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ryiIliN Y OU WANT FINE PH0T0G1UPH& CIO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, No. 30 Hnrou Street. Jtywinl Pote cönsuMptïok ïts Cure and lts Preventive. SY J. H. SCHENCK, M.D. Mnny n human belng lias panod 0ivay for ffhOBO death thero waa no otlier reason than the neglector ■ ind índisputably proven mi . . Thos ■ lie;' umi dear tofamily and Frlenda nrc aleepinjí thn h Bluinber Loto wiiKii, had the? Umlyuduptetl DU. jytfEPII H. SCHEXCK'S tiDlPLE , TREAT.UEXT, and nvatlcd thempoivns of hts wnnderfully ofncnclmis medicine?, thoj woul i nol have ]r. öc i ■ tuiivi'ii tint irherñclent vitülity ramal ns, that vltallty, by nis Itreotlous íor tholr uao, is qulcken, _or. In thts statenwnt thom ís nothing preromptnous. fattn. of the invalM Is made nn reprosentatlon thai is not a tbousand times substautlntod by living and visible worka. The tin-ntv ut thu ciirc by IJr. Bchenck's medicines la as simple ris it la uofatllng. ir-, pbltosophy requlrea no argumtii. Il i self-oasurIiik, gelf-convinoing. ■i T mlcond Mandril ■ Pilla are the flnt . ipons with which the cltndel of the malady i ■. Two thirda of the ca of conauinpuon e In dyspepsla and ;i fnnctlomilly dlaordered hv. : . With tb is cooditiuu thu bronchlal tubes " ympttt inc " wltu the Btomach. Thej rcupond t tl ie moi biflcactlon of the II ver. Here tfion comes the oulminattng resnU, and the setting lu, irttb ;iü lía ülntroaaUijf Bjuupt oi CONSÜMPTION. The líandrnko Pilla are componed of oneof Natnrei jidl)l(;st gifts- the iVt.UipiillUini Peltutum. Thoy posluod-searchlnv, alterativo pruptírítea oí calumel, bat, unltka calomel, thoy LEA VB NO BTING nEIIIN'D." The work of oaro h now begtnninff. Tho rltlated and muooufl deposli s In liu bowols anJ in the uliincnt.üv oa tod. The il ver, a dock, ta wonnd up. it nróases from lts torpidlty, The stom:i. ii nol ■■ . and the patiënt tiogins tu fet;l tüutho isgoUtng, ai tast, A BUPPLY OF QOOD TïïOOD. Tfif Beft-wOed Tcnio, In epnjtinotion with the PHln, ■.-. nnü ; BSlmtlates witli the food. Chyliflcatlontsnon proRreaaing without Itsprevlonst rtnres. DlgestUm beeomea painless, und the euro Is cen t io ;tt hand. Tnope ton ■ rmr t flatnlènce, no exacorbatloo ■ i tnmach. A n I ta tu. Now o ■ I Parlflerever vet pi von byaniodulgei r '; ■■ ■■' '■ tuflbrlngman. Scnenck's Pulmón ie Bymp ooioes in tojwrforiD lta functlonsRïid to baati I '■'■' cure. H i upon ltftwork. Natu ■ ca noi booheated. i ■ . . ■- nl the lungSi [n the form of gftth I , ■ uree them for . ■ , : ■ -'i r me the tnahuly a tbat tt occttpleO ts . und tho patiënt, in all tho diK'iity (1' regalned Tlinr. steiw fuitb lo enjuy tbo inauii.j'jú or Wi -i vrua CtïVZS PP AS LOST. Tho seo rvl V'Ar.x i ' - mnf( atay ín o wnrm romn until th ■ ■ ; ft is alut impoaslble (■ i ■ li tvenfc i or a cure can not be ffocted. : in lilis MJ th' oountry, I umi vlntor oouson, ure nll Physiülans tvho rucummend tbntx tit"1 InsQ . i theïr langa nre bndly dlscaned and 1 i n thfj house tbey must not slt iul tho i ■■'■ín :is much fust :is the strengtlï wlll bear, t f.rt np : . Tne patienta niDftt keep Ín giHd spirits- be qhI irmlnod lo gut we!l. Tilla lina n frreat deal to ú i wltb. tho appotltOt aodi iathogi'eat puftitto gafn. To despalr of curo after Buen cvldez o of Ita possíblltty lïl the worst cusos. nnd nionil ct'ítiitnly in ull otherBt i slnfnl. Dr. Scncnck's peraonal Btatement tathö Fuculty oí bis ouu curo waa i.i theso uiodcbt wordí : ly yearfl n :■ T waa in t !io lat flitfros of conButnptlon; coiffln '(I to niy bed, ond at one timo my rtiid i' ■! Uve ;i weeb ; Ihen, Ifke a di wnin man ctitchtng nt BtTuws, I licard i und obtalned the propamtlona which I now offer to the public, and thoy nttde n perfi ot cure of no. It fteemed tome that] culd feel them mty ■ rtpen( tho Diatter in my tanga, ;ii;ii ï rould spit ap moro tban a plnt f uíten: ■ yellow matter overy mornlng fora Iühk time. M As soon as that bogan t tyoougb, ferer, n to leave rae, and my (paa with difllíuttvthat I keepfrom oating too much. 1 Boongainmy In flesh erer i ■ [ was weiprhed sh .; -■ after my recoTery" fMfil tltu i) i-.-'. .:, " tíi en looklng likc a .more Kkcleto; 'hi waa onjy nlnety-sevcn poundsj my prosght istwo bundrod and twenty-fl i ■ tterrnpted lieiilth." Dr. Schenck hüa disc ntimi'] bts proicsstontil vislts I Ñow-York a i ' EEoston. He or nis m n, ür. j. II. i at tbetr office No. 15 Nortb sih Street, Phlladclphlo,eivery a 9 -VM. to 'i P.M. Thoso who wisli a -,. th I ■ Respirometor will hn ; í'. The Respira irea the exact i of t!e Inngs, and patiënte can rcadlly loara r j i cu ■ or nut. tna for t:tkiiif? Iho mcdírínfí' arn nrlnptrft tpthelntellig a chlld. Follow thcnediri pmd klnd x.-it'i .■ cceptlng tflat in caaes t..o Maodrako Pilis uro to be taken in ■ medicines i ocd no other accüiupanimenta tban tho nmple tnatructluna th:it aocomiHiny them: First croato appetlte. Of rcturnitig heaJtb, bunger i bbe moi I i n ptom. When It cornos, as It wlll como. Jet (he despntrlngat nnco be ■ f good cheer. i at once folios s, tho oough . the nlght Bffeat is nbatcd. Ju h short time ■ iiMirhiii Bymitoms are gone forever. Dr. Bchenck'a medicines nre constantly kopt in tona of thousands i i , Á ■■■ laxattre or purgativo, id rak o Pilis aro h standard prepnrution : whílo, . nonio Byrup, oh ; cure of coughs and colds, aay bo regarded na u propbylacterhi ugiiiustconsuiap tH m i;; anj ■ f it. forma. ■ oí the Polmonlo ?vrnp nml Pfn-wpnrt Tonto, tlÖa bottle, or 87.6Q o halí dozen. Man cl rak e lMUs, 2 cfcuta íj. box. For sale by olí ui-ugistu uud deulcrs. HUHIiBUT & EDSALL, 32 Lake Street, Chicaba, III., "V"h.olesale -A-íients. PAINTS Fi INTS Oils Oíls Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushcs Brushes M! NEK Al, PAIWTS, &c, "LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL ON 11. W. ELLIS & E0., BEFORE PUR0HA81NG A FALSE REPOIIT ! THAT A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOF TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAEGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICKS 'I'O 8UIT T1IH TIMES. ALSO A Ï0LL LINK OF GENTS' PÜBNISHINa OOODS! DON'T rUKCIIASE YOÜR SPRING ANDSÜMMER OÜTFIT8 UNTIL YOU GUVE HIM A-O-A-XiXi. 15 South Main St., Ann Aibor. 