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SfpïM potos feyfüfi CAfSfi AND QUBM OF CONSÜMP TlON,- Tho primavy cuu&c of Ouüeuwptlon is de rancment of tho diestive orana. This Uerangt mout produces dellcicut nutritioii and aseimllation Byas'Pimüatioii.ïmtMn proce ïy whlch the uu f triinent of thfl food is oooYeftod nto blood, and thcne j Into the BOlldl of llie body. lVivmii wlth di Wtloi thus impaircd, having the pligptost proclUpoaltloa t pnimonary disenso, or it' Ihcy tako cold( wlll bo Tcf; linhlo Lu h;ivo Constt iript fon f t Ihfl LllOg4 in rfomö c lts forma; and I hold thflt it will bo Impoaslbló U euro any cu!iM)f Oantnanption without flrt rustorln; a good digestión and h-ahhy asplinltai loa. Tlio vit} f.r.-t thing tobo dono is lo CtoauftO Urn htomach UU bowela frora all dtsoMod tdfiCUd luid elimo which is elogging these organa to that thoj coonoi porforn tiieir tboctlons, and ihon ronso up ami rettora the livcr to a hoalthj action. Fortbls parpólo, Hu; turai and best remotly ia Schenck'a Mandrako Pilis. Thcft Pilla cteftD tho Btonukcb and bowcb of all tlio dca( tod morbld elimo that lscaa#lng dlscaso and de coy i the irhold pyateni. T!u-y will tl'.'ur Ottt lliO livcr of a! dleoaaed bflo that has nccumnlatcd t!ero, and nroiw it up to a ncw and hoalth j octlou, by irbich notan and hoalthy bllu Is socretcd. T!io Btomach, bowolf, and livor aro tlins clratwci' by tho uso of Schoncïi's Mandnko P11U; hut thoit nnnafiW i;i the ptoniach an eïcwi of acid, tho oigan id torpid and t::e apetito poor. In the bovvc!., lh lacteal-i are woak, and rcqiijring ítrcngl h and enpport It is in a condltloii l'.ke thla that Sclienck's Soaweoi Tonic provos to Ijo the movt volnablo remedy ever riiscovered. It i alUftline, áud it dpc nrlil ncitimlizo nil excera of acid, miktng tlio itomaoli öwccl and froah; it wiHjytvo permanent tonototblfl important oranf and croaïo a good, héftrty appotitOj nnd]trrparo the ystem f.ji tho flnt proceu of a good dlffMtloB, and alUmatolj Dnako jood, hoalthy, living blood. After tbifl proparatory treatment, wh;;t remuin to euro most cayeí of Consitmptioa ift the free and pcrtcverimr use of Schenck1 Polmonio Byrap. Tho Polmooic Öyrup Dotirtdhod thesytoilii purifica t!ir Ulood, and ií readily bsorbed into tho clrculatlon, and thencc distrlbnted to thodlcftsed Inngs. There ii rlpene uil morbid matter whother in the fonn of ahsecses or tuberclc'e, nd the idÍ9ta Nnturc to oxpel aH tho dltcascd matter in ivi i fonn of flpeo eipectoratlon, wben ouc6 it xlpons. ; Uthen, by tlio groat bealtng and pnrifvin; propcrtlaB of Schcnck'6 Pulmonic tyrup, that iill ulcera and CATltfofl aro healed up ?ouud. KOü niY pationt leeur: I. Tueoaeentlal thin to D6 dono in carlug Consnmptlon iï to frrtup a Sod appetlteandagood digestión. po that thfl Ix'-It wíl! prow In Roshand r-'t strone. Il n persoQ hart dlsefl?cd innc, acavUy orabecess UierSt the cavity ennnot hcal, tite niattrr ennnot rlpen, io long tté the syftena a below ]ar. Whftt Ís neccaary tocure iï a new order of thinp, a íjood appetlte, B goocl nutritioD, the body to gTOW in tlesh anl pet i fat; then Nature i hrlpod, tho cavitics will heal, tho matter will ripf-n and O9 thrown off In lar-o quantftiea(and tho pjnoti raglán hoalth and itrength. This i is the tnie aud only plan to euro Consomptlon, and if i a person werj bil, if the langs are not entlrelv de ptroyed, or even if one Innij is entirely :one, if thrrc i onoBgh ritallty luft in tlio othcr to uealupT thero is hopo. I haVofeoen many pcr?on? curcd witho:iiyon sound lililí: Uve Aiitl enjoy life toatnod old ai;e. This is wliat Öchenck'd Medicine will do to cure Consumption. Thcy will clean out the tomach, Pweetcn and Mrcuictlien it, et up good dietion, and pite Natnre tlio atvlBtanoo