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The New Equalization

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Equahzation, whicb olds a Bession onco in fire . ld il icctiiig at Lannng l:;st week, nnd tho rilowing table tho reault of ita delibrations and oonclusions : f UK Wi ooumraw. S g 8,1 S i S i a -. = .:: 3 1 5J Ét Ë ' J 5 í - - T : ■ llron.i, IH l,24fl,2M 1.1 í 2,100,000 lUegiin, ,ÍO3 .l i;,iij'i im I 1,140,000 i.r II h 9 1,3 1.1WI JO Intrim, ! ' 10,1 1 1 ínrrt, ■ ,.,,, M. - I ■ , I .. i. ;,.T,il.l!-:i 133,064 I IIii.íii .!,..■,. ■ 1,583 1 16,430,000 ita idi, ir.] 4,6.MI!1 1 i 2SO, :lMaa, 439.17Í Ï.998,; lli i' 'm, JO5.87S 1,492,00 I'-.-l 0,000 bnrleTOls, 28,tG7 10Ü.K24 00 160,000 '!,. K.ïuiiu, 101,013. Siaj.l-.rn 0() 460,000 "iiii.uewu, 136,Bm 438.1JS 41) ;.0.lJ;l,, 830,494 U'j.Síb W KaO.OOO Ilutan, 358,081 1,327,418 un 9,480,000 L'ruwíoíd, ce ec . i 1:12,9.19 117,153 450,000 ÜHtoa, IÍ8 6,S31,5Ud D3 U,J3O,O00 i'.nniift, 13,434 ■ 74,000 W i.tue..-, í 19 0,15í,9ÍO 00 )ilfl(lwi71. 1 .1 ren, 144,844 M,7M 00 1,860,000 Ortkt, 346,1101 1,0115,74 00 S,O2O,OO0 UillwUÍ, 177,607 6,5H,769 CK) 20,l(iO,0OG lie isrhti D, 9(13,425 1,338,299 ï Eltinm, 521 1,276,8 V) 8,330,000 Inirliiun. 3 11,(1 17 i.849,533 ii i:t,S:iP,oui [cmift, 3SK,1 1,304,831 Oü 14,170,000 418.2M 1,760,716 80 8,180,000 twitipl!, 324,71)7 1,809,498 OOI MW,OO0 Juckwn, 4i7,í.'! 10.741, 550 OOI 28,20,000 KaliuniMoo, 184.249 U,',:;0 ou1 24,200,000 Knlkuku, I 310,(100 Kent, JJ5.M1 !.'■";..! ■ 1,000,000 Kow enair, 238,906 1,80,000 l.kc, () , , IJ 66S,7( ' .0,1100 I .; ... .-., .'. ] 0,300,000 I.. iMtnw 1WI,9M 487,tl LeDAWCe, 467,402 11,093,800 00 26,S),000 Livingston, sfri ji; S,846,39S CO 11,ÖSK,000 ■ ■ e, ;:i..i , kil S] Macomb, 297,841 6,077,73 10,900,000 Maniates, 211,409 1,606,448 00 -V 100,010 ■i,i ,i. ■. ... 124,883 ' 3,(0.000 Uawn, 123,005 13 1 O5O.Ü 284,871 - 2..v.!'.;:11 (Tenominea, IJBO.OOn Hidland, 688,621 2, I I ;;.""lm Ji tauki 1 17,16 i Honro. 36,377 4, : ,-l jo,noo Uontcnlm, 4U,212 1,780,800 00 '■'■W" 3Iontmorencj, t b Mu.-kfso", . ■ 8,838,018 99 .O.O-A'"1 Hevnjgp, 888.060 1 1,V-0,HIO i aklnaa, ■.■■ roa ■ Omm, ■_ i1,998,21187 3,15'J,O(W r, M. b'u Ontoügon, ■2iifi.''O 1,311,000 Oueola, 100,370 - ■ '! .' !l' Osooda, v y i i CxtBwa, I8SO.212 2,ï II 2ÍI0 CK; 6,4 [■renque tila 88,897 ■ 4SVO0 ■ '.inion, 1 1 v, 480,253 8,702." I Sanilae, 822,805 8,410,999 00 ;.■■■: '."■"' Boboolotaft, t 677,M.' 00 520,000 Shiawnesee, 336,286 2,420,300 00 0,240,(100 : . ' iir, 431,709 4,331,647 on 8t. Joaepb, 812,046 12,353,118 00 - Cuacoln, 450,646 l..' , !7 nn !. - . ■ 0 Vm Buren, 382.521 4,554,0 li. Wnatatenaw, H0.501 11.11 V. 108 23,493,101 fl '.' 0 84,703 Total, rao,ooo,noo ■ tV toUnaon. [t) Attncbed to Marqufilte. [yl Att of losco. (cc .-. (ü Kalkaska. (dd] Attached to Woxfoxd. In 1800 tho State wraa equalizod at $307,065,842.92. It will, therefore, be secn that tlio nggro;;ato is moro thim doubled in the abovo tablo. Tlio Ioading countics havo hImo changod rank r?! ly. Then Wayne was lat, $41,371,718.32; Li nawee, 2d, $17,559,243.32 ; Waehtenaw, 3d, $17,189,766 ; Oakland, !t!i, $15,388,000; Jaokson, 5th, $12,718,071.00; Calboun,6th, $12,358,668.32; and Ken!, 7!h, 13,645. No othrr countics eqnalized in that yi ir above $10,000,000. Wayno now as tiien ranks lst ; Wa nnw, though fourtb in