1321-U, gAMrBrRËVËNAÜGH, " PHQïOGRAPiiEiii RETOUCHES ALL HTS NB1T1VES BEFOUE ntlNTING, 80 THAT FRECKLEMOTÜSANDTAN Do not-show in nny of hiu Pictures. No Extra Charg i Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by rriIE AEQUS is xow siti'i.ied WXTB FIRST-CLASS PRESSES NBW, AND ÏH GOOI) OBSSS, NEW STYLE8 OF T1TE, GOOD WORKMEN. - O ' A SI'ECIAJLXY MADE OF BILL HEADS, 15LANXS, CAEDS, CHECZS, CI11CULARS, LETTEK HE.1DS, ItECOUDS A.D BRICFS, S.1I.ILI BILLS, ETC. ALL OKDERS PROMPTLÏ FILLED, WORK WARRANTED TO PLEASE. PRICES REASONABLE. I.AWVKRS, BTBBCXUUfTS, A!VJ AlL t : -m:s ■-■ iei'si.i:ss ?n: ARK IWITED TO FA. VOIt IS WIT1I XHKIR OU. DEUS, DO&NES OF JLVIJi AXD HUKOX ST'S. % g a tf I H S 1 1 H P5 o 8 5 f5 a h " i ■- I J .3 J ft n et1 M fe 2 R Ui íh s P Oí v j Hit t n o x fi mW Ï ÍS 2 J 2 rffl E MÍO M tí te a r -i C3 u -rf Si M S h a □ h í H H o h W O fc __ (AM. U, REYJSJNAUUH EBEF8 OX IIAKD A. LAEGE STOCK OVAL AND EQUAEE BLACK WALNUT GJLÏ FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES C1IEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. JJEW CiOODS AT WM. WACNËR'S A Large and Choicc Stock o SPRING Al HER GOODS, lNOMIPINti OLOTHS, OASSIMEItES, VEST1NGS, &C. LAT1ÍST STYLES AND BEST QUALITÍE8 WUICIl EK W11L MNürAOTüRE on tcrnis to uuit. Also a full line of REAÜY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FUKNISHING Goods. iBIEST STYLE. AlsoLADlK'5'n.l(SKNT8 MOROCCO SAÏCHEL8 No. 21 áouth Malo Slreot - Katgid. CALL AND SEE THEM. WTILIABI WAGMLR. Ann Arbor,May,18Tl. T UMBERTÁRD. C. IÍRAPF, Has n lrge and wéü atocked Lnmber Yard on in Street, In tbeêoatb part of tho CltTi "l w Hl ki-t-p cunstuutly on hïiud uu excclknt varié ty oí LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C ivhii-h wllibesoldaslowascaii be affordvd injthis mïirkf t. yunlity andpricesucli thnt' NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KHAFF. Ann Arlior,Jnnryaotli.iaTl. Sti IpEOPLE'S DKUG STOiiü) R. W. ELLIS & CO. T ATEST STYLES! I3E5T GOODS ! GRBATEST VARIETY AND LOWEST PB1GESÜ S. SONDIIEIM BAS Jl'ST KtfttBKBD FROM ITII THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRIAG AND SUMMER G00D3 OBHf'8 PDBHIUOfl OODS, C1HLDREN AND YOUTIIS' CLOTHlNfi TRUNKS, VALISES, 8ATCHBL8, &o., &o., &c, TIIAT HAS KVKR HKI.N niIOüOHT TO TUIS iOITï, wincii m: will siíll Oheaper than the Oheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSDRTMENT OP CASS1MEEES, CO A TM GS, and VESTINGS, WUICII IIE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER iiV THE BEST STYLE, AMD WAKRANTED A FITOR NO SALi:; SAM. B. REYENAÜGH íiiUiUÜlUU lililí, MAIÍES ALL K1ÍVDS OF PIOTÜRES PROM ' II F. SMALLEST L8CKET TOiTlIIJ LIFE 8IZE, AX !i n N ] y 1 1 ES T II K M ! N INDIA INK! O3EX-H,, CXSnL WATER CCICEs ! IN A BUFPSBIOR MANNKIi. 