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Local And Other Brevities

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- Nr.rv i'unuway this weck. T)ie boren on the have ccascd tortos. ..Rcmeraber the anuoal school meeting Moiirl.'iy next. w"1.-í (l-i ys '' pnded last Frlday, and ioJlil the droath. - Cook's Hotel - now eneïosed. ui.l the Hulde wrk is bol og fapldly pushecl. - The weather was dry last weck, thls Wek local Iteras are simllarly affllctcd. - Pbaetoos are havinsc a ron (ust now A 'ate on Wtilcii nvmy cannot offord to rlde - ■ IIds" Harrison took the conceltont Of a ifellow yesterday who Wauted to whlp liim. - k Tree lunch was what cftiled sndi a crowd iirouüil Ihe Open House We lm 9 lay il-!. - The Unltarlsn Sabnath School hold a ilcnic to morrow. In a grove abo at two own the Hnron. - Vhile out looking for a "local" i I vi-ii" ! us that the sun will rise at 8:33- i u the raornlng. ot' coursc. - The Qaymaker B. B. C, ol Troy X. Y., piaycd ilio ïpsilantl Club last Monday, at Yisilai:tk The si ore stood 4 to S In favor oí the (oi'iner. - WIH that liole In the gronnd, on the Ie o! ilu' public Mjiiari', compénsate fot fc shade trees whlch are belag.deslrrrpd ii] boring it -85 persons were rece! vet In fkall mem berchlp at. the M. E Chnrcli, last Sabbath ereniug, and quite as manj more are to bo recêivoci iiext Sabbath eveulng. - The C'iilor of the Augüs acknowledges the recelpt of an invitation, w;tli curd Ission, to atteud the Kansas State Fair, to be held at Topeka, ;c)t. 11-15. - C. H. MrLLEN left for New York on Tsesday, and hts castomers and the goocls h'.:y:n i.'ul.'üc geucrally vrlll d: ivuil to keep an eye out (br sometlilng. He knows what to biiy. - It I snggested that the city farnlsb post hole- by cuttiug ni the artesian i1. ■!!- tuul tlie co u u ty furuisli post-i, and a liew (once be erected arouml the Court House square ! - There was a fine rain on Monday eventag, & heavy shower Tuesday eveolng, it was showcry Weduesday, and cool, cloudy and threatenlng yesterday. Tlic droath is saded. lipee I the plow. - Studeuta are bezinning to irrlvc in onr city, and boardini; places are belng npldly secured. Thls being so eurly in the ïeasoii, Indlcates a larger attendance than usual npon the Dnlverslty. - In the liquor suit peoilin; igalnst Ai, BEBCHT GwtKMBR, hi: plead gllilty to the ibarge, paiu the costa, and sentence was impended npon a pledge of abst:ilulag frono tartlicrsule of liquor Smulay. - Th ree salta have bren iiiatltated against llffereut saloon keepers of the city, under tlie new law, for the recovery of móney 'pent for liquor. The wlves of the persons who spent the money are coniplalnants. - The several öabbath Schools of Dcxtcr and Lima IieM a picnic at Relie! l'srk yesterday. The day was notas pleasotasltmlght have been, bat the little people seenied to enjoy themselves nevcrtlieless. - According to the school censas Jnst laken of School District Xo. 1 of the City of Aun Arbor, there ure 2,502 chlldren thcrein between the ages of B and 80 years. Thls is nn inercaseof 174, the nuinber last fttt belng 2,328. - Flndlng that none bui those who ure not imleb'ed to n read our calla for inoney, have commenccd patronlziug the poatsffiee, and trost that any and all who re '■■ove o r poli te bat urgent letters wlll believe that we aeed money and prontptly respoiul. - Wheat is meeting wlth a ready sale intliis county, at prtces ranglug trom $1.15 @1.25. If s.)