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The California Election

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A corr spoi dvi.fe of tho New York li W, Writlng. from Ban Grancisoo, asgigns, iimoDg othars, the foBbWing reasons for tho rocent Democatic defeat : Though tho Radicaft have been vio torioas, yetrit must nol be afctribüted t- any inoreased lovc of Iba psople for the. principies of Kadie:ilism. ít is 8Ínrply tho resnlt of a. combination of eircumstanecs affectiug tho baser pnssions and-prejudicefl of oertanr classes ofnrebi, a liberal use oí i leral money, and politica) ohíoanery. Tt ia oortniii tlint tho Federa] authorities at .Washington were intensely lüterostel in the it'siilt of Üie politieal contost in California, and e very thing possible was done by them t.o assist tho Republioan party in this State. Tt is statod positively tlifvt over $230,000 wero sent from Washington by Radical politicians, to be expended in the endeavor to carry the California elëctiona, and oertain it isthat monev wa used quite freely. Moro especially was this apparent in tho large citios, wh'ere hundreds of votos weroopenly bought. Your correspondent is oognizant of one instanoe whoro a club of 250 voters in San Francisco were paid FOUR DOLLARS TEH ltEAD FOll VOTINO the Badie'al ticket. Orders from Washington directing tho smplóyrnenof lorge fórces of iiK'ii on ;:11 tho United 8tati:s works in California W6ZQ ïvccivecl herre and promptly cxecuted. Tht Radioal Tnanagers of tho navy yard at Maio IsIitnd inimodiatclv importad about two taouaand from S.m Francisco and kopt them at work nntil after tho day of elcction. These men wero foroed to wte il opon Republican ticket, madeofpastoboaixl about tivo inches long BBd om1 inch wide, and so stiffthat it was dilücult to fold it. This ticket, was printed in Washington and forwardad to this Siato, and the names were arranged in such a iiiaunor tliat". eou-.vTcinxG was ntrossiuLE! The v&rioua formen of the Navy-yard stood at the polling-places with tho rolls of the workmen in thcir limds, andchecked oiï the naines of the men as tho votes were deposited. The great majority of those laborei's are at heart Democrats, but in order to retain their BÜuaÜDns they were obliged to vote with-thc Kadicais. This county (Solano), whic.h in 1S(ÍH gavo Grant a majority of only 98, this, owing to these infamous practica, gives a Bepublinanuroftjorityof I,3ö8! Tho men employed by tho Central Patifio liailroad were manipulated in the Buik! maniier. This immense monopoly, wifhite millions of dollars, and employing as it does many thousand.s of working men in all the large cities in the State, throw its eutire iufluonce in favov of, an.l ubliged all its employés, to vote tho Badjoal ticket. lts work inay be scen in the cities of San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland, and San José, whcre the men employed in car-shops and railroad works, aided by moncy' havo overeóme previous Democratie majorities and caused these coiuitie to go overwhehningly Kipublian. Outsido of these foor ooanties and Solano County, whieh havo been thus oorrupted, the Democrats have made largo gains, and Governor Haight recoives iiamensu majorities. In thj agricultnral counties the grain orops this sensoi: bees v,;ry Hglit, and in ooatpariaon to former ycars there are bilt a few farm hands aml laborvrs employed - a lai'go number having found it necessary to seek a livelihood in the mining regions of the State of Nevada. This also is quite a loss to tho Deniocracy. TUE NEGROES för tSe fïrst timo enjoyed tho privilege of voting, and the result was a gain of 2,000 Republican votes from this source alono. The Franeo-German war wasnot without its influenco on California politics. During the war the Irish very natuially pympathized with Franco, and a very bitter feeling arosc between them and tlio Gernmns. The Bepublican ixiliticians succeeded widening this 1 and by succcssfully playing upon tho natlonal'prejudiccs of both, by tho profusj use of money in getting up demonstiations, and by some judicious nonünationa for petty offices, they secured almost tho entire voto of the Germán populatiop. Ati instanco of tho extent to which this feeling prevailed, and showing the hostility of the Republicans to all Irishmen, is nresented in tho voto for State H'irbor Commissioner. McGlynn, the Republican nomince, was an Irishman, and Rosonfiold, tho Democratie nomineo, was a Gorman. The Republicans carriol San Francisco by 2,800 majority, but they " scratobx d " McGlynn to such an eztent that Rosenfield (Democrat) carried the city by '2,000 majority, and is probably the only Democrat on the State ticket elcctcd.


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