13:o-!y. No. 30 lil 1LO STBEET. DUILDERd ATTENTION, SANFORD & CAHPENTER MAOHIISriSTS Ars jirciiarci! tO ilo all kimls of LATUE SCREW CUTÏIXG, PLANIXG, I'OWKIt PCNOBCVG, BRIDGE AND BUILDING BOLTS ! ALSO STEAM AND GAS FITTING IN A LL ALL ITS lili V NC1IÏÏS. AGEXTS FOE STEAM & GAS FITTERS GOOÜS COCKÖ, VALVES, Wffl8TLES, 40. ALSO Model Making of every variety líascmeut of Conricr Office, Cor. Malu antl Cathcrlno Strects. ANN ABBOB. I880-m8 SAM. H. HEVENAVH Co;tc8 Oid FIEST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRBD SIZB. miOTICB. Thopabllc uro lorbidden to tnut i; lonJobn Vollanrt n my account, ña I shall pft) no debu of his cODtractlnK. Frceu :;,1S71. i: :. m3 HARMON ÍOIXAND. T IVE ÜEESE FEATHjíUS PIKSTQUALITT, Coü8tautlyon li.uid tnd Foralbj B ACM Se ABEL Goto R. W.ELLIS & CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c. I JE AR YE! The "Bar" not being a Monkey ISN'TONEOF DARWIN'S PHOGENITOES ! BDTWHAT UVTBATAS LOBO AS E. J. JOHNSON! HAS A KÜLL STOCK OÍ'' HATS & CAPS ! FOK SPEINQ AND SÜMMER ! ! iJls STYLUS ABE TIEÍCJB L A. T E S T. IliS GOODS THE BEST! AXD l] PRICE8 TU!-; 33 3-C SL3 A JOUZgm '"-- Aleo a fail Hne oí Gent1 F ■ oodi Cali and examine hls CHIPS, PALM i'ANAMAS, a ml LEQBORNB, before ; 7 South Matu St ♦ Aun Arboi. 32' ile. DEFAULT q nditíon ol i i Adán ■ ril üátb, A. I ounty, in i. - ; vhichmortguge un í"". as , ]s7i ■ and no Buít or proc rCOOT : N'n iwill be torecli Jeoftho mortgaged prem iaes, tu-wit : " Lot aambei thirttn a, in blo k Qumtx ■■. Íd the city oLAn ■ hen i at public ven-;: ■■ [. use, in tviid i next, at íioon. Doted, Jone 22d, i LÜCY W.S.MOB . ragee. E. W. MOBOAN, Alí'y. Draii TVOTH I . irain Oommia I I ouiLiy will ; of Charlea Ktndall, in tov. ;iim, i sui'l ooonty, on tbe tbiríoeatb ti ■ ■ nearthe qoarter ]■ and 24 i : ion oí a üiain to ■ ■ ion lio 1 ion 12, in Sbaion, and rm. own Un i wül nLso be it the ho-i uinth day ol Beptcmbí i wbicfa tízs omd place I will exbiblf i drain and dwcriptit ted thereby, mi an I subdivisionfl 1 drain by me ap] ion oí tand to construct, andto !- ahipa oi of suoh drain . ; r;ny are ofllsred, why such i ■ ahonld Aun ArbOT, A:i. ;-' H in. ! -.1. 1386 DAVID M. FISLET, Dram CommisaioneT, Wa ihte&aw Cuunty. I ate For Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof . O In ti 'rio, de ■ ■■ au order rauted to I for ihc oounty ol Wash of July, A. I. 1871, ii -i bid. A. I. Iíí7lf at om; o'clock in the , te, ui-wit : The v ■ '4 sectioD ten m towxuhip ' h oí ranff6 i muro or J üiuuo township itid : iuÜi of the ouUet oí ■oíd to boun] a pond oi - a DatedJuly 25th, . D. 1871. JABtor d: i Salo. S. County cf i and nnder thíor tlio county of ■ . .. Ldayof May A. D. ■ nnd tei ■ herein named, i uiü. ■■■■ want of cha ttela, levy i ind b - ■ i -t half of the Eoutheael quaii No. twenty aght ;_--■ . In townshiu .i. two :." Bontb, JícDÍTÍt8 bou1 licasi corní i . 1 w ni y f ín roda Bouth of ■ a tw i.' j -rmr roda in width, ae of .-'tifl lot, tir onuuii to contttin tiro acres (l' land, the sout rhioh pi public (ion, 1-' i !oni i EEouse, m th dayof September, A. Jj. 1871, atlOo'dock a. u, o üüiíJ di . 