!ii at these flgures, t!ie abundancc of the erop wlll throw a large aniount f money into the hands of farmers, and wve a teudeucy, we hope, to case fl nances a trille. ■Burcb reporte satlsfactory pro; "Wllroad sabscrlptlons. Milán has done nc%, and he expects the same of Dundee. A general meeting is to be held thereat on fnesday next. Meantlme tiie Directora Be negotlatlng wlth an experlenced con tractor who went over the [line as far :is UOndee on .Monday and Tucsday, and ex pietsed satlsfactlon wlth it. - " An Angeltc Thlrd Reader," is what yoang hopefal on the road to fame made liqolry for at, oue of our bookstores, the other moral ng. He önally coutented hluist!f wlth an Analytlcil. The same day a 1 yoang mis deslred to purcl Bonte " reversible tableiux," and it reqn considerable árgnment on the part ol the Ecntlemanly e'.erk to asaure her that " erafal:e tablet" was the needed artlcle. We have the flrst nutnber of the Waakte. '''['r S e, ixiUlisliiid by öko. S. "Eiu.u, Oounty Buperlutenilent ol" a.oo)s. lts contenta are :' special nSttst to scküol oUiccrs and UjacUers. Followlng la the list of pctit juror drawn for the coming term of the Circuí Court to commence on Monday, Sepum ber ISth : Bernkardt Benoer, Northfleid. Willlam Beuerle, Preedora. Philip Ulum, Lodi. Caieb Brown, Brldgewater. John F. BaCk, Saline. Jd!iii P. Dr.ikc, löU Olty. ;ium:in Drury, iotl City. Thorn Duell, Aagusta. Thomas Forsyth, ïpsllantl C!ty. Erastus Qllbert, Aun irbor c.iy. i. V. N öregory, Deiter. John Uuthrlö, Bylv-iB. Abrain Uawkins, Anu Arbor I HebroD Hard, PltM Oavid Klvin, 8sllB&. Merrlt Matthevs, BaleiBi ■ïumcs Osborne, Prerterick Ruthfon, Pil stleld. ;'!. N . i!. Rcriwlcfe, ■ Allen Kis k., i. illue. Jolm Sclmmaohcr, Anu Arbor City. X, w in BhldOD) tiOdi. l.u:naii Sheplierd, Bylvafl. Oolambna öherwoo , Pittsfleld. Alonzo ü. Smltli. Ypsllantl CHy. Willlam 0. Tlnney. Ypsllantl City. Henry To ld, Webstw Eber Whin-, in krbor. Otlmiel Wllsey, Lynrtoa. den, ■"■ - M ,A - II -Wi h h k VtAlV .The ]'ii! term of the Union School at Saline is announced to open on Monda; next, Sopt. 4th. Prof! M. V Rork, who lins provee) lilrrtself thorongh teacher and discreet manager, Is cöntmüed ;is Principa!, at n salary of $1,400, anti his asslstants ftie! Miss Aniri West, Miss M: Wluc'.or, Alia .M. Looi lálssAclelle Humphfey, and Miss M.-u-y Bruner, rhe Krat ettlng $400 a year each ; the tiiinl, :;-:::n; and the last two, $280 eicb Oor Salino frlends are liberal witli their scliool?, and have reason to fcel prodd of thera. - At Manchestpr, aUo, t;ic F.iii term opons on the 4t!i inst., Prof. Chas. Q. Wing Principal, at a salary of $1,100. Mr. Wino fllled t lie same posltloo last year to tlie sati-sfactioM of tíw. district. Ha is assisted by Miss Jennle Pool, ;ir (363; and Misses Lois Mc.Mahon, Martlia Pecktsns, Mary Jmlaou, and .íoseidiine Judsou, ;it s-'lO eacb. - The s;i:ne (late s also !)exter school to opea, wiili l'rof. Edivix C. Tsoitti i.N. Principal, al a su: iry, of $1,000 assistcii by Misses [da M Henderson and Mary LocksmlUi, al '■■':■) cach ; Mise . Palmer, at $280 ; and Misses Mary Christianey aiul Mary J. Waggoner, nt $240 each. - The Cliisei school will al ■ ":■ n o i : lust., WUh Pror. Cn.v. J. Wm.i.;:ix, as Principal, at 8D0. Asslstants Mías Libble Gonsdon, $430 ; Misa A., tí Dlckcrson, $830; aud Misses Libbie E. Depew and Mary Van Tyns, !?■■ ■) each. A few flays ago :i man calüng liimsclf l' General Rlchle," carne to tlns piar put up st t!:e (íregory House. Ut repre seuted hmlself as a travelíng ageut Cor s New York tobáceo house, aiKl pnt on the 'airs" usually exerclsed by that cíapersonages. Buc Instead of eelllug bis tobáceo by samples, lie kept pnrehasing sampies of oíd rye, whicli he always prefl Ín a liquid forin. Tliis lud a bad effocl apon him, and riaring the afternoon he wr.s fouiul i t lie prívate parlor ot' tira. Q okv, :i'nl npon belng ordered out by that lady refused to go. The clerk was c:il!e;l who conViuced the " General " that his al was better tbao his coiupauy, aad uothing inore was thought of tlie oceuriintil tlie nest moralng, jvhen a couple ot watches and a breast-Rn virerc naissed 'rom the bnrean drawer, wh'ere they were kept, in thc above metitioued room. Suspicious were fixed upon tlie pretended drummer, and offloer Lkoxard was sent to his room in search oi thc missing anieles. ílis carpet-bag wns searebed t;i fonnd not to contain auytbiog oí" the kind, but wlien t!ie offleer happeued to süp hi.