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The New Opera House

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The cornplcUou of tltis rouch necded bniltflng, wilt occupy bat a few more days, and as t pnrtakes so mnch of a public eharucier, wehare thouglit proper to give a short ctescrlptioii f it for the benefit of the Aiters readers The Hall is 105 by 63 fcet in the clear, ami 35 foet from ccilinj; tO Hoor. Tbirtjr flvc feet of 'he floor in front of the stage will be occopietl br the orchustra seats, irliich milt eonsist of hall'armed ch itra. , liebiml this the floor rlses by platforms, amfitheater füshion.and will bc seated witb Iron frame settees, combiuiug good appoarance with comfort. The malu floor seats will accomodate 1,100 pcople easüly, allowlng 20 inches space to caob person. The gftlier; is crescent sh&fck,. ttmt Öoisied off very uicely. The floor here also rises by j platforms, w that everj seat eotumauds a í view of stiige, aart 'n cap .b! of sítttíog ' 5t' .'t)!f. M:iki-;a total seutiivg cupuci ty uf l,(U0, with comfort. Sluu)t occasion dcmarul, of course, many morv could be crovviled iu. Tlwi luslcle MtpeatT]! - : pedalljr the earviut; and faiey vxrk- is ' done in a manuur vlibeh reÖctseiX"t1it upon . the person vvho liad it it charge, The fresco jxiiotiiuj pon the ec-iliu we tWuk vrillbehard to surijas la anj Hall in the State The center p'ecels esjKeially rich In desi;ii and eoloring. It represen tl a balcony, uyon one sido w! "which may be ' seen a pair of lovers, while one of the iium Motis eupi(l9 wlii-h are tioverlng over, stauo mulv with lus bow and arrow to raake IW iteiaUc4, nrïjl cn by another which sv to be wairtintf hini to be sure oí tía mark betarc sliwoimg. ITpo e-ither side of this are pane-ls of hét relitfi, rcprosenting sevcrally Muslc, Art, Dauci&g, aotl Science and Litcrature. The stage is suppllcd witli all the modern improvemeuts lu scène sliifting, etc , whilc someofthe scènes are very fine Indeed. Especlally worthy of mentiou is the drop eurtiilu, which is a view of Joitnnlna, the Capital of Albania, Persia. Tlierc is a bit ofhistory comiecled with this )itlte city whieh n'ght Dot be out of place here : In 143a Aniurath II. sent a letter and summuns to the inhabitants of Joannïm, reminding thera of the calaniitios iuflicted by tho conttoefer npon other citics, and advlslug theni to nvaitl the same by a speed v ramnder. The terriüed Christiaus at once snrrenciered, and the Mabomettans tuuk possession. The flrst act was to raxc soiac ol the Cliristiiiii cliurches to the gronnd, and the next : u body of'armed men watcheil tlif itturu o! the Chr.stimis from tlieir placea of worship yet left Btandlag, and each man üvuihI upon the girl which best pleused hiia, as sue itisued frointho porcli - the parents in vaïn exclatmlng agnluRt the violence. The womeu bccatne reconcdeJ to their lot and so a Christiaii aiul Moslcm population amalgamaied llkc the Romans and Sabiiu's, md lived in harmony. The scenic artist, Mr. E S. Fassett, of Xou' Vork City. h:is done a íine ob in the PHiuUng liue thronghoot the ratlre Hall. Mr. Geo. B Shwab had charge oí the eai penter vvork, and also doserves praise. The tMrildlog will probably be oponed about the first of August, uot btfore. It has been erecte;t at an expense of over ?40,OÜO, aud the propiietor, Q D. llu.u, deserves a good word for the euterprise Mauy tlrst-class troupes which have heretofore shunued this city ou account of ils poor accommodations, will uudoubtcdly "come and see us" now, and the nuisance of turning cliurches into public halls will be abated. ii - n TIic Au Arbor correspondent of the Detroit Free J'nts is