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Jfftúxl flanees, "consumptïon; lts Care and lts Preventivo. BY J. H. SCHEÍÍCK, M.D. Manr a human betnff ha r8Jd, ft-wuy tr wIimo df.ttii twrf W;v no other r-;i-.n tï,M tha negtct of hniwn and ini1lipit:4'ol.'r proren mrnof cure. Thise ni'jtr HDl üeur l '.iiml.T ntl f:iinü' :r plng Um ;i: '!1 l:iw uaft, hudfchey cnl mJopUiU. DR. J04KPU H. SfllRNi; '! SI.UFL TUE ATM ENT, and RTfllied themsolTM of his wnmfeffuii? fflcaelou medicines, they wouM jiol haf e fnllrrt. Ir. !ehncfc hni )n ht oirn ca:v profrri tlmt wh#reter nnnVient Tltalltj riiminn, that rirriHty. by hls mciIlfJrtPK und hl- ili. rctiuui tor Uir uit, i qulirtcvnd Into huithful rttrur. In ht RtutftmDt thrrn li tiotMnc preimmptnona. To the fiiilli of the iiiTniui is mmle no r preñen tat Ion Ihut is not u thoiMitnrt time subiftaiitiiitel by living nd risible workt. Th tbcnry of L mie by Dr. chenck's medicine Is 9 simple ai ti tu unfailinR. lt. philosophy iojnirw du iruumtni. Ik U aif-aiirln, olf-CMi)TtnclnxTtae weed TotilfíBnd Mftnrtrnfco Pt!S ar the flrwt tw weupon) wiifi whloti fbr rltatit-l of be maiiulv Is i. TWO lliirtH t tho Ci.-" of C' .naiitn ( i üi "ru'.iiittr In .1-n-pi!i nn1 a fQnclloiirtlly UitHirdered Itwvt. VViih tbi! -inUtlon tho hncjcftirtl iubt8 " yni - PHthifp" w-fii th ctoraurh. Th reppend to tho ;rii n of tito llTtT. ITorc thCII f iii-a the Clllminntintf r-:m .t. and (hu fk'tüng in, witli aU lU dlstresiux yiupi'üi:: , of COMrMPTlOX Tlifi Mndrak PMN flro cnmposfi of nn of N'nturo'a nobluftt tri:t '::? PiMthillmn Hcltittuin. Thoy pu:■ .i'l '■ til'n1-O!irrtilp, Altornlive proporties tf uuIoiduI, but, uiiltko Cttlumc!, they "LCATX WO 8TINO DEniND." Tho Wfrk of cnre l 'now tipfrinnlnff. Tho rittatcd vil tnucous iifpfust in the li'iwri! mul In tfip Alimón' txrt crtn! ar (■.-■tr l. Th llrer, like clock. Is ■niiii np. it iroam from its triJdltf. The stom ACh Hts rfr' ■■'"!■":■. 9HQ tho putlCDt tcglll tO i'Jl Jic is ffvUIng, ut Uuii A lÜPPXY OF 000 BtOOD. The Sou-weed Tonlc.ln conl-inctlon with tho PMIj, fermofttcs and Mslmllnto "wilh the footl. CbflIBwInn (9 nofr ftfoifrosiilriii without lis prcTinuR torturen. Dijfptinn bdootnofl patnlona and tht1 curo t Men to be nt niinr!. Th f re Is no m"ro iiHttiloncc, nocxacerbutlon of th storrmch. An itppotlti? iotnin. N'w O'iniPs tlio itr;it'-ttb Blond I'urlfler ever jet plvn by nn in iuanrt fa; her t' HiifTcrinK m:in. 8cnpnck Puiiuonic Syrup cmru-i iti to perform lts functlonsantl to hiiflton ivnd cnnploto thi CDF6 It en tem ut onoe upin itswork. Natnrtfoan n'tí. be cheated. Itcollfcts and ripens the impa'rurl and disentcl portlonnuf Uu lunjis. I;i the forni r tfnUterlngs, It proparrsthutn for expAotornllon, tm Lo ! In Torj b'irt thÚ8 tho nnüttdy i rwtQulsha I, tiie rttun fchroo thia tt oocupled is rODOTHWd una mwiQ now, c;i.i the pitticnt, in all the dlgnltj f regaliMÑI viKr. bu-ps furtb to eajoy tho mmiliüud or woauwbood thut as tSIVKX CP Ai? LOST. Thcfwo-"nd thiiiíí La, th-ï pntlrnts nnitctny In n wnrm fiora u n til thy frak wol) ; it i nimnst hnpositiblc u prorent taktn cold when tho lonffn aro isctimdt but tt munt be nroventcil of a onro enn nut bo rflipctci. Kretfli ii i r nnd r'dln out, tspeclfltlr In ttiis acctlon of t'ie countvv, i ti t ■ f.i;l and wintop PM4on, nrp all irrongi Phyalclftiii #ho Tcconmicnd thflt. coursc lnso (iiHir puttt'ïil. tf t')ir luniis nre tnrlly disonad and .'t, biHMiM Vip.t are in tno hotite th'oy must nut sit nown quict ; t!oy innst wnlk nbovt thi; rootn ns much tind :: faut as the sirenjrili wlll boor, to Kt't up h fiood eiren latt'tn of blid. Tho ]ni,ieiU9 must kctp in P"ik1 Rplrltit- bo det.ï:iutnod to Bt-twll. Thls has a jrrcat donl to do Trtth tUo appetlcc, nnü s the great polnt to gu n . TN dcspalr of euro nftor 5urh ovidnnco of lts po?sibil'ty in the worst cases, und moral ccitalnty in all others, ís atnfnl. Tr. Poncnrk's personal tatoment to th Kuculiy of hi3 ow:i cure van i:i tïicso modest wovds : " Mnny ycuri neo I wns i:i tho Inst flntfei f conMi!i:pt,'.ui ; rontlii".! tii my bod, nml nt une timo ny physioiaiTi tliought tUstt 1 cou tl ootUven week : tlion, lln a ilrowninff laim ontchtflff nt Ftrawa, 1 hcanl of and obtainud tha propanttlonfl vhich I now offer to the publlo, and tht-y made n porfoct euro of me. It MMínu'd t' ni o tïuit I c'llll tvvi th om penctrntc my vhole ystom. Thoy Foon rl poncel the matter in my'. und 1 woiilJ f-i"i t u mre ihftn u pint of offeaive yulltw nwttor owry mornhiff fur u lonp time. M As sooji RH thnt bcpnn to MJbside, my couich. fever, pnlns.ftnd iilxht Aiteauicli bcnin to ljivc me, and my tippotltebooma bu greut lint it woa wlih difflctiltvthafe 1 could kettpfrom enting too muHi. I oongain'"uiy strnnKth, and hare frrown i: flli ever since. "I wms nrelffbci Phortly nitor my rucovery, nddcd tho Doctor, " t h':i looklng like a ruero kolotonj m wt'ljiht wna only ninety-seven pounds; my presrnt wnliflitistwo hiiiifired nnd iwcniyflTC(96)pound, and for vears t hivc crijoyed iininterrtijitcd licolth." Dr. Schüticic h; (ïipcuntinuod hia profcssiomU vfsitl to Nov-Tork u-it Boston IIo er nis aun. Dr. J. H. Schenck, Jr., still c nt(nue to tnjo pfiticnta r.t their jillcp No. 15 North SixlU Street, JMiiladelphia, erery SamrdaT from 9 A-M. to 3 r.M. ThoM who wf?h a t lor luso eiamlnatlon wlth tho ntsplromctorwill bn chancea ?.. Tlia Ktspirtimcter declare tho exact cnniittlon of iho hinps, and pntionts can ruadtiy luurn whothor thov irfí curable or not Tbe 'iiri'Ctions for ttiking the medicines are ndnnted t i lbo Intel llgeneo oven ofn. chiM. Vollow these dfrerliüü. and kind Nature will do t'ie rept, rxrcptinff tmit in suiue ch.'.h the Mandrakc I'íIIh are tn bo takon In lncrbasGil dosos; thö tlïroo medicines rred no other Hccompanimorttiï tlian tho t mplo lntructionn thatno COinpttny thp.:n: First crpjitn Of rrturninjf health, liunpor Is tlio must welcomu Bymptom. Wlu-b itcoinos, ns tt will come, Irt tho desrairinsr it onco be of rooU ehiMT. Oood l'l"od nt oneo loüowa, thcconph I'Vihitis. tlie Iliiill' P'.v-;;t ÍS blttcd. J 11 tl fUTt tlXUQ bo(h of theHO morbid symptonis nro porto forevcr. )r. Schenck's niwUchies nre constnnily kopt in toni of thouuiads of families. A a laxativo or purgativo, the Mandmke Pilla are astimdard prepAration ; while tho rulmonie Rvnip, ns i: euro, of congtia and eolds, n;iy bo reparded ns a propliylucterlc galUBtconsump;lon in anV f it! forms ■ Prioa of the Pulmonic Srntp and ?pft-woon Tonlo, $l..V)a bottle, er 7.50 n Imtf dozen. Manrirako Tiils, 35 cents a buz. Kor salo by all üruggbts uud, acaiers. HURLBUX & BDSALL, 32 Lake treet, Chicago, III., "Wholesale Asenta. ■ PAÏNTS PRINTS PAÏNTS Oils Ols Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Bruhss 1INERAL IA1ITS, &c, LOOK ÏO TOUR INTEREST AND CAIL ON R. W. ELLIS & CO., BEFOHE PURCHASING A FALSEllEPOllT! