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The Silver Islet Vein

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Capt. E. H. Ward, who has just visited tbeailver ore regiem, on the north shure Of Laks Superior, has writtcn a lettel in wlncii he s:iys: ïho Silvcr Islet looation has exceedpd tho most sanguino expectations of its owners. ïhe i)resent working of tho islet is producing from three to rive tons of rich ore per day, and from present appearances is considerably better in its general appoarance than it wa8 three inontha ago. It is worked 05 feet deep, and the oro from the lowest point taken out to-day is the richest in silver of any I hare yot seen. A steam engine ia to he put up and a largo increaso of men put to work, when tlio product is expeoted to more than doublé. ïhero is naw but httlo doubt that the Silver Islet Company will be ablo to divide 'ó or .'50 per cent. by the first of Jauuary next, and if the vein holds out as rioh as at present thero is no reason to doubt that two such dividend inay be made during the year 1872. It is estunated that 60O,000 worth of ore luis already been taken out, and that 400 tons will be tuken out and shippod during the remaindor of this year. The Bilver hearing vein is distinotly traced to and acroaa Burnt Ialand, md to the umin liind and inland ovei' half a ïnile. This provos tha vein to exist over 1% mires lu Length. But no silver has been takeu out at any point oscopt on Silver Islet. A ghaft has been Blink about t on the main land, and the vein, raok and wulls are just liko thoso at Silvur Islet. Lead ore and silver glauco are found in Bevend of tho rocks blasted out, specimens of whieh I carry homo. The dij) of the roeks indícate that this shaft ■ill havo to Imj sunk at least 150 leet to eaeh the ge(logiual level of the Süv.r slet ore. This may or maj' not be corect. Indications are that silver will be eached 10 or 1 o feet below the present epth of the shaft. If tho silver ore oud should extnd the whole length of liis explored vein it will require 20 years o exhaust the mineral now traced out. A line lead voin has boen f"und, and to ome extent prospceted in this louation, bout 40 rods east from tho silver vein, ■hioh promises valuable future resulto, nd by working may be found to contain fair percentage of silver ore. There ve a large, number of compauies forming n this couutiy, the stocks of which will oon be offered in the markets. A very 'ow of theiu ínay iiossess real merit, but he I urge raajority will undoubtedly disppoint those who buy tho stocks, hoping or prefitable returns. But few are exlOOting to work their mines, and those vho do will meet with more failures than uccesses. I do not wish to deprecíate lie nunierous mining enterprises proposd, but I should regret to realize another eason of wild speculation and abortivo 1 8, as our pooplo havo so recently ad ilisiistrously witnessed in tho üil Reious of Pennsylvania. The grandfather of Georgc H. Pendleon was the second of Alox ander Hainil,on in-hia duel with Aron Buit. The Earl of Winohelsea has raiher got ie best of bis creditors ; he owes thcm SöOO.OOO, and has only $700 worth of asets. The immense poroelain faetories at Soves, wovk in which has been entirely suscnded since the comencement of the siego ji Paris by the Germans, are to be at once e-established. A young American, George Lockhart {ves ot' Virginia, has won the prize for inglish declamation and composition at 'rinity college, Cambridge, England. The cost of the five large hotels in San Francisco is said to be $4,800,000. The nmiul receipts are reported at 3,000,000. A Maine farmer collecte a bushei of Tasahoppera daily for his hogs. Scalded, in-v make an excellent soup that the v. i:i' swallow with a reliah. The draw of the bridge at the en i Í the Mississiupi liiver at Hannibal, Ho., was BUCCessfully swung Saturday af tentoon. Graininar is lcamod from langUMce more easily than language from Griammar; critioisui from works of art inore lasily than works of art from critioism. Mmorv is a patiënt camol, bearina: ïuge burdens over lifo's sandy doaort. ntuition is a bird of paradise, drisJrïng n the aroma of celestial flowers. Every period of lifo has its peculiar jrejudices. WhoeVer saw oíd age that lid not applaud the past, and condemn ,he present times P ïhe amount spcnt last year in this country, for ministers, churches and missions, homo and foraign, was about ÍS, 100,000, aud for artificial flowers, $13,000, 000. English social reformers ask Parliament o pass a bilí compelling peoplu who are candidates for niatriinony to live ín the ame faraily for the space of one month jefore the wedding. The amount of national bank circularon issued durinsr July last, under the act of July mh, 1870, was $1,781,300. A iki! amount of threc per cent, ccrtificates will bc withdrawn from the market and ■etired. Mr. Samuel Adame, of Joncsville, havns advortised bis wife for leaving hú )ed and board, that lady publishes an udignant rejoinder, saying the bed was ter invi, and the board nothing but pork md rotten potatoes. At the recent State ball, the Prince of Wales refused to admit his sister, tlie 3rince Lousie, by the royal entranco, bolause the Marquis of Lorne, her husband, vas with her, and she would not attend at all. In üillsdale county there were in 1S70, GO births, 2!9 dcaths and 205 marriages, HE the births there were 11 pairs of twins. one set of triplets and five Ilegitímate. Dhe age of the oldest person who died was 98 years. TWENTS years ago a Boston tailor reired from business on account of failing lealth. For a few years past lie had suf'ered much from dinziness. A short time ago a surgaon discovered and extractad Tora his body a common sized needie, with doublé thread four inches in length, lUaohed. As he had used no needie of the kind for twenty years, the surgeon f-upposed he must havo swallowed it anterior to the period, and is of the opinión that the working of the needie and thread through the system caused the dizziness. Sinoo the operation the patiënt feels rreatly reliuved, and is impioving in healtb. Mr. Alvin Adnras, the founder of the Adams Express Company, is said to own the most expensive and beautiful eounti-y place in New England. It Hos in Watertown. soven miles from Boston, and tains 150 acres. The grounda and farm aro unsui-passed. The second floor of the house is on a level with the domo of the State houso in Boston, and from tho towBt can be soen twenty-six towns and cities. One of the features of the house is the art gallery, One of tho best in the country. Thove is nothing in Boston equal to it. It costs $100,000 a year to keop up the place. The "local" of tho Chicago liipublican says, " the aeweat method of making an honost living is to go round at night with an aocomplioe, and play tom-cat under tho windows of irascible bachelors. Then fchey tbrow boots and boot-jacks, and haii-brusht's, and crockery aud - and thinjjs at you, and you piek thom up au,i scll tlieni for oíd raga. We göt port of a bed-room set worth $7.00, last night, and to-night we aro going back to get tho rest of it." Bad habits aro the thistles of the heart, and every indulgenoe of thom is a new erop of weeds. A few years ago a little boy told his first falsehood. It was a little Bolitary thistlo-seed, and no cye but God's stiw hini as ho planted it in the ruellow soil of his heart. But it sprang Up - oh, how quickly - and in a little time another and anothcr, each in its turn bearing moro seed and more thistles. And now his hoart ia overgrown with this bad habit.


Old News
Michigan Argus