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Dundec--railroad Meeting

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By iDvltatlon ol Ei. I). BoCH, the active ahí) efficiënt Bubscrlptloo ageot of the ToIt-iio, Aun Arbor and Northern Railroac Ooinpaojr, we vlslted Dundee On Wednes dajr, and were present ata meeting held In the interest of Jiiö Work. Thi meeting was held in the Baptist Climvh, wliic.h WS fllleti wlth ladltíe and gentlemen, business Bies and medíanles, manufacturera and farmers, all evldentiy all ve to the importanee of the enterprlsei Tin: meeting was organlzed bj 4)éctii1g iiüN.r. X. Ocrtis, Esq., Ohalrman, after wblcb it was addre8sed by l'm:. Tbh Bbooke and (iov. I-'ki en, of thlï city; IIakmon ji,!,i:n and tl. O. Edwakdb, of Müiiu; Hessnt. Ford. Pulver and öora tok, of Dimice j Mr. i' kch, and bthera TUe meeting was asBorcd that Dandee, by coming np to the work, could now seenre the MÜroad t bad so long deslred. Th (.ulkini; bei ng done a .-ir.'C commll unterpi'lsliig, fjoahead ladles uud gentle uien were apDuiuted to canvnss t!;j town, ;uiil mi fee) couQdunt tUattlieainooutaked of Don 1 wlll be ruised at an early day. And Dundeè can nol afiford to tliluk of fuilure. A vlllage of nbuut 50Ü luhabltanls, Burrounded by a flue farming country, with 1 tvatei' power, Dundee only wants a ratlroad to tnake t a live town, stiinulatc its growth, Increase i's nianulactnringi and make t. a desinible home. Il is now " 16 nnk-s ii'om imy place," so a elticeii Intofraed ui, aud is ïee'ug othei' towilB w beller 0■.!'!. siifrouüded by a poorer f.iruiing country, witli poorer water power, etc, oul ':iiih' and overshadotv it, because everythlng manufactared or produced, bona;litor sold, must bc carted to aud fiom Toledo r Monroe, the oearest shipplug polnt on o rallroad not furnlshlng market facllltles. WitU a ralh'o:!il :i!l tllls will be chaused Bui we certaluly need hol üiscusa so plaln a questlon. Dundee Iwlih üu lag to the po tion, and can haté a railroad if ils jteople ici'l it, trili all ils benefllt. ■ - In looKlng arouud Ddudee we uotlced two flouriug milis, a saw mili, a p iper mili in process of erectlon and ol large capadty , anda cliecse factory. W weut llirongu iliu latter anü fOaud t ver Uiinii ni'at mul clean. It Is Qwned by .Mr Plank, and Is inakitig about iiuu lbs. daily of good qual ity. E .c.i customer i.s credlted wiiii the ba. oi miik faruisbed, charged i wo ceuts :i jou ad lor inanulactaririg, and t.;ikes boone ïis own wrhey. The cheese is sold by an igeut, ;unl the proceed pald to tbecuslom era accordlng to tbe mük furulshed. The nper rolll is b ing built lv Mesará. Pusky iuos., who have :ui excellent power, and idjoinkig it a wagon factory and black - niith sliop is to be erected - ha vlag water 'ower. Near Dundce aod ncar the Ui e o ie raad is a valnable and liino stoiie quarry, owued by Mr Morse, whicb urulshes both thi best building gtoue and iin ui t!io Staie, We aro tokl that this stouecau bc dellvered in oor city, when he rallroad is built, at lö.SOie.OO per cur.l. Hall w..y üetweeo Dundee and Mi .■m thre i an extensivo Btava factory, aNo necdg railroad facllitles. ]iiit cnougli oi' Duudee for the present, ezcept to tender the thaaks of oar part; to Mr. 3TOWEU. Tor his ho.