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A Word Of Advice

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W9 clip the föllowing frona tho Detroit Vree Pret, aud teel oonfident tliat it will aeet tho approval of uvory oandid i irson wlio has been at all iuterested in tMs triál : The trial of Georgo Vanperpool tbr tlie morder of Herbcrt Field closed with a verdict of "not guilty." This oocurred weeks ago, and there would have been a manifest propriety iu 15tiiiijf the ourtaio drop forever on tho scones oonneoted with the event. It cannot bo expectud that the verdict will change the minds of those who doeined Mr. Vanderpool guilty of the orime oharged agaiust him. By a largo portion of tho poopln of tlic Stato he is held to bo guilty of tho murder of Herbert Field, and no verdict of a jury can chango this conviction. Tho proëa of the country, outsido of the Stato, Have reviewcd tho evidonco and marvellod that a verdict of acquittal should h.ive been rendered by tho jury. That jury eilly disoharged its duty under u consoientious conviction it was doing right Wo aro not to question tho motives of ifi members, or to impugn their intergity; but wii aaeure those who claim to lic tho especial frioiids of the acoused that thoy can not add anything to thir case by kecping prominently before the public or allowiiig liim to indtilgo in ill-natured attacks upon tlio character of the murdered man. It, is in bad taste, if nothing worso. ïho verdict of his pcers duclared Vatidorpool innocent of the crime of mulder, and he will add mach to his credit if ho will go qnietly to work, and show to tho world tliat the verdict was not undeserred. IX.: oannot redeem his reputalion througli OBngora upon thoao wlio doem hini guilty, or silly discussions with nowsjjapur reportera. Vale.


Old News
Michigan Argus