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Knowledge Required In Farming

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There are uiany wbo look upon farmïng'avr&ther a small business, who tliink that its succcssful prosecution requires only a little OOOUnon senso - just enough to prompt tho hardy worker to seek shel ter in a rain storm, and a very littlo knowledge, just sufficiont to count a flock of sheep, or read a politica! newspaper. - 3he opinión was once more general than now, tor tho world is growing wiser, yot at the present time it is entertaincd by many. It is an oíd saying that " honor and shaine from 110 corulition rise," that honor is only required by aoting wull our part in whatcvnr position wo ai-e placed. A man of ability and knowledge, who de votes all his enorgies to business, will nmke it honorable and matter how insiguificant that business may at first seem. Xliere is uo busiiress requiring such va acquirements, so much knowledge, 80 much good judginent and commercial ability eombined, as is necessary tor the thoroughly accmnplishod farmer. He stands rirst iimong the manufacturera of the land, hc nnki's tiui wheat and corn, thebcof and mutton and poil;, thü wool and flax : and munutactures trom the earth, the ir, the water, m ar}y all wo eatandwear; and this is only done 1.-. farmers as a cúiss, but aünoat every one produ jcs many, if not all of these articles. The manufacturer usually confines his lábow to tho manufacturo of one article, but the farmer is oompelled to mako many. If he would make grain, he must also make beef, butter and ohoese, or mutton and wool. Henee thu necessity of extensivo knowledge. It is an easy matter tor the manutaeturer to ascertain how much wool will inake a yard of cloth ui' a oertain deseription, and what will be its crost; but it is not so easy lor the farmer to jscertain how much grass or hay or grain will make a pound of wool. The manufacturar can testa new machine and ascertain by a few simple trials whether it will manufacture the desired article cheaper or bctter thin the old one ; but to ascertain how a pouua of beef oan be reade the chciipest, what machine will couvert hiy.mtorich che?se in thecheapee" manuur, is mutUr. reuuiring a good deal more care and skill. Among his varied ucquirements, the farmer should possess a knowledge of animal physiology, so as to be enabled to keep his stock in health and administer proper remedies in casp of sickness. Vegetable physiology, too, must not be overlooked. Evury day during the growing season, the farmer perfonns work tbr the growth of his crops founded on the known laws which govern vegetable life. Eutomology is a science which a farmer is compellcd to study to some extent, and often much moro perhaps than he desires, but the more he does so the botter he is fitted to wage a successful war against a thousand of destrnctive foes. In addition to this the farmer must be a merchant, for he must sell as well as manufacture. He must in some measure take avantadge of of tho rise and fa 11 of prioes, select tho best time for selling and the best market, and after all his toil and anxiety he may find but a poor return. When we contémplate this subject at ■whieh we have inerely glanced in all its beaiings, we aro led to exclnim, " Who is competent to this work Y" Heartily do we pity those who thiuk that farming furnish(!S no scope for the exercise of knowlcdge or ability. If this opinión were entertained only by those engagcd in other pursuits, it would be of no serious conscquence ; but we judge that many farmers have themselves imbibed such unfounded aud unjust opinions in regard to their calling, and where this is the case there is an end to all improvement. A man must have a good opinión of his calling, a proper appreciation of its importance and the rueans and information necessary for its successful prosecution or he cannot


Old News
Michigan Argus