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Shopping In Europe

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Any tratelor wild ha? shopped much in tho cities of finrope nnv-,. have beon umuscl ut coraparing the ditt'orunt custoius Of thu shopuii'11. ta V.ugland, a?i 1 p&ïti itiirly in London, ths otjeoqu ne. oi tho salos-peopic, bota male nud teníalo, is somt'thing ivoiidrous. Tbey shoWüi ' t!i;inUd, much obliod " upon you in uiiiuiiitod numbers. Vhen you itsk for anyching tliey re-ularly preface gutting liu; artiule by in ' ïi' you pleaso " A yi'iiug lady of good reputiition for wu-.icity once assurod the Nubulous Person that she had beon töld " thanks, conoh obliged " nineteen times by actual wailo buymg a "reel" of cotton - trticles ara uot callcd " spools " iu the United Kingdom. The prices mark(;d upon sumo tuings are really amusing. For example, an article will be labeled '■ 2s. 11 8-4d.'' - one shilling, eleven penco, Utree ffttthings - instead Of two shillings ; and Imyors deludo thumselvos into belifving that they hail the article vcry much eheapur than if thoy piid tho round two shiüings. In Kurope tht shops i no w:iy way comparo, exoept for aess, with our JSew York slioi'?. i ,n' neitiutr so larg;: nor do they ü sucli n choioe of the best while some of the handsom ii eena iu li Bent to iliis country. Still, things bo there bftèn have a chana wlncii tñey ronl8 not have if bought (as most óf the ni can bo) in our own cities. Agiin, uie üuropean bazaars aro very temptrng, with thoir ímútitude of stalls filled with inviting, cheap little notliings. Wc have few or nono such here, since at the dollar stores yon can gut notliing short of a dolí. ir. and would la inore inclim-d to pinchase in a store of that misu'.-llatuíous charactcr whieli sliould supply urtk-les ut all ])iiccs, from onfi Cüiit to a hoadced dollars. 'JL'o the Amorican in London tne Solio I5azaar isa source of nevor-failing dolight, because it oontaius a little of everytinntr, and séenas to liini or her so oheap ; indetid, as thoro is a rivalry betwtWO the siiojiwomen, they cannot bo extravagant in prioes. Anuricans from the Alexan - dría llotol inake tho Burlington Arcadia oáB of tlicir favorito resort". You will see thoiu w.ilking up Piccadilly, turning i ■ 1 1 tho Aroade, passing uj) ono sido of it : r ti c 1 down the other, exaraining evorything in the shop windows with genuine


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