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Michigan Fires

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imponible tbr ua to give detailed acccnmts of tho n c int fibras ib the aorthini part ot the State, but thu tbllowing from tho i'rtroit Tribun will givi; an ida of tho extorit of torritoi-y burnod over : In the first placo, it must be said that ■porta which have come i" do nut by any m i out tie total disaster. Many interior towus and tráete of country in tho northera part of the State have donbtless sufföied, ïroin viiich we hawe no news wnatever, tin: nana] difficulty and delay in l;:iriiiii5 iïoiu these loealities being greatly aiigniented by thu iiro ' itself. Ou tho Lake Iluron slioro, and in tho Baginaw Valley, the lias been sweop ing. Huron couuty haen almost en tirely devastated, with large poitiona of i umi S kginaw oounties. The villages of Band fieach, Port Hope, Forrestville, White Ko.-k, Elm Croel', Haron City,Foro8t Bay, Center Hurbii i.n l Vi'icna Mill.s liavo bcon alm st ontirely destroyed, and tho whole country ai-ouud them has been laid wastu - milis, ïirm hodseSj barBj, the whole product of the harvost, hersja and c.ittlu having bcon swept away. What adda to the s 'Vority oí tho catasti'Opho is tho fact that this is a now región of country, with no accumulated wealth or resoiiroes, so th;.t tho wholi) dependenou t' tho peoplo has b(cn takon from them. Not only are :li ir hoies destroyed, bnttholaïge mil s in which man y of them ibund employnniit are alsp burned. ïhe people aio thus not (ü y without humes, but without the po: siiility of eai'nii1:." a 'i . iihoof . Thcy Oan filíd no suIím :i ' región where they have livcd, and evo;y avenue of transportatlon is u w crowdeu to its utmost uapacity in brluing i tute refurocs from it. ïl.c samo is truo, Lut in a slightly mo"itiod sonso, of tho restera part of the State, where thethriving towna ot' Maa istee and Holland and the little por! i Q-len Haven have been virtually dostroy(il, and largo truota oi' land laid de Busidos thosa pointe there i great loss in the interior portions of tho State, ui' which we shall probably nevor have adi - (juato accounts, as it would nood a reporter in every square milo to gathor ap the details. It is il moderate estímate to say tlia', in the looalitioa already heard from, at kist fice twiíMnd people aro now hofneless and destituto In Manistne alono 1,000 have boon burned out. ii.n Ireda upo7i hundreds arn being brottght down iiom tin Lake Iluron shon;. to Port Huren n.d other platM's. Vv'hilu fortunately, tlio 1 n of Hfe, thoogh large, '!■:.■ not equa] 1 t'aat in Wisconsin, the nunibor who will neod aid is probably even frreator. Al) ]joople are not only without homea, but are ooEipolled to beoome re. i the whole región about them being desolated.


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Michigan Argus