-í hsiul b the lounge the watches were rfiseóvered, and a fnrther search prodncoi] ün; p" frow on er bhe table, by whicli he was stand ng when the offleer cutered. Letters found in thc carpe! bag proved the inau'H name tobe Ru.EY instead ol Richie, v!í;'!i be now ;.;1 mits. Mr. I ; 1 1 . ■ : v i'iiis Richie .vas ti ■ cojrted i! a differeüt hotel, one kept by tlie county, and wliere people troubled with kleptomanla are boarded freí', aud wliere his ruinlnatloas npon the different phases of tlic sample baslness wül lie anluterrupted for a short time. The followitiK correspondence we clip from the Beaver Oim (ffis.) Argu : S.imd:- Ín niy alist'iiee do not forgel the Injonctlous 1 have gl ven you. B pnnetaal- be Indostrlous - be virtoous- and I will brinií yon gome peanuta when 1 return, tUoreby eadeavorlng to m ike yon bappy. BaERMAN. The above is a facsímile of anote we round on our case, Tliurs lay m irnlir, purportlng to have come from the senior e lltd:- of th!s i'ipr, who lias gone rist for hls (1) [t soonrts well, but still we are afrald be is not happy. Samuel. Shbrjuk entered bij appearonoe at our offices few daya go. Au absence oí ilteeii ye.irs, aml aldennaalc Wte, had wrouglit such chauges in hlm that we had to take a second look before " spotting ' hlm. Wecanassure " Samuel," howevcr, that hc seemed to be " bappy." Our public schools should not le conrerted into politlcal englnes, and to gaard agalnst sachan appearance even, school boards síhxiM be constltuted of intelligent, fair, liberal men, and equnlly dlvlded poüticall y ns iu::ir s may be. We are led io this Buggestlon by tbe fact that there are bal too Demócrata on the School Board of thls city, and netrn Republicans, and thal the term ol service of the i vo Democrate expires on Monday next. Those engaged in making up tickets Bhoutd bear Ibis in iniiul, and aot Ignore the exlstence ol any Democrat8 In thc city and make out Republlcau tickets. That's all. The Inaugural exerclses of the new Uuiversity ol Nebraska are to t:ike place on the (Lh inst., at '-i o'clOCk P. U , at Lincoln, the capital o( the ijtatc. The addresses of the occasion :ire to be (lilivcrcu byActlng(iiivcnior Jami:-, llon. J. STERLING Moitton, well knovu In our State, aml Cbaucellor Penton. - editor ol the Anaus has recelved a card of invltation to 'n: present at the exerclses, but as he wlll not be dne In Nebraska a month later, or tbereabouts, he wlll be unable to iut in hls appearance. A Bre al Jackson on Moiulay afternoon burned ihe J lekson City Mills, owned by 1!i:nni;'it. Knickeuboi eek kV Co., loi;etlicr with a large qnantity of wheat, desplte four Hollv hydranU and ;i steamer, Loáa estlmated at $100,000, insnrance $58,000. The sash and blind factory adjoining wus saved by the greatest exertlon. The Thlrd Anona! Re-Union oí the Fonrth Michigan Cavalry Is to be held at Kalamazoo, in Allcn's Hall, on Thursday, September 21st, at 10 o'clook a. m. This belng 'lnr'ii the State Fair members ol the regiment wlll get the advantage of halffare rates on all the rauroads. Tiir September Magazines. Wlih the last days oí August tilso comes tlic lustallmeut o( the September mag■-, :is followa i - 0xrlind Monihfy bavlng: Cíípt. Hali's ■ Eipedltlon, by I. Walker, M D., wlio lackfl co'iliilcnce in Dr, X Í i tl and his associates, and for gooi! reaüons assigoed ; Parks of London, by S. N. I1o1í;l' Au Ornitholoslst n Mexico, iy And re w J. Grayson ; The lio.y;,! Acaderay Bxhlbltlon, by Peter Tott; Tiio Maliometof the West, by Mrs. Thos. ÏMtch; Quecr Si-hts aml Ways in Pekln, by Spencer C. Brownej The .Maison Mir-1 i tfu ■'■'■rs, ly Tlierese ïelverton ; Abcnt the Bhorea of Pngct Soumi, by Cupt. C. M. Seaiiimoii legger . poems, boqk nottces, etc. $4 a yeaf. John il Cmiuary iV (""., S:n Pmnclsco. - The Ladtet' Bepotitory Iims two flne . " Loiila'ana Scenery- the Rivcr Bank,1 and " Tlie Uliamplon" - an