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOÜTOP TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAEGE AND COM PLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, ANDAT PRICES lü Sl'IT THE TIMES. ALSO ' AFULLUNliOF (ÏEXTS' FURMSHING GOODS! DON'T PURCIIASE YOUR SPRING ANDSÜMMER OUTFIÏS ÜNTIL YOU GI "VB HIM -A.OA.X.L. X5 South Maia St..Ann Aibci IW-tt. JAMrB.TEVËNAIlIGH," PHOTOGRAPÍ1SR 1 B ETOUCHES ALL HIS NEATIYES BEFOBE PRINTING, SO THAT FBECKLES,MOTHSANDTAN Do not show in any of his Picturos. io Extra Charges. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by 8 í i fl fe" 2 8 . 3 L as h i " q +r S ís w I 5 fi Lt ■ N J I L 10 SSf ■S ás I Ñifla í lia íi H S QD . E Bj8o P 5 1ÍT; LH i 5 ? n Q & 3 O Oh _ WAM. B . RfcVK H A CU H KEEPS ON HAND A. LARGE STOCK OF OVAL AND EQUARE BLACK WALNUT AXD GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHE AP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. MEW GOODS WM. WAGNER'S A Largo anl Choice Stock o SPRING kW HER GOODS, ÏNCLÜDING CLOrH8, CASSTMERE8, VESTINGS, &C. LATEBT 8TYLES AND BEST QUALUÍE8 WHIOH UE WILI.1 MANUFACTURE on terüis to snit. Also a full line of REAÜY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. JBSSST1 STTLE, AloLADIES'ndOF.NT8 MOROCCO SATOHEL.S No. SI South MU Street- Eaat Id. CALL AND SKE THEM. Ann Arbor, May, 1871. UGUST lOth, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR superior qu.iltiy, atthe ANN AEBOR CITY MILLS. Verv nlOT boltedCorn Mal. coame Mcal. Grshnm Klo:iritlll Cond qTiallty Klour Rt low prico. - Oracked Wheat, and nll klnd f Peed, at lnwcnt prlceíand Oellvcrcd lnany purt ofthccHy. Terms SV Ord'r left lo my Order Box at the Pom Olttce prniiuit ly atteuded to. 12S5 J T SWATJ1BL PHVSIMS' PRESCRIPTIOKS VOCl'RATELV AND CAREFULLY PREPAEED BT B. W.ELL1S t C0.,liRUGGI8J8. FARMERS ! IdesIrenoVMn ívt'irn my henrty Ifaiítakf forthe literal patronada nf th Parasen of Wáíbten nd adjcining CounMi1. v. lm haVe forSO nimiy Jé&Tt Ld the past exteoded to me tlitl trade, nud I bopc and trutt KHtisfnctory nnd to both parU4. 1 hope lo receivo h fair hare of theír bfctf DtM In the future My efforls will be honewtly dlrected towards the Ittterests of my Customcrs, ñf wrll nx my own And aculn my aftn wül be, n(t to k'Cp a? choap ioods añ po-tifihK1. bnt as g 'od a? can be tmind indar na Low K-Ues a the qu;iliiy of mj nood oflo be affordod. I will not nndettaKe to compete ín prieta with inferior goodl I wUI uut lmpüir the qua.ity of my Implemento in ordeT to re Kttce tlie pricfl The purchaseof cheap gooda of auy kind proven an unprofliahle invetmeñt, as niaiiy have foiiiid to thctt I shatl ki ep a FILL STOCK OF FAHM1G T00LS on hnuri.thnt ! í!t'iicr:iHy ÍOBDd Ín markt't, I am thc jiütliorlíod ;if)it for tht fullowini THRESHÍNG MACHINES Garatea uffalo l'itt, BulTalo, N.Y. Michigan SwcopMiikrs, nattluüieck. Nichols t M.!!., Vibrator, U.Crcek, 'I'lic (jiciscr .flut'liinO) liucinc, W o. Al. 0 The Champlou Reapcr k. JIowcr. Solf Raho. Tlie Kiiby Sc:f-K.ikin Kenprr, Combiucd. Tbc Kirby Two-Uiircled .11o m Wuod'e n-aclilne, Combincd w ili Soli'-Rakf . JACKSOX WAGONS, Buckeye and Shnrtsville Grain DrillsFairbank's Scales. all sizes. THK OENUINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLQWS, Manufacturcd at K.-ilumítr. o. I h?ivelocatel tnynelf at the oíd and well-known Appl.' l'ackiiiir Ilouae of I) Hennliiír. on Detroit Street opptuiitf Bacho' Block where I fhíill bc happy t" miiui as niftiiy of my oíd eiutomertf and aa iiuiny ncw oues ae may pifase to coin-. I have pcarert the permanent eervicep of 8amncO Mc, on of my old shop hands, who perfectly ander tuud BEPAI RI3STC3Al1 kinds of AricuHural Tool, aud wül be on hand enrly in the moralng ;.ud l.ite at niyht, wben lu-ces&ary lo accemmodate . m. rocers. Ann Arbor April Ut 1871. 13!"m SAM. B. RLVENAUGII PHOTOGRAPHER, M A K É S A i.L 1 i IV DS O PIDTURES BROM II E SMALLEST LODKET TO T!I!J Lliniï! SIZE, ANDFINISIIESTnEM IN INDIA INK! OIIj, OIFl WATER COLCFs ! IX A SUPPKKIOR WANNER. 13:9-:y. !'o. 30 IICBO STREET. Chanccry Notice. STATB OP MICHIGAN'.- Tl.e CirCTii'. Court fcr theOoimtyoi Waditenaw; In Chanctry. MAUV U. BAVAOB, Cnmliluiiatü, .WUl'STU 5T. 8AVAGE, I)rt ii'lmt' . It satisfiic'orily appeacwg to tbisConrl l.y nffldarU that defendant, Aiipustus M. Snvase, is uot a vuaAtuA of this suito, hut irsiccs in the Ntnto of niinoio; on muiionot' Felch & ürnnt, aoHoiton Ra compUiiruint, it i.H ontercd t.liat the dcfendnnt oaOM app tarnnoe to hr. entc-icd within threemontha hom the da1 of this order : iind thut in IMM of his onpesTing. hecnufitj bis miawoi tn tlio oomplainaatB bil] to Wtfletl, nnrt cupy tlicreot tu l swved on the oompininant's M)liei'ors within t went y dnys nftol norrioeoi copy of auid bill oï complaint, umi ooticeof this order. and in def:tiil1 tlici' !'. f!:a; thB lldid WU b& tukon ns confMKe'l by tlie .■'uid letnd:int. And it is fnrthti orjLivd. tli it within tventy days the snirl ooraplain;ir.t oauM n oopy nt this order to ! published iu tho WeMgvn ArgiUi u newpapr printod in said ootthty of Wnalitcnaw, and th;it the puMioation continue at lenat onee ii week tor fíx meln in oroerion, or ttmt slie causo a íopy of this order to ba penoftally (jorvetl on aaid dndaut accordinp to tht rulea and practico of this ( (uut. U.ited, June 27th, 1571. E. BEAIIAN, Cinroit Conrt C'omBuniadoner, "Wafllitonuw ('onn:y, BflolligflD. Fjti.CII & Sun, Complainant's Solicito. 18S0. Real Estáte fr Sale. SI AI JC Uf niwllUA;, I.UUIIIJ' Ul Y IIKIlli'IIHW ÍS. In the matter of the cstnte ot Anthony Kly, de OBMOd. Notieeis hereby q;iven, that in graxsiiADea if nn order pranted to the un-li-rsiorne-d, administra tor of the estáte of snil decoased. hy llie Hon. Judge of Probate for tbc Countyof Wuihtenaw,on the fiftcenth day "t Muy, A. I). 1S7 1. will be m& at patdie vendue, to the hishrst buMer. at the south door of tlie Court IXouse, in the City of Ann Arbur in thecounty of Wubtenav in sald State, on Wedneaday the ninih éajtt Aiii:st, A. J). 1871, at onc o'cLoOX in the afternoon of that day (subject to all encumbruncee b j mortgagfï or othorwise existin? at the time of the death of said deceased, and also subject to the rifdit of dowor ot liistridow thex'ein). tlit; foüowiug deacribed est;tte, lo-wit : Thö uiidivicletl half of a parecí of land Tioundod as follow: lïeffinninj? ut northeast eonier of i.'ros and ïluron streets in tlicifyof Ypsilnnti, county unil State aforSAid, and runnijig thenoe noith alonp "Huitín ftreet nine rods, thonce éastnkmg G. Sanders' huid to the river, thence dnwa the river to Cross atreet, thenre westto tb place oí bnnnjng, xoepting and reervinfr the paroels nf land owm 1 by diarios IMcrormick ;nl the City of Ypiilanti. Dated, BCfty-AWli, A. P. 1871. 