1871. ■■ EBB, Sheriff. By Jüiítls i-itr. QT '! ■ naw, s 0 By virtue oL q writ i!' i aed oat or ani ■ V.prü, 183 1. u oL Joni tut therein natnod, T did, oo ii 5th duyof U.iy. A. D. W71, ■ iitaated iu í ' Wiiahte DUW, '■ '!■■'■! oí norl ni ter, Rnd w . quorter of south ftve fí, oontainiu] iiinoty-'. iii'l, be the Boznfi more ■ vrhich pp tnis6a I sh . I Lnn A r or, on the I2th day o Sept mber, A. l. 1871, ftt ]i' o'clock a. m. of Baid day, Datod July 2Sth, ís? i. UYKON WEBB, Sheriff, 1332 By Jobito SlicriíF's S STATE OF MTCB I'.ax. Countj ofWashtei By ii tue ot aun o bsstied oo i iiinloi ■ i : :i for fehe oounty ol :i, 1871, and to i linst tho ctxxÍ8 and oh i Kunor. dcfendant theiein oamed, I did, on 7!. July, a. l. L871,forüxe wanl oi hattela, ■■! inor haa in to-wii : Lote 1 íind 113, gimüng ai thesouthwesi ooraerof Baid lot No. 113, tht 100 feet, thenoe Dorth SO feet, ;!. I 0 íVct, uiith l'',i feet tu the piuco ct bginDíi ing sitnatt '■ tanda I shal! ■ , he huii' -i ;ii tíü1 ranth door of the Oourt BCouse, in the ■ Aun Arbor, on the twelfthday qí September, A. P. 1 X7 1 , :i! 1 1 O'oloOk :i. i:). OÍ D:-.'.-.; July titK, 1S71. MYBON WJ 1 ;;■: B; idoiShcriiT. SheriflTs Sale. ST VTBOF MtCÍIIGAX,.Oounty üf W By virtue of a wi undoi the scal of the ■ atv of .i iiin1, 1871, and to rae d La and chattles, lanQa and touenn unt therein nmned, I did, on ti kis and upoii ill the interest that Oweu Croman haa in th tlmt pit in tltG town of NorlhnelcL eount] i ï Miohigtm, d&soribod aafolloww, to-v. . artei of the southeaat guarter ui ttection num bernxteenfn townahip nui ntiTab(?r six Baal . ao s hp ' i i oontaining forty accesof la ■ Í tihall Por s:i!c ar i i. t'i the highi . ■ li dooi ot' the ( 'oui of A:m Atdot, on theSOthdayof Eïeptnber, A. D. 1871, al lOo'dook .. u. ofBaid oay, MYBON WEBB, Sheriff. 13Í5 ByJoitTi.. I "jMOTICE. tnto the iiLi.'lo-'uiv of the oabscrlber on or about the 9Oth dayof May 871, ono Spottod Mare l'ony, witïi white face apd ahod all aroand, ftboal ten or twelve yéárs of age, The ownor is requoated to prove property, pay charges and tak mare away. JACOH WEBBER. Lodl. July, Ht.lSTl Go toS.W.ELLlS & CO's for choico Wines and Liquort for Medical Purposes . Mortgage Sale. ■W'.lwri.T haring been made in thecondfcfa. I I :... ,,y, hia wifc, botll oí L """ '.. Luther fe. Allen of the ií AW ded In tho office alal&m mntyof Washtenaw fainSHï . on ,..;■.- : 8, and waa ;.1 ,?7i inde in libar two of iwsignment of mortX? in the ofllc i hS?i Betsy L. Fullei to Lucr i iH ■ ., , in the office of „? deinaaid haring beeome ow."1 i lairn l to bo due and oV iind note aocompanj i i?1 I f nu i i,!;, r,.MU dollars '■, ' leyïfeeoi twonty dollT luw or in chonóeryhavíJÜÍ ' inypurt thViïSS ren, that onfSÏÏIi er, A. 1). lsi : S. I day, at the south dw,r„, ? ityof Ann Arbor, in saX? ing the ImoTi,' 1'"'"1' inty ia held), I shaï , ,1, „ '1 [being the 7.1. , .. .uut due m I note at the date of th Í" uw, tl "lbj ft'ashtenaw, L255 ion numbei niueteen 1, n t35" ramber two n .