers, Gored Buskius, and Shoes of Fancy Colors of Kew Styles. We aim to keep the best and most serviceabfe work( AT REASONABLE PBtCES. Particular attention glven to the manulacture ol SEWED & PEGaED OALF B O O T S 1 Which are guaranteed to glve entlre satisfaction as to FIT AND DURABILITY. REPAIRI1 DOXE PBOMPTLY ! ! CALL AND SEE OUR LADIES' POLIS1I W1TER PROUF COLD BVCRLE SERCE SHOD, ÚMY $2.00. f.-UHES' POMSII WATEU PR00F SILVER BUKIESEiltlE SUOE.s2.OO. 8rge Vaiters, $1.00. ( loih 8Ilppers - 30. N. B. All Prime Goods. No Shoddy. 1894-tal. SAM. B. KEVENAUGH Copies Oíd AMBROTYPES & D46ÜBRRE0TYPES IN FIRST CLASS STYLE TO AWY DE3IRBD SIZB. yHEN ÏOÜ WANT " FINE PIIOTOGHAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH. y o. 30 Ilurau Street. DEOPLE'S DRUG STOKEi R. W. ELLIS & CO. T ATEST STYLES! BE3T GOODS 1 GRE ATEST VARIETY AND LOWEST PRtCESÜ S. SONDHEIM HAS JCST RETCRXED FEOM WITH THE LAHGK8T AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS GEYTS FIUXJSHITC COODS, OUItDREN kU YÖITÜS' CLOlHlXG TËÜNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, &o., &o., &c, THAT HAS EVER BEEN BROUGHT TO THIS ICITY, WHICH HE WILL SELL Cheaper than the Oheapest for Cash. ALBO A F1NB ASSOHTMBNT OF ÖASSIMERËS) COATING % and VESTIiïGS, WHICH nE WILL 11AKE UP TO ORDER itf THE 'BEST STYLE, FASD WARRANÏÉ'D X ÍIT Olí NO 9ALEI tpOR SALË OR TO ÊENT. A Oentoel Residcnre 1 ',' miles from th Court House pqiwre in Ann Arbor. logether wtth e acroo of orchard bearing choleo fruit,' acres panture, weil watercd, (tardón shrubbery all of flrst qunlity Sltnntion. hoalthy and bemitlful. To pirtica wluhns tlio len(!fits of onr E lucational Inatitutions, thfs property is Try desirahle. Prfce raoilorate and aoomraoditin? Enquire of 1323 w4.' JOHN N.QOTT. Ann Arbor. "POR SALE. A ONE HORSE TOP BUGGY Nearly new. Ioqnlre t the offlcc of H. W. CHEFVER. Ann Arbor, May SOth, 18T1. lSS4-tl. "poR sa"lê." The nnderpiïric'1 offers for eale her retidencc In the villaje of Saline : two iarp lot, doüirably lo caled, wlth a pood houBe Dam, water, fruit, fcc. Tei ma raado caf y. Mra. CORINTHA GREEN. Saliue, Juue Hth.lSTl. l8Siln52 Fineet Assortmemt of Toilet Qoods in the Citv, by Th te Reniedy does not cimpir relievi for a short time, but it ptoducea perffefit sflu urinaiient ture o i the tforet cases ÖTChronlc Nasal Calar rti, aíid 1 wlll pay $U0 reward í?r & cneo that I cannot core, j ■■oM in the h'oad" and 'fitarrh:i1 Hoadache ar cnríd with a few appllcationv, If yon hate a discharge rr'm the noei oiTVufive or Otbdrwlsfl. l(l) piug np of the noso at tiraea, pnttisl l- of the sen fie o l Ittíell , t&etti or hoaí'lní! tybi Watering r wak, feel ditll, have '&n or prestire Ín th hVad, j Íon may rest nsgurod that yon have Cntarrh. hotiand anuaally , without niAulfeeting halfof the above pymptom , termínate ín Conaumptlon and end in the grave. No dit-easo is so commou, more deceptive or lcss nnderstood by physicions. I will Bt:nd my pnmphlct on Cntanh'to any adüress free. Dr. BagOt'0 Catarrh Remedy i uow SOLD BYMOST HRÜGGrsTS IN ALL PART8 OF TUK WORLD Priee ) cents Scntbymail po tpnlrl on écéïpt of 6 cents or fonr packaires Por twd doDára. Beware f c Minterfeits and wo fchless imitaífonc. Pee Umt my DflvHte Staiii which -s a postitre guarantee of i:eiiiiin'-iin8. is npon the ontsldn wrupper. Romember thattiif ]rl iite Stnnïp. lamed bv the United States Goverument ex reelv for aUimplng my medicines, ha m portratt nnme nod addresp, nnd ihf words U 8. Ceitlficnteof Qenninene engraved unoc H. and ned rot be rnistukcn. J)on't be swindled by travelers, and ot et representing theraselvesas VtBágúi T am the only mnn now llvlngthat híisthoftnowledüH! ftndriirlit tomanufarture thegeniiïfK' Dr. Sf,pe8 Catarrh Remefiy, aád I never tratel cu eell this met Icidp R. V. PIBRCE M. I , 133 Séneca Street, Baffalo, N. Y ENGINE AND BOILER FOR SALEThe inbacrlbír nffors for sulc cheap a Portnhle Threthla Mai-!il'ie Btfglile hv.,: Í3üi!er. Cau beeoen at thtt di'p-tt in thíe city. Aun Arbor. June 7, 18 Jl. 138lf PETER SIU'I.TIÏRS. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'fc for choice Wines and Liqum for Medical Purposes . i '■'■iiirt ' "'" - - . d i EW OOODS RECEIVEÍ). fileyTlewis i caiL t3e attention of the people OP THE CITY ANI COUNTRY TO inIR EX'i EN'STtE AND WBIX A8SÓRT-' ID sSTOCJK Oí1 SKAÍONABLE G(JO18 1ÏI THE LINE OP BOOTS JfiLlSTID SHOES,Wblch they now hnvc i i .t"re . and to whlch additlont will )w made throughoutthe seaeonh Thé eodds'whlch we oirsr ari' iiew iiiul freh from rh'F ctoiy, aDd in all capot will bc found aa repLeeented. KVFRr DESMilPTIOy 0 LIOHT AND HEAYt WORK, FOR MEN, WOMEtf A! CHILD8E1V. We hvo the EXGL USI YE SALÉ OP THE CELESUATED CiLF BOOTS AID 8HOES, 3Made by JAMES M. BXJRT, OP N. Y. CITY. EVER Y PA IE WAÉRANÍED BOTH TH STOCK AND WORK. aiso tho r.xcr.rsivv. a .le of B ITKOt 'S BB I.A lI ES OF E VEKY STYLI; Tl! iilimp Wnik - fui superior to .inv heratoluro I TBR omred in iliis lty, and we (rnáranteo it m overy imriirular. imlsell it at Iff.'.V PKH CTi.V7.beom Petroit Prlcce ', ön Che sume goö".


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Michigan Argus