1327 Hl RAM DAT, Administrator. Commissioners' Notice. QTATKOF MICHIGAN. Ooanty of WMshtenmv, x?. i nnc'orslned hnving been flppintril tiythr Probat' ronrt for nid nnty. C mmloslonem tq lecoivo, examine and iidj'iRt all claims and domaml oi nll ponona offAliut the est ato of C ristopherLsxvt late of snid toanty, deceawd, ïiereby i:ivc nortC6 thalvixmonth! from dat re aliowod by orrtcr of eaid Probate Tornt, for crcditnrs to presen tht-lr cfaJms acr'ifiiit th1 ftatf of mv decensed, and that they ] met't at the office of Richard B-ahan in the Htv f iin Arlïor, In safd Cotiniy, on SfttnHaj; the flfih day of' Annst. and Saturday. the stxtb day of J.imiary next. at ten o'eloek A, M. of 6ael of snid dsya, tb rccelve. examiue, and eaid clainif. Dated, Juk 6th 13T1. 13S0w4 _ggnAN' Icon.m.-lon.n,. Commissionor's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( Xan v of .Viiahtí-nnw, n iindenigiioa, hMng neen uppointpd by tlie Pntbnte C'omt tor il wumiy. Comnuuiinun to re (yivc. oxainine aml a'ljust all élainu Jtiul (IohiüihIh of ül pcnoiu agftiiul the eatiiteof Allen VV, B nlim-,lntc of snid conntj', (loccaíod, IickI.v gtVC notie! thnt six mniitlixfiiini üte arenlloweil, Uf onlcr of saiil Probate Court, lor cnxlitors to presat thcir claim igninat the estato of said deoonscdj rad thl (li-y will intMjt at the rvsuïenee of Aaron ( hilds. In Autruxta, n ikl oounty, on Sutunliiy, tht1 twcnt.y-sixtl day if Auicust. and Thlinidav. tlie twcnly-nitthth lay nf Jteccuilvr, nest, ni ten o di-u A. m. 01 enon oí sala dnys, to rtwive, oxurainc, and ndjust said claims. Datad, .limo 28th A. 1) 1ST1. 1329 AAKON fin .IIS ) -„-i-i--. Shoriff's Sale. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, rounty of Wnshtenmv, ss. liy viit no ut" a wnl ol cxitnitinn Lsnifid oiit of nud undftr the weal of the Circuit Court lor the county üf Washteiüiw, stnto of Micliifínn, dncd Ihc twenty.-.i'Vi-iilh dny of Murch, 1S71. and to inc ilirwted nud llrtiwtii llllfcjjjlll t Ije gríKíds nnd cliattelf, lancïs and enemeuí ot Chrótinn Kapp, dufcndniif thereia aml, 1 Hi1, on the Hntt uf .lunc, A. D 1871, lbr ie want of (mode mul cbattela levy upor 11 ttia ínterit that. Chriíitinn F. Knpi has in tle foliowing de cribed picces or pareéis of lan:l, to-wit : All of lots X. aeveu and cipht, in h:ock one, Hrown Ar Fultcr's ddition to thcoitv of Aun Ailior, wid lolx being in ie city of Ann Arlior, couuty of WushtenaT, Mate ' Michigan ; whirh iH'ninilMt I shall eXpoM töt MlOj tuMit1 aocdon, tu lUe bjgba4t bidar, at the nonth oorotf tho Court Uonse, itt th ofty of Anu Arbor, on e 20th dy of July, 171, at 10 o'olock a. i. oí snid ÍMIod, June lst, 1871. MTROX WEM, Sheriff, 1325 Ily JotU'ix 1'oi.Iieí, UiukT-ShorifT. IVE GEKSE FEATIIKKS _J PISSTQTTALITT, onetantlyon hand and for anlcliy RACJT&r ABEL - .'....; GotoR.W.ELLI?& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicine .Paintp.Oils,&c. KlK-riff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtonaw. lïy virtuc 4f n writ OÍ BXecui lo, i litfd dut Of aml thoseal-of the Circuit Comlfor tlie county of WusMciunw of Michigan, tintel the twentyür-itday of March, 1871, and to nu directed ad daliveied, ti; ■ ods and ohattels, lauda andtenelAni i:. Buohox di tondant thereln numed, I iit.i, mi tti).l iljty uí Juno, A. I). U71, lor the want of godda nd Coatte!, )vy opon Um h i lot 1 and 2 wet of IH-Imit siieet, in block ftmi nortli of üui'Mi streel nndrange{6] six, axcordingto the recorrW-d plat of the vlUiigo (now city) of Ann Arbor, exeep ing the noftheasi corner, alüo es the north six rodi of tht west sered roda 't naid lot two, said wal estáte belng situMted in the city pf Ann Arbor, oounty of Waahtenaw, State of Hiohtoan; wbidfa premisea T shnïi expose for mie al public auotton, to the highest bidder, t the auuth door oí the CoHrl Honne, in the city ttf Ann Arbor, en the twenty-tifth day of July 1871, ut ton o'ulock in the forenoon of said day. I'utud, Junu 3d, 1871. MYROX VEBÏ3, Slieriff. 1325 By JoitïiN FofiBKS, Under Sheriff. BhenfiTs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of WanMonaw,us. lïy virtiü; of n vit Of exucution i-.suel out of and under the seal ot the Circuit Court, for the county of Wnahtanaw, state of Michigan, drtted tbeSSddayof June, 187 1, and to me directtxl anti delivnrd, agalnst the gtxxls and chattlcs, land. and tenements ot O wen Croman, defondant tberetn oamed, I did, on tinj "Jlth do] of .lunc, a. i). 1871, for the want ot goods and Óhattles, levy upou uil the interest f) wen ( "i ornan hoi in the f GUowinq described real esUite, to-wit: all that pleoe ox paroel of Land tying and being in the town of Northfield. county of waahtenai and State of Miehigau, (icscriiMMl ufoUows, 'o-wit: the Dprth etwt (piartei of seotibn nuxaber Hfteenia towhship tiumbor oiie south, tmd rüiijrc iiujiiImt six aafltj ;hiomIing to tho original survey, otmtajning torty aerea of tand whi'-h preniiMe I fhüll exposé lot sale at public anctiou, f tlio highest bidder, at the south door of the Court HOoae, in ute (dty of Ann Arbor, on the 18th day of August, A. 1). 1871, at IV o'cluck a, m. of stiid dav. Í)atetl, June 27th, 1871. MVROXAVKiïTi. bherlff. 1323 By Jortin Foiibs, t'uder tíheiiff. ShtTÍíf's S;ilc. State of Michigan, county pf WanhtWiHW, .- By irinf of i write of exeoolon, lseued out of mul under thoseul of the Circuit Conrt for the etmnty ol Wftslitnnv and Stuit' (jf Michigan, dated fche niiHh [9th day of UarCbj A. D. 1871, and to me directed and delivercd, ag-ainst the Kood nd ohattlee, Landa and tenemonto of Charlee Pt ach, defeudan.1 theix-in named, I did, on the twculii-tli duy of Marph, A. D, 1871. for the want of gooda and ohattlos, ir . y uñón the fbïlowinj? real pwtritc: Begitmifag' ut a stakeiiithe center of the Territorial road, 'n tii cast half of the sonthweel quarterof Boolton eereiiteen {lT)i fan tovBshrp foor (4) flouth pf range [6] six east, thence north eiiity-seven depreea earft, six chaina; thence north flfteen minutes west, cliaiüs and fihty-tive Hnkrt; thenoc BOath eighty-wven degrees thirty minutes vreet, idxohatiu ii ven links; thenO6 sontli furty-une degreefl thirty minujtefl e.isi, toree ohains; tlicncc mith eighty-soTen degrÁes thhty mlnntn wét, fmtr chaitm rorty links to the place of beginning, oootaining threa umi jerenty-flve one-hundredtha ocrea of land: Alwaparoel of Land begfamisar át a itake in the center of the Territorial road, on the east half of the wmthwetitquarter of sertion (17! scvcntocri, in town (41 south of nttifro 6) Baal j thence north ciylity-frvt'ii degreee thirty mnates easi, fooi [4 chaina h'fty links; thence sonth forty-one degreee fehirty minutes eaat, thret chains; thence south eightyeoven degreea thirty minute? wesL three chain to the place of besiuning; Alsoapicoeof