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. jpsSbss directory. Tn-ttiV F. Prosecntlog Attomey. At !Ï Arbor Tuc-nday and Fïldayof eacb. wek : ■ ■ . _____ '"" j[-"rs. . r..,;k, tv L. No. 64 .-UU. Ü . ■ . . - HALK.M.V., RraMence anl Offlce M v s '■■""'" 'r vVilliamsand ihompso. Strcets. e hoars I to 3 r w. "ïirHAEL Ml ItlïAV, Koofcr Piro and Inui Prooi, Pelt d CompoBltioD Gravel ' ., „"i on to i rrter ml warranted. BUence on S8tret, Vnn Arlior. ,, ": ÜLIS & C .. Dniggtat aniaealers U, in p. int.-, oilS; etc. No. ■- Suutb Main itreet, glrtwi ■ o V. ÜïSSIONS, Altornpy mi'' Coamdloi L2uw, Rcnl Ksute nd Insurance gent ConUriK mm Coltectlon o( ' Ulme promptly at S.Í iu on liberal term. Office m Donnelly1 Snpstalrs. Iliiroiictrett, ..mi Arhnr Mich il JACKSOJV, Bentlel ooeewrtoC B. w ,..-,■ ol B. W. Ellis .: o . Aun Arlior. . admlnUtcrvd il reqairfd. ,,- r. BBE1KET, M. ., Phyelclan and on UlMc . :í ii-ii''la'' col Lei m HULrel door enst of Prwbj1Auu Arbor, nfch. lj jiH'i' Dealer in Bati and faps, t. t'm SttawOoods Scnt8' Fnrnishlog Ooofla, Ho TSoati Main .-weet. Ann Arbor lch. sSÜEBÏAKJD Uft atid peonHoron Sttcét. , i . cTHlSDON. Dealer i" Hardware, bios Goode, TtnVre,4c I s Snatb.MaIn ïtreet. ñTciI ABEL, Dealers In I rr Qoo D't.rits. &c.,Mo -O .-,,uili Main -treet. Aun éÚwSOIK a SON, Provisión end n;8 Ilil t IlllTf III V:ücr line. Uiki l'isftor. and 1 No. !■■ Kast P'iwa sirirt. ■ïoxuilHIM. Wholesale and Retail Deaier . ade lotblng, ■ lotb. Casimeri, - Fnrnlsbin Go ds. No i 800U1, Deaier la R"ntly U.V' loth ff Ing, i lotb Cawlmere Vestln .nf.Ops, to.t-'ari - : ■ ■ fULJIORE FISKE, Bookeller and Sta.1 1,-av and Ooilege Text Bo ka, lscellai Books. No.3 Mortn Mam un Arbor. Fiv.rv lkwis, So. ■_■ Bast Hnron ftroet, Kim TWr. UAU W CHEEVEK, AÏTOENEY AT LAW ! Mcewltli B.W. Morgen, Easl Blde oTCourt Home 1331 i H. DAVENPORT& CU., BAIMKER8, SALINE - - - MICHIGANBUY AMli SELI, EsTernment Securities, Gold Coin, Draftü Uew York, Hos'on, and othcr CUIet runncy "n Depostt, make Colïcc'lotifl, I rompllj to all . iftTtiiiuiug ti) late} loaned on approved Scctinties. 13 , SU, 3 J. F. SCHAEBEELE Teacher f M dsIc. Glvea lostruUon on the PIANO, ViOLiN AND GÜITAR, , Vu. 57 Soatfa MaId Btreet, CMoorc'tj ■togJiOr at ihe reeidcacc of the pupil. PiANü TUNI G, H&igpcclaliry and satinfnctUm calrttDUed. 324J1 JKOCKEË Y. GLASSWARE & GBOCEEIES, J. & P ronnelly Hatiin store alargestockof rocken Olaswaref MWtre.i'ntlery Orocenca &c, c. all lo bi■Hitanosaally low prli es Ko lï Bast liaron Street Ann Arlmr UMlf J. ie P. IH).lvl,l. V . fOHÑG.GALL, DEALEK ITT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LAK. IADIAOBIi K.K., Mentollclted and promptly flllcd iih thpbeet ■ market. Bi Baat WaabtDgtoD átreet. W Albor, Sept. lfith, 1869. lS85tf JJ ARK3EY, &jLlg M.inutacturcr of wiages, Buggies, Wagons, ■".Kl'ilISuf cviry style made oí tUo beet d warranled Horse ehoeing and Hv rÊ done proni,,tly aiui pricefl reasoniible ""Ml Street, uiar K. K De[)üt, Aun Aibur, Micli M2IJI )Rü. B. POBÏER, DE1STTIST. tho 3AVINGS BANK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. "'Operacions on the Natural Teet: PBBFORMED WtTB CMIR. '"SüRPaSoED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCt ttffiG ARTIFICIAL TEETH, TO oiVK SACH rtJDIVIl OAL, ""Jlke proper tize, thapt ,-.olor ürmncstivl na at trpretsion. 1344 Q#'C.JENKINS & HRANDOLPII WHITE, M. D. DENTISTS. RtoEE OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. AU Operations peiformed in the Most. Thorough and Bcientific manner. Nltrous Oxide Gas constantly on hand, "iladuiiuisttrcd vvltli perfect suftr.y. 1SJO yl. I[ID GLüVES. I have 20 dozen of the LEBRATED EMPRES8 KID GLOVES I I i::."19 most eQui6ite shades, for one dollar a 1322-f J. W. UAYKAFD.


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Michigan Argus