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The Central School Building

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We have scvertll t)urlnt the progress of the work taken a ook throügii tiie ci-ntrsl school building, to whicli B largc iddltlon is beii!!,' Tlie wol-k luis iow progressed fa f thát '.vc Ban speak udvirvdly of the improvement. Tho addition is made npon the east front, and is 30 eet lD width lid tbc hole length of tlie building; the whole being tUrown uncler Mie rooi. Tlie walls are up, the roof ueary olli_only a small portiou of the tinvork reinal ut üg to be completed, an1 the uterior alteratious in sucli a Stage of atlancement as to show ihe nature of the iicroascil accommodatiuiis. TheoM blltld ttj had two halla oroSíliig the building mm eaat to west, with two large stody ooms In eltheread of bntldlng- neb 98 papil,- and two nmall recltatlon ooms in tlie center bet ween the halls, wltb lothes rooms bet ween recltatlon rooms. lotli floors were allke in división, excopt liato sin.iii room for apparatus and boolcs ame offthe frontend of eachU per hall. The ecoud story ivas approoched by but two iijhtsof slairs- and stuirs wUb a turn at h.-u ; two narrow, erooked fllghts aisj ran o the third story or hall, making the lnresa and egrew so dlfflcult tlut many of ar clllzcQg ffeared to flml thcir wity up bere on occasions llkely to till tlie hall. jatterly-for want of room- tbo bilí has een divided by temporarv partltlons iurishing incoiivenieiit wrltlng and recltaion rooms. Tlie wliolo building was varmcd (or au attempt lu 'hat direction ladcl by two foinaces. Non' for tbs changes. A hall 10 feet vide, running north and south, has been aken from the okl building, COttlng dowu hu large study rooms toa more convenlent ize, experlence havlng proved them too oo large. In this hall two BlgbtS of stairs uu U the secood story, and without a urn Tiie 'old st:iirs lüive been taken owu, bronght torward and carrled i;p Irect, and two new flights go up in the iine halls continned across the addltion 'he lower oor now h:is iour large stucly ooms- to stat 70 pupils each, two cnirged recltatlon rooms, with convenlent lythos rooms. Six fliglits of BtalM- In tfiid of the old twu- lead to the second oor, the división of which is the saine as ie lower- except that tlie twosmall rooms n the fr ut end of the hulls are retal ned. n the new part there are also two stndy ooms of the same sise as those on lower oors, with recltatlon room aud clothes oo:us. The old hall- to be used tor coaening the school daily- Is reulued as 1ü:ire except thit the stalrwaye en;róach a ttlc upon lts space. The upper story is aproached by four flights of stairs conenleutly located, so that the upper story an be speedily emptled In case of au larra ofany kind. The stairs aud halls re so located and llghted that a teacher an stand on the second floor, at tlieir osing, aud supervistí the nuvemunts f tho whole school. The brick work has been done by A. A 'KRRY, aud it is needleos tosay well done; nd the tiu roof is belng pot on by L, C. WDON. It is au improvement on the Old ne. The wholo alterution is ander the upervision of M r. Jamí-.s Mobwick, and ie work is belng exeCQted In a tanner Mr. Mobwick never wlll permlt ny poor work to be done by men In lus mploy, so that adinlrers of the old bulldig nesd ludulgo no fears or deterloratlou. 'ie new floora have been deadeneel by i yer of mortar, special attentlon has been Iven to ventllatlon, the rooms are all veil llghted, and no more conveuieut ehooi bulidiugcau be fo;ind In the State, t is to be heated by steim. Insarlng a more ren teraperature and greatly lesaeniug the ■nspr o flr' Tiiough ihere wi'.l be no freneh rooier s'.iwy towew - tho day of lien atiaelnnents 10 acuooi vuimuigs urng come sincc the original building was rected, and not so mach ernamental or rchltectunl display as In the schooi uUrilnsa receitly erected 1u some of our ister oiües- it wlll yield to none of tiicm d snbsttinthil mcrita or iccommodatlonê, Vlit'ii tlie work is completeil ainl ;iü rx mination made by our citi.iMis. we ;ire con U-n tiia-. the verdict - at least of all who re familiar with school bolldloga and lieir interior arrangemeuts aud oeeds- vill sustaln Uiis opinión. The two fire cotnpan'.es renewed the trial )f their engines on Wednesday aflernoon, hrowlbg Hom the same cistern as before. 'rotecüon Coinpan y made lvo tliicnvs browing 167 fcet 8 Incbe8 and 191 feet 10 aches. Rulitf Company made three throws, lieir score belng, 160 leet 0 laches, 155 Vet iiiches, and 172 feet. Piotection Coinpaiiy von the purse, of cutirse.


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Michigan Argus