land Ikhiik in the uoith.vest corner of the west lialf of tlie sou theast qnartcr of hoc. [17) e venteen, in townBhip (4) tour south of range (f) six east, obóudenclng eiglit rods east of the northweat corner of siiid lot, runninf? west cight roda to the corner of said lot, thence aoutn ten rods, thenoe northriuitwly to the place of beirinningi nll the above descriptions suproñcd lo corttain Bve and one-iourth iv rei of land : Also the outli half of the west half of the nontheojt narttr of section (17) wventpon, in tvwnehip four south of ranjre six east, coataining forty aerrs of land, moro or less; Also a part of the northwest quarter of nection (17) seventeen, town four (4] south of ranpe (tl) six east, 1 ■' ginning at the southeasl ooi dci of said quarter scotion ssTentoan, and runnincr thenoo north twenty-one chains and (tercnty-twQ Imks, thenoa west eixteen cbftfnfl and sixty bnks, thence Kmth flfty degrei west nino chaim and fiftcen linki, to the Denle of tlie -Saline and Honroo rood, thonce aouth thirty nine and onr-í'ourth denccis east, twenty cliains nnr fo-tyTfoiir UflJca, to the south line of said qnartcr boo tion, and thoiice east on snidlinoten chaina nndaer eity Hiiks, to the place of beginninfr, oontatoing fort aerea of land, more or leï. Which premisee T aha] exnoae for sale at public anertaft, to the highest bidder a bhesouth door of the Court House in tho City o nn Ariwi', in sail cnnriiy, on the twenty-sroond 'iny o July, A.ÍX 1871, at ten o'elock in the forenoon o" s:ii'i day. Dated June 8th, A. D. 1871. MYROX WEBB, Sheriff. D. CBAMSn, YWfT Atfy. 1325. Mortgago Sale. Dr.KAi'l.T raaAetathe oondition of a mort gage, exetfJ . y OoOBgeEanlftnan and Adam lïosbach to James jiic.Vfnhoii, dated Apiil 2ütli. A. 1 18GS, and recorded same day in the Register' office o oaw County, in book 37 of mortfrngea, pagi 118, by wltnh ihc power of mía therein contamed bc rumo operatáve ; whicfa mortgago was on the t wen tiet I day of September, 18G9, nssl n ■■'. to Lucy W. S. Morgan, and tlie OBéifrnmdnt ï-eoordcd June, 1871, aerosa tlie record of said mortgage, and thi'sumoi Berenty-Ure dollara boing now cIhüxh .1 as duo thereon, and no suit or prooeeouig havinií been instítuted t( recover the sanie, or any part tlici"cof ; N'oticc is thuï'cioiv lictui'V givt-n, that said ïnortae will be foreoloaod by the tale ol the mortonged premiscs, to-wit : " Lot numht i thirtecn, in bl k numbei four srjuth, range number two west, tn the city of Am Arbor aml suite o[' Micïiian," or rame part rhereof. al public voïidue. at the Court Hottae, in said city, on the tweuty-thtod day of September noxt, at noon" Dattil, Juna 22d, 1871. LTTCT W. S. MOIÏGAN, Mort?:igrce. E. V'. Mokoan. Ai!'y. Mortgago Sale. DEFATJTT having been made in the payment of money witb ten per cent interest ttiercou, sffcuved by s Dertaui indenturo of mortsugi exeouted by Uiram Storms nd Agnes E. Btornis, both of the city trf Aun Albor, and Mue ol Michigan, to John A. .Nieliols, of tho .-urn ■ pi.'u1'.1. and oeariug date the seventh day of June, A. 1. 1870, and recorded iu tfce office r the Begistex of Dwda in tlie oounty of Waahtenawi State ol" Michigan, on tho eighth day of June, A. 1). 1H70, in líber 13 of mea j which de fa uit the poweroi tnortgagc nas become opontive, and no suit or prooeefting ai law or in cluuicery having buen iustitutcd to recover tho amount due On said mortgage, or nny part theroof, and the sum of sevon huudród and lílty dolían boiog dow claimod to bc due upon suid mortgage and tho bohd aceonrpunying the samoí Notioe i therefore hereby given, tLat Faid mortg&ge wiM bo foreelosed by a salo of the mortgagvd unóniaesi on Baturdav, the ainth dy of Septembcr, A. D. L871, at the hour of eleven A. h. ol said day, at tho south tlnor ot the Court House, in the city óf Ann Arbor afoiosmd, (tlic same being Ute place n here the Gircuil ionri tor siiid uounty Ia held) and tli;it at that. time and blace 1 slull seU at pubUo aaonon, to the highest bidder, the premisos nereinafter desertbedt (being the said mortgagcd premJtees), orso inmli thereof as shall bc necessory to satiáfy the amount due on said mortg-ttgc and bond evt the date ot lias notict', with iuten-l, and OOflts and exjen&cs al[owcd by law, together wiLh au Attonu-y's fee of thirty dollars provïded for in .snid mort page, that is to s:iy : all those rertain piccex or pareéis of land situated" in the county ot VVashtenaw and Bitate ol MichiMH, known, bouuded and deeenbed as folïows, to-wit: beiniï the woolen f actory Ín Brown & Puflers ad.litioii tu i !n' ai Ann Arbor. in said county of VTashtenaw, witball the privileges and nppurienances, inuluding all tlic maohinfiry, appai atue nul iixtnrt'R remaining thereon and tolwput thereon ; and iUso the fbllowt&s Ifscvibt-d scvciul paxoclsol Land and mávüesns and water power, to-wit: oonunoncinff at the southwesterly l.oundary of ilill etreet i:i said nddition, tilty-six links Bontheasterly from the point where a line drawn from the south comer of block in Bftid additiim, across and al right anjiks with Mili stnx-t, wil] mtoi'scct said boundnry, thenei: north weaterly uloüj; said boundary threechains and seventy-seveii links, thencc Houth thirty desees wíwt to the mili race, theni 'down mud raccso larthat i courso muih tuirty degvees east wU Intersect the point of beginning, tlience to the place of beginning, tofjuthcr with all the ptfriltgAi Of uithig tbnreon seventy-tn ■ toobet aá vawz fco bo taken Crom nid itmo e auHl oununnciog twelvn fcet norttawostorly Ui-m t Jie torthi'rly ftiiij'.T oí the rake fttctory or cabinct shop formerly standinpr betwocn the rnce nnd riveri'iiihr suutliwosttrly side of said mili ruco thence np tlio ii:ie of the race forty fet't, thence southwcH.torly at right nnijlcs with llu: lino of the race to the riv-T II umn, thenoe at rignt cttigfoa down the river forty féet, thonoe lunthwstoily al righi angln witJi the lino of to the placeo! boginning, for tbc pmpoc-e of eructiiiir a i'iilk head aiifl such oilier buildings as the partios mhy eli tt vith-tiiepiiiTilflge of tishig onsnid land 144 Mioare tnehea of iratsr, tu ba taken oom b dd rnce, togetoex with all tbo laniiand privsleMsol evory na' un1, kind and desoription, eonvrveu oy Sheldon Tomlinson nnd Ab)y Jf., hls wife, to the party of the first port, on the 2d day of June, A. D. 1869. Dalfd, Ann Arbor, June 12th, 187J. JOHN A. XIOJÏOi.s, D. CnAMETï, Jlortgagec. Att'y. for Mortgagec. 1 ;2(i Mortgago Sale. DKFAT'T.T fiftVing been mado in thÖ t-ondition of ft eeKain mnn-.ifpxrcïnted by Oeórg s'. McCormick and N'ellie AicCoiinick, of the city of Ann rtrbor, counry of Wnahtunaw, and State )i Hichjgan, to Aliir M. BecrSf of the same place, on the 2!