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PBOCXAMATIOX OÍ' UOV. RAXDOLJ'JI. The Constitution of the State of New Jersey enumerates, omong othor "rights and privileges'," that " the propio have ;i right to freely ansemhle togethcr." It also proclaime thai "no penan sliall be leniea the enjoyntent f any civil right, merely on account of his religious principies." It also malers the Govcmor ot' the otate " coiuimindcr-in-chicf of tho military torces ai tbis State," and under hisoath of office malees it his duty "topromote the pcuce and prosperitv and maintain the rightti of tho State." Et having ccine to niy knowkdge that h body of inhabitantsof this State, in cont'onnity to a custoni among them, and in consouaucc with tlic CUBtom ot' otlier bodirs or sociotiesot'inhabitnntsof this Stat.. propoee to celébrate wtiat to theea is detnued BH anuivcisavy day : and it liaving come to mv knowledge that interferüiicc witli this contomplutuil oelebration may posaibly take place, by r.iison of whioh a scrious disturbante of tho poace ot' tho eomiuonwcitlth would probably Now. therefore, I, Thcodore F: li.indolph, Governor of the State of New Joi-soy, do hereby proel&im that both the lotter and tho spirit of the Constitution of our .Stutc oí New Jersey, as wcll as the long established custom of our ] ],].■. tí. peimit and protect all peaoefnl gatherhigs of the inhabitants of tliis St;itc ine spectivo of rolifrious or politicul oreeds, inukos tt the lawful right of iiny body of peaeeful citizens to assemble togethor; and that right cannot he abridgea pr interfbred with by any monthoriaed body nf men, of any ïiationality, crci-d, Orroligion, whiitevcr the real or supposcd piovooation may )Kem to lc. And I do, therefore, enjoin apon all good, law-abiding and peaeeful citiz. ns ni' this our Hiato of Xcw Jersey to nssist in every way in ptenrrias tho poace, good order o nd diiity of tho s:nne, not only by abstincnct' tvoni provocation, lmt by acts of toleration, iorbearance and trap inaulineiB. And I do hereby wais all lorsono. from pther States who may seek, by acl $ of provocation, to interfere with the peaeeful ilLling ot inhabitunts of thib State, tluit suoboSenoe agaamt tke pearv and good order of tliis ooiummuwealth will b proniptly and rigocouBly pimiskcd by MI authnrity. Aivl T. lo fta-tfiBr cnjoiiv WêAi i '■ , 1 1 1 l.-_':ilk' c.mstituted mithoíi.i'rp rf this iBtate to fully protuct all pcaceful nswmBlagoa of onr iivliabitfiM ■ i TOÏJf ïiicniis at their comjniiiul ÏO'eirfoi'Ce tliis proolainatioB, all such properly constitutcd atith'oritics tliut in the evoni of the insttfficiciicy of fe ordinarj looal power, that theeiUirc power of the State will, if neoessHty; be-eillwliiri to oompel, at any cost, faspeuf fov :m.! obedienoe to our l&vn. And 1 i'urthcronjoin tqion the nietubors of the society wpeeially propoang to assoirtbkr logotker to-ioi-owr Iic WOT8ÍM of the utmost pfttienoe, care and discreti i .11 in thepursaanceOftheirrfglite, bearing Ñ& iiiïiid iïiirt to u teige portóbn of cwrftílor-oiSizL'Hs Che peculiar excisión oftheii gatheringideemed ameoosSiiry revival of in unciont ïvlisious nn politieal feud, of no pmvral interest to 'he greaf body of oor American citiswas ; and tliat though 1 1 '- .V BB stïstuiircO in rtitiv ■ ïo peaorfnüy aJwinbfe iogother, tliej-anrby no inrfi?s srrstainod, as I , fiiroly ïxrlicro-, by any lar-c iiumbcv of .iy patriotio md Christian peorple in the expediency of the exeroise ot that right at Ébe preeent öini . Given at the Executive ehambor in the City of 'fronton, tliis elevcntU (tnyot' Jrtly in tlie yoar af onr Ijonl orw CbxMBana eigkt bumlredi and wvwi-ty-onc, and of indbpendbnee of the United States of Aincricu' the ninoty-sixth. 'hir.o. F. lÏANixit.Pir. Attest: Bam 0. Brown, I'ri vitte Sec'y. ffim'ng ten onlj" tltis lay tipprisod, artiiL tbe capital, of the actual fcion of things hore with reforenco to proposed processions to-morrow, and having, in tho belief that my presoncc: was needd, repaiied hither iminnrtifttely, I do mak e this pioclauuUion, The oiiiur fcerto&re i-.-uod bj' the, fio[ice having boon duly revoked, ] beroby giTc notice that any and uil bodiea of men tesjjiag to asscmblo and toaroh in peacoM- nfoceerioo in this city tu-morrow, bbe l-tl ii'-.-5tuii,t,. w.ill bftpetmitted to do so.. Thoy will l'f i'ii.'.. , t, ,1 i.u tUr fiiUcst Mttent poesibie by thejiálit-.u-y aad Buüm ;iu'iicritit"ï. A military and patiao etdMi will ba 'urnisluni to iny bodj t ' i.-.t efcsiring it, .011 applioationto me at my headijuarten (which will be at. Pólice Iloadquartor in this city) at any time during Uie I wam all persons to abstuin Êoia 'witlltfuwrfl with any such asscinblago or procewioaa exeept by authority froni iuo ; nd I give notice thaA att tiiv pawen at uiy oommand, civil and military, will bo usod to preserve tho public peaco and to put down, at all hazardfi, cvary attempt at dirturbance ; and 1 cali upon all oitizens, of every raoe and religión, to UTiito w-irii iot iuvd thi' l.i;tl authorities in this dstermintka to proserve thé peace and baaoi -f tin: eity ind State. Date-'l at New York,, this deventh day of July, A. D. 1671. John T. Hofkman'. By the Governor ; John D. Yan Buren, Piiratc Sccurtary


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