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The Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad Transfer

The Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad Transfer image
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The Directora of the Jaokson, Lansing i Saginaw Railroad Company beid a ig n this city last. Saturday for the turpose of taking action apon the propofrom tliu Michigan Contral Eail■ ui Company in regard t tin; road oí' in: former ■ i a iu!l and Í8CU88Í0E i ii I Dr, ■! u 0 iolved to accept thoproposition, whichis, 11 Bubstanoe, that the Michigan Central lailroad Company are, on the first of üibor, to take possession of the track ind rolling stock ol the J-, L. & S. Railad opérate the same foran indefinito ength of turne. Nono of the francl f the Company, howevor, aro to bü xansferred, and the old organizalion is kopt up. The road wiD continue to 10 construotêd northward ander the ilircction and supervisión of the Jackaon, ■ansing & Saginaw Bailroad Company, ind as every ten miles or more oi the ■oad ghall becompleted and put in runiing order, it will bc surrendered to tho Vlichigan Central Railroi I. The c 1 is not to I' called the " Sngilaw División "f the tfichigan Central," ■. a I) t rOÜ l Lt Wil] IVnn its present name nul be run nul peratedaB a separate line, with reneral offices in tlii, i hereofore, and all the présent ofiicers, tand, from Buperintendeni ■ ■: down, will continue to occupy aeir respeotivo positions, the manner in whioh thej have diacharged their official being 80 hi factory to the jlil compan; loofficersrecoininondjd 1 1 ii tu unqualifiedly. Tho final articles of agreemenfc, with til the minor details, have oot yet been ompleted, but fche proposition mention■il above embraces all tho impo , that will bo oontained in them. - i icanized in maiy respeots. A government offioei ately con ' tg the people's uoney, rail ■ re frequ int, :t Lozen persons have lately been blown up ciy kerosene explosions, and it is said that the Empero hubit of acceptiug little presenta tendered t.i him. riicK' is also a man veiy atuoh resembles Train n aoopiug and veiling througb. the principal towna athfty cents per h Á Washington special io the N. Y. ys : " The Obief Exáminer of tlic Pateni I to Philadelphia to examine Pleaeonton's imv ■ ! of growiag !Vut i:i hot-houses by liiminiahiri nml inoroasing bino f ays of light admitted through the glass. Tho examinor haa returnecl sundry gigantic clusters i md i.- converted to the discovery. rleasonton uses blue panes of glass in tbe proportion of olio to seven Entuma fn o) thitty-five counti bei n reccived. They írivo onc thousand two lmndred antl sixfyÏ0UT imijority in tho c:ill of !t Conststutional Convontioü. Tho ren ing níxiteen oounties will not luatorially alter the result. Bop Erom North fina that the rovenuo offtoors there have mot with rcsistanco trom illegal listi liefs in t'.io oxccution i . ahd arresta of offending parties vill puobikbly b Tho annual fair of the ] - Missouri V.'ir ociation n iïl ■ 25th and luiag five days. Premiume to the amouno oí ■ : re opi n to oom tion fiom all quarters. Tho Chicago & Atchison Bridge coi ny haa advertised for tor building a. highway and railway bridge óver issonri River afc Atchison. Froposals wil] I1 reoeived until the l-'; oiber, at the offioe of tho company in Atcb The keol of tho first iron steamshiy for the Ponnsylvania Central Railroad pany's linoto Liverpool laid on Pétrea Islaud. The koul for tho sooont will be laid immedia Visitors at Newport who do not know the porties, Bpeak of James Parton and lüs FaiiTiy Fernas"that bounoing wom:m au i her hi valid son." Mis ■h-:'- Mitchell, .a telegraph ópeffttor at 8t. Charles, Mo., has rotirod from the guild, r. dead relatiVe having lcft lier l200,000 cash. As slieis said tó h a vöry beautiful prl, it ira't ükely that Uiis money wil] ba any greater detriment to her matrimonial success. Father Hyadin tho insista that he will mttrry anyhow. Ii" Bhould havo all the oredit dne men who saoriflee themselvea for a principio.


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Michigan Argus