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Ann Arbor

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TUESDAY, AUGUST lst 1871, TP8ILANTI, WEDNESDAY. AUG. 2nd, MAXCJIESTEB, MONDAY, JULY 31s. AND MOST STÜPENDOUS ENTERPRISE ÍN THE WORLD ! I WAITFOEIT. ITIS COMING. INTE-W TJ3STX)EaR TÜE ETTOST, mJfc A Monster Museum, 3 . A Maminoth Menagerie, áSSSp? - Magnifíccnt Circus JT three big tents r {Mf. ,é THREE SEPARATE SHOWS ALL FOR ONE TICKET! &fc?lf FONDEES OF AHT AND NATURE, COJT.Sfoll, PLETE AVIAET AND ANIMAL KINGDOM. " " GREAT PACIFIC MENAGERIE AND CIRCUS f m[J& perfejt zo)log:cal and equestrian organizatiün r1" No-ve so N. J on Enrth ! n. ■ - ,; Jf i';í'-'' jHËËrelf MAKE WAY FOR THE _ JrH 3fí5O?OOO Hlephanf ? Emprcss ■Ufëy The Wonder and Adral rallón of the World and Marvel of the KJ!_ l'Jth Ccntury. 11 feet 4 inches high; Registered WJnA Weight 6 tons 4b() puiuicl ; Agocl "Wag" EXHiniTKD IHILY WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE ín íhe ANUAL Deprtmcut ._íL2X Thfi Menagerie, wliich is exhibited in a separóte tent, has a soifiCa cient unmber cu Wüd Anímala to till THI.KTY CAGES, conriiicd yu-i!E7 - " l'li; new ;llK' lf"lit''(::l'!'1 'louble compartmeat deas, built expressíflfcTjLpj- tfr ly lor lilis jjr.-ind C;iniv:in, by Uní íanxnis huildcrs. Fulton & Walker. BK! l'.v Cainr O, Ui'P.lit of Philudflpliia ; Fieküuü Brothers of New York, --s':'L liid Platt of Lonrtoo, Jfiiigland. '&C - XIIE MAG XIFICEXT STREET PAR ADE. .- -- rpiio Manager most respectfally invites the public wltliiu tífty miles (' of the iliacos where his MiisL'um. Meuagerle, Cii-cus iml Caravan has SjpwfË the honor of appearlng this season. to wituess the grand and giatnjMf L tous display of the prolilic resource of this ■SEKS Leading Movicg Zoological Garden O O Of the nrl.l. whích take place every morniti. at 10 o'cloefc, ii thc . gtv;t Public Processions, uiul - 4 JÊ FREB TO jft.3L.IL, I wHk.. Prof. A. J. Fornausli will appear overy day in aa oftu Sttcl PaljSPJgnce Car, performing his tf3mmL-HUGE SAVAGE KATFIR IJOXS ! Showlng t lio power over the KlngS of the Forest, and what a fearless 1fSrWSÈÉ$= iirui niay do. This extra attructioii, in ori-iinal of Warner, is aíÍlli)Ww brouaht before the public at a cost of $19,000. Pollowing these are ]FWjfëY' O3STE SOLID IVIIX.E } J W' - - of Princely Dens, Carriagea, and i i ' Vano, gorgnously painteel in green, u u W hite iind Gold', witli coslly B:upa H "w - if ners, Flags, and Mottoca (loa t Ing h-'X K, A vv ' froaj the topa of each and every ■_J Wr W one, coutalniug tlie Royal Beasta. 5? f tig The llorses Rail.v pltuned and the Êgnk SjL p Drivcrs in llioli ri-iie-il hüliday at'% fflm] f- tire, presentlnR a scène of grandf,'4?J V';T m eur creating the wllrtst ff -3 Vw asm everywhere. Dnpreceflented iy Str%a x in the annals of show blstory. Jk 4H& %=-LLPrecedlng thfcs m.igolflcent y_JX rL Wn?l 5LcL?5 tege is tne GHded üar of überon, f fflj &k NAA "-- jVtTïii whh'li eil:iaU:s the soul 8tlr rT fV ? . v ring anti lnsplrlug music ol Capl. "fe i%j. Joe"wiiither's famous Cornet band. f. PMRY ELEP1ÏANTEMPUESS Btt1 And her attendants, the Cameis and Dromedaries, clothod In thelr Conrtly Robes of Criinson oud Gold, keeping step to the iiiusie, and appareutly conscious of the rvul seusftUon crea tod. rxijs;iH3: ijí:thuíííse:"iíujjc Is un entirely new feature, mul requirfis nn addltlonal Tent, (makinji tliree large tents In all.) Is Ulied wiUi Wondere of Art au 1 Freaks of Nature, and is addedata cust of $86,00000, turther tk-inonstrannii to the public the Manajrer's deterral nstlon to kee- np with the proareastve spirit of the age The public must bear in inlnd that Wwner'a (iivut Paclfle Circus, and Caravan is the oniy eatarbllahinent Wist oi the AUeguancy ilouiitains that uses Three Big Tenis. All otliura ma oue., Rt'flcct, and Patronlze the Establlshwnei tliat gvet triple returns fortha inoncy expended. Be 'particular tosee the dtarain, and don't mlatake tb '1'íliíKK B Q SHOWS IN ONE, orconfouodlt with any oí tliosc liht waisteil cstablisliinciits witli one pavlllion. BEMEMBEB 3STO3STE aEKTTJIJSTB Unless they have Three I5iï Tents. The Great PacVflc hns the hest Clrcaa on thls Contint t. We inake uo exceptious, and challenge tbe World to ual it. Il luis BETTEK BAREBAOK RIDERS, BETTER FEMALE RIDERS, BETTER LEAPEKS, VAULTKKS AND TUMHLE1Ï3, BET1 ER ATill.KTEÖ, BETTER C-VNNON BALL PERFORMERS, BBTTER DOÜBLE 80MERSAULTERS, BETTER rRAPEZE ARTISTS, BETTEH ('I.OWNS ANDGYMNASTS, BETTER EQU1LIBRIST8, HKTIKK P0STUKER8, Etc, Aiul more of them ttisu my show traVellng Uils senson ït is tbe best dressed Circus Coujpny In and out of the rlnff, that ever appeared In public, It drawa a botter claaa oí pcople nul glvès better satlsfactlon than any troupe ever seen berore. I ■, ' [111,1111-0 after it from the time the Agenta arrlve lu towo, two weeks ahead Talk bont il nul 1 you sec the gteat Processlon on the Uny of the Exhibición, and Uien, if not satlsfled. THAT ÏT IS THE BEST SHOWT u ívery particular, that you have ever sten, don't patroalse it. TWO EXH1BITIONS Ü.A.ILY, AFTEBNOON Sc EATJBJSrllNra-. Doois open at 1 and 7 p. m. Tlic Arenie display comnieuccs at 2 and 8 i m. SEATö 'OR AXL. C3OMB EAKLY. Adinission, oOcts Cliliiilren under Ten Yeais Oíd 25 ets. H. I). WAHNER, Contractlng Agent. 0. 1'. MYERS, General Agent.


Old News
Michigan Argus