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Finest Assortment of Toilet j Goeds in the City, by OPENS FALL TRADB WITn A LARKK ANÜ COWTfi STOCK . FASIÍIONÁBLE CÍÜODS ! KifrlROIMO AM. THE N3WEST SLES FOlJJJI) IN THK EASTRRN AND JEÚKUPEAN MAKKBTS. I Offer Stroilg induCeiHctits tö rurchasers út t)rjr Ooods. O0 Yards of Black Alpaca at 25 and ft ciil-i, Best muis lor tlu: Ilomj Ever Oflrrrd In tbli City. Ï00 Yards All Wool Empress Cloths and French Merinos at much Lower Prices thaa one Year Ago. -AMOPlaIds, SaïtkIs.vp, Cahmereíi, Poplins, Plain and Fancy Bilks, Ladies AND ChILDIIEN'h FuitfJISHINO Goods, HosiKRy, &c, &o. [N AÏDÏTION TO MY LARGË STOCK I OFFER SOME NOVELTIES IN LADIES' 6ASHMERE, BEAVER AND CLOTH SACKSAND BASQUES winon are The Most Stylish Garments Ever Brought to this Market. liuii'. l itrniiiiy: the Rldieat I ullectiou of ;ooils Ever Of fered in l!is City, art1 tu bc sold at Prices l.iniir thn tlie i.uurvt, J. H, M1LLEN. AXX AIinoK. SKPT. 15. lTl. 13::;im3 DIRECTORY - OF- J JS TST ARBO IR,, FOR 1871, Vvith a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &c. &c. - ■HS UNDERSIGNKp.fióvinghad nn exteoslve experienee in the ■ ■ini'ityi "m and pablicatiou of City :iini V) i . ! n y DirectóritiS in this and olher Btftte! ftud having been, folicitcd by a nnmUer or the prominent citizcns [o issue wwork of Uu kind, leels gafeln proinising Mmplete satisfaction The work wili contafn :i c !■■ poiirait ot the city, setting PTth it' Rdvftitngea a's n commercial nntl mannfactarlng towd ; itto stfttlstlcftl tnbles sbow iiiir the nuinbt'iof lirini enpiL'eu in övery department of ni:u!iit:ictnf'e oud trade ; the ftggregaie anntml .'tli-s ol the s.inii; ; thu numbcr of dwrllinfi mul business hntüsee ia.hv city, nm) in fart every k'nd orcharActcr of in1rmati"ii thttt the citizen or stranxer muv dtuiri ; Bkitche of tlie ecboola, chnrclüfii. benevolciit 8nictifH The city possesses j-irinv ;nl:iti):iL''- which, if they werf ;enerrt)ly known. woulrl jittr.irl pettln Trom nll jiarts f the country. It s uur destgn to pubUnl) il work for genera) rüsiribntioii thronliout ilic United stnteg. It wouhi h' Mi]n-thious to here nifre the neceity of advertisijii; ü city.tjr to menti"n the ndvnnfnpe ttint real ntaté uwnéra and bimine-s men derive from tlns " ettaod oí rtdvertisiliK ucity. The work will hedelirercdto rabacrtben In the mouth of.Tuly H U to ne hopod tliut business raen will duly cODelder and apprecinte the advrtiitageii ui nilvurtiaiiijj tlieir büAneB ín thiiboik. It will hf ii'iiml ! rtorei, iilHcvx. hotils ulHi all public hert the c;ird nniet meet tlieeye of cpres ol purcbafrid sVery dny. r rns of Advertising. OncWta $2S 00 'I itl 15 OU Kiirlh1 8 01 Capital Ñames 50 Price of booka to Biil'cribers.$' 00; to nonsubK-rlber8, $3 50. 8L2tf JAMES M THOMAS. XJOÏICli. The Anniml Ifaettng of the Waslitennw Mutual Fhce Insuranoa Compás j will bc held in tto Oouri lloiiM:in the City of Ann Arbor, OH SATI Kl'AV. 0CT013EE V. 1SÏ1, at U o'clock a. m„ for tBe purjgMe of electiuti their otHwirs, aa refjuired liy Law, and tor the tmnaaetion uf all nnnimnTj nncT lwrlHmntii boainefts thut iiniy eolne lt'toie the lm tliii'j. vorder of the Umin! of 1 ■rectors. V I!l; i:N llAMII.l'U.V. bec'y. Ann Árbor, Kopt. 5, 1871. H:lv; ]V OTICIO. The public lorblfldeh to trtvt my son .Tohn Vollanilun my arconnt, as I shall paj uo debts ol hl contráctil!. 133tim:c 1IARM0N VO1.LANI). T0 'RENT Tlie umlersigiiod wunts to rent hia residence on state Strettt, nnrt board with tho fiimily tHkiiiR the ..i-ai. . Aimly tit residence. A. H. TARTIUDOE. Ami Avbor, Sopt. "th, 1871. JOR RENT A 1JES1RABLE STORK ! And ('KLI.Alt. A1fo one Fine Front lïoora over their New Store, N. 1 M.iin St.,from AiiL'ti.