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Local And Other Brevities

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- i he weatner is again tooi _ n b thc time to subscribí fot the - President Angeï-t. nn' Family orrl on Monday l:i-t. - Farmers are ncedtng rain to enable thcm to plow mi sow. - If yon luve ;i house or a ro m to rent idrertlse in tlie A nous. - Oor toivn is fuil of strangera; look Ing for :);ei' 1. rooms, houses, v ■. - The two stores In Cook's Hotel 41 ck will be ready fbr occupatlon In a fp daya. - n.wi.'oi.i'H Hogers spenl last Babbath In the city. His looks evldence a hc.ltliful cl i mate in Enrope. - The Coiuniou Oottticll han itopptíd the (rort on toe Mainc Rtreet bore. Xuw let lliiTc be i cleaniiifí up. - .1. R. Webstkb :s fitting On the store on llurjn strcc't_ recently oceupíed by Seo. A. Gii.ur.ui1 (or a book store. - .Vu;:i,.li:U heem in ?íeiV ïork for ome d.-iys, niirl Ji t-t mi-chases wili soon li:id the tlioivps and connttTRof Bach & Abel. - Watch ilic Anct.s adveftlslug olwflv.s. lor wlde awake merchante tnow Vneiroun lnlereta attd advertlse thereln '- Tlie outer walisoitheUn'.Versit] bölldiiis aio uear'y p, and we notlced tbat the opper tier of Jotst was beiug pül on yester::,y. - The Grammat School opeiied i n Mon day and in progFessing sutlnfactorlly, uotwi ilistauding tlie coufuslon incident to flulshiiig the ijuiiil ir_'. - The I O. G . T. "ill have open lodge Bit Wtduc sáay eveníng. Th (tienda o temperance are cordially Invlted to al Place o( meeting Ko. ::o S. -Main 8t. - Of the three suits insiituted againsi siloon keepen for the rcovsryo money spcut witii them, two Werc ivltlidrawa, and il'f tliir.l recovered six cents. - O ir Saline friends are congratnlatln; themselves on the'r prospect for anolher railroad, the contract for eoDstructlng the road iliencc to Adrián haviug been let to Beiiuy. - WouUlii't it lm prove tiie appearance OfAnnArbor'a "Central Prk," to have the unnecessary sirii:tnn:s surrottDding lts Balphar-salt-raagneslan-magnettc eCalmn crul iountaln removed? - Kx;iininatiolia for admission to the Literary Department of the Unlventlty comtnence on Moniay. the 18ih inst., and coutlnae du ring Tuesday. Rec'tallons will tommence oa Wedncdy. A 1 irire freshi.i ui class is ezpected, with addltlons to ad vaneed classes. - Kii.ey alias Riclre, who wa accüsed of causlng the disappearmce of Bomejew elry trom the Gregory House, hoticed in the last Ahgus, had liis exainination Taesdsy last before Justice McKkkna.v, and was 'iouihI over for trial, vvitli bail Bied at S0O. - The oldest lnhabitaut, who haS known the II u ron ever niñee it was a brook, ae er kuew it so low. Mlllers along up the rlver ure running but a Mnall part of thelr nui chlnery, say ooe nui ot stone out of each three or four, and of coursc are anxious fof Water. - AU but six of the. present iuni'ir class Of the University have stgnltied theJr Inten Hou to return this year. It will be remera bered that this Is the class uh ch was so largely represented at Van Amburgb's morK?) show, and as a consequence flgured conspicuously in the suspension list. - We don't know by wliose order thc fine okl oak tree, west side of Mainc - aml souLh of Liijerty street, was cut down a fcw daya axo. öucii trees onght to be preserveil nntll the necessitv for thelr de structlon is absolute, or at least greatcr toan- as neema to ns - in tliin case. - A clergyman, Uvlag not a tboaaand "liles firom thlg city, recently retaroed 82 Warriae certlflcatea to the ottlce of the Connty C'crk, covering a period of several toonths. One of the con le had already Wfwl of matrimony and been divorced. A orc prompt return would have better comP'ied with the spirit oí the law and avoid" such an anomaly. ït is said fchat a mammoth for toe Hudson ltiver is to be eompleted ear'y next summer, to be run between Albany and New York, to compete with the Palace cara of the Hudson Eiver Bailroad. ig intended that the new steamboat ■hall be five handred feet long, The ft-anicr is to be capablo of raaking twenty-eight miles an hour, and to average Oearly that speed daily. It is proposed Wat this steaniboat shall run to Ñew ik and return to Albany in twelve '■Jui-s, leaving Alb.iny in the morning M retorning by ten o'olock in Ui.' eveïiny.'. 'flic stciiini'v wil] bc run cxr-lusivi''5' for passengere, and wül havo all the Hpointmenta and accommodationa of a hrst class hotel. She wül be built with ety light draught of water and with a TOW to tho greatest speed.


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