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Exhaustive System Of Agriculture

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Jolinston, in liis " Chesaistry of ■ ■nion Life," givea the iollowing graliiá doscription of tlic System of fai commouly adopted by the iirst sottlors on this continent : Man exereises nn iniluenco on the soil, whioh is worthy of attontive study. Bq lauda in a new country, and fortility ovcrywhoro surrounds hun. Tlio uerbage waves thick and high, and the in trees Bway their proud sluus l i!iiy toward the sky. He oleara i taita iïom the wildernass, and ampie returns ■!' oom re pay hhn for Lis simple labe is. Be plows, he sows, ho reups, aHÖ irom tha seemingly exhanstleu beaam tho earth gires baoi itbuuduiit horveste. But at íength i ehange appeurs, creepuig slowly over and gradaallyaimmingtne smiling landscape. The com is i'nst luss bc:iulilui, then lesa abiukdant, and at last il aspeara to die altogethci' boneath tho Kcourgo of an unknown insect or a paasit futtgus. Ho forsukos, therefore, his long cxiltivutid fiirm, and hews out another from tho nativo forest. But the samo early plenty is followed by the same vexatioua disast tors. Ilis neighbors partake of tho same experienco. They advance lilte a devouring tido against the verdunt woods, tlu y traniplo tliom bencath tlieir advam inu: culture, tho axe lovels its yenrly prsy, and gonoration after generation prooeod ín the siiini1 direotion- a Wall of green ÍOTests on tho horizon beforo them, a hálf desert and naked cegion bohind. Such is the history of colonial culture in onr c n epooh; eueh is the vegetable history of the marcli of Europeau ciiltivutiou over tho entiro continent of America. No matter the geological origin of the soil may ba Oï what ils ohemical composition ; no matter how wai-nitli and nioisture may favor it, or the si-pie erop it iKih p:ti'. yielded from yoar to yeur, the same iiuvitable orop fate overtakea it. The influence of long-continued huraan action overcomes the tendencies of ;tll natura] causes. But tho inllucneo of man upon the productions of the soii is í xUiliit.ol in other and more satifitctoi . The improver takes the i'; eïhaustor and followa lii.- footatops on thea altercd lniids. Ovit tho sandy and forsaken tracts oi' Virginia and Cacolinas, he Bpreads large applicatiuus dr shelly marl, nd fehe horbagi ra il. again, and prontablo ra . it a Üihmer sowing of yypsum, und as i!' by tnagic, tho yield of próvióus yeura id doubled or qundvupled; or he gatkers tho dxoppinga of his oattle and the fermentad procures i' Iris fann-yard, and lays it upon 1ÚS ficlds, wh'Ti ]( ! i'lu: V' luxuriautly again, nul the midgo and thq rust and the ycllows all disappear Erom liis wheat) bis cotton, and his poach-trees. But tbo renovato)' niLirclus uiuch Blower than the exluuister. His materials aro oollootod at tlio oxponsu ot' both l ï tü . aiid money, and barronnosa en uea Erom (ha oasy labora of the o:u.', far moro rapidly tium gruou horbagfl can be made to cover it agüiii y the mout skillt'ul, zoalous, and assiduous labora of the other.


Old News
Michigan Argus