-t l8t, 1S71. Enqulro o( 1330-tf G . W. II AYS, Supt. Slu'riff's Sale. QTATKOI' MTCTlKiAX, County of Wuhtenaw, m. O By virtue of a wiit of oxccution issued out of and uiulcf ttie wéú of the Circuit ('ourt for tho county of uhtenaw, BtatetHf Bficbigantdstecl tha twenty-nrat day of Maroht A. D. 1871, and to me lirectod nd do livered, apuinst the ocmüa, chattels, laiuls atnl toneinents of Willi;un M. Rrown, deftrndant thorein nained, I rlirl, on the twcuty-iiintli tluy of Mtmli, A. I). 1871, for the wnnt of poods nnd ctaftttela, lry upon nll the riiïht, title nnd interest that Willinin M ."llrown lias in followlnfl described rea! ewtale, to-wit : All of Iota NTi. Ibvx, Hve, six. Beteri and -rlit. iu look nne in l v uilm Á: Min-ü-miV Additiftn to ViHutri of MunrWiU-r ; ;ilso tlm sonthwest ouurter ot seotioD .■lrtu, síititliwíist quarter of norlnwost quarter of section deven, and aoutheaat quaiter of northeast nuarteroi gcctiou ten, all in tova fowouth of rnnpe thiuecnnt. all of hbove cUwribed prouerty being Utuatedn tho townsliip und villnpp of fancheMer, couniy of Wnlitenaw, tmd fitnte oí" Midiiprnn, whirh pi-muMt Ifthnnexpoacforaale, at public nuction, to bigbaat bidder, at tho south door of the Court Hrmstf, m tlio -ity of Aun Arbor, on tho Oth day of RovcmberA. D.1871. at 10 o'cliuk A. M. of said day. Dated, Anu Arbor, flept. 20rh. 1871. MYKON WEBB, Mieriff, 1340 By Jortin Forbï, I'ndor-Sheriff. GotoR.W.-SLLTFfr CON forstrictiy Pure Brngp and !tfodicinos,Painp Oilp.ásrc. 1 USÏ ÏIECEIVKI) : FIINSLEY LEWIS UiVe recuived a !irgr? nnd well-selected Stock of New Fall Goods ! BOUGET: F GA H, AH of whioli ] Öe si ' -: days to makc !- n lor btti .::..■ i stock. I Wc can show n .-ioiihi i:u Best Kip JBoots over bronght to thiii market, both for men aud boys. CALF BOOTS Of ALL GRADES. We have the exclusive sale of J. M Biurt'l Une hanoVmade work - coricefled to be the best work to Wvut in the mat-ket. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISES' WORK tS COMPLETE. 3P We have the exclutite sale of tltp fine gools Of E C. Burt, of New York, am Keynoldf Bros., ot Utica. We guaninU'e cntire s:itisf:iction on th!s work. lSi4 S-v--ri Sulwrlber t(i Po'or I I W I i Musical Monihly are etJ JL M i.i:ig tkeir Marte tor Fee thau two ceiit h pieCO, T 11 ThüHe ho have not eieu I ttltê Musicnt Mngiwine I shoulil senil 80 ctnif to a H I I snmiilei'opy. Tho music i __ _,, I I i.y Hitys. Thomas, KliiiJT"l I kei, Peralcy. and othcr JliVXX J pqpDlH writiTü. Two back numbcrs tor A Wew School Buok.liv Konr lm,k i.um_ „ „ . Ders foi 76 ccuts. SubH. . TkrkinS l'rH.'.,,,,,, $7.60 per dezen. Conlaini':,- ■ innYJ over two lmndred new and I I v f l)l'!Ulti1'lll siilli", llll.ts. etc. Ij [I 1 1 hy WIH 8. Hy, Web" M ster, Thomas, etc. Every I I ■ Oj hios la new, freph, and JL I parlilinir. Content' flnrl „ ,.. . 4 P % pedmen pacea nnt fraa. Ilit % Sample copies mai led freí' III II ,1 I ofpovlageto teachers Tor tt J 1 1 lii JL IU 88 cents. Liberal terma furiulroduetloo. Worih if M:isii: lor 63. AddroeM, J. L. PETERS. 6M roadway, N. Y. Teachem sendlne n their ordflrB for $10wortho nnific can claim a vihih Hubectlption to I ■■ i ■ MnsIctlMonthly. ia26tf I immm% frescriptioxs I VOCVRATELY ANU ,', ASFÜLLYPREPA! EI BY R W SLL1B L CO., BRUOGIüTb j_ 1 JEAD THIS I I AM NOW PREPARED FOR THE FALL TE A DE ! I HAVF TUE B42ULG 3 AND 'Finest üssortment CLOTHS OF EVFRY DESCRIPTION EVER BROUQHT TO TBia MARKET. EVERYTUIISU , NEW, A.NL), 8TYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A irUE OF GETS? F111SEG GO0DS ! ËVERYBOD1T Vfl9ima FAIL AND WINTER CLOTHING WILL PIND IT TO TnEIR INTERESX TO OALL OM JAMES BOYD, i:;istf ?i itlaln SI ree. YY il E Ñ Y OU WANT" FINE .PIIDTOGlUPHSk eo 'poSAM. B. REVENAUGH, No. 30 Hurón Street. l1 fin fn P W.T-TTTQ ?. nn,: I


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