s'-u; ueeds fco clear the pyetem ol all tHe diöcao Uiat ia iu the lungs, whatever the fonn xnay bo. It is important t'iat, whilo nstng Schcnck'i Medlcinci', caro Bhonld oe exercised not totakecotd; keep ín-doon in cool and damptreatheri arold nterht-air, ; and tnkc ont-dooi GxerciM only ín a genial and rarm funyhine. I wish it distinctly nndcrstood that when 1 recommend a patiënt to bo carefül i:i regard to takin cold whilo ui-itig ray mndi me;, I do bo lor a special rcaBOn. A man wti'o hns but p intaily recovored from tho effect s of a bad coltl is far moro li;iblu to a relapso thau onc who has been entirely cnred, and it la prccisely the tumo In regard to Conf umption. So long as the lungs are not p'crfectly healed, just po long is thcre imminent danur of anillretnrn of thodisease. Hcnco it is that I o Btronaontlycaation palmonary paticutg airftinft exTKWlng themselTi't toan atmophere that i not gvnlal and plcasiant. Cooflrmed Consmnptivo.s' lunfffl are a DIMP OÏ eorcu which tho least chance ol atmoBphera will inflame. Tho grand secret of mypucccs with in y medicine consista in myabillty to Bübduc inflammation iti?tcad of provoUinf? it, a many ol the factilty do. An iuflamed luiiij cannoi with sutety to the patiënt be exponed to the bttlng blastfl of winter or the chilliii"" wind of spring or aitinmn. ït Bhonld be careftiltyehlelded from all Irrltatlng Inflaenees. The atmost Cftution fhould bo obserred in this particular, a? without it a cure under almuet any clrcumstancoB i ap inuioflvibiUty. Tlic person öhotild be kopt on ft wholcForae and nntritioua dlet, and all the medicines contimied until the body haa restored to it the natural quaullty of fleeh and Btrenetk, I was myself curcd by thia treatment of the worst kind of Consumption, and have lived to pet fat and hearty theae many ye;irs, wi;h onc lung mobtly frone. I have cured thoaaaüdfl Stnca. and vory many havo been curotl by tlúrt treatmeut whoml havo never Been. About the lst of October, Iexpect to take posseaeitjn of my new buildiny at the northeast corner of Sixth and Arch StrootA, where I thall bo plcascd to give advicc to all who may reqnire it. Full directioim accompany all my remedies, bo that a person in any part of the world can bu rcadily curcü by a strict obaerviuice of the eame. J, U, SCHECK, M.D., l'hiladelphitt, HÜRLBUr & BDSA.LL, 32 .Lak :tre;t, Chicago, I1L, "Wholesale Asents. PAÏNTS PRINTS PAITS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnfsh Brushes Brushes Brushes viINKItAL PAIHTS, &c, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL ON R. W. ELLI8 & CO., BBFORE PURCIIASINQ Í FALSf] REPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONKOUTOF TIIADE HE STILL LIVES, AKD HAS A LAKGE AND COMPLETE SIOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, XI) AT I'RICBS '10 SU1T TIU: TIMBtt. ALSO A FULL LI Ni: OP GENTS' FURNISHING GOOJ)! DO.N'T PUUCIIASE YOÜR SPRING ANDSUMMER OUTFITS UNTIL YOÜ O-I"VTE HIM A.OA.LX,. 15 South Main St., Ann Aiboi. tBt14f, 'i B. REVEWAÜ8H. PHOtOGRAPHERI RETOUCHES ALL HLS NETIVES BEFORE PRINTING, SO THAT FfiECKLE&llOïflSANDTAH Do not show in any of his Picturcs. No Extra Charges. "Finest A.ssortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by rpnE ARGUS 18 NOW SUrrLIKl) WITU W-CLASS PRESSES NEW, AND IK GOOD OBDKU, NEW 8TY1E8 OF TYPE, AND GOOD WORKMEN A SPECIAJLTY HAIIi: OF BILL HEAJDS, BLANKS, CAEDS, CHEOKS, CIRCULAES, letter heads, programmes, RECORDS ,m BRIEIS, SB.1I.I. BILLS, ETC. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WORK WARRANTED TO PLEASE. PRICES REASONABLE. IABÏEBS, ÏIIIKIIAMS A!VI AI,L CX.AS9ES OF m MM ss MEW Allí: INVITE TO IVVOK US W1TH XHIilU OR. DEKS. ÜKXER OF 3LVIN AXD HURON ST'S.


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