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Nkw YoiiK, Aiig. 1. The course of the raw cutton market luiing tlie weck has been a thoru in tlie lt'sh to dr}' goods jobbers, wlio, wilh tlie tapie declined lïom 20J4 to 19 iu loss ban 16 days, Bod the sharp polnt taken oft' licir prices A reactlon of'c yeaterday n mldland aplauda restored confldence mil "ad vanee" is agaln hcard. lt is a treumstance worth notiiig namcly, that juyers do not " bife," and it will not surirlse If the dry gooda agente havo to relax Jbelr pretensions constderably before the uarket possess ceasonable activity. Dark irints are relatlvely's'.rong and woollen ioods are held itti fnll confldence. But otton sphnierg and wool mana Tac boren Itlll pnrcbaM tlie raw material from hand o mouth, nn examplc wliich if lollowcd )y distributors can not fail to have au iquallzlog efflict on values. Groccries are juiet aud prices rather steady th:in finn.- fhe weakneag of the sug&r market is a narvel to many. AVhy, with a short erop iiid llgbt tUock, values should be so weak il tbe height of the fruit season is a conindruiri not easily answered. New green md Japan teas are a trlfle more buoyant. Huyera of rice are indifferent and bolden efuse to niake COUCeesluns. Brasil coffees ire vury tlnn, but Importers are gt-uerally ibove buyers' views. BreadaloA, which ïave held thoir own for some days in con leqnence of bad reparts concern! ng the European crops, are ugain on the decline. Holden of gblpplng grades ol flour are inxioiH to realizo at a concession of 10c@ ÏOc slnce Saturday. Whcat is about 3c lower since the date of last letter; no new Micliigan yet receivcd ; dealers here are inxious to seo a caro of that " splendid 3rop," and I will soon inform you wliethcr your reputation for ralslng white wheat is to be redecuied. The belief here, however, is that it will. There is good home trade for corn, but an advauce in ocean frelghts checks export. Micli. oats 7J@7á. Western butter lus been Bblpped heavlly for 10 days, and the market U bare of that grade - price 20@23. Our flue state grades command as high a price here as in England, henee do not enter luto export. VVhy is there so much carclussness in the makfnx of westeru butter? Kggs scarce at21@ 22. Tullow in good export demand - No. 1. Gold steady at 112. Money plenty- loaus made at 1JL(5!3 per cent., on eall !-l por cent. Sterling lower - 110. Detroit, Au; 2. The wlicat market la now quite active. Othci grnins are llfeless. JFloiir is still dal I and the market more destitute ofeastern orders than fot a loug time. New flour is arriving in as large a proportion as oíd, but oelthet to a.n alarmlog cxteiit, wliile the stock Is'worked down low aud üirthcr loss is not regarded as possible. New choice is selliug at 6öO@6.75 and oíd at 6.25(6.50. Wbeat 15 arrlvlng very frce ly, aud Hiere is a laege export as wtll as tome speculative inqairy. In four days over 250 car loads have changed handK. The new grades of Inspectlori appear to glva general satisfacllon. Prlces have uot Quctaated mach daring the week. Yesterdny primes were l(82c hlgher, to-day the varióos grades closert weak as follows: extra 1.35; No. 1 vhlta 1.24; Treadwell 1.24; amaer 121jNo.2 white 1.17.- Corn dull at 58. New oate II, old 49. No barley or rye o&erlng. Apples In good de mand - 2 50a3.50 per bbl. for state. Bntter Is accumulating and prices are lc lower - choice rallhg at 10. Kijks stagnant - 13c irora storo. Beeswax scarce- 30@31 oflered. Honoy plenty at 15@18 for coinb ou street. Iliiles In good duinand - Öc lor ftreen country. Potatoes steady at 50c. Piüvlsions weak - mess pork offered at $14 and lard at 9á(310; hains steady at 15 and slioulders at 9).. Tan bark- 6 50 asked; 0(36.35 bid. Tallo.v more active - 7 ireeJj paid. Money easy at 8)@10 per et. Standard A sugar 13(ai3J. Anx Anoon, Aug. 3. "We quote tliis p. m., as follows : Wiikat- ?1.10@1.20, accordlug to quallty- Oats- Old, 40c; new 35. Cokn- 60c. New Potatoes - 75c. Omons - ?1.


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Michigan Argus