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Local And Other Brevities

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- jmv ; uiü ume 10 suuscrifiu nuu pa y for the AüGcs, - Giles W. Ticknor, of Pittsfield, died tsddeniy on Wrunoday r last week. - If you want u flrst-class Bill and Let tor He. ui, t!ie Aiigus office is llie place to yet it - The tViumy Fair is to be held on ffo.liii'sd.HV, Tlturs-.Uy, and Frlduy, Octo Ix:r4!h,.'lh, ! th. '■- Epoct ülvcs David How, of GrassI.akc, 1.100 bnsliels of heat ttom 22 acres 'Huw is tlial fur Ulghf" - The Main Street bore is dow down bout 770 leet. 'Vat lot o post-holes tvill socn be on the tnnrkct. - Rot. Geo. Di'FFiKt.D, ofSaginaw City, rtll lill the pulpit of tlie Presbyterlan Cliorcli on Sunriay next. - Rev S. W. Duffield has accppteii'the csll to the Presbyterlau Ohirch in thiscity. nul will enter on duty in September. - Wc ivant, and thattmn dialely, evi hy D0LI.AK due the AhGUS office. Thedemands ol'our crertitors coinpel tliis genlle hint. - The Aiiot' s glyes more reariin; matter tbau any other paper pobllshed in the natT. If yon wam -o be posted subscribe ot it. , -Prof. Fiüeze and party snil from New York to morrow, ou the Steamer Hermano efrie Bremen line May tkey eacounter fair Hinds. - Now is he time to advertise - in the AhGUs. As well run a tragón wheel witii Dl grfag' as i sncccssful business without jduniMiiir. - Hev.Dr. CocKEn, owlng to somc mis onderstand 2, did not preach at the M. E. Ciiurch on Sunday last ; but is put down forSunnay uext. - Jackson grocers advertise A coffue sugarai23c. Ann Arbor grocera Bell the same grade- without adverlisiug - at 14c. Why is this thus? - The lnterestlng Berün letter i anothcr column, copied from the N Y. Jour0 mmerce, is froin F. A. ScjTT, son ofj Austix ÖCOTT, of thiscity. - Ou Munday nlgbt of last week, a span of horse, btiijsy, harnesses, robes and blankets- a full ris; - belonging to Wm Hiscock, of Superior, went off with a thie:'. - Let it be recorJed that the dry apell effectually plaved out on Friday last; and, ilo, that the copious rain ol that d iy was iupplenieiüed by a heavy shower between the liours ol 2 aud 3 a. m., Tuesday. - A nuiuber of prosecutions ander the new liquor law have been commeiiced befurc Justice Ökssioks, the City Marshal prcfeiring to try that act ou to attempting u eutorceineiit o!' the city ordloaoCM. - The City Marshal of J icknon gives notice thit the ordinmees proliibiting the salooDS beiiig kept open on ttanday, or between the hours of mldalght aud 5 o'clock A. M., all dnys, wl:i be rijjitlly enlurced. - Iha CusnM.VN, Jr., has sokl lus hotel interest, at Sauk Itapids, Mini)., to his partner, Mr Cakfenter, aud is back in tliis county, "aeelog how the land lies " He Is lüokiiif hearty : owing toliis Dcmocracy ana a clear couscience. - Kouebt Nbii, and Isaac C. Astoh, oi' Coluinbus, Ohio, passed tliruagli our city a few d.iys igo, en route lor Eiton Hapids. Ontlieir n ext health seesiug tour they will protjubly try the virtues of t!;e " Plöty ' Hifi " mineral waters, in our city. - A Detroit boy, nained Wm Cummi.vüs, was sent to the House ol Correction on Wediiesday, for 3U days, for trespassin;: on thegarden of a Mrs. Fkazeu, stealing fruits, iiijtuiug trees, etc. There are a few lawless ''"J's In Ana Arbor who deserve liKe puDislnneut. - Aá the time for opening the (all term of the pubüc schools, in village and coun try, is approaclilng, we Kive place in anothcr column to the so-called "compulsory t'iucation" law, and coinineii'l it to the reful attention of both school officers and Puente. - Couuty Clerk has returned from bis visit to Gotham and thereabouts. Sys he went to Long Ijr.uich, Miufled the "üii bretzes, balhcd in the same tub with fcUcvernroent, and Ihat after paytng a bilis he elt loil anti in a mood to acwpt gifts. - The followi )g new iostructors are anBmioceJ for the coming year in the Uni, vr.ity : P. 1Í. B De PoHT, in French and Drawing; Fkank A. Blackhurk, M. A., Ia Latiti ; WooSTXS VV. Beman, B A., in Matbem:tics; J. BuKKfTT Webb, in En. flncering; and Marcüs Bakku, B. A.., In Mat hematíes. - Prof. Watsojj has discovered anotlier planet : being spurred thereto by a recent A-Ugus paragraph. He made the discovery n Spnday morning last, and reporta it in hf constellation Caprlcorn and shining like a star of the tentli mngnitude. Now, lor nnother, Professor, and close up the gap bctn-een yourselfand Prof. Peters.