-italities. Wo hope to visit Dundee nexi time by rail. -- Milao Iseulilled to honorable mention n this counectlon. Her enterprlsing oom nittee, co operatlug witfi .Mr. Boucs, have gei u. v-A about fl2,0Q0 ia new sub and procurcd the transfer of Düarly every d-jllar of the old jtock subscriptlou. V .. clono Milán, (jreat will be your reward. - Tliis was our Hrsc trip through the townB o) Pittefleld, Yorlr, Milan aml Dundee, and we were favorably hnpres-sd witli wbat we saw : guod farms, goud bui.d ng gOcxt cfops, etC. All that is wanu-'l Is the railroad to brlng thelr larma nuarer mar ■ the value of both f.irmsi ■i'i produce. Tiiis tbey wlll get If all ited do ii.i;riln'.v and "go their bot toni dollar. Talk is a '■ great Institntiou," . il u ithlng bul in uey will lidild railroads l'he country tbroaah whlch thie road runs s abundautiy ricii euough to furuishtbc : mey requlred of it, and to furnish basl ne a for tiie ro:id when built. t A. very sact case of accidenta' polsoolug occurreil in t ïis city ast Monday, wh'.ch resultad i ti the dea tb. o! llttle toar year iid chill of Chas. C. Churcu, of the aixth w..r i. li seems th it tbe femlly were a leavlng home for a short time, and as tbe h 11 liad beeh a Hule unwell it vvas thonght best to jivc it soma medicn fore siartiiitt, and accor lingly tbechild weni to the cupboard, took down a bottle whlch Mr. C. suppoeed contal ned blackberry cordial, but whlch Instead was tüicii -th cymide oí' potasslum - a vlrulent polsun - and look a teaspoonful. li n very few mo menta the chlld went luto ipaams, an i ín lcss tli ni an liour bruathed ts Hst. Thls s a very sad case, and should adra every oue to be carefal lest thej meet vvith its repetltiou. For si vera I years there has beu considerable excitemenf on t!i" ■ caalou oi' tbe anDual school district meeting, lint tilla year " Many Cltlzens " took i' luto thelr heads to ' bust the rlnur." as thcy were pleasod to term the school board, and as au Inldatory stv n the progfarame called a caucus to bi: held at the Courl Qoose on Bnturday eveulng, to nomínate tbree canlldates for Trustees, or four if the caaens eould be easliy manlpulated and made to bel leve re was a vacancy. Wc i. the caucus w s : .l three caud dates nonituated, 9iit not exactly tbe canilidatea " Many Cttizens " deslgned when they(?) issue. 1 the cal I. However, it drew the flre of thü anti-rtng party, and, no "ring ticket' betng in the Beid, the ■ Many Citizen' caucus candldates unanlmously eleuted on Monday. At the meeting of the Coinmon Coancil beid last Monday evening, a street s ordered opened from Hurón ííi to Miller Ave., just west of Alleu's Creek. Wegl Beventb S',., froin Ho Iwell'j corners south, A-as ordered wldened, and au alley extendiii from Catharine to North Sis., jnsl in the rear of the lots frontiDg on Main bt., was ordered tlirongh. The vrldenlng o. the nortli end of División St. was vo'ed down on account of the expenso it would lucur. PermlssloQ to erect a wooden barn In the rear of the Gregory Eonse was nlso VOted down. Satarday latrt, whlle thresbera were al work at Mr. Foole's, atumt three miles trom tlis city on the Eber Wulte road, a Gorman by the name oí John F. Stoll feil from the gtraw stack, strik lag hls head .apon a stone, and causlng injuries from the effects of wliic'n lie rlicd in a few boars Se was a man abontSO reara of age, and leavcs a wiff and two cblldren. Ture conversatlon clasa of the Mlsses Ciarks' school wlll lx' resamed on thel2th Inst - Tuetidsya and Thnrsdeys, tt. a quar ter aller three, p. m. To those ladlea wiio wlsta to refresh thetr mlnda wlth knowledee In the varióos departmenta of literatore, apart from the drudgery of booksand study, fhlsclasa wlll be found imili protttablq and Intereetlng. Durlag lust season it was Tcry well ftttended.


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