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lyoTici; rameintomy enclocare in (l.e towi of Saline, :iw i ioODtj Mchfgan, nu i; uly I i.-i. oue dark hy two y.v.r oíd Culi, m-ii], t.:ts ;i -ore; mi t ii-.[ Bhoalder. Saline, 8ent. Ut. Í8I1 IMSwi j. A. KLEIN. M) RENT Tii.' Kuil ■, ;;■„,..! unís to rent liis rpsiilenee on tute Btrect, aud boanl witb the famüv takij una. Apply ,.i residí nee. A. ir. PABTBEDGE. Aan Al-bor, 6pt. 7tb, 1871. Chanoory Notioe. 11HECIECU1T COUBT tol the ramiity of Waantonaw. In 'Kan' .ni; ZEEB, Complainant, n. ! BEDERICB BEB, i i fendant. ) 1' --'i ppetuiiigto i. theaffllvlJ,ol ■ ia eeb, thai the ■'t t!.l Mate, ;un! ubixsna hua been duly iniud for hei . 108, bul thal th ..m: c , dd :.■■ ■ erredbyi intiuued absence ir hi t plaoe of re Lnerefore, on motioii oJ Lawrenoe a. iian, of oounael forcomplalnant, il isorderod thul tin said defumlant, Fredericka Zeeb, oause ber appearasce in Ihi oauM tobe ent) red tntnin thiee moaUw Cnua tedate ■ )! thid order, and in xc (,i her ppearanco sh ... r aiuwer to compluinunt's lili to Bied and a copy thereol to lx -. tved .n tbe compIaiDiuj t's solicitora within twenty daya ni itl a unie. of a oopj ol 110 lui! and notioe f iin order, and ia dei.uilt tli.-ii-iif thattbe aaid bilí be taken aaoou by the 8aid defendant, trederioka 2eeo : and ït is furored, (bal within twenty daye the raid complaiaanl oauae a oopj ol ordertobe pul in the Michigan Argut, n di irsnapa printed and publiahed in tne oitj ol Ann ■ i-lir, u aaid countj of nuw, and that s.u.i publifiatiOD bu continua in j'LTi iiiiw in f4ui vtrfi lür M wivks ni sion, or tiiat be cause a oopy of order to te naraonauy aerved on aaid defeodant at J. uit (■,■.. ive pnMribed for het apnean 8 pt. ;th, 1871. ' ' I?. BEAHAN, Circwl Couit GommisBionttTi Waahtenaw ƒ County Mii lil.ran. J.AWI1I.NCJ i Fl-.A7.K11, knd of Conmel fw Compluinant. Finest Aasortment of Toilet ' Goods in the City, by fr3U.flfaA'eO.,gfrqggk CTATE OF MICHIGAN, C ■,„nv"V )t VVaslitennw, hold. f l "' of P , I San., deceaaed. ' 'lül"it. i, layofj ■'tw ■i pewons intei , widjfr Kal ai ii seeeion ol - ■■.! ■„,,., , J k hearing th-r-.r. j, .? 'i0' 5 ■ ■ ' ' ii "J":fA'Ü fom-saccesaive wceki (ö - . ' 'ofMatthew Keftñ ÖTATB OP MICHIGAN, Countv f, M U ,,!.:, ,.;,,, l,..!.i, „;„ ,),.. ,.,,,; ■,' ■ ol Ann A, „„, ,.„ ■!■,., ,,i, .; '"-'ika seveni -one. bkm ''i Thor,!,,.,,,, lt b ordered, tl,u! M(mdT ii. ■md'thut the of aM deocosed, un, iwsS ' wid wt ..,,.. "ltnwn1 siud Cort, then i.. tionetp ""',' '-' " :':":" ■■■iwtouïiSl in the Michigan Ar,,,,,-, ■„ w)Yn-r VnaiZ!S&li I day dl beariog (Atn,e.ony.) ÍÜBAMJ.] ■ Estáte of Michael Kean ofWwhtpoaw, holden il th, PrXt'ófc CItj of Ana A.:,.,r, .i„ Tfleed the fiJ?1:!l dcceaced. ""■' Kwi, I On rem! ng and DIlDg the petltlon dnl, mu. - ■■■■!,■ -nthls. ■„,„,. ,„„„ ,rl.„,.r " " d ted to Probiito and Uut .ba m";T,,:; ► Tbcrcup , lt I, otdtni, thnt Momia, ii,,, day "' " ' ten .