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LooT, -2_ Near the corner of Main and A,nn Sta., One Laip Pocket liuok, b'jarüiji the ;tuie of W. T. Iluba, and containiog about ffiiJOñ, A unl of ta adI ira will Lh giveii to the íinder by lea ving ihe moeit thiaoliicc. U33-wl JOTICE. Broke irto tho Inclo nre of the nbucribtr oiet abotu the 2Jth tl jiy uf M;iy S71, onc Spotted Msn l.ny, with whitt; face nuil hod al l ar.uud, aboat ten ur twtlve year of aye. '1 hc owner 14 requeïi. ed to prove propeny, pny cnaryes and tale uia inarc awavJ..COB EBBEE. Lodi, July, lít.lS-1 1253 wO Estáte of Patrick Hobau. STATE OF .Mie UI', AN, Cnuuty of Waakte juw, a. At u session oí the l'ruuate Lourt fortheCoMlJ of Wa.stitenuw, hold'jn at Ihe Probate Otüce, inth? 17 oí' Ann Aibor, on M01 d 't the twen '-foarth da? ui July, in theyearone thousnnd eight hnndrtd uA í ftVL'IUJ -ÜllC. Present lliiain J. II aki-s, Judge of ProLate. ín the utattLT of the estáte of l'utnck HoUa, On reauJng aml tilin the petition, duly vtrifitd, oí I i :_ 1 -i.-iii. Administralor d bonit , itii tU will itmu xed, pxaying that in; muy be ltoenaíd i e.l 08Zt&fi& Tl'.íI MtatOj whercof said üt(xaaed H Beixed. Tiicrcupon it is orJerc.1, thnt Tnosthty, thefifth itj of Beptiubemext at ten o'clock in the forenoMrl awlied lor tho hoinzig of uid petition, and tut the tosateeSi dorteees tnd hein ut law of sid dtMiwi, mi allothcr peions intereated in aicl eatate, aitniiKd tu ;ip!f;ti .v; .1 Beasion "i 1 .lul court. rben to bttoM, ut the l'iobatu ütliw, in the City ot Ann Aib4,m liow oaiuei if any there be, why the praycr oitk petitionc-v shwiltl uot be tTautetl: And it is tunlti oidexed, thal saitl petitwner givenotice to the ptioiia intoxcBted iii síiitl estáte, of the jxrnd'jncy of .,,1.1 petitioDf and thl boudng thereof, by uuwnf copj of tliis order to bc publish -il in the JíicAíjm ArguBytk nempapex printed und onculatiDg in wi uoimfy, four sueL-wtóive weeks pi-cvionslo said dayoi A true copy.) HIRAM l. BKAKEP, 133 Judije of 1'roUte. Estáte of Charles StuciT _TATK OF MirilHi.VN, Cou ity of Wushta, . 0 At naoseioiioi thel'robatc Court for the l'omtj of Waahtenaw, holden at the 1'robate 0lL, 'm Út City of .n:i Arlr, on Saur l;iy. tlie twepty-9ïi iay of JuLy, in the year ono thonaand eiyht hunvi:i l :tnd svvtnty-un?. Proeent, Qsnun .1. lieafcea, Jtidgc of Trobatc. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Stna, c mi redding imd filin?? tlie petition, duly vcrilïKl.oi Chulea Bhiar, Admimatntor, pruyise that lifoiy i8ed to l-;1 certoia saai estáte whcreof aiu ei tuied -in -i u izad. Theroupon it isordcred, tlmt Mouday, the Ibiim da; of September next, ut ten o'oloek in the (■ uiMiri. !■■ nasigned for ue hearing of s.iitl iiioi, and tluit the heil at jaw of snid deeeiwed, aml all othei persons inteiestwl iu said estáte, are reqiuied to ty peur ut a Mmon of said Conrt, then to 00 boleen, t the ProbatO OlBtO, in the City of Ai.n Arlin, M show ouue. it my thore lx.', why the priiyci of t podtionei abould not be granted: Aml it is furchei oi-dered, that snid petitioner gie notfc to the fci"' lnteresteil in said csiate, of the pendency of saiiiiutiou, nnd the hearing thereof, by canamg acopyM this ordor to be publishetl in the Michigan Aryu. oewspaper porintod nnd arrcolating in b1 ' '"'"1 fotir Awcccssive weeks previoiw ' imiW d"v 01 n'nng. (A tino copy.) HIBA3H J. BEAKES, UU Judce of rrobtó. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslitetaw. The nilersiifuixl, having been appoinlcd oj' Probufo Court lor said county, (ominissioiicistoKceiTe, ozomine and adïuat all dnlsu nd demu all jeisons aguiost tlip estáte of John DieW, U'c .. county, deoeased, hereby give notieetiit monilis ftoro da'e ar allowed, by onlei of -wul n bate Coort, fot erediton to m-.-int their cl"' ugainst the estáte of aaid deeeuaed, and tlwit thoj w meet at the office of K. Deslían, in the city ol i Arbor, in snid county, on Sutnrday, the fcvciito W of October, nud Frïdoy, tbe twenty-sixth day JaQoary, next, at ten o'clork a. k. of en ' dan, to ree liw, examine, and adjnst said claimsDatod, July 2th A. I) 1871. 1 ekVílANX. jCommi Sheriff 's Sle. STATE OF MICHIUAN, Cjimty cf TVhlo"i ss. Ity virtue of a wril of uxeoutioil ÏNUI "" nnd under the scal of the Cirouit Court, in ChMWJIi tor the county of Washtenaw, State of Mi dated the 22d day of Mav A. 1). 1S71, and tome ïectod und dclmnred ■. gainit the Roods. rhatteli''"! and tenemcntH of ThoinKS Cairoll, dift-ndanttlmw named, I did, on tho Brst day of June, 187!, fort want of fc-ootls and chattels, levy apon all ihe int; that Thomaa Cairollhaa m the followint; ""ï: iwrcelof : two aor of liud lyius S fagintheoltyof Ann Aibur, lounded and n u lullows : commeufing at a point in the west uh of theoaat baU "f the wutheaat quarter of " N'o. twenty-tib'ht [581, in townshiy No. two í2) X' ui range No. ii ca.,', twenly-aix rwls south of te""l de-s roal, and (nenoe running easterly ulons ioU, Divit's wju;h line and parallel to the Oeddee roafi ' McDiTit'd ioutheast corner, twenty-ix i: foutll,j the center of said load, nnd thenee extending jot" of thesuine h. near tweuty-four rods in WO 1 !i, . v:-i Uno bciag parallel to the west line of "jv fai vuough to contnin two acres of land. the " )m' to ba parallel to tho center of the GM r'r wbioh uiainhool ihall expoeefor slet P"10,,,!, tion, to the hiKhcst bidder, at the south '';' „!,í Court Elouao, in the iity of Ann Arbor, on the .' day of September, A. D. 1371, at 10 o'ilock i. ■ " said ii,iv. Datec'l, August M,A. D. 18H. .. ■ MT KON WEBB, Shenï. 1333 By Jor.tiN Fobbes, Under Shenl. Sheriiï's Sale. TATK OF MICHIUAN, County of Washten" liy Tirtua of a wril of execution, iwued ut ol under th seul of the Cirouit Couit foi the wuniy W'aohtenaw, 6te of Michigan, duted the """L, ürst ilav of Manh, 1871, and to me ilireclod ?L ero I, agftinst tho good nd cbattcto, lands oud tcni uf Louis H. Budioi, defcudant thcrcin namw ,,y of June, A. l. 1W1. ; ■.„:! of goode and oh 1M1 :-. tovj ujwn those l1"' ' lou 1 and 0 lyimr vest ot' Detroit Street, in bloc '■"■ DOrthO ! li.uROtC) :iX, RO.OVCBH. 1 tho reewded ptet of the vilinKe (n ei jrl nj' Arbor, exoepUmg the northeast wrncr, ilso "T"'? ili x uh'is oí the west reven rods ui saj lot two, said rol state Iwingr sitimtivl ■" 'P'PL'. of Ann Arbor, eoanty "i WanhtenHW, Btate o! Ji nu; wbioh premi I aUall exposé for ! PJ lic anotfam, tolhe higheat bidder, Kl the ontli " of the CourtHoiu. In the city of Ann .Arbor, i ■I iw. i.iy-iiiMwiayof July I87li at ten oeloa1 tho forenoos of aald lny. .'-" MYR0N. WEBBi Bhwijr 1SJJ Bf Johtix Fosrats, Under Sher Tboabove lalala adiournedto August Hr6tt l" BAffle tiïM of imv ;inil USOS. D.tedJly5ÍB,frTB0NWEBRa, Dy Joium F. hfs, Under Sier Tbe aboTe aale ia further adioanieJto August ■■■■ it tho Mme time of dny and pues. Ann A,bur. August W sh!,riff By Joetim FoHBEa, rmlcrhcijs. - ' R, W. ELÜS & CO.


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Michigan Argus