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New York, Oet. ;;. Therc is a decline in gokl to day, closlng at 114. Breadstuffj, whlch have ruled strong with a steady advance tbrongb the week, feil olfa little to-day. The forclgn market Ie Iwwever lm pro ved, wheat in Liverpool being 23iid better tlian lust weck, aiid the best ailvioes fi'om the othcr side lcacl to the belief tliat prices there are not likciy to go lower than they are at present. Au Englisii writer on the wheat erop r Ëngland, says that lie is convlnced that the yield there th;s ye-ir is deficiënt, and that Erigland will liave to import about 1.3,000 quarters, or 1C9.000 bushels. The hop market ia attinnlated by advices 'rom Earope. Large orders for hops liave gone froia England to Qermany, and lroin the prices ruling there, it is not probable that Germán hops viH flnd their way to this side of the water. The eflect las been to advance. prices of the better gradea about 5c. The hop erop of' WiscouMi) la bel leved to be largor than was cxpe cted, wliile the California erop is lighter. Dktroit, Oct. 4. A panic fccii5s to have eelzed t!ie wbeat market all round. In Ne.v York yestenluy there was a decline of 2(íc, aiul to-day'a dlspalches report a further decline to about the same extent, Olher markets l'ollow. Our own niarket waa exceedlogly bonyant Uirin all oi'last weck, and on Moud&y the bost price-s of the senson wcre paiJ ïesterday, however, the market olosed at a decline, and to-day everythlng is Hut, and prices are 3a5c below wlint they wcre on Momlay. There is no good reason to anticípate a break in the market. The piices puiil niiy have been Bomewhat hlgher than the market would, bilt the lecline is doubtiess due in the maln to au accamala tlon of stocks at all polnta la the country. To day's quotations are !1 50 for extra wliito, f i .niai.53 sor No, i white, lj51a 1.153 for Treadwell, and l'.48 for Amber. Corn has generally ruled strong, but-is h shade weaker to day, at 01 for mixed State, anJ 62 for vello w. O-its strong at 43a43 Barley is in deraand at fl.70al.76 tor No. 1, and 1.50al.&C Cor No. 2. Applea qulet at f9.60a9.76 per bbL Vnttsr ia lu active demand, and bighor at SSaSéc for good to choice. Cornmon is taken at; 80e, while there are naauy lots that will go 25c. Even better prices than these are probable witliin the mouth. Checse lias further ad vaneed at 13al4 for State factory. Dr led appleé qulet at OnTc. Kl's in good re(]uest at 21a22. Hops strans, but prices nnsettled. New are quotable at 45a55, and old 10al5. Cranberries, jier b'jl. ?9.üO alu. Akx Arboü, Oct. 5th. We quote this p. m., as followa : Wheat- Amber, $1.34; No. 1 White, W88; cl hl,:? i.4O. Oats- :j:3@35. Corn- 60@03c. New Potatoeb- 8O@ÖOc. Onions - !)0c. , Bhans - $1.73. Botter - 22c Eggs - 18c - (5@60e. Teaches- 00@?-jc.


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