ïd day of Mmp-Ii, a. d. 1869, and remorded in the Öfflce of the Keeister of Decda of Baid cnunty of Wjushicuaw, on the :NJil day of Mareh, 1WJ, t 6 o'cloftk p. K. of said diiy, in Libér "it of morteages, on pufíe üáO, on whirh niorta'iL' thrn.1 is olftfaned to ba in thfl date Of thia nntfoe the sum of one tbouaand andsixty-eicht dollars and aeTenty-four c-nts, and an Attorney'afee of tbirty dollffrl théretof; in addition to uil other legal QOata, honld any proceorUnjfs be tnkfn to foreelose said mortgngc, and no pxocccoingq in law or in eqaity bavinfi been had to recover suid sum of money or nny narttfaeieof: Now, thcrefon-, notíoe u horobygiven thnt. by virtue of n power of sale in Baid mbrtonge COHtained, I flmll sell at public auotton to the hijrhest bidder uu thü soeond day oí S'ptmber next, ut 2 o'clock i'. U. of sai day, at the front door of the Couri House in the city of Ann Arbor, county nfon.1Kaid. (that U-iiiK the place of holding the Circuit 0mi t tor said :ininty), all thosc certain pineef or parcelsof i;mu Mutairu 111 mr ot] ui aiiu -Alnor, 4'OiIIu.Y ui Wnshtoiiaw uforoftiiid, Icnown, bounded nnd desmhrd as fulletvg, to-wit; Hpíiijí tte Ifiti tutll i-i' Lote mno and ton í Í; 10] Uock nnmber three (3) south of Huron Srirí ' . oud niIIKQ iniin ; n f i WO 2 ft1", aroording to ïl reoordpd plat of the viljage inow city) oi Ann Arbor, county óf wauitenav aforcsttid. June lst, 1871. ALICE M. BEEItS, Morteflffw, Joun X. Gott, Atty for Mortagcc. Í324 Mortgago S;ilc. DBFAUXiT hoving been mude m tho condition of a oettaia moTtaage executcfl by Tonoy r. 'lhoinpBon(ol thocityof Ann Arbor, ooantyof Washtenaw, uid State of Sfichigau, to l'hebo June EUfworth, rf the townsliip of I.odi, county of WAshtouáw nforesnitl, on 22d day of June, a. i, ls, and ïtcoixled ni tne omoe öf wie Register of Deedsförsaid oounr, on the SBtli day ot Jane, k. n. I8f.s, at W'i o'o'.ook a. ic, in I.iIht "í) of nvurtffageV] on pfuro ui, on wbiob mortgoge and note aooünpanyins the umi tliore ík olaitúed to bo ñn at the dftte of iliis notioe thp .urn of nlne trandrad and ftw dollaq and sixry-two ckU( alao an ;ii ' oipfiy CM ol thlfty dolían InniM aoj prooocdlngs betáken to foredoac íIiíh mortfntg'C, nnd no snit oi proocediiifl in law or equlty haviAn boen inItituted to rewver t)io dfbt or ;my }ijirt tlu-n'oi: No1 irt i? lioitIy ffivfii. thut by virtno üf the power of finlp OOQtMlnra iu niiid i nor trftffo, J bIiiiII mII tO ;hn hiirhrst bidder on tho w'cond d.iy of Septombrr DXt, at 2 odock r. II. of s;ii(l day, at the front door of the CouïI Uóane in the city of Aan Arbor, in said oonnty af Wjiahtonn'w. the prt'misea describcd in snid mort'.'n pieOEB OX pATOels Of Itind situuiod in the city of Ann Albor, oomity oí WnshtexiAW and Stafo afbiwald, known, bounded and deRfritnd aa CbUowai to-vit; JBejag 1 ! s nuraber ton and elevan in blouk number ono, an í Iota flve, ux, tweuty-three and I umi y-tnnr in bloek nninbíT tivo, nnd lot humbër fuur in blork nomfaoz tour, aoooxding io n Kcoxded plat of fhll's addiÜOD to the city of Ann Arbor, Bfiohïffan, rc.'wrvinK' from wiid snle lot ten and eleven in block on wbreaaid, heretofore reloaaed. June lst, 187X. PU EBB .TAn ELL8W0RTH, Mortgopce. John N. Gott, At torne j for Mortgagce. 1324 Morlgage Salo DTiFAVtT huviiií? been mudo in the conditions of a nv.r . bj M.n L. WatkinH to Edw:ud TreJdWfll, and dated April 4th, 1870, whieh In the offlóo OÍ K'-Litster of of Washtenaw, Btate oí Miciürun, in liboT 43, dM tfeigfe 221, and by rwwon of kií-I de1 uilt U;iiií iiï.w dut bUU OÍ tWO tliuiistind seven bundMq ttüfl tTCütv-three dollmw nnd eiphtynts, alae nn tes of thirty dollars, ind DO i -iii., -i at luw in in emiily liuvin liad to reoorei snid amount; Nuiiec is thetefore heiei. thal on Miiunlay, the öth nt August. I371,ut eleven o'cjock of said day. at thesouth door of ■! Houw, in tbc city of Ann Arbor, in snid ■ounly, I hliitll sel] it public iuiclinn, to the hi bidder, t. premwps desetibed1 in aaid mertgnge, thut la to .-iy : til of the t'ollou ing pieoes "i paítela of land sitúate in the city cf Aim AYbor, nluiesuid, known Rnd dexcribed as folio ws : ï.ot No. one, and the easi lirilí of lot Xo. two, in block No. one north of Hu ron street, in range Xo. two cnt, acnorrliug to the recorded plat of said city. Dated, Aun AJrbpr, Mar H 1 1 . 1R71. &DWÁRD TREAT)WKT,T„ D. CflAuta, Mörti Att'y. ft Mortg-ogeö. 1331 Mortgage Sale. DEFATJIF haring been made In the conditions of a oartain mortgage, execoted by John iJ'Wolt, ad Caroline U'Woif, of the towiuOup i freedom. Waabtennw (Vmnty, Mk-hiiran, toJohii Jacob Fiegoi, of tlio same place, baai ing date the eighth dar of -ï ui ,. [), 1870, nnd recordeu in the Registor's office for the said County of Wtwhtenaw, On ■ ''ly, A. U. 1870, in líber 11 of UodTtMgea, on page 659, by reaon of w]ii:li doftmlt there is now due nnd ti brconu dtie uiK)ii snid morti?npo the sum of six hnndred and seventy-fouT dolían and flfty-two cents, and no suit oi Iirococuinif nt law or in clitincory bftVtag twen institutel to recover said uinount, or any part thereof ; Notiw is tnereforo hereby nven, tlmt on Ratnrday, the twenty second diy of July, A. 1). 1671. fit eleven o'clock A. M., of the said dny at the front door of the CouTt SoOSe, In the City Of Arm Arlor. iitffiid Coi:niy ofWosbtenaw, [tkesame beisg the plce where th'e Ciirniit Court forsaid cotinty U held), I snall geil al public auction to the hixhent bidder the preinfsi a bereinnfter descvibetl, or so much thereof íw shall be noocsBary to satisty the bodotuiI duo on said mortgage iii the date of ihis noticc with Interest andcoata aoo ex] 'Mm a allowed by luw, toffotiter with an Attorney! t thirty dollajB, ptovided foi m said mortge that is to say aU that oerfain traoi or paroel of land sdiaated in the townhin of jfrtiitnm, County ot Waabtcnaw, and I Mi'.'hiiïitn, known and dcacribed as the eoa half of the northweet qnaxtet of the north -rest qnarter of aeotion nuraU-r twelve, in townshij niimbcr thrrc sou t ïi of range number four eaat. in the district of land nttfttt to sale ut Detroit, Michigan, contamina twenty aeree or tesa. Ann Arbor, April 24, 1871. JOUN JACOB FIEGEL, ïlortagoe. D. Cp.amf.ii, Attorney for Mortgagee. KUOtd _ . 1 ■ ___ Mortgago Bale. riBFAULT lüiving boon mude in the condition of a J oertain morttruge cxecuted by Williara Pomam; and Charlotte Pomeroy, his wife, both of Ann Arbor Michigan, to Luther E. Allen, ot the name place whieh mortgage beurs dntf the fifth dny of JrVbruary A. I. 18BB, un'l ís raeoxded in the office of the liepistë of Dcede of the county of Waahtocav, in libex 41 o moitgageai on pan i:(R, nnd was aasigned by unie Luther E. Allen to Beájy h. 'uller, by uasiñmen made in líber two of assifjfiiment of mortoa page 150, in the othVe of aniel Uegistí-r of Deeds oi the26thday of Maren, A. 1). 