respoostUe for the folio win g : There lns been considerable excitement in tbc townshlp of Brldgewater ior two or three weeks past, over uotlllng les thiin a vciirulile guupowder plot. A nina aml wile by tht name of Mansfleld had some diffl cully and sepirated some weeks ajro, ai.U the te took with lier some things belon Ing to lier mot her-in luw, Manstleld's motli er, aml amoii!; tliem were some pillows On fcecerufinlng tlie lact Maiufleki vent tor her to return the artieles, vrblcll she dld, acccAnpiinled by some of her familv, tl, e Linrlsleys The pillows had tlie appetiranee o! bftYing been opened, anil an exainination sliowecl that tliey Uftd !wu. aiul au Infernal machine flxed in some mannor wiih gnnpowdcr, sand paper and matches bad been placed in eticli oue. About the same time a qniintity of gunpo vder was fouuci ander HaasfleNi'a barn, with a train attached whlch had btn'ii HhU'd but had gone out ; the bain and staeks vvere afler wanl set on Ure, but the lire was diseovcreil in time to save the bain. Watchers werc set for the pui pose of catchlng the Inocodtarle8, and by some stagntar accident or blunder oue of tlie watchers, i youug man naniei Tate, was siiot by a revolver in the hands of tnollit1)' watchnr aml seriously wouuded. After tlils letters thivarenlng the li:e aud propsrt; of Mans rti'ld ivere found about his premises, aald to )e In the hand-wrIUng of some ol the Ijindsleys These are the facts as charged by Mansflehl. The family of Lindsleys, eijht In number, were ariested a.nd examinad liefore ajustice of the Peaee In Saline, hut owing 10 some break in the cliain of evitlenee they were discharged. Our city is just DOW cnjoyinj a season of inusual quiut. The studcnts, to wlioin the ciiy owvs so much of Ks Ufe and stir, have ong ilooe iiisappeared, except, perlmps, a 'ow wtio hivo vouturud to remain witli lis loxlng the sammer ; the farmeis are n the nisicst part of their liusy seison, and seldom make tlielr appearauce on our streets ; raany of our clt.izens have gonc away in search of Health, pleasure, or souie mode ol worrying throngli the dull season ; whilc those rernalninï partike of the general Mllng of ennui which gemas to prov;u!e tlio atmosphero - and at wliich we do uot won. der, considerin-j Ihe ïnannei' In .vhich "O!d Sol "is grsUfying his caloritlc propensitics. TIn eüok of the mison's trowel and the thompoi Uw cai-poiitor's hinuner rem'.nd u tliat " this tliunes " isn't expocted to last ahvays, and that some of ouc BttlseDS aro working iipon the old sttW, " iu times of peace pitpare for war." The ntimber of pounds of wool purchased in this city the present sea-son, fallg short ofthatof formcr years. Farmers liere. abouts have been kllllng or otherwise dis poging of their sheep, so high prices faiied to bring out largo clips. The following are the amounts purchased by the difl'erent buyers : Bacli & Abel, .... 78,000. Hack & Schmid, ... 65,000, Wood & Porrto, - - 50,000. Frauk Well, - - - ÖO.0Ï0. fbtal, - . . W3.000. These figures look diminutivo compared wltta Kal.ima.oo and Jackson, eacl of which plaocs have purchased over 1,000,000 pound this soason, Last F'iday nlght, at about 12JL o'clock, our citizens were uwakcned by the alarm of lire, whioli was causod by the burnin; of un old b.ii'n on Ann stroot, in tlio rear of E. Duffy's store. Fortuna'ely, the ele mciitg were Ijj a state of utmost qalet, had they not boen, sei'lous coimcquenccs must have resnltcd, as tlie rear of the store was but a short distauce from the barn. and a west wind woukl have preclueled the [lossibillty of savlng the block. The barn was the property of E. W. Mobqan. Loss, light.


Old News
Michigan Argus