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ïlcur dirctítsfueuts. pUliLIC SUÜOOLS. The Fsll Term uf the Public Schools oftnuoiy on Won lay, the 28 h inst Kon resident vriahfag fco i nN r the róhool, and iwi. deut pupila subject io examination before a olawtM uw requtJsted to meel in the iiiiciintendeiLfi room, High Hebool building, un bataratty, the i$U I nst., at u o'etook a. if, teachers are reqneste 1 to meet the [ etai tbe saste day at 4 o'ojock r. m. A 'I cachen,' L'hbu will be fonned titwoekoí I the ii i-m, to continue eight weel, The iiwrudioo I villoonasi in thoxough revmra of the common I lisli br;iicl)ei4 and Leotureson Methodsund the I tieul woik of the school room. Anu Albor, Aug. lGth, 1871. Drain Oommiasioiier'a Notice. TW"0TICJ5 te heroby givuo that the Ihain I Li -.ift.r of Waahteua County wül ba at the hout I ut' Charlee KetitJull, ui the township oi' Miaron, ir I saidooanty, "i the tbiny-flr&t daj ol Aagust, attn I o'clock i. M-, tj metft partieis to contract [of Üw exea I vation -iii'i.r.iu-rii'iif!i of a draín tu be knowi n theüoodj ui i'ji.n. oomineneing near ilu? towo Uut I near t be ojuarter posl betnreen öec li), in Fimúm, and 24 in áharon, and running nortfa to tliu Huuui aDdfctylvan ' oimty Diain; atso ior clearing out the Bharon and Syïvan County Drain. Abo for ÜMmvation and cona metion of a drain to be known u the iv.-i.'l.ill iMüiii. eummenoing on t'uv .■' inn Ine f : ! Il ui tll.' BOUthwesl i'OnuTOf t tiun VI Ín Sharon, and running east tothetomttifc 1 l Will alÁo be at the house of has. KcndaU on üib t twenty-aixth dar ol pgos1 ufoxwaid, at wliu-htime anH plaoe I will exhibit maps oj ilifalovepiopeeed j draïQ and d several Dorcel of lud dceined by me bent ft -'I thereby. iind ibj iiununiMií . . i eu&arriKion& oxuwihn i 1imíii i.y me Hpportioned to tbeoirnersnf i eucn description of land to oonstruct) aod to'.liwuBhipa ut" Bhfunon and Preedom tooonstroot on nceoun; I of duoh dra d the higbvay, iil to htw I nii)iis. il anyare oflfered, why such apiriiuumtiii ahonld Ik? reru ed ar oorrueted. Ami Artior. August lütli, 1871. 133 DAVID M. FIN'I.EY, Drum ComnÜMioaer, VVashteünw Couuty. Estáte of John L. Wing. STATEOP tflGHIGAM Cociut) tl Washtani,!, I Ai i esaioii of the Pr bate Cuan tor ïhe Coamj of Waahtouaw hokjes t the Probate Ufflre, in tbt I City oí Aim Arbor, QB U'fiimsiay Uu tixtcmihdij I if ADffuei in yciir 0U6 tlunisaiid cigbl I dred aiiii -i- ri.i odc. Pri'.sciit. tllrainJ. BoafeB,Jadge of Probate. In the matler oi lite Eítt.Le of Jolm L Win, ; teceaeed. Ou readlug nod Hl Ing the petitlon dn!) i fl-irrier S -V.. . i Dg timt Be' Jiiniii W. WilU, j l O air U ah, e !" f1 'U, tiuiy be :ípi.iiEli4 AdiuitiiMrrilor o) the u iat f eaul dtcearèa rtrnpon ii is ordered, thal Monday. the dcremli I ■ l:i of beptvmber uext ;t teno'clock in I nuun, be aMlgnod Por the Dvaiing ol Jiil piï' I ti'n . and luM the beire at luw oi siid iep ! ceaded, and all ithLrteraonbinterete( h saldeatiu, aru reQuired to ippear at a seseiou of salu Couti j Ihen to bc holaen at the PrubHte Olllce. in the I City oí Ann Arbor, and abowcansvtr ftiij therebí. I why the prayvr of the peütlouer ihonld i.ot be I , KKuteH : Audltlefurther orde red. thal paiöptutionerglve uotlce Lu tbc penosa in erested ip tvA estat ol'the pnith-my of Mld petltion und thi I hearlntrthereor, oyeanstaca copy of thii order tí I bepablished In the iiJiijfa Argutt aevfpsperi i printed and circnlmlDf in aaíd (oiJiitj, ihrteswCMsIve weeks prevlona to saUldA) cfharlDt. (Atrnecopy.j IIlKA.M J. BB A B8, litíta Judie of ProbatfSherifTs Sale. STATE OF M I( !H LOA N". ounty of VTashteiiaw,, By viitue of a wril of dxecutifmisraedoat'4 w uit uurt, for the ■ ■ WiHuioiiaw, Btate of Michigan, dnted the28ddf June, 1871, and to medirected and delivered, i-he goods and chattlcvi tandaand teuementsof Oro Croman, dofimdani therein Damed, I lul, un