1861, and waêfurtba aswiprncd .-y BOM Betsy L. Folter to Liioy A, Beitnett by iissiiïiiini'iit recorded in Ube) ttoo9f ossinniento moi tga%es, on page (00, in the oriiw nf iaid Itogiatc of Deeiis, and by reason of eaid dcfïmlt tlie power o solc in said mortgage baving Inicome operative, ant there being now clnimed to bc due and owing onafti murtjiagu and uote iiccompanying the same, the uur of B& hundred and eighty-oue dollars and fiftee centt?, alsoiin Attorney'a fee of twenty dollrin, and n Ruit or proceeding at law or in chïinecry having bce intituted to recover the sairu' r any jnurt (hefcof ; .Nntuv i t)nTft':rc !i'-ivliy fiivun, t);.'it on iSatitrday the iiiiuh dav uf Septöinbcr, A. I). 1R71, nt eleven o'clook a. m. of Kiid day, at the aouth door of th Court House, m the city of Ann Arbor, in snij eount tt' Washtonaw 'the tame brinj? the place irhere th Circuit Coyrt; for aid county is holí),l hull nuil a public nuction to the higheat bidder, the prr-mist hcroinnltcr deunbed (being the preniiftcrs aetcribe in aid mortgage) or so mucli thereof as sha be necessary to t&tntf the amount due on wiit mortgage and note at t)ift dtite of tliis ootid with interest and cosís and expensen oUowed b law, timt is to aar : all that psece of land situtedi Ann Arbor, in the county of WaaJftenaw, describo afl :i!l that p'irt of the west half of the noitheust quar ter of sectiou ntimber ninetcen [10) in towmiii nnmber two south of range nix cast, in tin State o Michigan, whieh was deeded by (íeorge T). ITill tm wife ti tiie parties of llie first part in said mortgAp 1 y deed made on the first day of Ocíober, A. I). 18(i and remorded in líber number Cl of doeüs, for th oonnty of washtenaw.onpage l11!, containing ftftj three aerts more or Icks, to whieh last mentione deed this advertisement refere for further descri] tion of said premises. Dated, Ann Albor June 12, 1871. IiUCY A. BEVXKTT, D. Obamer, Asfligneeof Mortgage Att'y. for Baid Assignee. 2326 Estáte of Hcman U. Gage. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteninr. s O At a 8038ÍOU of the Probate Court for thcCouul oMVashienniv, holden at the Probate Oillce. intli City of Anu Arbor, on T;iestl;iy, the tweJity-Bevent day oJ .iuu iu the year oue thousaud eigh hundred and wrentr-one. PrtiBont. Ilirnm J. Boakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the cetnte of Heman R. Gage detenfcd. Onreadlngand-fllingthc pctitlon dulv verifico IluUi it Oage and RnssèM Whipp'e. Ádrainlstrn tors. pn.) Ing tliat ttit-y may be Jici-nsed (o seil oei tuin r;.-tl eetate vrhcreoi suid rfecensed di'd m-zec 1hreapiou it i ordsred, tiwu Wednedny, th efxteen l daj of Annst next, at ten o'clock In th forenoon, bc asaigned fr the honrliifr of eaic petit ion. aud thnt the heir at l.iw of eaül decned and all otber persona Luterosted íjj suid ettate are reqolred to appenr t a session ofsaiaConr tlu'D to bt holden at the Probate Ofllce. In theclty o: Ann Arbor. and shíiw cause, if any there bc.vt'h; the prayor of the petftlooer thould not bc rrmted A&dUlsfurtheroraered.thateiitAAetitloTWi elreno tice torheperponcinterested n said estáte ol the pon dency of said piMition, and the heftflnf Iheroof. b; CMiisiiiL'a C(py ofthifOrrlei to bc publiihod ïn'th Michigan Argutt a ncwspjiperprlnted mdcirctilatiii; in tftld county, four auccesfive wcekf previont ti said day of hearing. (Atruecopy ) HIRAM J. BEAKKS. 19S0 JudL'O of Probate Estáte of John E. AVoodworth. STATE OK MICHIO N, Cmmty At n fiesslun of the Probate Court tot the Countj f Wadrtenaw, holden at the Probate ofltce. in the Citv of Ann Arbor. uu Tfanrsday. the t-ixth éüj of July In the year oue thonsixiul elght bimdretl nnd Reventy-one - Present. HlrftmJ. Bnnkc?. Judce of Probate In the niiiiterolthe estntcof John R. Woodwortii, inenmpe ent. Kinory Bftroes. Guardián of aald ct.itc. comep into Court nnd rapreseo s tï:n; hels now preparcd to r niï-r hla ?econd acconnl as ench Guardian, Tiieruni-011 '■' 'H ordercil. t lint M01 dsy. the seven th day ol Augnat next, at ten u'clock !n the foro noon, be anaicned for expnil Ding and aJloninu bucL ICCOaot, nnd that the n xt of kin of K.iid ineompeí?nt1 and all othor ppreons Interes tad ID fatd c-itate, are required to nppear at a ses?iou ot' nid Conrt then to ltï hoííU-u nt the Probate Olllcc, in the City ol Ann Arbor. in snid eonitj, nnd erhöw cansa, If any there be, why the pftid iccouut Bhonld not bd all a wed : And it ïp fnr:hcr utdemdj thnt uaU Guardian jrive n o tice to the persone in teres ted in said estáte, ol the pendtn"y or 9nU acronnt. and the hearing thereof hy causiiii.' a copy of ihie order to br pnblïshed in the Aichiffan Aiijuí.. a newspaper printi-d and cfren atlas in said County. three auccesdive wee.ka prevfoofl to enid day of hearini:. ÍAtrnocopy.j HIRAM J BKAKKS, 196 cl Jndccoi Probate !Estatc of CoincHus Laugblin. STATE Oi MICHIGAN, ouatyof Wnahtenaw, ss. At a s rt ion dt the l'vobatc ('ourt for the ( 'ouui y nr Waafat n tr, hoidfü ai tbe "róbate Ottice, in tibe City ot' A:i i Ai!u oh Samrday, t!ie eiphth day ol I iily, in tac year onc thousnnd cigbt hundrctl uncí seventy-on í. Present Siram J. Peakftft, ■Tiul;ri of Probóte. In the intuviuí tl t: látate q Corutlius LaughUd, doceased. Ün reatling1 an 1 fiiinthc petition, luly vorififíl, of Bridget Taylor, praymg tliat BOZQfi f-nmthlo penon moTH appoint ti Administra tor oí Raid otftfttff. Thoivupou it ís orJtrctl. Tliat Mondity, the !evcnth lay of Autwt uext, al ten u'clurk in tlio foronoon, Ht rmrjnitr for the hdaring ot" taAÚ potítim, nnd lint the heirs af low oLsiUd deoeased, and nll otlier wraons ixrterostod íti síiii efttote, art' reqaired to appeax it n nession of said Couit, then ín Ih? holden, ut the 'róbate OtftVv, in tho City f Ann Arbor, and show cjiuse, if any t-hcit} bc, why tho prayorof the petitioQiex hould not begranted : And it is furtberonleredi that aid petiiioDor (nvo notie? to th6 peroons interosted io aid estáte, of the pendenep of wid tifion, and the ïoaring therof, by cáüaing a eopy of this onler to bc Hiblisbed in the Michffan Argvs, a oeivptopor printed ind circulutinjí in sjiid cíiunty, thivo suocesslyc wet'ks jr'vunis to said dny ot bútainjr. (A true copy.) llt li AM .T. KEAK KS. [8S0 Judgeof Probate. Estáte of Jacob Sanrce. OTATE OF MICHIOAX, County of Washtenftw, it. J At a cssion of the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Washtemnv, hoklon at the Probate Otfice. in the City of Anu Arior, on 'Ihursclay. the fixth day f Jnly, in the ycar one thousaiul eight huudrvd d even tv on t'reseut IKram -T. Beakos, .Ttidpe of Probato. In tho matter of the Kstute of Jacob Snugrec, eceased. On reitdln gnn filinir tlie pctitïon.dnly vori (!