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Duty Of Brothers And Sisters To Each Other

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Bistere, guara and protect your brothers. Yo:i wonder why I aay soto you. The, guard and protectioa, you, ghould surely rathor como trom them. But there lismanic power, wtaich m iy umanato froin a fragüe and gentle en : iertban br&wny mnscleor iron will. i tkrow ver bei brother the purity of her taaiden lifci which sli.ill . : l'.im like a charmed atmo3phfire. Oh, if soine sisters had known this. m l liad won mid hold thoir brothers to thoir si Ir ; ftbey bad but sbown them the bi : ïy afta the grai o ha3 íád ! to pass not only beforo them, buttotoiicb . .. i I them lovingly, Ihe swectnoss and spotless innpcence of a truc v ol&an's life, bhey would havo ciad thoir bro' her in a panopoly of stool, and put in his hand i woapon whose very gleatö would havo 3Cjured away tho ugly demons of vico and Lnfamy. But they did not doit; and so ho went out, and wanton and brazenfaced tolnptation, not put to shamo by the contrast of love au i ■"■.■ i'aiily gaiSköd the viotoiy otot bim 'V-.'y, tlien, to live so loingiy, and with suoh poweTi that, when vico allures your brothci', tb.'ii' sliall come up suoh visions of purity and affection, that, iii tho contrast) ie shall turn iu disgust and loatbing away. Let brothers pro'a: the ■ and happiness óftheir sist r Do not think huí saying only somSfaing stalE and oomiaöo. It would '.■ oommcnplaoe if I me : ut onlv that a brother sUould fend hia sister'e hoaor. If he would not il') that, lei liiin lay asid: tho namo of brottaér. i iiiuan mach mare than that Lot him muko a dótense inherown bosom, by daily exhibiting bofore her th ; ido il of a man, p".rp, hcnoruble and good. Then, when ono stained and dishonorable ciittüs neaf her, the ideal shall hr'p het intuition, and ho shall havo no power over her. Lot a brother also maka a wal] around I1Í3 sister, so that she shall be ahielded Erom the contact of all but tho ]ure and good. Ton, as a young man, may havo beon thrown into oompaai onship with ono whom you knoiv to be impure and lieentious, and he may souk the acquaintance of your sister. Let him Beek it in vain ! Let the harlots with whom b been in fellowship suiliee him ; aarvt let liis preaonce pollute the air whioh your gistel breathes; never let his touch deflle your sistef's hand. Nor in i d ! confine what I say to brothers al me. Let sisters protsot themselv..-. "Why did you nottdee roy brothi-r's ann las night f " askod a young lady of h ■ f riend, e Ve yintclligtnt girlof eiglit(en or ninoteen. " Beoavtóe,' was lli reply, " l knew hiin to be a lioeatious m m." ' Ni.nsense,' the I, "if you re □s of all lii you wijl .ave nono." Ihere was a voluuie oi revoiaiiuii +t-. t.i-.+' rnnvfriaYoung women aro not always as true &8 they oughtto bts'tothciselvos. Vfcquently a man is known to bc immoral-, perhapa known to be tha betrayer of one who fatally put hor trust in his honor, and whom he ruised forever ; and yet that man is weloomed into the society of thr. pi.r , as if there were no stain apon his f o ;: nd no erime onraing thoground upo.i whith lic troads. Tho wretoh wfio oould deliberately plot, and steadüy accomplish the dt strnotion of a young oharaoter and it's, is not fit to walk even on V.xU . ia di iilcd earth. Instead of allowing such a bemg to aesociate in familiar intaroourse with you, you should stand for voor honor, detend tho sanctity of your Life, keep untarnished your own purity, by banishing him from your presence. - Y ou should have enough of siêterhood in your heart to avenge the immeasttrable rroog he has done yoiir èister-woman. 'lie patriot would loithe the hand of tv raitor, mach moro shoutd you disdain s vorse than traitor'a touch. Li-t orothera and siste, whatever elae :r.ey io, keep pure the air of homo. Ye nuthcis, see that no serpent lea vea its slity ti.iil, or even oroases the grass ijoii rhich your sister walks. Girls do not always know their power. t is far groator than they think ; and werc they brava and truo enough to exeri t, thoy migrlit almost, in a genoration,


Old News
Michigan Argus