„Z in, which v.;w dceded bj !etf V ! o. bei in in l recordcd in libnr nnmber 1:1 of deed tiS iw, on page 109, eontaini'nïïi' . to which laat m.i'tX ■ ■■' o furtl.i dÏÏ? "Il ut :-:u! p] : "n]). DaUid, Aun Albor June IJ, 1871. LU V A. 1! " ;;" ' :;- ., , . Assigneeoi HmL. ifjuee. ■:.,-,""'-' Mortgage Sale. IVEFAÜLT naving been made in the puña-j,, 1 mouey u;;ii ten percent Lnten .:- of morteageexecuti ■ 'f A ijkï 1 L-iuh dat1 ! . A. I). 1870, and reeorded in the offlarfi. in the couniy of VashtaJ? 1870, in .! 1 ;. :1'. ,; '.■ ■ ing n ■■! n i:. '■■crtl„.anit? thertof, jj? Mini oJ .-I and litiy dollai a ;uil mortgage and the lï[ accom] -iiue; ' m Nota fore i.i.n.-by given, tlmtsaijm.y. ihe ninth dayofíímfe bar, A. IJ. 1871, iit t!ut honr of eleven a. xljii day, ;it the Bonth door of thi afore .i. [the mtiai being tfaeiL 1 -.lid eoiiuty that at that tin : sJl :itpuUic tion, to the h% heel bidder, the premiaes hen-úátL . sjiiil muit;;. v 'w mach fjtb ■ '-xpeoEej liiv. i-u i y 1. . ii h t:i A; in the coun i and dcaeribed us iniidj' ge of Ann Arbor, in suM e,,. of Wa b ' ::;iv.-, witn al] the pri mL ■ - link.s Boutheaötefly linin ÜMbt uil romer o( C ■ Mili stii !t, will i:,-. ' iuni. . ; jj 1 " ' ■ ■ -■ :otii 'iltllTOBM nortb thirty tl _ ■ ■ ■ ' :ñt( totnephtoe of beginnisg, Uxeue Bqnai te t;ikin firin sidnnortherly corner Of the rake factory or cal formerlj ace nd riverofi, tonthwesb rly aide of id mili iine ot' the rare forty teet, theuco soutliwwtcrlr c witb the line ut' the race tothe riveiHt ron, thenceat ri(fhl angJea down the river fottr fat, northeasteily ut right anglea witli the lite'ij ui beginning-, f or the purwetf and BOCh oilitT building Mtbe k tth the pril i ■ ntvi [and 1 ; 1 equare inehi ■ ■ r.uamjj 1 ie ■. t th ü v.i'ii rU tbe landand priviJeKcsoieTMT ■ ■. );iinl and description, ■ . ■, to tho jnv. ■ irt, on the 2ddav ut June, A. I). 1869. Datad, Ann Arbor, June 12th, 1871. JOUN A. KICH0I.S, I). Cbameb, MurtpjM. Att'y, tur Zortjjagee. l.'iiü ie of John George Vok QTATBOF MICHIGAN, Connty 01 Washtom.n O Atasesiionof the Probate Cuurt for theO ofWaehtenaw, holden at the Probutc'é City of Ann Arbor, on Momia;, tho; da; 1 I .l I9(, i 11 tbo ye:ir on thoimtti and bot iT'v-nt,-'. nt,IIlrara .. üuakes, Judvcnf fVoliit. In thomattur of theebt.itu oí Juhu GtM.Nu'ii, deceajB Ou readlnj; tïndiilïn the pelirïnn (IiiïvveiiWtA Añna Mftrla ( : that her doworbtti ''Ceüsed died etizcdaij aed tu her. Thei ordered, that Mondar, the eik. : ten o'ctuck iolli foreiiooii, bc assiDed for bcariog f nü in :n:il that the heir ut law 1 said Atenta, tilere&ted in aaid estati, to appear at a session ofaalöCom then nïn holden ut the Prohatt Ofllce.intfa) Ann Arbor. and e ' any tht-r1 be.nkj tbc petitloncr should nol bc gruteti And i ■ oi thtp:ad tbe heannf tln'ifof. bj .tier to be pnbliebed intii 1 inted BDdcircoliusf 1 weckf iTcsiont ui euiii day ofhearlnar. (Atroecopy ) HIliAW .T. BEAKF.s 1836 Jodse cill'cobaU. tharine SIcCaiBjrty. STAT! BnOAN, eounty of '■'■ ui of the Probate Conrt for tiic coumy iitenaw, liolden a( the Probulo Office, io oity of Ann Aibor, on V ■ áJ , k; íiiL1 yoai une thouAand eigiit hundred ad - am J. Beakee, Judpc of Ti In the matter of tho estáte of Catharine MoO an i.i' ge ■ incompetent peison. On reading and njing the ic-t:tion, duly verifled, cf í haunoey Jodin, prayuig that Piinee Bennett, I ■ (u:ty. inay bo ap] a for Raid Catharine SlcCafferty. . r - '.y, theninta . . at ten o'eluck in the ïur he hearisHC of iil petition, aml that tte I kin of Baid alleoed incompetent, and all othir . ure required to av; .