■(!, oi mm Saiigree, praying tht a crttda instrulënt now n Illt in thiij Court.nurportiuit to he the Wt Wlll mul tvetiment of saUl oeiMNnSdi may bc admitted to probate, and that ahc may be appotuted ole Sxecaiitx lhrc f. roupDu it is ordcred, thnt M' ndy, the cvenlh day of Augant hext, at ten o'cloclc in the tori'noon. be Maguera ftf t"1 beovtng af Bald petition. and th;tt tht; Lesatees, daviee#, and hei th at l.-iw of paiil deceased, and all other persons iaterosted in said edate aro reqnired to npenr ut n póselos of said tourl, then tobe holden, ui the l'robntr office, hi the City of Ann Arnur, iid show ciiue if any thero hu. why the praver of ihepetitiooeTAhoaldnot be fcianted: And U U lUrther ord ftTud. ilwit ad peticione) y i ve notice to the persono Iniererted i nid estáte, of the penden y of raid petltlon, and tin; hfiftrlog the reo f, by cantlng :t copyofthla order publlsbed in the M iektga .■'■,!, n tnuvsp:ij) t prlntcd and ctrcalatlng h. smiri County. three succejísive weeks prvvtons to uld dy of hearmtr. ( truecopy.) Hl HAM .ï. RKAKKS, 1330 JqdgO of l'robate. Estáte of Ellen Nelligan. STATE OF MICHIGAN', Coonty of Wfuhtonav, m. At a sension of the Probate t ouit for the County of Waahtenaw, holden aithoPralwti i 'Kicein the City of Ann Arbor, on Moiidny, the third duy oí July, in the ycar onc thousuud cijjht hundred and s-- èbtj -oiif lii ■.-ent, Hirnm J. Boakoj, Judgo of Probat. In the matter oí' tho estáte of Ellen Nclligon, .'' OCH- d. arh.i-iue Walsh, ExecutrLx of thf letet ii:i ;md ■ al of :iul ftiTwincni. coDtn intii Conrí ú tblU sbo i DOW iiicpanxl to reudcr lmr iiiud aooount as snch Ezccntitx. Thereuponit is Oiüored, tliat Mondy, tho Miirty.flist day of Jnly, iiiht., ut ten nÁ'itx-k in tin ! Torenoon, be assitned tor oxsrjiniug juuï nllowiitg surh aoooyud umi thut. tfaa ÏMtMK dwiaoee and i, ii s -it lawofsaid dCMUfid, nnd tüiotherpexBon estad in Maní Hteto, on no)ttired to apptar ui -.i mbhIod f aid Court, then to be bolden at tne Probate i n the City of Ann Arbor, in Mid cmnty, and show ■,ny tberobe, why the said aw-ottñt slnmM aoj beoUowéd: w if U furthêrordcrcd, thnt said ■ ■ e aotios to the pemons intontoted in Mddsi i'", of thopendexxey of said acnunt nudtbei tin reof, by Unnngr aoopy of this orïer to bo pin ín Uu '' ,""■■ Aiyiy. a ncw-sjmiJer print cd and inmtatiiuf in said County, three succewsive weeks prenoue to aaw itity of hearing. (A truc oopy.) HIIÏAM J. BEAKES 1329 Judgc of Trobatc. Estáte of Fitch Itill. QTAtE f)F MICHIGAN, county of Va-hier,,.. O Atáswsion of the Probate Court for the Z21 of Washtcnaw, holden ut the Probate Office Z ,' city of Aiin Arbor, on Tuesday, Uie tii-,.'4 ' ''5' ol June, tn tb yenr me thoutiuid oight h'unü aml eventy onc. r i M-in:, Hiijitn .T. Iïeakn, JUJkp of Piobate In the matter of tMbttateof ifitebirfi] dice■k K. IliM iui'1 David AUmendinger EI txrs of thehipt wil! and tu of aid deee&T come in!o Conrl and represent that thcy are no? pnrcd t rr-uder their lioal arcwifit as surh r ■■„.' Tlu-ruouixm it is ordered, that MUnday, tïietHn ni July next, at teno'clocll in theforenr be asaiinml for examininK and allowing such aceoi and that the leñatees, devise and heirs at law Of '.. ;m 11 ottier persons interested in ny tuto, are rehuiré! to inw at a wssion of unid fíJ Uien t(j be helden at the Probate Office, in tberit nn Arbor, iu said county, and mïiow cause if Í there be, why the aid account should not' be lowed : And it fs ftirthcr ordiTed that MM Ki, tors give notire tb the persons inteiested in said , tate, of the pehdphcy of said arrount. und the ha inp tbrreof, tiy r.iuMiii: a eopy of this order to puhlishtd in the Michigan Argiis, a newmm printed andciiculati ig iu said eo'mity, thrce ni si e weeks previous 10 tmiTü dy of h.arnig ABUEWJ H1KA.U J. BEMCF. 'J JudgeofPiutaJ, Eetota of Putrick Hoban. SjTATI OF vi'-HI'iAN, County of Washtenaw O At a ÉM út the Probóte Court ir the Coo of Wasbtunaw, holden at Uil of Ann Arliov, on Tuesday; th" twciny-mvcnth d of June, in the year one thouaand eight lilmdredi seventy-one. Present Hiram J. Bfakes, Jurljre of Probate In the matter of tin: ej-tulo oí l'ulrwk 'im. deceived. On redding -nl flünt: tlie petition, duly vcn8J GeorgO Clatïin, AddtinbtrstM1 de bvnis nsn, viá will annexed, prsying tliat ha !iay be lireucd mortgafre oertain real ett&te, whereof huid iltr. died it.'izcl. " ïliereupon it i ordsred, that Wednetdar, thfin day of Auyui! nCti ut ten o'cinek in tiic iurtnooc amigncd for the hearin" of snid petition, and th 't deriteee anfl luiis at law of aiil decenté .. ill persons lnterestfed in said Mate, ure róoiib to appear at a session of snid court. tlwn to be hnM. at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Art? iho canas, il there be, why the prajei oj i potitioner should not be jfrantcd : And it ia twï ordcred, that aid petitioner give notiee to tl r, ■ons intereRted in snid catate, of tho ix-ndcno■aid petition, aad the hearing thereof, hj cmai oopy of thLs order to be puhlishrd in the Michi Arfus.i newepapsr prfuted and drenlatnw in oounty, four Muoceïtóive weeks inexiuu to wtul hearing. ' (A true copy.) HIRAM ,T. T.KAKES 132 Judgcof 1'roütt. Estáte of John Diehl. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of ifatJUajn 0 At n sesnionof. the Probate Court for the Con of Waohtcnaw, holden at the Probate Olii ioi City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the tBeotv.thï day of Juin:, in the year one thousaud ágí,{ v dieil and peventy-one. ut, Hiram J. Bcnkcs, Judpe of Prohtts In the matter of the cstuto ol John ' ni deceased. " On reading ana flUng the petition. iluly vcrilW Margaretta Diehl, praying tliat Ioiinni (;ni muy be appointcd Administrntor of the estáte nid lec-'H-i-i!. Xhercupon it U oi-derod, that Mondar, thetrat fourth daj of Jnly noxt, at ten o'clwk in tbe 5 nooii, be assignr-d for the hearing of stid mol and thnt the hi in t Inw of sai.l doceased, and MiV er persons inteiested in said estute, are rwimed to a' pear at ■ sen-ion of said Court, then to Uholdra the'; Otlio;, in the City "f Ann ArW ', show Cause, if any there lic. why the itotci óf tl petitioner should not lic giuntod : Anti it hhm, ordered, that said petitioner plve notiee to tlie wtwi lntcr.-twl in saitl estáte, of tbependonc] ol laMM tioti, an;l the heaiinff thpreof, by causintt a cm' this order to be publlahfd in the INdtifat Anm oewipaper printed and eirculntinp in k-.úí rMj three sicwivc weeks prcvioi:s to said dat 1 1 bma (A truc copy.) ElfiAM J. BEAKIS 1328 Juditc of 1'roWi,. itt of John Mason, OTATI' OF JiTCUIi. A V, County of Wnshtroaw í 1' At a khoii of the i'robat.: ( cmrt for tbt I u of Waahtenag, holden at the Probate Otlice hfl oityof Ann Arlior, on Tne-.lay. thctwenty-seTMtlij01 June, in tlie yoai' one thouwnd eight" hundrri u seventy-one. Ut, Kmim J. )!rniiC9, .ludije ot I'r..t ;.tc. In tlie matter of the stilte cf John Miison i, eeased Hnmuel Mnson, ndoiinistrator of snid estnte a toto Court nnil representa th( ,!