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- The Board of State Commissi for tho genera] supervisión of Charil Penal, Pauper and R#fo cnal iry InBtituttons what :i name! - h&sorgnnized by clecting Hon. C. I. "Walker, of Detroit, Presidont, and appointing Btcu. Chas. M. Crosswei!, of A Irían, Socrotu.- The Masoüic fratornity and citizens of Detroit gave the Kiiighta Templar a warm rooeption m Mondaymorning Lobt, in bonor of their having tiken the prize :it 1! ihiiniiv. 'The ]ij-;.i' was for rtho best drilled Comuiandury, and was a si ver libation set. - It'tlie oíd legal maxim, "the greater the truth thü greater the libel," is .-till rqoognisod as law in tfew YmU, au 1 if Tilton's lü" of Mrs. Wopdhali is not fiot: m, that lady should srtil in ngáinst Theodore, nndolaini heavy damagos. - The ex. iet aiuount charged against embezziiag Pay master Hodge isl 15,406,00, to which there isprobablv a long tail. Jlodgo picad guilty boi'ore court-inartiai cm the 2!th, but the sontonco i:, not y.'i made public. - The Pittsbiirgh OH y Council, oxpocting the President to p:iss that way, have voted hiiu th-j hospitalitie of the oity. As he never Öeolines anyühing thcy o m ïuake those hospitalities us generous as they please. - The Braad Duke Alexis beata the: man wïio oamo aerdsa Ltiko Erie on two 'icats. It takes a wliole squadron to bring kim. aoross tho Atlantic, which s.iile l trom Falinouth on the 2(ith. - Th.j "Blind Breaohor,'1 Éev. W. II. Milburn, lias withdrawn i'rom the Episcopal Uhun;h, and tfgnin United with the Methodist Churuh, from whioh he withdrow about fiVó year. ago. - The N. Y. Sim Eepublican, aunpnnoos aa tho " oiiice-holdcrs' oandidftte ior Peesideat) Úselos.) S. Grant," and adds a ist oí lus " relations " to bj roattiuiri along with Iiini. - Thp; Jaclcson Gitüm don'i iike the N.isliville speech of Cari Seburz, cspecially his declaration in favor of general amnesty. Whih will make Ueii. Scliurz feel very badly, - Chicago is trying hard to induce Superintendent Brockwáy, of the Uotroit House of Correction, to take charge of itj Bridewoll, offoring him, roport .ay.s, 12,000 a yv.:n: - President Grant, who is "swinging aroiuid the circle " again - but not with Johnson - is expecled to rcach Chicago to-morrow and reumin there over Sunday. ■- Mrs. Harriet W. Terry, of New Haven, sister ofMaj. Gen. Terry, and an experien i teacher, has been appointod lady principal of Vassar College. ' - Parker l'illslmry is to open tilt lecture season at C.issopo'is, and on his dependa the future of the ooureo. "On what a ílender thread," &c. - Mayor Hall c.m'i got any ono to acoept his offer of tho Coutrollerslnp, which he claims to t'iink vacant. Lat him tender it to President Grant. - Grant is going to St. Joans, New Brunswick, to join in culebrdting th opening of tho Euiopoan au.l Noith Amman Bailwikjr. - President White, of Cornell University, has giyen $30,000 lor the ereotion oí' a pre&deutiol majieion, which may hu long live to oceupy. - King Auiadcus, of Spain, lias decorated President Thiors with the Ord the Golden Fleece. I-j it an insinnation that he is liko a shi.i.'ji 'i - Caleb Ciishing aul W. M. Morcdith liave been coiinnissioned to represent the United States bufare thé Geueva board of arbitration. - The IL ar' h mul Imuc for tliis vreok has a capital caricature of T. Tilton's personal portrait of Mrs. Woodhull. It is many-si4d. - Tho National Golored Convention, lu'.ld at St. Louis a day ortwo ::;;% passed a resolution favoring the ronomination ot'Gnuit. - A great politieal crime is attributed to Cari SohHrz : Interiguing fot the nomiuation of Chief-Jusiiee Chase for Presidente - Trainu on tho Flint and Pero M;irquotte railroad now run to tlic Muskegon river, 7(5 miles from Saginaw. - Sonic of Vanderpool's admirora are advising him to makie a leeturing tour of the State. Bad advisers. - Vandcipool Is starring it through the State, and after his tour is to engage iu banking at Ealamazoo. - The New York WoM rtylés Mrs. Woodhull tho "queen of quacks" and T. Tilton her prime minister. - Berlin has 900,000 inhabitants, 1 75,708 of whoin have to live on a yearly income of loss than f200 Óach. - llochefort has been cpnvicted and sentenced to tranípoi"tation to.a penal colóny for lite. - Gen. Schurz repeated at Nashville Bortion: "I irill not stjp&rl Gïant for rc-ekriwn." ■ - The Ohio Radioals figura thair ma. jority in tho coming oloction all the way Vrom' 10,000 to 30,000. - The Supremo Court is to commonce its next sossion on Tuesday, Ootober 3di, at Detroit. - Tho calilo ij's Queen Victoria has the rbeumatism in herfoot. Important! - Tho nuniber of visitors a,t S.;;;1 the present year is put at 1,000. - Nebraska don't know as vet whethor it has a now OOnstitution o not. TiiH Germans of Cineinnati opposcd to tbc Sunday and temperante laws are asking pledges of all the legislativo oandidates. Any camiidate of any party m;i.!cing such )ledjres ought to be dei'eate'l.


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Michigan Argus