-irt. then to be holiicnit Vnn Arbor, 1 be, why the prayer of the And ït, is fórther oniíiw, .:' intericy of said petition, and ili' hem " ordei : ■■ lin the V.. . . . .i ntwr. -i looI is 1 1 --ii l day of Ju'aiin-. ■ I 1 ■ eh of the fo] n McCalferty, of Ypsilnnü, BonoXsaidal to Anthony ■ .■ oí Qlinoia; audtoJama Collius, 11I w incompetent, at teust -?ix weeks hcforesiiaMj . ing. HIHAÍI J. BEAKES, 1 .1, Jti.ljje uf l'iubute. t Estáte of John L. Wing. STATEOF MICHIGAN. Conntj ofv. A i : -.-"ii of che Probate Coort for the Cotmt) of Washtenaw holden ■■" ■ Probate Office, in U Cltj ui Anti Arbor, o Veu'iiPi'ilay.tnesisticiithd' of Aii-ut in the ye:ir one thousaiid tiiItt hos red and seveni ose. Present. niramJ. 8eakei.Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte ofJolml. doceaaed. ■ On readlngand Slh;rthe petition, dnlyrei Flarrlet 8. Wieg, praylng that Benjamin W. or som" oin r fnTtanle persoDi ni;iy le atjuiflit0 Admlnistrator of the etateof eaid deceftera. eopoDlt i. ordered, tbatMonday. i de eleTeoli diiv of September m.t t teno'clock U tl doohi le assigned for thf hearing oí k'1 P11 tlon, and t!i:i' the hcirs :ii law i said of ceaaed, and all otherperaonsintereited insaideaUTO arerequïretl to appear n' a v-in of said Coon tl, en tí) bc holden :it the Probate Ollk-c, in tte city ol Aan Ar ooi, and show asee if au j thereoi e prajer of the petfttoner ehonld i-l grauted: And lt Is f art her ordered, that saidp": tloner give notice to the pereons Interested io Mi , -mi .of the pendency ofeald petition. and tn beartnc tbereof, byeaostnga copy oítlií# order to bepablished In the Michigan rgui% Bewiplfi prlnted nnd drcolailnp! ra anid roonty.thr ïeBslvewoekaprevious to Balddai ofb) CAtrnecopy.) U1KAM ). BBAKE8, Judge or ProbateBstate of Wiliiam Br&dshaW. [G ín. Connty of Washtenaw. At il se ion of the L'pobate l'oujt for the Conuty 0( .1 Aim Arbor, on Tuesday, the twi nty-niath daj ' it hundred o ■■ In tlip in;ittcr ol th estáte "i WiUi on rending nd ñltng the petition, dulr vermeo,oi ítate oí Thereupoo it is ordered, thai Monday, the twcniy . tber next, at ton o'olock int" ; ior the heariuR uf suid petiuojt mil that tbeheirsd towof sald decemed, nnd mlotn. ure requirea io ;T" learal o Beeaion o Baid 'Mirt. tli.-ii tu oeholdeii, n the City of Ann Arbor, hofl oauso, il any thre bo, hy the prayer ot tn .,■,.! : And i mrtner . ■ i-rionl id y":. by causingii eopy "1 1'"1 Vicliiyan ... tlnyr in Bid connry, tlire ,.; ttlEAMJ.BEAK 1831 Judgeof l'robate. puysicíabisTríscbptiotí" lOCUBATEtY N(' CARBFULLY PREPABED BT R. W.JBLLIB & OO.yDBJTeGiaiB


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