■ is nmr iifcpmjt renafls hls Baal aeoount as unoh Administratsri 'Ïliereupon it ia ordeied, Mouday, the tvnti fonrth day of Jtüy neact, ut ten u'ilonk in the foMool be n.igiieil for examinin and allowin sech smien: aml that tlie hf?irs at luw of eoid deecased, n&& other persons intej-ested iu said estáte, nre rniuitol t appi'ar ut a se.iion of said ( ourt, theo to be liokks l thi Probate Office, in the city of Ann .1 Couiity, and show cause, il' any there be, why the uw account shonld rot 1h: aüowed: And it I furthfi ordered, that said Administrator giv, persons intorested in said estáte, ot tlie pesdactil Raid acroutit, and the hearing thereof, by csuñl copy of this order to be publbhcd in tU .WíJijjj Arius, s newspapor printed and drftd t.'ounty, three snooessiTe weeks preiuue tosaiddji of hearing. (A tme eopy.) HIHAM 3. BEAKIÏ. 1328 Judm ol l'tolatt. Estáte of Hugh Taughn. CÍTATE OF MICJIKíAN, Cotmty of WséUsmi ' Ai a .wwiou of Iho J'robnte Court fottkeCDoQ of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofièktk ('ity of Anti Arbor, on llos&day, the twenty-sithdiT if June, in the yeur ouc thoupnnd eijjlit huudiii and (eventy-one. mt, ilimm J. Henkes, Judgc of Prjkif. Tn the matter of the estáte of Qugh VUiB, deceaoed. llararet Vauglm, Adrninitratnx and Tlidiirt "Wal.sli, adminútrator 'le limiis no of said estáte cwoa in Court and represent that they are now piepandfo rentier tbeir iinal account ns such AdministrAuixnl Administrator. Thereupoü il is ordered, that Monriay, the rnitffourth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the fopnoon, be assit;ned for exnminiug and allowing a aooonnt, and that theheiis at lawof said decoad,i all other persons intei-ested in said eatiilt', wt r-quireil to nppear at a m ssion of said ( 'unit. then to k holden at the Probate office, in the Ciiv of Ais Arboi1, in said County, and show cause, if nujUirtf W uh t!n Mjiïil account should not 1-e .illovtd : Ais it is further ovdored that snid Administratiix '- Ailmhtistiutnr ive notiee to the persons interfsïöiic s;:iil rétate, of the pendency of wiid neeotmt, nrai tlí hearinft thcredf. ly csrasiBg copy of thiioidertolí published in the Michigan Auna a nevspsper riiítrí and circulatiPff in said Cotmty, three BUceeMive fii prei ions t" Bald day of hcannsr. A trae copy.) IIIKAM J. IÍEAKES, l.;2 Judge of Frohiti. Estato of WilKtun H. Cook. STATE ÓP MÏCHIGAJf, County of Wiwhtcniw.K At a sessien ot the ProVate Court for the ÍAntT of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, íbü city ut Aan Arbor, on Thursduy. the twcnty-ti day of 1)11116, in the year onc thousand eightluaiid -venly-one. nt, Hirum .1. liealces. Jndge of Pmbate. In the matter of the Estute of Williamll. M ii. In.i line Cook, Administrafrix of said eet ste.tï into Court and repreents that she is now ynfad to render her iinal account as sueh AdniiuistiilrJThercupon il [s ordered, that Moiulay, the tienti fourth day ot' July next. at ten o'clock in the forernxr, .■'j aiuiifï for Bxnmining anti aUoiring ttth fm cmnt, and that the hein st law of Bsi and all other ]tersons interested in wijd csïtt. alt' reijuired to appear at a sesaion of said Conit, ttw to be holden nt tho Probate Ofliee, in the Cit; i Ann Arlor, in said county, and show cautt,tiJI lin-rt: l, wny the said account shoiua iwi .Ll allowed : And "it is furtiitr ordêred, said Adai'istrntrix givn noties to the perrons intercítul a suid ostatc, of the ]endency of tsairi account, w Hearing théreof, by caiuing a copy t' thiK onleiit l pubttoned in the Michigan Arpwtn Dewiyper,pnwl ai:il ('icnliitinK in siiid county, thice (.ucea1 u ikfl previoits to huid day of hearing. (A tnw py.) III HAM J. BKAKES. ÍS28 Jadge of lroWICstate of Geo. Gotts, Sön. STATE OF M1CIÍ1GAX, County of WauhteM At a session of the Probate ' 'onrt for the CoWftJ Wajihtcn.iw, hoklun at the }robfttc Office, in tfcf1 t Aun Artior, on Wdnesday, the twciity-fiirtiTj June in tbc yeor one tbuusnud cight hundred evcnty-oiif. Present, J. Bpke8, Jndtro of Trobnie. In thr matter of theestnto oí Ocorgc Cíottí.trt deceased. , , n reading and filinjr Ihfi jietition, dulj" veriiW-1' . Mnry (fott, praying thut ïklwin J.-u-kton. &0 f' other suitable ]H'i-son, may be iiipoiutelfttlniioii; tor of the estatd of Bttid afleearccT Thercupon it is rdercd, tlial Mondny. tíe W"J hurth day of July next, at ten o'dock i .::' brenoon, le iissiptied for tbc h'rinp f siikï prtifï-;- nul thiit the hcirs at lnw of said deoeased, ïLIll'ï er persons intciested in snid estafe, are rcquirwW'r po;ir :it a Hsiun Of snid C'onrt, then (o belw , hc Trbate Otticc, in the City of Ann Arto. how causo, if any there 1", why the PtfJÜ letirioner uiould Dot b% prrnnted : And it ii 'w ' irdered, tliat said petitioner stTe uoiieetotbeif1 uterested in aid ebtutc, of the pendeney of K. ion, and hi'iini.r tnereof, bj causing i copy ■ ni-r to ba pubHahed In th NVchiga Argnuk n!lper j-rinii.'l and tárculating in stiid eonnV! accemre ïreka previoup to mfd day of ho.iriop. (A trt:c copy.J H1KAM .T. BEAK 1338 udge of Troste Estáte of Obed A. Alvord. QTATE OF MICIIIOAX, Tonnty of J 1 At a aeeedon erf the Court ior the OwwL Vashtonaw, hoidon at the Probate Oflïce, nijWJJ t' Ann Arbor, on TtwMay, the twtMiiy-sevwWj une, i u Uit' j'cai' one thousand eijiht huw1 sevrnty-ono. Present Jlimm J. DeakeSi .ludgG of Probate. . ín the matter of tho estáte of Obed A. A1"1 eoeased. .j i :' Onrcading and fllinij tlic poütion, muy ""_.. Eusebia M. Ahrord, praying timt a Ttain ■'L■L now ou iil' in thisooürti psapovtisg ioj ip( will and tostement oi s 1 doooa cdi M;iy bfl j pgi to pi-ohntc, and tlit stir. David B. Alvorf ' ' .is Alvoi.l miy Ní appointe 1 J-;Li''utorH tbciw_ Iheréoponit is ordered, tliat Monday, "",''■ fourth dny of July nnxt, ut tun o'dock in the JoBJ be aangned foi tl' hearing oí said petition, "tl' rV-1 -. ilt- icvs and hriis at lny of fiaid dec60 all otíwr penona iutercstU in Baid wtatet are IÍLw to appoar at it sesaw uf süid Court, tlien to iT at 1'robnii: (iav, in the City of Aun WL sliow ciiusi', if nny thoru he, why the pnw ■ ÍJ,J tftioaer Bhould not b inantiHl: And it if ordored, that unid petitimier give npticc to to'P'P intarM in said astuto, oí th. peñdacy ' M j .5 tioa, and the hearing thorcol', by causing f uiiliT to be published in fbe Michigan Argf, ]t:t]M-r prlntcd and em'ulatinj,' in said CouniJ' mcoeadre wwks previous to núd lay uf 'Ki DUTTER WANTED. I are,HL-a!n prepared totakeíll' CHOÍCE BIJTTE Mude In thc Conntj-, for CASH orgood" IS'.'ítf ,U1.. GotoR.W.ELLlS&CO' for choice Wines and Liqu for Medical Purposes . - g-


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Michigan Argus