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Phoebe Carry

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Fro rk Tribune. hix montas niy l:ive elapsed since we ■ alled apon to ánnounce the dea of Alice (':iy, and m the s:id duty is devolved upon us of payíng a tribute to. the aiemory of her oau Burviving sister, FhcBbe UrT. v. K ilk'd ut .r, [sland, on Monday, July 31, al'ter n distressing illness of oight or ton v, Sho jViis liie only one of six sisters who Üd not inherit a eonsumptive tendonoy l'rum her mothur ; a ld us ifiS had ulv:iys been until the last few weeks in robast health, her numerous friendsin different partí Oi the country will be equally surprigeS of. her daath. Tho.death of Alioe wis u ;; re i riaj to In r, hut xho bore itwith guch courage and rcsignation - we might al iy with suoh I her Eii ■ ■,] for her many more years of health and a labor. Home. time in Juno, however, while spcnding a few days with a friend 'm tin orily, she w:is oxposed to a inaluriou8 atmosphere-, whioh broüght o:i a pevere öhill, and tha1 was followed by Üthers, wbich rapidly rcduced her ■li. Proin this atteck sho 'iil not rally, and ;it last siir was taken to N'.vport, in the hopo that a chango of air Would prove benefioial. Pora time there t' h r reoovery, and evt-u on the day bi fore ber doatha friend, wlio siw her tnen for thn first timj ■ ill:.;-: , expreaeed tho opinión thut she iblv live. of Miss Cary was go in oparably blended with that of her sister Alice that their biography would identical. 8hu tras bom live yeara later than hor sister, but tb i to write for the prëss at about the same tinte, and during thotwenty-flve years thut their before the public is authors the y ■■. : ■■ d tliut few ever thcught of oae without alm thinking of the other. And yii, i;i spite of the mutual sympath y that bouad I to caoh other so closely, they were very unlike, not only in po'-son but in mental constitution. Suuh was their diffei in Btyle that no pooui oí the one was ever attriouted, moment of fotget' . to the other. Born in 1 ; miles north of Cinoinnati, she nrst became kiowi t: the public us a oontributor to the periodiöals of !!:■ TJniversalist dúnominution, and afterward more widely as a wit r in the ' Br ■ :ii W .: íhington. I written far less copiously than hei and almost nothing in proe. üi' the and Phoebe Cary," publi&hed in Philadelphia in i ■ one-third were written by the Uwt named. Her noxt venture was iu "Poema and Parodies," a volume all her ownj publiahed by Ticknor St Fieldè in 18o4; but her latest and best work was "Poems of . Hopo and Lovc," published by Surd & iloughton i;i 1868. Wa have r latest, and yet we must nol i'orget tho important ;lil sno ren i Dr. Deerns in the coliipilatióö óf ' Hyiuns lor all Christiana,!' published by Hurd & Houghl m in 1869. Her poems are majked bya buoyant foith, asunny philosophy amia hcurTy independence of m inner ie ever suo eeded in afiP - and no one wh i - thera i itliord to - J'h. ork with Alice in 1852 di ÍS53, and hero they lived together until they wcro so lalely sepsirated iiy death. Pew bornes are more attractive than theirs was for many yeaj those who were so fortúnate as to shure its gracious hospitality. Mr. Greeley, in his sketoh of the gisten in the "Eminent AVomcn of the Age," gaya: "Theii parlor was not so targe as gome others, bat quite as neat and oheerful; and the few literory persons or artista who o loasionally mot, at their informal invitation, to diseus with thema cup of tea and the neweil books, poems, and evpnts, might have found many more pretentions, but few more enjoyable, gathi rings f have a dim recolleotion that the Qrst of these little tea-parties waa heM up two iüirlii of stairs, in one of the lesa f ■ sections of the city ; but good thins wère said there, tlmt I reoall with pleoaure .even yet ; while of aome of the comp.m.y, on whom I h ive nöt -, i b :i 'loasant and grtefu] remombrance. As their circumstances gradu wly improved by dint of diligent industry m judicious ecoooaiy, they oocupied moreeUgibie quarters; and dwelling thej h ive for some yoars owned and improved, in tbs very hcart tii' this emporiura, has long been known to the literary gt.i!rt aa ootnbming ■ of the best private librarioa with the gt drawing-room (eyen by light) to be found be( ween King's Biidii;,1 and tbc Battery." To the evening gatherings hore alluded to, Phoebe enntiil alfa attractions of mimi, person, and acoomplishment. In her presence, i guest, iiowcvcr obscuro or liumblc, wüs to t'eul pcrfeotly at home, and her genial wit spavkled and corroscated to the delight of a1 ' her.


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