tliei-tth dayof June, A. D. 1871, for the want of iiwd8 tw .. ieyy upan all tbe tnl est tbat Uwen Croatt bas in deeoribed realestatcti to-w_it:l that pieoe or parool uf huidlyinR and Win in town of Northileld, county of Waahtana w and it;J ot' KDebigan, desorioed aafoUoiffif, to-wit: the northeasi quarter oi theaoatheasi quarteroi sectíonon fteen iu townahip Dumbèx une sonth, and runiS namber b2x east, aooording to the original wr& oontaining forty aerea of land, which premiMa I shajl exposé for salo at public auotion-tthehighw" der, at the aouth door of th Couit Souse, intheafl u Ann Arbor, on the 3AthdayTrf September, A. ft 1871, ar 0 o'clocJk a. V. of wid day. Dated, AujrutiL 17th. is?t. MYEON WKBB, Öherif. 1939 ByJmiTiN Fokdö, UnderSherif The attenfion oí' paronta and tpxanlians rt'ilJn-:G Schooi District Ni). One oí the t Ity Of Ann Aibvr, l invite' í ti "i.e proTÍBiona and riquirtiinentis of tl;e fol iowing lav enaotod at (lic recent scs.siou oi' tbe IE Ulature. DutuJ, Aug. Wth, 1871. J. M. WHEKLER, Pnaidant o( tlie i-oiool JJoard. " An Act to compcl clnUlrcn to itLtt-ml school. "flconoH l. The ftopleof the State of Mircip' cnact, That pan n:, guardiao, or o' lier .t.-ouib the 'U ' Uiohigan hanng oontrol mul dw anyohilAoi ohildran botween tho ngea ofolghtu fourteen years, sh;ill Le requiied to Bend hü] r ■■Kiivn tu a pubbo si-!:xl fox a porioaw lea-st wei ks in oach elnol yejir, eoinmenciuj?on inda; of September, iu the yearofoo Lord one thotuaud éigbA huudnd likI rteinty-0Deif - of whioh shall b; con-eutive, un'y Biioh ohild or ohildren are exotued from Buoh attajj anee by the bcianl of the si'liooi dutriot in wliich sw ■: gnardiaiu reside, opemita beüig -si ■ tion that his fnKhly or montiil coniiil' has been such u to preven! hú attendance at swiu'0' appliraton to stady for th j.-iii ï reqoircd, or tn i ... ohiJ In ii ara tuught iu u private so oral homo. insuofa branches as are usirnly umi:"! '" in iin il y sihoils, or I1.11 e ilr. ady aoiiuirwl the ordlnMJ ea of learoing taught in tlie public Para ipublioaohoolahaUnut beww itha donng the year, within two mfl(DJ irest traveled rond, of the rem len e of nny i1" sim trithin th ■ sohool district, lic sliull not lw lm"'1 the proTisions of itiisart "Scó.a. [( shaU be the iluty of the iírM0; every school dhtriot, and president o'wi'"J ■■. ithin thia S(a!e. to eause t' be pOBtca tBTJ notioesof bhislav in the mo--t pnblio 8 Ml ?llC distriot, or publiühed inone ouwepaper in the townswp rorthree week during the month of Augiiat, m eiw y ar. the expense of aneU publicaiion tobepuid outi" lid ili.-triet. . r "Sec. . in oaae na parent, gnardian, or o.nw peleón Bhall faO t.i oomply with the provisioaa ol aot-said parent, sruardian, or otlier peraon 3'"ul liableto line of not Lesa than live dollars pr mow i han ten doUars for the ilr-t offenoe, nor lcs. tkn tw i more than twenty dollars for the aecond andetJH Bubse inent offenoe. Said nneahaJibfrooIleoteaW"" ol sai d dis! riet in the tw.noot tlie .listnrt in ir iu debí orón tbe cose, and wben collecte l 01 of the distnet in whirh ♦""'% fendant resided wbn tta offtase wa oommltwa.M y hun aooQuntad tor tho same as money nusw school purpoaos. tnrne seÍj. L It shall be the dutjr of the director ot nt tpi mil' any oflhnse ocrnrnw 1"'"t''" .. any direttoi o pres ■ negfeeUng to v cute for BDOh line will, in ten daya alter a BJ haa been served 011 limi by any t!ix-I'' „ aid district uniese tbe person ao complained rt exeiw I by tbe district board. fhll ht ,'1"'1't11'c Ineof ooi leas than tvcuty oi mox üi.-m tip y ll0 "'f vhioh he shaU be proeeonted for n.l to the """" S . ..„n.l s.-i.l ,'-trn-i, RBd tlie line i hen """ hallbepaid to the iiwnrem. to bc aoeounteo wr- n seotion three of this art. ,, I ,.,n I, Wil. W" J iEOPLB'W DRUG STOxvr-. R. V.ELLIS& CO. A.JSTKX -Alt c __


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