■■■Inck i, i,.1?11 n onbeaili;ned f.,r the heriuevfniU teroiLÍ a ewte, ore reqnircd to Qpi, 'Men.MthíPrthuSÍI "'""■.' Mbor. and ihMv . ■ therebe, why the prayei of ,},■ p..,:-,;?'; nol Im i,i,;..,l: Aud H In rurthBrirdirSaiïï iwüt oner glv rtlce t per hi.;?' thehBartna thereor. hy canefa a codt ol & S to be pnblluhed in tbs Wckiom i,"!,; , J jndcimilalinüinsai.ico lv eekpreTlou to aald daj of hoVinV 'COPT.J . HïftAMJ.Bl lll Jnd oi Prrit!. Estáte of Maiy E. Shiegly. TAÏEOF MI.rni(iA.,o.iiiiyofV. ■ n of the Ptobutc Court fortb,(oi! "' W 'iliit.-ii.-r.v, iiuld' :. on ftidiiy, '": ta thi ycar one tho vmiS Beven! . frefni Hiram J. Benke, Judg of Pmtala ■ ■ i vL lm Un nd flUng the poMtioit, dnly tcnidwl ■ ll!" "' "''■ rting to bttww ud tbat he m .'.ijSèïïl i ■ interested n said wtate are mtM SMon of Baid .■.M.rt.thontob.ffili al bba n-Au', OIHce, In I nA,tu2 howoraao.ü any thero I ■ rw liS lid oot - nanted: A:i,l it toto ordcred, that ilil petititmot gfrenotin tottti I ate. oí the mkwi ■ v „iri d in iiiP.M,, ' ncwspapei i.rin-. ■! nnd nmliitini mail ! oounty, t hi e ■ mcoeaav rwki ]'Hivioutomddtt( (A trae copy.) JliüAM.T. i ■ ' Judgc ot PnUle. Mahony, et al.- minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, ( onnty of Faünra.w, a. , At h Bcasion ol the Prol ■■ i , ,- .■ Wnshtennw, holden at the I'rolt? Offli of Ai. ii Arboi o . ber, In il, Jrcol on Uwuaan . . - i.t ■ 'it Hiram J. Beakea, Jndge of l"roWo matteroftl loanna SarrJmd Mnv Afahony, uiiin Üuitading and lUiDg thep tition, dul; ut, prnyiug thnl 1 'í kU cTUiin real osliitc bclongmg Wxt i.i i -. il is ordered, tliut Monduy, thoml o3 ' tt, at ten o lotk inthpfurae ! !■■ -iiii.i:, nai'h: ■. ol kin of mia minora, and all tin nlM ■ ai ii Beaaton i tbeo tollnBo, ai the Probate Offioo, in i tj show canse, il . aJiv the pra; titioncr shtmlil ïiot be granted : Ahd 'it is mtlrt :ivi' nntice to Ikncitli ■ - and .-.11 othex persens mto' ■ ■ ' ite, "t the pendeney of snd jdi1 IU8ÍDgO7l ■ ■ ■ publtehed in tho u, a kind oinHÜHting In ui I I m o wid i!; of luaniiz. ■eopy.) UIB lli J. BEAKF& Judgeof l'rcb. Estáte af Buck - mi STATE OF MICSlGAJí, C rty of Wwhtaif, -í nsesdonof Probate ourt ftn I I naw, hoWi ij :it the Probate 0 :r ni Aon Albor, on Friduy, the iirst Uj ; '■■ i, in tli; yc-iir onc thoiisaud eight fcifr tn gevent v-om. Beakea, Judgo of r.-ohntf. muttor of the estáte of HcnrittU BkI, minor. On redding and füinatho p-i:!wu, duly YeriflflW Edward Kin-. Qunrdian, praying tlmi lie mT h i to boU oertain i ;1 i-iuto kclonginsio :','ra [tfeordeted, thttl Mindv. ths oiri l;iy ui Octobei in-;-. iniYnfn,i ing of Baid ] tihon, i noxt I kin of uuid minms. aud iillothcrpciüonsiiln" ■ i11 - appear tssesis I -"ivf. then t be holden üt toe I'iotóe Oí in Ctt of Aun Arbor, Bnd 8ho rarae, ií "Í iveroi the petitioner shooliw Ind il ;■ hirthoi orai titionei . : in of s;iil mb:r. and uil other p -. i ui -:iM e ion, nel the beuiini cnuging .i copy oi I :.i lm. r ii !