populatipn, t ikea the 2d rank ; Kent, Beoond in popuia tion, the :1 r;i-:k ; wldi( Lonawee, Oakland, and Jackson, ooi the Ith rank. We do not thinlc that tho i has been fixed at too high i Sgure, orth;it :uty single county is too high unies:! it bc coraparativcly. "VVc iaon, howèver, v.liy Lenawoe should t';tll go i' low Vi'asiitenaw, and think it will puzzle any one to account for $6,260,000 cHffbrenca : unless in t);'. faot that Lenawee had a membei of tho equalizing board. w!io wis better acquainted with her weak spots than tl ■ ;.:1 public. lint Washtonaw is satisfied if Li-naveo is. In iiis Bpringfiold speech Oen. Butler had a littlo strength left, ai'ter smiting his political fricnds(y), to doróte a brie timo to comparing the expenses of administering the govornracmt of cliusctts in liSbl and IS O. ilo put the ordinary expenses of the 2;overninent for tho two yo;irs, as follows : [., M70, ... - H,720,417.8' " 1861, ... 793,477.22 Excess, ... $926,940.62 An incruasc of nearly 12.5 per cent. The extraordinary and exceptional expenses for tho sanio two ycars ho put at For 1870, ... . $6,299,144.48 " 1801, - - - lïi'.iüii.Tt Incroíiso, - - - $6,126,462.73 Ho obarged thia increaso mainly iijioi tlin multiplioiition of boanis and com■'.:■■, an 1 mado soma plodgcs of reformation in oa3O of his oloctiim :s Govenioi', espooially ho wbuli mit ono of tte mombers of the Board of Charities, tho editor of tho Springfleld . to private Jifo. - In this oonnection it is woll to inform our readers, more partdeularly tho Bapublican portion of them, tlmt Mnssachusettsis i Bepublican State, that itsexpenditures have all been ordored umi made by Eupublican offlce-holders, and that nono of tho pointod out or bintod atbyBtTTLEE perpetrated by members of the New York "Tammany Ring," and can not bo cliarged against liie Duinocracy of t'io nation. Butler dëolares tbr lubor-roform and eiglit houra as a day'a work. Do Iici i.::i and the othor hard-working domagógueg wlio put itho genuino luborors, expeoting votos in return, mean that a nrai should bo paid tli ir workiug oighi hours that ho has roeoivoi for working tenhours ? Lf so, it is abouttiine thehumbug w.'.n (ix})!o led. The Legislatura oi '■1 ichusetts or Michigan muy íix t!n nuiuber of houra constituting a day'a work, perhaps ; lut noithcr the Li ture ofMs la nor Miohigan can mine the prico perday the omploy ■;■ shall p:'y. .!■■- l'tht feyoerkourtthi lesspay. Letlaborora puta fingoi rightthero. " If all the i-j; offondors had tho same 'workings of the sjiiiit' .-ih t.lio smaller ones, the national dobt would have been paid long ago." That is what Ir. Tn as ; made to say toucliing the little suins, ranging from one een!. u]ward, whioh have been anonymously flnding thoir way i:ifi the "Conscience Fúnd." As nobody has a obance at any large sum pfl Dole Sum's money excopt 1 óffloo-bolders thia thrustof Treaauivr Sflx.NKii is :i 'muur. bne. Tuk Republicana of"Wi ro in tho fiold with platform and gandid thoir State Conventton having boen held on Wednegday. Tho platform unqualiadorsea tho administration af Preaidént Guaní', and thQ (.iiiwr candidato, Qon. Washbukne, a leader of the Ban Domingo faotion in ' svaa nomUiated for Govtrnqr, bj ■■ te of 166 to 108 for S.m i ir. M. ' i ! tras uoml for Liqutonanij öovemor.


Old News
Michigan Argus