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- Mr. Milburn.the bliml preaohor, gives thc following ís hia roason for leaving ili" Kpiscopal und ro-uniting with tho Methodist church : " A connoction of scvenycars with your church has satisfiod mo that I mado a inistake on entering it; therefore thu only right coursu is to retrace." - Thore is an organízatíon oxisting in this oouutry whioh has for its object the annoxation of tho Moxican Iiepublie. Peacoable nieans uro to bü used, if possiblo, but forciblo if nooossary. Whioh, in oiiv huinblo opinión, is a vory foolish pioce öf business. We don't want tho concern. - Tho Emperor of Eussia once remarked that " it is bcttor that great national changos cotilo from the head than tho t:iil." How would this rulo woi'k with the Unito 1 States at present, whore tho hoad of the govornmont is dostitute of brains ? - Solon Ilobinson, tfr:: otiíy individual who has ever rivalled Horaco Oroeley in what ho knows about fiirming, was recontly grautud a divorco by an Indiana court. This, we supposo, is another chaptcr of "Facts fot tho Family Cirelo." - Vin, Morloy I'unslioii mourns tliat the young Methodist ntiedsfers of Knglanrf are moro mndoua to got married than to iniprövo tlieir miml.s. Vo should think marriago would be a truitful sourot; of wisdom. - -A ]L une rlamsol rowed eight milos in one hour. - Btx. What ot' it ? We know a Michigan darusol who rode twelvo milos in 0:10 hour, ■bd oever tliought oí bragging of it cith■: - By a recent dimisión of the. Supremo Court of Illinois, the wifo of the rebel Gen. Buckiicr comes into poMOSSioU of proiorty valued at !? 1,000,000. - John C. Brèokenridgo is living in Tjcxingtou, Ky., attending olosely to business. Ho cntirely ignores politics. Whioh is sensible in John. - Doos it look vory consistent in the govenmient in prosaouting Brigham Young lor polygekmy vheo we rciuombor its astioil towards Bowen ? - It is statod that Wendell Phillips will not locture oufcside of New Euglaad this seasoiT. For xvliieh tho eiitlre West will tondor its thanks. - The Now York workjnea uro demanding a reduction in tho hours of labor to oight hours per day. In Kngland thoy axxr stïfiking tor ninc; mul in Boljnum foiten. - It has again boon reportad that Seoretary Fish is to resign. Tho roliustancy of tho Pre4 l.-nt to part with him will koep him in his positiou. - Thu papers througliou the State whioh had thoir inaide or ooteide printed in Cli-icivgo pre wat rather of a blank ü.ppearBirccr. - Dr. Cummings nnuounoos that tho classes in the Wesloy&n Univcrsity are open to wonron. " Lof by leaf tho rosos ML" - Tho Episcopalians have aad tho oliaplaincy of West Foint for tlnrty-five yours, and tho Presbiteriana for thirtecn. - Thoy have fom-ilo wíiarf laborera in St. Johns, Nowfoundland, but they ö!on't have fomale sufirage. - Nearly all of tho senior class of Bow-. doin Collogo aro suspended for absenting themselTes from recitations. - A submarino cabio, running from Shanghai to Xagasahi, unitos China and Jatn. - The wlne arerp ín California ít ís cxpectod will execod 8,000,000 gallons. - 'Important statistio: Londoo has íiboxá 700,000 ootei Tijk foUowing aiBÍbíe röütorts e clip f rom tlvc K. Y. World of Monday ; " Of all tlio bosh attered yesterday in regard to tho Ohioogo calinnity, nothing eqaalled the following unsoeinly languag of tho Rev. David BCitcbell, vrboprofesdos tu be a Chnstian olergytnan : ' lf Chicago liosiii ashes tc-day for her wiokedness, tiren, woe to New York.' Enougb ut' cOi.inftriMMUB with Bodom nd Oonioriah were hcaril yestorday to EBako our wholo We8turu country asham:'il' of'its vcry cxistenoe, and canse ita inhttbitamta to wnndor at the stupidity of maukiird, wiiidi stands amazed at ita groatnoes, its energy, and its progresa '. lt in vrkrkedaeas to u'tter slunden apon a siitt'uring oommuaity whioh in les thiin forfcy years haè Imilt a city Booond to nono in ita enterprine, scoond to nono as a rofuge for all those ilcsirous to labor with willing handa in the causo of Western otvilization. It U wiokedneee to say " woo " to bigheartod New York at a timo when its eitizongare ponrin? out their hiHiibcls of thousanda to alleviate the suflbrings of tfaeir fellow men ; and tho i-oonor tho Mitoholls of our day onderstand this tho botter for the iütelligonoe of those of our youth who aro oompelled to listón to tho toocMngs of such preachors." " Wliat substituto can thoro bo for tho mloarmouts of mc's sistor r ' cxolaiinoil M avjr. " Tho e&dearments of soiuc othor Klow's sister," replied Jbh 11.


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Michigan Argus