■ po ■" ; Deirapan i insaiaooaci three --;m roksprcviouátoií'' dfty oi' hearing. (A truooopy.) Il I KAM J. 1 ' isas JhiIbc of rmhfe Sheriff'a Salo. STATE OFMICHIG IN, Cbuntyof Wahto3 By ririne ' a writ 't eac catión lasurfootflí limit 1 (hf .--.i] oí fbe CirOOit OUIt lor !: W[w.(itfiii.w, t;itc vf Uichigan, ■ I). 1871, and to medirectod and delirei-ed, goodsand cnattels, tanda un I tenements oí AntlT Smlth and Charles II. ConkJin, aefendanö tte nomed, I did, oa the luth dy of Jnly, I trant oi I . ■ V npon ';ill tt' i1'",' eat tíiat Anthony Smiüi lm in the followiairi0? real estáte, to-wit : '1 be undividod one-l north jKiii oi the southw. -t quarter 01 teen, in townahip foor ontij t range ox apieeeoi land on the noutn side nf' mill-pw"1 the north part of the above I .rter 9ecö?i being the prer .. ,i led bj OW? Shepherd to Srastne LeBaxon K-aiindnicApnl-1?' 184Í. AL all the intered H. ConUh"5j thefoUowined lo-wit: I" ', 1 aud 1 in aeotion linthe vdlagi of Saline, w"' Wnahtenav, Stnte ol ■ mding to }if imi'lUI ïtlut iliprnnf. }ifr,tMiii,r ..n Hm u.-inth lineo!'"' i friesen raad I vslve fa t vest fron the nrath!""" I ence MraUierlr parallel vntliw1 eal Une oí said lot roe sixty feet, Uience e alio] iviil, iid Chicago ro id twentj erly parallel with the said sast Une sixtj soutfi lineof the Chicago road, II.' ii Une oí Uto Chii :l P? begnnÍDfr, whioh premieeB I hall expo V 5 at public auoüorf to the bitíliest hiddor, at r; wuthdooroJ UieCourl House in the city of Anfi bor. on the Slet duy of Ootober next, t 12 oöw Datcd s, ,,1. (ju,, 1871. MYRON' WF.BB, E 1338 By .7.1H-I , . Sheriff '8 Sale. OTATE OF MIC Hl GA N , o innty of WiMntfi ö By riitneui a (rrií di executioo ásued outfl"" ini.liT the seal of the Lircuil Couri tor tbecoj M'sshtensw, litote oí Michigan, duted " and to me dirocled and deliverod. mrainst il"' ": ";: chattcLi, landgnnd tei on eni ; ■ 1IlJl,,. ■'. 011 the Sist dayoi July, . l 1871, levj iaterest Beorge D. flill hos in the foUowiu . to-vri ; 1 lie east half of thi qnarterof bscÜou oinetei n, oontiiining eightjrM" ■ M uil fWW lililí líl wil. uu" anti' half of the northweel quartcrol sectKffljJi '"■' ntaioina tv -!uo mare of land. Mll!Jj(f U'iiiKsiiU'üol in ■.■ -!.i- ..i A un Ai !)■!■■ T ï I Of Waahtennw, Ötate 01 Üichigan, whicli frL Imll expqae for aale a( public auction, do tl wfí r, attiaonthdoorof the wirt Hou ", a dtj of Ann Arbur, on the th dy of Ootowfi 1871. n( 1(1 o'dook a. M. Of Mild day. Dated, sopt. Oth, l7l. . MVÜliXWKI!!:,;, ByJOBTLN b'oBBES, ünderffl. DUTTÉR WAMKP. I am agAta proparH lo tftkí ;i" CHOICE BLJTTKH Mailcin thot'ounly, for JASII ,.ri.'"''9 18 tf J.H. v' v IJEOPLE'S DHÜG STOiwr, R. W. ELLIS & CO.


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Michigan Argus