Amufl e Bre tout illnstrated mieles: On the ilonntatus, A Plrsl Vislt to Rome, The l'oop e of tndia, an I, 'T lic Cattle of the Sollmoens. A'su iliree serial öolitiolied papen ; The tjrokun Column, clinp. m. The liclifrioii ol' ■ al'y. els ip. vu. - the Wii'o ; lii.l Be Tare of Mole-HIlls, chap. n. The other apera loclude Btorlcs, sketches, poems. The " Ohlldrcn'a Department " is, as p.hv.i.v , ■eadable, and the " Editorial Departüíeúl " Well Qlled. $3 50 a year. Hitchcock & Wai.dkn, Clncinoatl, Olilo. Prora tlio s:iin', G iden Iloure, vHi a bul o f fura wlilch wlll amuse, Interest, and InBtruct the yoimir reader. The illnstratcd articlea are : The Little Dove- concluded; A Vlw of A.ra, Iridia; Curióos Flshes, v.; Robbio's Picnic, by Mr J. 10. MXSon. inghy ; Kitighthood ; aud, Beware of the , Boys! A ncw serial story by Mr. ). V. Scott, Mr. Falrfleld's Vacatlon, la oromenced. A good number o! a goxl i igazli e. (2 ;i year. - Arthur's Lady's Magaz'ne Ii.ts lts asnal aghlon and olhcr eniavings, with .1 tnbte )C contcuts to whlcli wo ttaay apply the iine de8crlptive word. 2 a year. T. 8. Vkiiior & Sons, Philadelphla. From the same, 2ie Childroïs Hout, a :i])i.;n uainbcr of a capital jna2;".zne fov he wee of the liunily. Uuy it for :n' old. fl.25 :i year. - Ths Herald of Bealth luis a good mim. ut. The most DOtlceable papers are : The Vino Qnestlon, by Rev. .!. C. Hoi.: ) i) ; Kvery Toolli is Wortli a Diamond, rom the French; Work, by Urv. C. IIirlgham: and Evils of llah' Dycs and Cosneiics. The Studies in Hygleoe, Recipes br Wliolesome Cooking, and Ilow to Treat hé Ölck, wlll be round Instructíve. $2 a ear. J. 0. Holbrook & Co., New York. l Truatise on tuk (,'onstitutioxal Lim itations wuich resl upon tbe Legislative power of the States of the American Uuin. By Tir m vs M. Cooley, one ofthe J.i.-lici's d! the Supreme Court of Mlchl gan, müI Jay Professor of Law In the Unlverslty of Michigan, öecond edltlon wlth considerable addltlons, glvlngthe resalta of recent cases. Boston; Li Bsowh n 11 1 Comfant. 1871. Itiicly doe a work of this nature reach secoud e litioii in so short a time, nmi liat the author of the volume before ns ïas been c:il!el u Olie s bo ther tribute to lts Voi-th, ami a confirma - ion of the popular jndgineat expressed at Ie time the flrst edltlon was Issued. The ,ext of the secoud edition has not boen ma erially change 1, nor oplnlons or ei o:is mollüed In any Important particular, n fact V.c anthor sajsi " Furthcr reflec ion has oniy tended to conflrm him In hls yrevlous views :i tlie nced o!' coiistltution 1 icatraiut at cvery polnt where ageuts exerclse thu delegaterl aatliorlty of !:c people, au I lie Is gi'atlíled to observe s not in the dlrection of a disrcgard of these rest rain ts." Aboat 00!) new cases have been cited, inreasinj; the value of the work to ihe egal )rofession ag w , : iiilic. We urfi pleased to k:iow that thla volume i !y regarded as authorlty in courts f justlce and legislative bod i es, and that ivurk coveriug the rauge of topics Uis ■ clted. The anthor says bal he bas " written In fnll sympathy wlth il those restraluts which tu: cautiono! r fathera had Impose 1 upoil the exerclse í the power-: of goverameut, and wlth : the ."liyoks and b ilnuces ol oui' re ubllcao systcm and In correct concluslons v tha sreneral uuijiic sentiment, ratber .ha:i in reliauce upoD a jadiclous, prudent ad Jast ezerclse of authorlty, when con ded without rcstriction ti my oue man or ody of men, whether Jsittlng in leglslatlve apacity or judicial." It would be well for Jongress and L'.lslatures to ponder apon líese word. The publlsUerS havo brought out the vork in superior Btj Ie. The A.ngust;number of the Pr nler's Cirular is ntled v;tli matter of niuoh interest o tlie craft lypographicat. The practical n'iuter wlio circiïilly reada t vvlll tberefoi e a better printer, playear. IÍ.S. Men YMiN, editor and publisker, Pblladelpbla.


Old News
Michigan Argus